The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3038 Don't Just Don't

Chapter 3038 Don't Just Don't
To be honest, Ji Xiaoyan has never seen the battle scenes in the heyday of Jiajia before, so she can't imagine what the sub-god clan chief said, so naturally she has no way to answer the sub-god clan's words. The Patriarch's.So after watching the patriarch of the sub-god clan talk a lot, Ji Xiaoyan was still in a state of confusion.

After the patriarch of the sub-god clan frowned and looked at him questioningly, Ji Xiaoyan smiled reluctantly, then pointed in the direction of Jiajia, facing the patriarch of the sub-god clan The adult asked: "Master Patriarch, if you finish talking, I will go and help Jiajia take off this horn first! Otherwise, it will be a bit uncomfortable for you to see Jiajia like this. If I make it wait any longer, it will I definitely can't stand it and have to solve it myself. I don't want Jiajia to get hurt!"

"Master Ji, did you really listen to what I said?" The patriarch of the sub-god clan immediately widened his eyes when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan in disbelief. Xiaoyan roared: "I've told you so much just now, the role of Jiajia is very useful, and it can't be destroyed at all. Why do you want to help Jiajia get the role?"

"The patriarch thinks, if I don't help Jiajia, will it stand up immediately and act on its own?" Ji Xiaoyan pointed directly at Jiajia who was lying on the ground impatiently, and looked at the Asian girl seriously. The patriarch of the protoss said: "Master Patriarch, today's Jiajia is not what we imagined before. Didn't we all agree to watch the growth of Jiajia and try to ensure its physical condition? Now we just remove it. It's just a horn, as long as Jiajia doesn't hurt himself and it feels comfortable, then it's fine! The patriarch has been stopping me like this, and has been convincing me that Jiajia will lose combat power in future battles. He is planning to let Jiajia participate in some battles ? A battle with the Fox Clan?"

Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, the patriarch of the sub-god clan was stunned.

"Master Ji, what do you mean by that! I never said that I want Gaga to fight the Fox Clan!"

"Then if you don't fight the fox clan, who is the patriarch going to take Jiajia to fight?" Ji Xiaoyan did not intend to let go of the sub-god patriarch at all, and continued to fight against the sub-god clan with a bit of aggressiveness. Looking at him, he said: "Or, does the patriarch have a new goal? If that's the case, the patriarch can tell us first, so that we can all be mentally prepared, right?"

"Master Ji, I never thought about it that way!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan looked at him and became a little nervous. He couldn't help frowning and said to Ji Xiaoyan.

"I haven't thought about it this way, so why does the patriarch keep mentioning Kaga to fight?" Ji Xiaoyan stared at the sub-god patriarch seriously, and said to him: "If you don't want to go to Kaga to fight If so, what does it matter if the horns of this Jiajia were removed? The previous Jiajia had horns, but the current Jiajia can also have no horns! Does the patriarch think that I am wrong?"

The patriarch of the sub-god clan frowned, seeing Ji Xiaoyan's expression of looking at him persistently, he didn't know what to say for a while!

"Lord Patriarch!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and continued to the patriarch of the sub-god clan: "Jajia's current situation, you have also heard what Master Luotu said! It may not be possible to do anything anytime soon. .So we treat Jiajia better now, isn’t it good? It’s just a horn. Since the patriarch has no intention of letting Jiajia fight, what does it matter if there is one more horn and one less? Jiajia’s fighting power is high or low Any use! The patriarch thinks, is this the truth?"

The patriarch of the sub-protoss looked at Ji Xiaoyan hesitantly, and then looked at Jiajia, still hesitating: "Master Ji, if Jiajia's fighting power is higher, at least it can protect itself well!"

"How dangerous is the current Jiajia?" Ji Xiaoyan laughed, and said to the patriarch of the sub-god clan: "Don't the patriarch think that the current Jiajia is a greater threat to us? If we let It seems to be a good thing for us if Jiajia's fighting power is weakened?"

When the patriarch of the sub-god clan heard this, he really had no way to refute it now!

You know, now it's all relying on Ji Xiaoyan to lead people to control Jiajia. Thinking about it this way, if Jiajia really goes crazy, wouldn't the lower the combat power, the better?

"If the patriarch has no objections, then I will go and help Jiajia remove that horn!" Ji Xiaoyan watched the patriarch of the sub-god clan stunned in place, and had no intention of speaking for a while, and immediately endured He couldn't help laughing, then walked directly in the direction of Jiajia, and carefully climbed onto Jiajia's head.

"Jajia, how about we find a way to help you remove the horn?"

"Xiaoyan, hurry up! Jiajia feels uncomfortable!" Jiajia didn't dare to move, lay obediently on the ground, said something to Ji Xiaoyan, and then asked with some doubts: "Xiaoyan, this corner of Jiajia is easy to remove. Is it? If it’s not easy, Jiajia can break it by himself!”

"That can't be done! Gaga will get hurt!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately shook his head when he heard Jiajia's words, and said, "Jiajia, you just need to obediently get up and lie on your stomach and don't move. I will think about it with Xuan Mo and the others. Find a way, okay?"

Jiajia didn't have any opinions, just closed his eyes as if he fell asleep, and let Ji Xiaoyan toss about.

To say that the horn of Jiajia is also very big, the diameter alone is several circles larger than Ji Xiaoyan!So if you want to remove its horns, it's still not enough to rely on Ji Xiaoyan alone!So she could only call Friesman and Xuan Mo together, and everyone began to discuss.

"This thing is not so easy to break. Even if I and Xuan Mo cast spells on Jiajia, there is no way to break this horn, so Xiaoyan, you have to think of other ways to do this!" Fries Man couldn't help touching Jiajia's horn, said something to Ji Xiaoyan, and then couldn't help sighing: "But Jiajia's horn is really powerful! This is the first time I've seen such a huge horn! Xiaoyan , you said that if the horns of Jiajia are taken off, what should we do with them? Let's take them back to Qingcheng?"

"Friesman, we haven't even figured out a solution yet, are you just clicking on the horns of Jiajia? What's the use of this thing?" After hearing what Friesman said, Yan Mo couldn't help but look at him. Looking at him, he rolled his eyes, and then said, "Aside from being a decoration in front of the gate, what's the use of the horn of Jiajia?"

"That's not right! Xuan Mo!" Friesman shook his head directly, and said to Xuan Mo with a disapproving expression: "No matter what, we still have Brick in Qingcheng! These monsters Some horns can be used to make medicines, so why can’t the horns that are sharp?”

"You want to give Brick the horn of Jiajia?" When Yu Mo heard this, he also had a look of surprise on his face.

"Yeah! Otherwise, do you think I'm going to take Jiajia's horns to eat myself, or do you really think I'm going to take Jiajia's horns back as decorations?" Friesman rolled his eyes speechlessly, looking at Xuan Mo said: "No matter what it is, it's best to give it to Brick first! If he says it's useless, we'll show it to others and it won't necessarily increase the effect! Do you think this is the case? reason?"

Xuan Mo didn't want to discuss this topic with Friesman, so he curled his lips and didn't speak at all.

"No matter what this horn is going to be used for, what we should think about now is how to help Jiajia remove this horn? I don't understand. Where are you two arguing about this matter? What is the point? Meaning?" Ji Xiaoyan sighed helplessly towards Friesman and Xuan Mo, and then continued: "Do you two have any good ideas?"

"The horn of Jiajia is too big. If you really want to get it off, you have to be sawed off!" Yan Mo said seriously, but in exchange for Ji Xiaoyan and Friesman's surprised expressions, He couldn't help frowning immediately, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and Friesman suspiciously, and asked, "What are you doing looking at me like this? Am I not right?"

"The reasoning is correct, but Xuan Mo! With such a huge horn as Jiajia, where do you think we can find such a powerful and huge saw? Moreover, so many people will be needed at that time, Can Jiajia be willing to have so many people climb on its back? When the time comes, Jiajia will definitely say that it came by itself! Do you believe it?"

Believe it!How can you not believe it!

Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo knew in their hearts that it was really not easy to take off the horn of Jiajia!In the current situation, we can only try according to Xuan Mo's idea.But where to find this saw?There are people who will use this saw when the time comes!
"Xiaoyan, don't look at me, I live on dragon meat!" Seeing Ji Xiaoyan's gaze, Friesman quickly waved his hands and said, "If you waste your energy on such things, The dragon meat is exhausted, what should I do when I need to do business again in the future? Xiaoyan, you can't rely on me for this matter! I can't do it! I can't do it!"

"But there is no one else that Jiajia is willing to accept except us! If Jiajia is willing to let the patriarch of the sub-god clan climb on its back, then I can let them come too!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Friesman seriously, and said to him: "But, Friesman, you can ask Jiajia, is it willing?"

"Jajia is unwilling!"

Before Friesman opened his mouth, Gaga had already replied in a muffled voice: "Xiaoyan, how long will it take to start! If Friesman doesn't want to help Jiajia, it's good for Jiajia to come by himself! Don't worry, Xiaoyan, Gaga will definitely not You will hurt yourself!"

"Jajia, you just lie down obediently!" Hearing this, Xuan Mo immediately said to Jiajia: "We know how to solve the rest! Don't make trouble!"

Jiajia was a little aggrieved, and stopped talking after humming.

"Then Xiaoyan, I'm going to find a saw right now. There must be such things in the sub-shen clan!" But Mo Mo said something directly to Ji Xiaoyan, then jumped off Jiajia's back, and went directly to meet Ji Xiaoyan. The patriarch of the sub-god clan said this.

And Friesman and Ji Xiaoyan stood on Jiajia's head, you look at me, I look at you!
"Friesman, dragon meat, I promise you, I will get it for you in the future! Don't worry!" Ji Xiaoyan also knew Friesman's worries, and after thinking about it, he still took him seriously. Said calmly: "So Friesman, you can eat with confidence! If there is not enough food in the future, won't we still have Qingcheng? Could it be that, do you think we can't support you in Qingcheng? There was no dragon meat back then. Didn't we feed you too?"

Friesman was a little aggrieved, looked at Ji Xiaoyan carefully, and then said: "That time was that time! Xiaoyan, now I feel that nothing can compare to the power that dragon meat gives me. You If you want me to switch to ordinary food, it’s okay if I feel uncomfortable, whether it’s spells or other things, it will be weakened a lot!"

"How long is the dragon meat in your package enough?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Friesman and asked.

"How many more times can I eat it?" Friesman looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a guilty conscience, seeing her raised eyebrows in disbelief, he could only hesitate for a moment, and then reluctantly said: "Anyway It won't last long!"

"Help Jiajia remove this horn, you should be able to persist, right?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Friesman with some amusement, and asked him, looking at Friesman with a hesitant and aggrieved expression After nodding, he couldn't help but said to him with some amusement: "Friesman, it's just some dragon meat, it's all going to be eaten anyway! There's nothing to regret!"

But Friesman didn't take it seriously, with a grievance on his face.

As expected, those sub-god clans really had saws, and they were quite big saws, as Xuan Mo had guessed. This surprised Ji Xiaoyan, and he couldn't help asking Xuan Mo.

"What else can it be! This is the tool that the former patriarch of their sub-shen clan used to trim Jiajia's nails!" Yu Mo said to Ji Xiaoyan with a look of pride on his face: "In the past, Jiajia The master took good care of it, unlike you, Xiaoyan, who doesn't care about anything at all, just let Jiajia fend for itself."

(End of this chapter)

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