The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3043 Who is more favored

Chapter 3043 Who is more favored

Brick actually didn't think too much about it, he just thought that looking at Jiajia who had become so big now, he only held a small bottle of potion, not even as big as its nail, and drank it very cherishedly, like that, It really made him feel sad.

It's just that looking at the huge and fast figure of Jia Jia slowly approaching, and seeing Ji Xiaoyan and the others all have nervous expressions on their faces, Brick can only nod helplessly, and then said to Xuan Mo and the others: "alright, I got it."

"It's fine if you understand!" Xuan Mo nodded directly, looked worriedly at the direction where Jiajia was running, and couldn't help but said worriedly: "Look, Brick, it's just like Jiajia, if it's crazy If not, we will all be in trouble when it comes to us!"

"It's just a bottle of potion, it shouldn't happen!" Brick said with some reluctance, but seeing Ji Xiaoyan and the others with serious and worried expressions on their faces, he couldn't help feeling a little worried.If Jiajia really ran towards them after going crazy, it wouldn't take much time!When the time comes, will they be killed by Jiajia?

"As long as Kaka goes crazy, anything is possible!" Hearing Brick's muttering, Friesman immediately said something to him, and then saw that the aborigines of the sub-protoss had already summoned Ma The rough sand beasts came to block them, and then whispered to Brick and said: "Look, so I said that it is good to come back to this sub-protoss. At least, when Jiajia is crazy, he can still go crazy." With the help of these mabold sand beasts to block it, it will give me a little more time to brew the spell, right?"

"Come on, Friesman! As for your spell, as long as you eat it properly, isn't it a matter of minutes? Why is our spell slow?" Hearing what Friesman said, Xuan Mo couldn't help it Zhu Zhu said something to him, and then looked in the direction of Jiajia, and after a while, he shouted to Ji Xiaoyan and the others in surprise: "Look quickly! Look! Jiajia's eyes don't seem to have any signs of redness. !"

"Xu Mo, what are you talking about! Jiajia's eyes have been red all the time!" Hearing what Xuan Mo said, Friesman immediately retorted, looking at the finger that Xuan Mo stretched out in the direction of Jiajia , Friesman quickly turned his head and glanced, and then he was a little surprised: "Jajia's eyes are really not red. What's going on? Didn't it go crazy after drinking the potion?"

"Who knows!" Xuan Mo couldn't help but said, and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan.

And at this moment, Jiajia is just like what everyone saw, although his eyes are still the same as before when he woke up, with a little red, but it is completely different from the scarlet red and frightening look when it went crazy before.So after the aborigines of the Mabang Sand Beast and the Sub-God Clan saw clearly the state of Jiajia at this moment, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And the patriarch of the sub-god clan hurriedly motioned for the mabang sand beast under him to come in front of Jiajia, and then asked Jiajia: "Jiajia, are you okay? Have you drank the potion?"

"Drink it!" Jiajia was affirmative on his face. After saying something to the patriarch of the sub-god clan, he immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan, and impatiently let the Malu sand beasts standing in front of him After leaving, he hurried up to Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Xiaoyan, look, you didn't go crazy after drinking the potion! Right?"

"Jajia, are you feeling alright?" Ji Xiaoyan also had a look of surprise on his face. After looking at Jiajia for a few times, he asked seriously, "What's wrong with your body?"

"No! Jiajia has always been fine!" Jiajia continued to smile, looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some expectation and said, "Xiaoyan, you can see that Jiajia is fine after drinking the potion, but just now Brick gave Jiajia There are too few potions, just such a small bottle, Jiajia has not felt the taste yet, and the potion is gone! So Xiaoyan, can you ask Brick to give Jiajia some more potions!? Jiajia promises, definitely Take the potion and go far away to drink it, okay?"

Ji Xiaoyan really didn't expect that Jiajia ran back for this matter, and suddenly looked at Jiajia dumbfounded.

"Jajia, if you want to drink potion, our sub-protoss also has it!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss didn't know what he thought, but immediately interrupted and said something to Jiajia, looking at Jiajia suspiciously. After him, the patriarch of the sub-protoss hurriedly ordered the aborigines behind him to take out a lot of potions, all of which were placed in front of Jiajia, and said to Jiajia with a flattering face: "Jiajia, look , our sub-protoss can also prepare a lot of potions for you! You can drink as much as you want!"

"Look! Look! The people of the sub-god race are so generous!" Seeing the look of the patriarch of the sub-god race, Friesman couldn't help curling his lips and said to Xuan Mo and the others: "It seems that we are too stingy , don't you think?"

"Why do you care so much!" Xuan Mo looked indifferent, shrugging his shoulders and said, "We didn't give the potion anyway. If Jiajia goes crazy after drinking the potion, we don't have to worry about it. Go to the house of the protoss, or just teleport away!"

"How is this possible?" Friesman couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this, looked at Xuan Mo and said in disbelief: "Xu Mo, the reason why we came here is to Stop it when Jiajia is crazy? If Jiajia is crazy, we do nothing and let it go, how can this be okay?"

"Why not? We all only gave Jiajia a small bottle of potion, and the sub-protoss wanted to give so many potions to get Jiajia's favor! Friesman, think about it for yourself, so many potions, Jiajia If we drink it, what kind of madness will we have? Why do we waste our energy here for these deeds they have done?" Yu Mo sneered, and glanced at the aborigines of the sub-protoss , and then seriously said to Friesman: "Whoever is going to cause Jiajia to go crazy, whoever will solve Jiajia's going crazy!"

"But Xuan Mo! Isn't this a little bad? After all, we came here just for the sake of Kaka!" Friesman couldn't help frowning, and asked Xuan Mo.

"Not good? What's wrong?" Xuan Mo blinked, looked at Friesman seriously and said, "Friesman, don't make a mistake! We came to this sub-protoss for the sake of Kaka I came here because I was afraid that it would go crazy and destroy the sub-god race, and hurt the aborigines of the sub-god race! But there are prerequisites for all of this!"

"Premise?" Friesman was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't know anything.

"The premise is, before the patriarch of the sub-protoss comes back, help the sub-protoss look at Jiajia! Have you forgotten about this?" Yan Mo rolled his eyes directly at Friesman, looking at He suddenly looked surprised, and then couldn't help curling his lips and said: "So, to be honest, we can actually ignore anything that happened in the sub-shen clan now! After all, the patriarchs of the family are back. What are we outsiders doing to intervene? Don’t want to fail to accomplish good things by then, and be called meddling in the end! This situation is just right now, if the sub-protoss want to get used to Kaka, let them get used to it, Let's just watch, if it's not suitable, just leave and go back to Qingcheng! Save a lot of trouble!"

"Xu Mo, what do you mean by that, do you want to leave Jia Jia alone?" Friesman couldn't help frowning and asked Xuan Mo, the expression on his face became a little complicated.

"Friesman, what does your expression mean?" Seeing this situation, Xuan Mo immediately shouted to Friesman with some displeasure, and after seeing Friesman looking at him innocently, he immediately said: "What do you mean I don't care about Jiajia? If this Jiajia is in our Qingcheng, I might not care about it? Now it is in the territory of the sub-god clan, not to mention, the patriarch of their sub-god clan is back! Leave everything to them. Protoss, what's wrong? I don't believe it, Friesman, you can ask them about the sub-protoss, if they don't need us to take care of this matter!"

"It's definitely impossible!" Friesman replied to Xuan Mo with some stubbornness, then immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "Xiaoyan, isn't what Xuan Mo said true?"

Ji Xiaoyan didn't speak all the time, just looked at Jiajia, although a little disgusted, but still took away all the potions given by the sub-protoss, and then ran to a distance to start drinking, then exhaled, and then He said to Friesman: "In the beginning, it was indeed the intention of the aborigines of the sub-god race. When their patriarch was away, they came to help watch Kaga. Now that the patriarch of the sub-god race is back, we It's only natural to leave!"

It's just that Ji Xiaoyan really doesn't want to leave at this moment, whether it's because of affection or because he wants to see the specific situation of Jiajia.

"Xiaoyan, will it be unkind for us to leave like this?" Brick was also a little worried, looked sideways in the direction of Jiajia, and then said seriously to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, you Look at Jiajia, they drank so many potions, if this is really the case of going crazy after drinking the potion, then there will be chaos here soon! Without the help of Friesman and the others, Jiajia will only continue to destroy, even if The Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan is back, so he can't stop it, right? If we leave at this time, the Sub-God Clan will definitely be angry!"

"Are they angry? What's there to be angry about? Brick, haven't you seen that the sub-gods are still busy trying to curry favor with Jiajia?" Yan Mo couldn't help curling his lips, and said to Brick, Then he looked directly at Ji Xiaoyan: "Forget it! Xiaoyan, we don't want to stay here anymore! Out of sight is for the sake of clarity, let's go quickly and take it to the houses of those sub-protoss. It can be regarded as giving them sub-protoss It's a face!"

Ji Xiaoyan understood the meaning of what Xuan Mo said. They went to the house of the sub-shen clan. If something unexpected happened, the aborigines of the sub-shen clan could come to ask them for help. It would save them to go to Qingcheng again at that time. The patriarch of the sub-protoss felt that he couldn't bear it!Now stay a little longer before leaving, those aborigines of the sub-protoss will naturally remember personal favors, won't they?

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately smiled and nodded, and then let the Malu sand beast that was carrying them take them to the settlement of the aborigines of the sub-god race, watching the figure of Jiajia start to move on the ground. After running and scaring the sub-protoss Malu sand beasts to flee, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but sigh.

"Xiaoyan, can I ask the aborigines of the sub-protoss to give me more food later?" Friesman looked at the figure in the distance, but couldn't help but asked Ji Xiaoyan excitedly, and then continued Said: "I think if we stay to help, we will definitely lose a lot of my mana! If the aborigines of the sub-protoss don't give me mana, I won't be able to do anything!"

"You think it's beautiful!" Su Mo couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard what Friesman said, and then said to him: "Okay, Friesman, your dragon meat thing , Didn’t Xiaoyan agree? Don’t count on the sub-gods, they are not even willing to leave this land, how can they go to hunt dragons?”

"There is no dragon meat, there are others in the sub-protoss! Maybe there is something better than dragon meat?!" Friesman couldn't help but said with some expectation.

"Something better than dragon meat? You're dreaming!" When Xuan Mo heard this, he couldn't help but roll his eyes, and said directly to Friesman, "Even if it's a real dragon in this sub-protoss clan Man, it is impossible for others to give it to you! Friesman, you have to understand this!"

Hearing this, Friesman immediately glanced at Xuan Mo with a feeling of discouragement and dissatisfaction.

But Brick looked at them hesitantly, and then said: "Actually, there is something better than dragon meat, but I don't know, Brick, you can use it!"

"Really?" Friesman suddenly heard Brick's words, couldn't help but widen his eyes, looked at Brick in disbelief, and asked him eagerly: " Brick, what is it? Tell me quickly, let Xiaoyan go and talk about it later, maybe the aborigines of the sub-protoss will give it to me?"

"You don't have to worry about this, Friesman!" Brick said to Friesman seriously, "You just need to see if you can use this thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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