Chapter 3045 Want to
Friesman has never felt so good!
Even when he got the dragon meat back then, Friesman didn't feel so full of mana and refreshed!He felt that all of this was due to the power of Kaka's horns, which made him feel so comfortable!What's more, when charging spells, it's a bit easier than before. This is a wonderful feeling that he has never felt before!
"Cool! It's really cool!" Friesman kept shouting at the crowd excitedly, and threw out a few ice-type spells casually. Feeling powerless, he yelled at Ji Xiaoyan and the others in great surprise: "My mana is abundant! After using spells, it's still full! Hahaha, this is simply amazing! It's amazing! !"

However, Xuan Mo curled his lips and shouted directly at Friesman: "Come on! Friesman, don't worry about it! Your mana consumption is already different from other people's speed. When your mana is almost exhausted, won't it be the same as before!? Now you can't take this horn in the package and eat it, so you should be honest and wait!"

"Brick, Brick! Is there any way for you to grind down the horns of Jiajia now?" Friesman heard what Xuan Mo said, but suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly pointed at Bu Rick asked, but he looked impatient!

"Now? Now I can't do anything!" Brick froze for a moment, but immediately shook his head, and said to Friesman, "Jajia's horn, it can be said to be very hard now, it's not just a weapon I can cut it off when I come here, I have to go back to Qingcheng to see what I can do before I know the result!"

"No, Brick! Since you have given me this proposal, you naturally have your own ideas in your heart!" Friesman was a little unhappy when he heard that he had to wait, and looked directly at Brick and said : "What do you need, list it first, and I will help you find it when the time comes! Let's cut a piece of the horn of Jiajia and give it to me as soon as possible!"

While talking, Friesman looked at the huge horn of Gaga, and his eyes suddenly showed a salivating look: "I can eat this horn of Gaga for almost a lifetime! This is simply the most beautiful thing I have ever met in my life. thing!"

"Friesman!" Brick heard Friesman's words, but he couldn't help reminding him: "I can't give you all of these horns!"

"Why? Isn't this horn useless?" Friesman straightened his eyes when he heard the words, and asked Brick with an unhappy face: "Now this horn is so useful to me, no Here, Brick, what do you want to keep?"

"I asked for this horn at the beginning, because I wanted to use the horn of Jiajia to make a weapon for Xiaoyan!" Brick said to Friesman seriously, seeing his surprised and puzzled expression, this Then he continued: "The horn of Jiajia can be said to be the hardest or one of the most powerful weapons on the mainland. If such a good material is not used to make a more powerful weapon, it will be wasted like this It's a pity! If it can't be made into a weapon, it can be used to make some potions according to the effect of this horn on Friesman!"

"No, no! This horn of Jiajia is more useful to me, give it to me! Give it to me!" But Friesman immediately shook his head, and said to Brick seriously: "Brick, this horn of Jiajia, You can't waste it!"

"This is not a waste!" Brick also insisted on his face, and said to Friesman: "If it can be used as a weapon, at least half of the horns of Jiajia will be used! The remaining ones The horns can be given to Friesman, and that is enough for you!"

"More than half? How can that be enough!" Friesman shook his head immediately, and said to Brick with an unhappy face: "I don't think it's enough to leave more than half for me, Brick, you only give me this." A little half, how can I do it! The consumption of my mana and physical strength must not be enough!"

"Enough! At least for many years, it will be enough!"

"Not enough! Not enough! Brick, I only understand my own body!" But Friesman kept shaking his head, wanting to win more horns, "If you give me all the horns of Jiajia, That's enough!"

"Come on, Friesman!" Listening to the dispute between Friesman and Brick, Su Mo couldn't help interjecting, "Friesman, if Brick didn't insist on you trying this Horn, you don’t know that this horn is so useful to you, don’t you? Now that you have a small half of the horn, it’s as useful as you just gnawed on some powder. This small half of the horn can be used by you It’s been many years! You should be satisfied! If the horns are gone in the future, won’t you still be able to hunt dragons? Wouldn’t it be fine to continue eating dragon meat?”

"Xu Mo, you don't understand at all!" Friesman straightened his eyes immediately when he heard this, and shouted at Xuan Mo: "Can this be the same? I want to force myself to take a bite of the dragon meat." Only by eating so much in one bite can I restore my mana, and I can continue to live a normal life by eating non-stop every day. But now I just need to sharpen this horn, and I can last for so long to restore my mana. You know, how good this is for me? It allows me to rest and stop eating! Do you know how comfortable it is?"

"Even if that's the case, it's impossible for you to swallow Jiajia's horn alone!" Yu Mo frowned, and said to Friesman: "Since Brick has said it all, it is useful to ask for Jiajia's horn , then it must be priority for Brick to deal with the horn of Jiajia! After all, the horn of Jiajia now belongs to Brick!"

Friesman is still not happy.

"Friesman!" Looking at the situation, Ji Xiaoyan could only persuade after thinking about it: "We should wait until we return to Qingcheng to discuss the issue of the horns! Now is not the time to discuss this. ! If you think this horn of Jiajia is really useful, you can eat a few more mouthfuls!"

Friesman froze for a moment, followed Ji Xiaoyan's gaze and looked in the direction of Jiajia, and saw that the aborigines of the sub-protoss had already made the Malu sand beasts start to retreat, no need to guess, Friesman knew what was going on!
"Has Jia gone crazy?"

"I don't know!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head. Seeing that the Malu Sand Beast carrying them also began to retreat towards the settlement, he could only frown and said, "Let's go back and talk about it first."

Everyone looked in the direction of Jiajia in silence, but they could only vaguely see its figure approaching. As for the specific situation, they couldn't see anything.

It wasn't until the Mabun sand beasts sent Ji Xiaoyan and the others back to the camp that everyone gathered together.

"Lord patriarch, what's the situation in Jiajia now? Have you gone crazy again?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the mabold sand beasts protecting them in the settlement, and immediately asked the patriarch of the sub-god race, but Unexpectedly, the patriarch of the sub-god clan shook his head.

"No! It looks normal like that!"

"It's normal? That means we're not crazy? Then what are we going to do when we come back?" When Friesman heard this, he couldn't help but asked the patriarch of the sub-protoss in doubt, "I look at you Those who retreat are also in a hurry!"

"It's mainly for prevention!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss looked at Friesman, and then said: "Jajia looks normal now, who knows when he will go crazy? We must withdraw first Come here! Otherwise, if Jiajia really goes crazy, and the Malu sand beasts want to carry us and ensure our safety, they won't be able to care about it!"

Friesman was suffocated when he heard the words, but he couldn't say anything to refute.

"Then do we have to wait now?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and asked the patriarch of the sub-god clan: "We just have to wait and see, when will Jiajia go crazy?"

"Yeah!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan nodded in a bad mood.

"Then, Lord Patriarch, can I ask, if Jiajia really went crazy, what are you going to do?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but ask the Lord Patriarch of the sub-god clan when he thought of their going back. In one sentence, Ji Xiaoyan blinked his eyes in confusion when he saw the patriarch of the sub-protoss look at her suspiciously after hearing her words.

"Master Ji, what do you mean?" The patriarch of the sub-god clan frowned, and asked Ji Xiaoyan as if he couldn't understand: "If Jiajia goes crazy again, Lord Ji, please help him calm down. Is it okay? You ask me what to do, what do you mean?"

"Master Patriarch, when you, the sub-god clan, sent Gaga to our Qingcheng, it was because you, the patriarch, were not in the sub-god clan, so you might not be able to control Jiajia! Now that you, the patriarch, have all returned, if Gaga goes crazy again , Lord Patriarch, you have to find a way to control Jiajia!" Yu Mo suddenly raised his eyebrows, looked at the Patriarch of the sub-god clan with a puzzled face, and said seriously to him: "We can't keep Watching Jiajia in the sub-god clan! Now that the patriarchs are back, we just need to see how you will control the situation, and then go back to Qingcheng! Of course, if the patriarchs don’t want us to know , we can leave now!"

"Go? You want to go!?" Upon hearing this, the patriarch of the sub-god race immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan with wide eyes, and asked her with disbelief: "City Master Ji, you two?" Do you want to leave Jiajia directly here, and then leave?!"

"Master Patriarch, you need to make this clear! What do you mean we are going to leave Gaga here?" Friesman couldn't help blinking in surprise when he heard the words of the Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan. Blinking his eyes, he said, "It was you sub-gods who insisted on letting Jiajia stay here, but then Jiajia went crazy, and you sent him to Qingcheng, we took care of Jiajia during this period of time! Lord Patriarch, do you know how Jiajia was in Qingcheng and destroyed our Qingcheng? Now that Jiajia is back, you still want us to guard Jiajia all the time?"

The patriarch of the sub-god clan frowned, but after thinking about it, he said, "I didn't mean that."

"What do you mean, Lord Patriarch?" Friesman had an unexpectedly tough attitude, half-raised his chin, looked at the Lord Patriarch of the sub-god race, and said to him: "We just said that we are going back, The patriarch seems to be reluctant!"

"I just didn't expect you to leave so soon! The situation in Jiajia is not stable! You left like this, what should we do if you leave us?" The patriarch of the sub-god clan frowned, He looked at Ji Xiaoyan with an unhappy face.

"Master Patriarch, are you unable to control Jiajia?" Ji Xiaoyan seemed to have thought of something, and asked with a smile: "At the beginning, the aborigines in your clan said that in the case of Jiajia, after you come back, Mr. Patriarch, There will be a way! Since the Patriarch, you have a way, you don’t need us!"

Ji Xiaoyan is also very clear, it is impossible for them to stay in the sub-god clan and stare at Jiajia all the time, Master Besa borrowed it!You can't let Lord Bessa stay in this sub-god clan forever, right?

The patriarch of the sub-god clan couldn't help but frowned, looked at Ji Xiaoyan, then turned his head to look in the direction of Jiajia, and then said in a deep voice: "I understand what City Lord Ji means. But in the current situation, if you, City Master Ji, leave like this, our sub-protoss will still be a little caught off guard. What I mean is, please stay for a while, City Master Ji, at least let me take a good look at when Jiajia went crazy What does it look like, what will it look like, so that I can think of a way to control Jiajia, right?"

"I understand the patriarch's words!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded with a smile, but immediately said to the sub-god clan's patriarch in agreement: "If it's just like this, we can stay for a while and let the patriarch Sir, you also have a buffer and familiar time! But, if the patriarch cannot find a way to control Jiajia, then what should we do? What plan does the patriarch have for this matter now?"

After hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, the patriarch of the sub-god clan frowned and thought for a while, then said in a deep voice: "When the clan sent me news before, I thought of some countermeasures. Yes! I just don’t know if it can be realized, and I still need to verify it!”

(End of this chapter)

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