The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3058 Teleportation

Chapter 3058 Teleportation

No matter whether it is Shendrill or Ghost Map, no one would have thought that after their Lord City Lord had been imprisoned in the City Lord's Mansion for so long, the first thing he would do when he was about to come out for activities was to find Ji Xiaoyan!

They couldn't figure out why they went to find Ji Xiaoyan!Find out what she can do.

However, the city lord Yutina didn't intend to explain to Shendrill or Guitu at all. He just ordered them to arrange some affairs, and after waiting for Le He to appear, he and Le He didn't know what to talk about.

Shendiao and Ghost Map have never seen Lehe again, and naturally they don't know what Lehe did, or what he was going to do after the city lord Judina met him.After the two of them settled down all their people, they immediately followed the orders of the city lord Yutina and pushed all the walls of the entire Shacheng to the ground, and then they were stunned by the aborigines who came to attack them. With an expression on his face, he buried the box given to Shendiao by the city lord Yutina on the ground, and then returned to the city, leaving nothing behind.

The aborigines who came to attack Shacheng saw this kind of operation, and they were a little confused about what was going on in Shacheng!

Before they came to attack Shacheng, no matter how many cracks there are in the walls of Shacheng, there is still something blocking them, so that when they attack, they can also have a goal to forge ahead, and they know what they want to do , to be successful, right?But now, this Shacheng has inexplicably pushed down the city wall, exposing the entire Shacheng, which made all the aborigines afraid to act!
Could it be that this evil city has set some kind of trap?Otherwise, why push the good city wall?Moreover, they also clearly saw what the Shacheng people buried under the ground in the city!

Should we continue to attack?
All the aborigines hesitated at this moment, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

Shendrill and Ghost Map couldn't help frowning when they heard the news reported by the aborigines in Shacheng.

"Those aborigines can only wait and see now, and dare not act! When they make up their minds to take a look, they will definitely be crazier than before! There was a little city wall blocking them before, but now there is nothing No more! I'm really worried, if our Shacheng is really captured, what should we do?" Guitu looked worried and couldn't help looking at Shendrill and asked , "Drill, what is the use of the box that the city lord gave you?"

"When it's useful, you'll know!" Shendrill looked unwilling to explain, and said directly to Guitu: "Anyway, all of this is done according to the orders of the Lord of the City, and we will do things well. That’s enough! The city lord knows it well!”

"I just can't figure out what the Lord City Master is thinking!" With a depressed expression on his face, Guitu couldn't help but look at Shendiao and said, "That city wall can be regarded as the last barrier of our evil city. No! Even the city walls are gone, and all the defenses of our Shacheng in the future can only rely on the aborigines of our Shacheng! No matter how powerful the people of our Shacheng are, they are no match for the attacks of so many aborigines. !"

"Your Excellency the City Lord must have made arrangements, so don't worry about it!" Although Shendiao was also worried, he also knew that they all wanted to listen to City Lord Yutina. Naturally, it was City Lord Yutina who asked them to do something. Just do it!If one day, the city lord Yu Tina doesn't want to kill the city, there is nothing they can do, isn't there?

Guitu looked unwilling, and in the end he could only sigh, and followed Shendrill back to the City Lord's Mansion.

The Lord of Tina seemed to be in a good mood, and he opened the gate of the palace and walked out without letting Shendrill and Ghost Map wait for long.

However, when Shendrill and Ghost Map saw City Lord Yutina again after such a long time, they couldn't help showing shocked expressions on their faces, as if they saw something unbelievable.

"Master City Master?!! You, how did you become like this?"

"What? I don't look good like this?" The city lord Yu Tina raised her eyebrows, but turned around in front of Shendrill and Ghost Map with a happy face, and then fiddled with her full hair with her hands. The silver-haired man looked at Shendrill and Guitu with a smile and asked, "Don't you think it looks good?"

"No, no, no! The City Lord is naturally the most beautiful!"

Shendrill and Guitu knew what they could and couldn't say!So after hearing the words of the city lord Judina, he quickly shook his head at her and denied it, not even daring to be curious.

The city lord Yu Tina was very satisfied with the performance of Shendrill and Ghost Map, played with his silver hair with his hands, and then said to the two: "Since everything is arranged, let's get ready to go! I can't wait to see you." Seeing City Lord Ji! I don’t know what kind of expression she will have when she sees me like this!”

"Yes! Lord City Master!" Shendrill and Ghost Tu nodded quickly, but without any hesitation, they let someone carry the sedan chair to the City Master Yutina. After watching her get on the sedan chair happily, the group of people cheered. Vigorously left from the other direction of Shacheng.

As for what the aborigines outside Shacheng would do and what Shacheng would look like, Shendrill and Guitu were not in the mood to care at all at the moment.

The appearance of their city lord has changed so much, this is what they care about the most!
Coming out of Shacheng, under normal circumstances, Shendrill and the others would not be able to go very far before being restricted. After all, their territory in Shacheng was only that big.But when they really walked to the farthest place they could go and looked at the field teleportation array, Shendrill and Ghost Map couldn't help being a little surprised.

They don't even know about this teleportation array!And, do they work?

"Master City Master!" Shendiao couldn't help but yelled at the sedan chair of City Master Yutina, and after hearing the response from City Master Rutina, he asked worriedly: "Master City Master, if we go any further, we won't be able to Go! We may not be able to use this teleportation array!"

"If you don't try it, how do you know if it works or not?" The city lord Yutina looked relaxed, and said directly to Shendiao: "Don't worry, I let you come here because I know that the teleportation array can work." It’s useful! But, after the teleportation array passes by, it’s the boundary of Qingcheng, and Qingcheng restricts our entry and exit. At that time, if we want to find City Lord Ji, or let her come to see us, we will have to wait! "

"We all listen to the Lord City Master!" Shendrill and Guitu replied immediately after hearing the words, and then they all stepped onto the teleportation array according to the arrangement of City Master Yutina.It's just that they don't need any teleporter in this line of work, but after they stood up, the city lord Yutina threw something on the teleportation array, and they immediately saw the white light of the teleportation array suddenly rise.

Santo Natina is the one who breaks a lot of the rules.

The place where the teleportation array teleported to was indeed a wilderness as the city lord Yutina said, and it was also a wilderness within the sphere of influence of Qingcheng.

Shendrill and Ghost Map opened their eyes and looked around, but happened to see several adventurers. They looked at each other, and immediately decided that Ghost Map would snatch them over.

No way, they are all red-named aborigines, but those adventurers who are less timid will run away immediately when they see them!Therefore, if they want those adventurers to help find Ji Xiaoyan, they can only use some extraordinary means.

To say that those few adventurers were scared enough.

Originally, they just formed a team to come out to kill a wave of monsters and get some experience or something, but who would have thought that this monster had just killed a wave, and before they had time to see what the monsters exploded, it was All of a sudden, they saw a man with a red knife flashing above his head appear. Before they had time to react to what was going on, one of their teammates was directly grabbed and flew far away in an instant.


Everyone's eyes widened, and they were about to chase after them, but when they looked up, they saw a group of aborigines standing in the distance with red knives flashing on their heads, and another one that looked gorgeous and weird The sedan chair stopped there!
"Damn it! I'm lucky!" A strong warrior player suddenly couldn't help shouting in surprise, "Hidden mission!"

"What hidden mission! Look clearly, they are all red names!" The priest player on the side quickly denied.

"You're blind! Look at that sedan chair yourself! Is it something a player can have?" The strong warrior player immediately shouted excitedly, "Even if it's a red name, it's a hidden mission! That guy who is not oily This is shit luck, and he was caught! This is a task that automatically fell on top of his head!"

"We are all in a team state now, should we go there too?" Another short warrior player couldn't help but asked expectantly after hearing this: "If he accepts the hidden mission, shall we go?" Have a share too?"

"There must be! We are all in the same team!" The strong warrior player nodded immediately, and said excitedly: "It's just that those people are all aborigines, everyone should be careful! Don't let us miss the mission. It’s time to provoke them, and we’ll all have to burp by then!”

"I think we should stay here!" The priest player looked worried, and couldn't help persuading everyone: "Since those aborigines only captured fish but not oil, they must It’s because he has something special! We don’t have that kind of condition, if this happened in the past, we might be killed! Those aborigines are all red-named!”

"Whether it is a red name or not, as long as it is an aborigine, it can kill us!" The strong warrior player said indifferently, "Wealth and wealth are in danger! If we really get the hidden Quest, do you know what kind of rewards there will be? This is more money than if we teamed up here to kill monsters for a few months! Don’t you want to earn gold coins?"

"I'll go! I'll go!" The short warrior player hurriedly raised his hand, and said to the priest player, "Exchange experience for gold coins! What a bargain, don't you think it's tempting at all?"

The priest player was still hesitant.

"If you don't go, we can go!" The strong warrior player couldn't help asking again, seeing that the priest player still looked worried, and then continued: "If you are afraid, stay here That's fine! If we are in danger later, you can still save us, and we don't blame you!"

"Forget it! I'll go with you!" The priest player frowned when he heard the words, and said with a wry smile: "As far as my skills are concerned, even if those aborigines ask me to save you first, I will There is no way! Why don’t we go with you!”

"It's good if you can think like this!" The strong warrior player immediately smiled, and took the lead and ran towards the people in Shacheng. When he was about to approach, he slowed down and headed towards All the aborigines in Shacheng looked at them, seeing that they were a little frightened and foolish, and even looked at Yu Buyou in their hands by the ghost map, so they stopped and walked towards the city of Shacheng. Everyone shouted: "Big brothers of the aborigines, what are you doing? We are just ordinary adventurers!"

Guitu looked at these adventurers in surprise, then at the player in his hand, and couldn't help but smile and asked: "You ordinary adventurers, don't you see us? Scared?"

"Of course I'm a little scared! But the aborigines don't mean to hurt us, so we must be more courageous!" The strong warrior player quickly said with a smile, looking at the ghost picture The smile on his face was also brighter, and after putting down Yubuyou, he hurriedly said: "I don't know if we are here to disturb the elder brothers of the aborigines. If so, we can leave now, okay?" ?”

"Oh? You came here on purpose to ask this matter?" Guitu raised his eyebrows, looked at the players probing, and then smiled and said: "I think you are also smart people! You should know that we are What do you want to do, right?"

"Hey!" The strong warrior player quickly smirked twice, and then said tentatively: "We are not that smart either! Just thinking, the aborigine brothers suddenly appeared here, is there something wrong? , Maybe we can all help! As a teammate of ours, if we really need something, we may not be able to help you aboriginal brothers, so we will come and see, if it is true If you can help, it is also a blessing for us!"

(End of this chapter)

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