The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3064 Don't be too tired

Chapter 3064 Don't be too tired
Seeing the quarrel between Friesman and Xuan Mo, Ji Xiaoyan felt a little funny. Anyway, she didn't intend to continue talking, so she simply found an excuse to leave, but went to stand with Master Bessa. together.

"Master Bessa, aren't you curious?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the calm expression on Mrs. Bessa's face, but couldn't help asking curiously.

"City Master Ji is willing to tell us what he can say! Since I can't say it, then I won't ask!" Master Bessa smiled gently at Ji Xiaoyan, then looked in the direction of Jiajia, facing Ji Xiaoyan. Xiao Yan said: "But now it seems that the situation in Jiajia has stabilized a lot. If the crazy situation decreases or even disappears in the future, it will be a good thing!"

"Yes! That's what I'm looking forward to!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but nodded when he heard that, and said to Lord Bessa: "It's just that in the current situation, no one can tell what it will turn out to be. The head of the Resurrection Sect has only guessed, and the specific things still need to be observed slowly! I hope that everything will develop in a good direction."

"It will definitely be!" Master Bessa couldn't help turning his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan, and whispered to her: "As long as it is what you expect, City Lord Ji, it will definitely be realized!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Master Besa's expression, but couldn't help but throbbed twice in his heart, and then immediately smiled and said: "I accept Master Besa's wish! It's just that this reality may not be so easy to achieve! Jiajia's situation is really hard to say!"

"It will definitely be better!" Master Bessa comforted seriously, and after watching Ji Xiaoyan nodded, he continued: "However, City Lord Ji, if the situation in Jiajia improves, then I may not Stay in this sub-god clan again!"

"Master Bessa, is he going to take Manager Hess to the Resurrection Gate?" Ji Xiaoyan immediately understood what Master Bessa meant, and asked him quickly. Xiaoyan thought about it for a while, and said to Master Bessa: "When will Master Bessa go to the Resurrection Gate? Do you need me to take you there together?"

"No need!" Master Bessa shook his head, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Didn't the aborigines of the Resurrection Gate have seen us before? Besides, since we are all in an alliance with the Resurrection Gate Now, it’s impossible to be coldly rejected in the Resurrection Gate, isn’t it? I took old Hess directly to Lord Luotu, and he probably won’t miss us either!”

"Well, Master Luotu won't do it!" Ji Xiaoyan definitely nodded, and after thinking about it, he suggested to Master Bessa: "However, the aborigines of the Resurrection Gate who came to the sub-protoss did not I know where I am usually at the Resurrection Gate. If I can’t meet you, Master Bessa, then it may take a lot of time. Otherwise, I’d better ask the guards of Qingcheng to accompany you, Master Bessa. The gate of resurrection is still very familiar to our guards in Qingcheng, so there is no need to waste time then!"

Master Besa didn't want to trouble Ji Xiaoyan at first, but seeing her insistence, and thinking about the attitude of Resurrection Gate towards those aborigines, Master Besa finally nodded, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan : "Okay then! I'll trouble City Master Ji!"

"Lord Bessa, you're being polite! This is what I should do!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled immediately, and gave some instructions to the Qingcheng guards who followed behind him. After everything was arranged, he finally felt relieved.

Jiajia helped the sub-protoss to translate the content on the battle armor, which went smoothly, and it was beyond the expectation of the sub-protoss patriarch.In his previous view, Jiajia was unwilling to do anything more. The matter of translating the content of the battle armor, Jiajia agreed and was always procrastinating. It almost takes a long time for their sub-protoss to get the inheritance. Time.

But now the patriarch of the sub-god clan did not expect that after Jiajia agreed this time, he would actually help them translate seriously. More and more things were recorded by the aborigines of the sub-god clan. The content of the content also made the patriarch of the sub-protoss clan couldn't help but click his tongue.

Those things are beyond the imagination of their current aborigines, and they have never heard of them!

This is the real inheritance of their sub-god race!
"Master Patriarch!"

Ji Xiaoyan saw that the patriarch of the sub-god clan had been standing still and looking at the things recorded by the aborigines of the sub-god clan, the expression on his face was full of shock, and he couldn't help but look at him After shouting a few times, seeing the patriarch of the sub-god clan finally come back to look at her, Ji Xiaoyan quickly waved his hand and asked the patriarch of the sub-god clan: "Master patriarch, How is your translation of the armor content going? Have you recorded anything useful?"

The patriarch of the sub-god tribe nodded, and quickly handed over the things in his hand to the aborigines of the sub-god tribe, then walked towards Ji Xiaoyan, then smiled at Ji Xiaoyan, very happy Said calmly: "Master Ji, the inheritance of our sub-protoss is about to come!"

"That's a good thing!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled gratifiedly, then gestured in the direction of Jiajia, and then said to the patriarch of the sub-god clan: "Just, should the patriarch think about it? How about letting Jiajia take a rest first? It has been there for a while, it must be a little tired! If Jiajia falls asleep, I am a little worried!"

The patriarch of the sub-god clan naturally knew what Ji Xiaoyan was referring to. He glanced at Jiajia and nodded immediately, agreeing to follow Ji Xiaoyan's suggestion, but who would have thought that the patriarch of the sub-god clan would be I am willing to let Jiajia rest, but Jiajia is not happy anymore!

"Jajia! It's time for you to take a break!"

"Jajia doesn't rest!" Jiajia had a stubborn look on his face, and said directly to the patriarch of the sub-protoss clan: "Jiajia will tell you all the things on this armor as soon as possible, and then Jiajia can go back to Qingcheng !"

"Jiajia, there are too many things on this battle armor. It is impossible for you to translate all of them in a short while! Our aborigines also need time to record, don't they? You should rest for a while, otherwise if you If you fall asleep after a while, you will go crazy again!" The patriarch of the sub-god race said to Jiajia with a worried expression on his face.

He was doing it for Jiajia's sake. After all, if something happened to Jiajia, no one would know the contents of the battle armor!What's more, Jiajia is also a very important mabang sand beast for their sub-protoss!

But Jiajia didn't appreciate it at all, and said to the patriarch of the sub-god clan, "Jiajia won't go crazy! Jiajia hasn't gone crazy either!"

"Jajia!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss looked at Jiajia helplessly, and after thinking for a while, he nodded helplessly and said, "Even if you are not crazy, but you are too tired! You You should take a break!"

"Jiajia doesn't need to rest!" Jiajia shook his head and said.

"This is not allowed! Jiajia, City Master Ji has already said that he wants you to rest!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss had no choice but to move Ji Xiaoyan out, and said something very seriously to Jiajia, see When Jiajia finally listened and looked in Ji Xiaoyan's direction, the patriarch of the sub-protoss hurriedly continued: "Just now, City Lord Ji let me go to discuss this matter with me! I also think Jiajia, you should Take a break, the inheritance on this battle armor can't be made in a day or two, we take it slowly, it's good for everyone! Look at it, the aborigines of our sub-protoss are all tired What happened? If they fall, everything you said will not be recorded, will it?"

Jia Jia frowned and looked at the aborigines of the sub-protoss. After seeing that everyone was looking at him expectantly, Jia Jia turned to the patriarch of the sub-protoss with some reluctance. Asked: "Did Xiaoyan really let Jiajia rest?"

"Of course it's true! If you don't believe it, Jiajia, just ask City Master Ji!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan was a little sad in his heart, but he still said to Jiajia gently.There is no way, Jiajia just listened to Ji Xiaoyan's words, no one can change this!Because of this, perhaps it is more cost-effective for the sub-protoss to return Jiajia to Ji Xiaoyan and Qingcheng in exchange for the inheritance of the sub-protoss and a lot of powerful Ma Lu sand beasts in the future.

Jiajia really finally believed the words of the patriarch of the sub-god clan, and after telling the aborigines of the sub-god clan to rest, he walked directly in the direction of Ji Xiaoyan, not caring about the origin of the sub-god clan at all. The residents cheered happily.

"Hurry up and take a rest. The recorded things are immediately sent to the elders in our clan, and they immediately arrange for people to start copying them. We must make sure that the inheritance of our sub-god clan cannot be broken from now on. It's gone!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan gave serious instructions to the aborigines of the sub-god clan, and after watching them disperse immediately and go straight to the clan ground, he finally felt relieved, and then walked towards Ji Looking in Xiaoyan's direction, she also followed Gaga, and stood in front of Ji Xiaoyan, just in time to hear Ji Xiaoyan telling Gaga to find a comfortable place to rest.

"Master Ji, you let Jiajia go to rest?" The patriarch of the sub-protoss clan had a look of surprise on his face, and couldn't help asking Ji Xiaoyan. The patriarch couldn't help but said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji, you must know that if Jiajia falls asleep, something will happen!"

It doesn't necessarily mean that he will go crazy!

Ji Xiaoyan had a relaxed expression on his face, and said to the patriarch of the sub-protoss: "Jajia needs to rest, if this rest is not sleeping, is it still a rest? But I also know the patriarch's worries , I will take Jiajia away willingly, and let Lord Bessa and Xuan Mo follow, in case something happens after Jiajia falls asleep, we can handle it!"

The patriarch of the sub-god clan is still a little uneasy!
"Jajia won't go crazy!" Jiajia said something to Ji Xiaoyan with a dissatisfied expression on his face, then simply sat down on the spot, and said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Jiajia won't go crazy ! Xiaoyan, you talk nonsense!"

"Jajia, if you don't remember something, it doesn't mean it didn't happen!" Friesman said to Jiajia seriously, looking at the pair of red eyes that Gaga was looking at him, Friesman couldn't help it After shivering for a while, he said to Jiajia: "Jiajia, you probably just slept dishonestly! Many people are like this!"

"Is it true?" Jiajia couldn't help but look forward to hearing what Friesman said: "Are they really like Jiajia, doing messy things after falling asleep?"

"Yes! There are such aborigines!" Friesman quickly nodded and replied to Jiajia, but suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked Jiajia: "Jiajia, didn't you say something about you before?" Don’t you remember? Why did you suddenly say, this is crazy, no, this dishonest thing, is it a mess? Did you remember something?”

"Jiajia doesn't know either!" Jiajia was stunned, looked at Friesman innocently, and then said, "Jiajia can't remember anything, but Jiajia heard you talking! You said Jiajia was asleep Going crazy after sleeping, that should be what you just said, Friesman, that you just slept dishonestly! So, except for this reason, the other reasons are all messed up, and Jiajia is right!"

"That's right, that's right!" Ji Xiaoyan also laughed immediately, walked to Jiajia's side, touched its scales, and said to everyone: "Jiajia said that he is not crazy, that means he is not crazy, just sleeping and dreaming , it's just a little noisy!"

"Xiaoyan, Jiajia doesn't dream!" Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Jiajia ruthlessly retorted, "Jiajia just doesn't remember what happened after falling asleep."

"If you don't remember, you don't remember, it's not a big deal!" Ji Xiaoyan heard what Jiajia said, and quickly said something to it, and then continued to suggest: "So, since Jiajia won't go crazy when you sleep, then Take a good rest. After the aborigines of the sub-protoss have packed up the recorded things, Kaka, you still need to continue to help!"

"Well, Jiajia knows!" Jiajia lay on the spot, lazily responded to Ji Xiaoyan, his eyelids closed together a little heavy, and fell asleep instantly!
(End of this chapter)

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