The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3075 People who don't understand

Chapter 3075 People who don't understand

After Ji Xiaoyan entered the city lord's mansion in Shacheng, all the guards of Qingcheng stood guard outside, fearing that if something happened to Ji Xiaoyan in the city lord's mansion, they would not even have time to react.

As for the aboriginal guards in Shacheng, they have already received news from Shendrill and Guitu, knowing what kind of existence Ji Xiaoyan is to their Shacheng now, so for the guards in Qingcheng, naturally The attitude has also improved a lot. Seeing that the guards of Qingcheng were all extremely nervous, the aborigines in Shacheng thought about it, but started talking to them first, thinking that they should get on well with each other first. Well, in the future, it is not certain that Shacheng and Qingcheng will become an alliance or something like that.

However, none of the guards of Qingcheng dared to talk to the aborigines of Shacheng. They didn't know what kind of attitude Ji Xiaoyan had towards this Shacheng. Their relationship between Qingcheng and Shacheng will be fine!

Therefore, no matter what the aborigines in Shacheng said, everyone in Qingcheng agreed with a hmm, and they definitely didn't talk too much, which made the aborigines in Shacheng feel a little depressed. Immediately after Mian came out of the city lord's mansion in a bored manner, the natives of Shacheng pulled Ghost Map aside and filed a complaint.

"Leave them alone!" Guitu looked indifferent when he heard the words of the Shacheng aborigines, and said directly to them: "The people in Qingcheng are also doing this because they are afraid of us, and you don't have to go What did you do! If our Lord City Lord and Ji City Lord have a good relationship, the relationship between Shacheng and Qingcheng will be different in the future! These all depend on the attitude of our Lord City Lord. Now the Lord City Lord just tells us not to It’s enough to treat Qingcheng as an enemy! For the rest, just be normal!”

"However, Mr. Ghost, we are worried. If we don't greet their Qingcheng people well, what if they go back and tell City Lord Ji that our attitude is not good, and if it affects the important affairs of the city owner, then What should we do?" The aborigines in Shacheng also looked worried, and couldn't help asking Guitu, "That's why we are worried about this, and that's why we do so many things!"

Otherwise, according to the usual attitude of these Shacheng aborigines towards people, who might they take the initiative to please?

Guitu thought for a while, and it seemed to make some sense. He couldn't help but look at the people in Qingcheng, and then said: "We don't need to try to please them, since they are all here waiting for City Lord Ji. Yes, then you can prepare something for them to eat, or prepare some tables and chairs for them, and let them sit!"

"Master Guitu, I don't think they will need it!" The aborigines in Shacheng suddenly said to Guitu with some embarrassment when they heard the words: "They can't eat our food, and they can't sit in ours. Chairs. They are like this now, but they are on guard against us, and they may accept our arrangement!"

Guitu also frowned. After thinking for a long time, he could only say depressedly: "Forget it! Don't worry about anything!"

"But it doesn't matter." When the aborigines in Shacheng heard this, they couldn't help but look at Guitu again. They wanted to say something more, but they waved their hands directly at Guitu, and said seriously to them: "It's nothing! Just let them stand there! If City Master Ji is really upset at that time, I'll just tell the City Master!"

The aborigines in Shacheng couldn't figure out what it would be useful for Ghost Map to tell the city lord Sidina, but seeing Ghost Map's impatient face, the aborigines in Sha City could only close their eyes. He closed his mouth, nodded and returned to his seat.

Guitu was also a little depressed, thinking that if he didn't come out and hear these things, maybe he would be in a better mood!Turning his head to look in the direction of the city lord's mansion, thinking that the city lord Tina would not let him and Shendiao hear Ji Xiaoyan talking with her, Guitu became a little irritable again.

I don't know what Ji Xiaoyan can do to help the city lord Yu Tina!
After thinking for a while, Guitu simply left from the City Lord's Mansion and took a few people with him to inspect Shacheng.Now they don't even have a city wall in Shacheng, and there are still many aborigines guarding outside the city who want to attack their Shacheng. What is the underground thing, then you can only go and see, maybe those aborigines can't figure it out, so they come to try it?

Thinking of this, Guitu's mood improved a lot, and he quickly walked towards the outside of the city.

Outside Shacheng at this moment, there are quite a few aborigines who want to capture Shacheng and take Lehe away, but they all have sympathy at this moment. Seeing that the city wall is gone, it is even more I don't have the courage to attack before.

It's not like this evil city will do some useless things, let alone push down its own city walls so that the aborigines like them can easily attack in!

This is a trap, but who will be the first to fall into this trap?

Everyone fell silent, thinking that someone could stand up, and rushed out foolishly to try.

Standing in Shacheng, Guitu looked at the black heads in the distance, and couldn't help feeling a little disdainful.These aborigines are also cowards!If you have the ability, let's rush out to have a look!How courageous were they when the city wall was there before?Now how do you look like a turtle with a shrinking head?

If possible, Guitu would really like to shout a few words directly at the aborigines to stimulate them to try to attack their Shacheng.

"Keep an eye on them. If they make any moves, remember to get someone to report them!"

After watching for a long time, he didn't see any movement, and Guitu also felt a little bored, so he directly gave instructions to the aborigines of Shacheng behind him, and then turned around and left with them.But who would have thought that before Guitu had gone far, the aborigines from Shacheng would chase him up and tell him something was up.

"Master Ghost, some adventurers have come outside our city!"

"Adventurer?" Guitu was stunned, but slightly surprised, "What adventurer? Those aborigines sent us to test us?"

"I don't know!" The aborigines in Shacheng shook their heads, and after thinking for a while, they said, "Those adventurers didn't dare to get too close, they just shouted loudly outside the city, saying that they wanted to see the city lord." !"

"Meet the city lord? How many adventurers?" Guitu couldn't help sneering when he heard this, and said sarcastically, "Who do those adventurers think they are? They can do it if they want to see our city lord." See you? You just don’t know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth! You don’t need to worry about them, just shoot arrows and kill those adventurers!”

"Yes!" The aborigines of Shacheng immediately nodded, took orders and left.

It took a lot of trouble for Yu Buyou and the others to finally learn how to get to Shacheng from the aborigines of Qingcheng, and finally teleported to the town of Shacheng, and then followed those aborigines After escaping the attack of the monsters, it was finally possible to see the city of Shacheng. They thought they could join the aborigines in a wave of protection and enter Shacheng, but they never thought that those aborigines They all surrounded the periphery, just staring at Shacheng all the time, with no intention of attacking at all.

These aborigines didn't move, either they waited with them, or they had to go up by themselves.

At the very beginning, Yubuyou and the others wanted to wait and see, at least it would be much safer. Who knows, if they get close to Shacheng, will they be treated as attackers?But they waited and waited, seeing that the aborigines still had no intention of attacking, so they could only find a way to talk to a few aborigines, and asked them carefully, only then did they know Everyone will only guard like this for the time being, and will not approach the city of Shacheng.

The aborigines have been waiting, they can't wait for fish without oil!
If people know that they are guarding here, when the players who failed to get the mission rewards come after them, what will they do?What they need most now is to get the reward quickly, then sell it and hide in the real world with the gold coins for a while, and come back after everyone has forgotten about it.

Therefore, if they can get the reward earlier, they will naturally be able to earn gold coins earlier!
After discussing for a long time, Yu Buyou and the others finally felt that since they had completed the mission given by Shacheng, they would have walked directly to Shacheng. After seeing the mission, the aboriginals of Shacheng, They will also be released to receive rewards!
Among other things, they heard Shendrill and they called the city lord to the people in the sedan chair!
In other words, the person who came to meet Ji Xiaoyan before was the City Lord of Shacheng!As long as they have a goal, they will be much more convenient!
Therefore, under the surprised eyes of all the aborigines, Yubuyou and the others walked out of Shacheng vigorously, and then loudly shouted at the aborigines in Shacheng, demanding to see Shacheng Lord of the city.

Yubuyou and the others saw the surprised expressions of the aborigines in Yousha City after hearing their words, and even saw the aborigines in Yousha City immediately return to the city to report the news, so in their opinion , everything should be smooth and successful!
As long as the aborigines in Shacheng are willing to let them enter Shacheng, they may not even be able to save their red names.

However, this person is not as good as God!
It never occurred to them that before they could see the Shacheng aboriginals who had passed on the news, they would be shot to death by feathered arrows!What's more, they didn't even see where the arrow came from.

The picture in front of them lost its color in an instant, and everyone could no longer move.

Yubuyou and the others couldn't figure out what happened!Could it be that the aborigines who were preparing to attack Shacheng killed them?How can that work?They haven't been able to enter Shacheng yet! ?
The few people hardly thought about it, and immediately revived on the teleportation array, and after some discussion, they hurriedly teleported to the town in Shacheng. After squatting for a long time, they finally found a group of aborigines to follow, and then When they were about to approach Shacheng, the group of people changed direction directly, away from the aborigines they had seen before, and then came to the city wall of Shacheng again, and shouted at the aborigines of Shacheng inside, demanding See the city lord.

This time, Yubuyou and the others saw clearly that the ones who shot them to death were none other than the aborigines in that evil city.

After their words fell, the aborigines of Shacheng directly set up their bows and arrows, and sent them back to the resurrection teleportation array with two or three strokes.

"I know the reason!" The strong warrior player clapped his hands and stomped his feet and said with a depressed look on his face: "We are also stupid! This Shacheng is a famous city, we are not famous, so we still have to go Get close, isn't this just looking for death? Shacheng is now besieged by so many aborigines. They must have thought that we and those aborigines are in the same group, so they killed us directly! We want When you get close, you should be famous!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Hearing this, Yu Buyou couldn't help but nodded, and said to the others: "We all forgot about this, it should be like this!"

"But, how can we be famous here? If we go to the players to kill them now, we can't go to Shacheng with those aborigines! You have also seen that on the way to Shacheng, monsters There are quite a few of them! And they are all very powerful!" Hearing this, the priest player couldn't help but asked worriedly.

"That's easy!" The strong warrior player smiled, and then said, "If we solve it internally, then we'll just kill you once!"

"Kill me? Why?!" The priest player couldn't help but looked at the others warily when he heard this.

"Don't look scared, I'm doing it for your own good!" the strong warrior player said quickly, "You are just a priest, if there is anything, you can't fight! The few of us will be famous when the time comes. , After taking the reward, you can go to hide in a place to protect yourself! You can’t do it! If you are killed by us, the task reward will not be less, and you don’t have to worry about the risk of being killed by the red name, how good it is! ? At that time, we just need to wait for us at the resurrection point, isn’t that good?”

The priest player thought about it, and it seemed that it really made sense.

"Of course, if you don't want to, then we can only spend some gold coins to hire a low-level player to go with us, and then just kill him! This is also possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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