The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 310 Rescue is also very difficult

Chapter 310 Rescue is also very difficult
When Qing Mi and Ye Shan's avatar were fighting, the girl Ji Xiaoyan was being held by Ye Shan's real body, hanging in the air and looking at him.

"Ugly girl, how do you think I should treat you?" Ye Shan looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked with a smile on his face, "It doesn't seem so good to just kill you! You are free Practitioners, you can still be resurrected! Let me think about it, how should I punish you?"

At this time, Ji Xiaoyan was completely unable to resist.After she met Ye Shan twice while escaping, he finally stopped playing with her for the third time and grabbed her straight away, and then gesticulated at her twice.Ji Xiaoyan saw two beams of light flashing across her body, and then her blood bar dropped by more than half, and then her stamina, and her magic value was almost completely empty immediately.

"Don't talk?" Ye Shan moved Ji Xiaoyan's face in front of him, and then smiled, "I forgot, you definitely don't even have the strength to speak now! Hehe!"

Ji Xiaoyan raised his eyes, glanced at Ye Shan's beautiful face, and said nothing!She thinks it's a miracle that her game character hasn't been hanged yet!The system prompts were always flashing in front of her eyes, reminding her in bright red fonts that she must quickly replenish food and increase stamina, otherwise the character would die.Of course, since the game server was launched for so long, no one knew what would happen if the stamina ran out and the game characters died.No player dared to try it with his own game character.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan always felt that if her stamina was exhausted and she died, she might be able to escape Ye Shan's clutches and be resurrected in the teleportation circle.Then, just like those games she played before, a small amount of stamina can be restored when she is resurrected, supporting her to find food supplements in the city.So, when she was looking at Ye Shan, she didn't resist at all, and just waited to hang up!It's useless to resist anyway, isn't it?
However, if Ji Xiaoyan knew that her stamina would not increase at all after being revived after losing her stamina, and she would continue to die if she did not eat to increase her stamina within 1 minute, she probably would not have such a fluke idea .

"Hehe, are you waiting to die and come back to life?" Ye Shan saw Ji Xiaoyan's little thoughts, smiled at her and said, "Ugly girl, I want to tell you something! In Panchi City, whoever I want to die must die! If I don’t let anyone die, then no one wants to die... Haha!"

Ji Xiaoyan raised his eyes, and looked at the laughing Ye Shan, who was crazy there!Who do you think designed this NPC?So perverted?Is there no one in charge?The main brain doesn't care?
"Let's not talk too much, and don't even think that old man Qing Mi can come to save you! He is probably seriously injured right now!" Ye Shan put Ji Xiaoyan on the ground from mid-air, and then lowered his head He turned his head and said to her: "How about my lord taking you to see my secret space? No one has ever known about it!"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he immediately felt a little bad.Sure enough, Ye Shan's next sentence popped out immediately: "Because, those who knew... all died..."

Half lying on the ground, Ji Xiaoyan could still feel her body shaking violently!Damn, as expected, a pervert is a pervert!If she wants to know who designed such an NPC with such a character, she must curse him!Cursing him to eat instant noodles without seasoning packets is not enough to express her anger, she wants to curse that person, eating instant noodles is full of seasoning packets...

Ye Shan smiled treacherously, pulled Ji Xiaoyan by the collar of his robe and started to move her.

At this time, Ji Xiaoyan is very fortunate that there are no players in Panchi City, and there are no other NPCs in the City Lord's Mansion except Ye Shan!Otherwise, if she is seen like this now, she will really be ashamed to face the masses.You said that she is a good girl, dragged on the ground like a dead body, what an angry bastard to do such a thing!Of course, she was talking about the perverted NPC Ye Shan...

You said that if her Wuri suit is worn on the ground like this, will it lose its durability?In other words, she didn't pay attention to the durability of the things on her body?Also, how long will it take for the bright red words "Extremely Low Durability, Please Replenish" to disappear on the screen in front of my eyes...

Ji Xiaoyan was thinking about these very insignificant issues all the time, and she didn't notice at all the NPCs who appeared and disappeared in the nearby buildings, all looking at her with pitiful and sympathetic eyes...

Ye Shan probably caught Ji Xiaoyan, and then the avatar trapped Qing Mi again, and the entire Panchi City's City Lord's Mansion returned to his rule, so he was in a good mood!While dragging Ji Xiaoyan along, he threw some small spells at her from time to time!

At first, Ji Xiaoyan thought it was Ye Shan who had figured out that he was going to kill her, so he threw a spell on her.It was only later discovered that every time Ye Shan threw a spell on her, her stamina would increase a little, so that she would not die immediately.However, Ji Xiaoyan then wanted to yell, telling this pervert Ye Shan not to increase her stamina.The reason is that she has increased her stamina, but it is her experience that is used to exchange for stamina.A little stamina needs to be exchanged for 10 experience points!Every time Ye Shan casts a spell, it can increase Ji Xiaoyan's stamina by 51 points, which means that it will consume her [-] experience points!She managed to get to level [-], but soon fell back to level [-] under Ye Shan's stamina blessing spell...
Ji Xiaoyan seriously doubts that if she really persists to the secret space that Ye Shan mentioned, she wonders if her level will directly drop by ten levels!Of course, this is just her guess.

"Ugly girl, hold on for a while longer! We'll be there soon!" Walking to a palace full of blood-red roses, Ji Xiaoyan saw Ye Shan turn his head and said something to her in a good mood.

This palace of roses looks very cold.Although the architectural style of the entire palace is the same as what Ji Xiaoyan has seen before, it is because of the roses that cover the entire palace that this area clearly exudes a feeling that makes people very uncomfortable!Ji Xiaoyan stared weakly at Ye Shan's white robe that kept shaking in front of him, and thought secretly: Could it mean that the NPCs that the pervert Ye Shan usually kills are transported here to use as fertilizer?In the previous life, didn't you tell the story that the cherry blossoms are raised by human corpses, so they are very delicate?

At the moment when Ji Xiaoyan was thinking wildly, the strangers were depressed.

They were passed on by Ye Shan and left to hang in the garden without saying anything.The girl Ji Xiaoyan asked them to find her, and immediately found some team locators in the package in the vast starry sky.This locator is specially provided for players in a team to find other team members.It is said that it was produced by a life sect called Qianfumen, and it is sold in major grocery stores in the Western Continent!The price is very expensive!A low-level team locator costs 10 silver coins, lasts for 2 minutes, and refreshes the position of the locator every 15 minutes.The mid-level team locator is a gold coin, which lasts for [-] minutes, but the position of the locator can be refreshed twice per minute.As for the single locator, it is also for sale!That's for non-team players, but they must be friends, so the price will be even more expensive, two gold coins for each...
Because the girl Ji Xiaoyan said that she was being hunted down, the strangers used a low-level team locator on Ji Xiaoyan's team name, and then replaced it with a middle-level one!However, their path to find Ji Xiaoyan was not smooth!As soon as he left the garden gate of the city lord's mansion, he was stopped by two city guards, saying that they had not passed the application and were not allowed to walk around outside the garden at will.Considering that they still have to do missions here in the future, the strangers negotiated with the city guards in soft words and did not get permission to go out of the garden, then they honestly returned to the garden.Then, at the suggestion of the super thunder cat, everyone directly found a section of the wall that was relatively short, and then began to climb over the wall.

Facts have proved that the garden wall of the City Lord's Mansion is quite difficult to climb!The few of them who have never met before are very glad that there are no acquaintances here, and no one will see them falling from the fence in a panic!As a defensive fighter, the super thunder cat was directly designated as a stepping stone. After sending everyone to the wall, he was pulled up by the combined force of the vast starry sky and the fast-sinking driftwood!Of course, the price was that the vast starry sky and the fast-sinking driftwood fell directly to the ground because of its unstable center of gravity, crushing the thunder kitten who hadn't come to escape in time.

The strangers found the garden. They wandered around in the City Lord's Mansion for a while, found an NPC and inquired about the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion where the old man Qing Mi should be. They passed by, but to their surprise, as a team with a strong sense of direction, they had never met Ji Xiaoyan after they used up the valid time of an intermediate team locator!And no one answered the call connection all the time!Guessing from strangers, it is estimated that this girl Ji Xiaoyan has been busy running for her life, so she has no time to connect to the phone.

While looking for Ji Xiaoyan according to the locator, they had never met before, hoping to meet a few NPC maids, ask where old man Qingya stayed, and find this powerful savior.As a result, after Ji Xiaoyan had been caught and dragged away by Ye Shan, the strangers finally met an NPC maid whom they thought was kind and kind, and led them to the front hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

And they didn't know at all that in the City Lord's Mansion of Panchi City, there would be no NPC who would be so kind without the consent of Lord Yeshan!So, when they walked into the hall, what appeared before them was not what they imagined, the scene Ji Xiaoyan said, Qing Mi was eating with a fake city lord...
 PS: Qianqian made another survey about the conclusion, I hope everyone can participate. O(∩_∩)O~
(End of this chapter)

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