The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 312 Different Situations

Chapter 312 Different Situations

In Ji Xiaoyan's view, the secret space that City Lord Ye Shan mentioned is a copy!Of course, that dungeon is now in an unopened state like Panchi City!

After being dragged by Ye Shan into a room in Qiangwei Palace, Ye Shan opened the doors one after another inside, and finally put Ji Xiaoyan down in a small side hall.

"Ugly girl, go in and enjoy yourself! I'll go see how your friends and Qing Mi are doing! Haha!" City Lord Ye Shan squatted in front of Ji Xiaoyan, watched her finish speaking, and then laughed Throwing her towards a mural on a wall in the side hall.

Ji Xiaoyan's heart tightened, and he closed his eyes instinctively, waiting for the pain of being thrown out and hitting the wall.However, after a while, the expected pain of hitting the wall did not appear.So, Ji Xiaoyan slowly opened his eyes.

In front of him is no longer the Qiangwei Temple that Ji Xiaoyan saw just now.She is now in a gray bubble, and in front of her eyes is a large gray sky, a dark red earth, and black rocks are unevenly inlaid on the dark red earth!As far as Ji Xiaoyan saw the scene, there wasn't a single flower or tree!Of course, let alone mountains and water.All that catches the eye is a vast expanse of dark red and gray...
After Ji Xiaoyan looked at the surrounding environment a little puzzled, she began to look at the transparent bubble that wrapped her and made her suspend in the air.

This bubble is magical, like the kind of fantasy in the fairy tale world!Ji Xiaoyan poked the bubble with his finger, but the bubble didn't pop, but bounced back a few times softly.Ji Xiaoyan poked it several times excitedly as if he had found a new toy, and then he began to think about what to do next.

Judging from Ye Shan's bloodthirsty personality, Ji Xiaoyan felt that it was absolutely impossible for Ye Shan to throw her in just to lock her up in such a bubble!So, what is the purpose of night change?He once said that as long as everyone who knew about this secret space died, could she guess that those people were all sent here to die?Then, if those NPCs die, they must leave some bones for these players to prove their existence!However, Ji Xiaoyan squatted in the bubble about one meter above the ground and looked around for a long time. It is true that there are only rocks here except for the red earth soil!nothing else.....
Not even animals...

Thinking of animals, Ji Xiaoyan immediately had an inspiration.Her home is still in the pet space!This product is a collection of thousands of functions. Maybe it will have some ideas and functions that will help the current state?Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan quickly released Jiajia.

I was a little worried at first, but if Jiajia was released, Bubble would burst immediately unable to bear the weight of the two of them!As a result, who knew that the quality of this bubble was simply exceptional!As soon as Jiajia came out, he was immediately bent into a ball by the space of the bubble, and he looked very cute!Moreover, because of the appearance of Jiajia, Ji Xiaoyan obviously discovered that this bubble seems to have the function of automatically adjusting its size!When she was alone, the bubble was just enough for her to turn around or something, but now that a body as big as Jiajia popped out, she felt that the space was even bigger than when she was alone just now lap.It seems that it was deliberately enlarged to leave a little room for Gaga to move.

"Xiaoyan, where is this? What is this? It's fun!" Jiajia tried to straighten his body, but found that whenever it moved, either Ji Xiaoyan or it would shake, so he simply bent over and leaned Bubble Wall sat down, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked a question.

Ji Xiaoyan shook her head, she didn't know where this place was!
"Then Xiaoyan, do we want to go down? Why can't this thing be broken?" Jiajia didn't have the spirit to break the casserole and ask the end. After seeing Ji Xiaoyan shaking his head, he immediately shifted his attention to Paobao!While scratching Bubble with his sharp claws, he asked Ji Xiaoyan.

Ji Xiaoyan watched as the sharp nail on Jiajia's claw pierced Bubbles, making a big mark, but no matter how hard Jiajia stabbed his claws on Bubbles, the bubbles didn't look like they would break at all. .Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help thinking to himself, she doesn't know what this bubble is made of!
"Xiaoyan, I can't break it!" Kaka tried several times, but still couldn't break the bubble, so she turned her head a little aggrieved, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "Xiaoyan, are we locked up here?"

No wonder Jiajia thinks so!In fact, Ji Xiaoyan thought so too!As soon as the novelty of seeing Pao Pao wore off, she was thinking about this question.Is she going to be locked in such a bubble for the rest of her life?The answer is obviously no!
Could it be that, as City Lord Ye Shan said, those who died in this space starved to death in the bubble?When Ji Xiaoyan thought of this possibility, she immediately shuddered violently... She shouldn't starve to death here.

"Jajia, let's see if we can go out!" After making up his mind, Ji Xiaoyan immediately ordered to Jiajia.

The process of struggle is very hard, very hard, very hard, but also very disappointing...

Ji Xiaoyan and Jiajia used hand poking, headbutting, magic spells, force, and swords. In the end, there was nothing they could do. Ji Xiaoyan sat on Jiajia's back and ordered Jiajia to jump vigorously, trying to use body weight plus Jiajia The sharp nails on the paws, using the momentum of the fall to pierce the bubbles... None of these methods succeeded!After being made into various shapes by them, this miraculous bubble can still slowly change back to its original shape without any damage.

Ji Xiaoyan and Jia Jialei were still sighing when they were paralyzed at the bottom of the bubble, if the bubble could move, and she would stay in the bubble and play games in the future, it would not be just causing trouble, no one would be able to hurt her ?This is simply an invincible thing....
But after thinking about it, it is not clear what the bubble she is staying in now is!Ji Xiaoyan's first priority now is to think about how to get out of the bubble.Lying on the bottom of the bubble with Jiajia, Ji Xiaoyan looked at the gray sky in his eyes and began to worry.

"Xiaoyan, we have rested, shall we continue?" Because the bubbles are round, Jiajia and Ji Xiaoyan automatically moved together after lying down.Jiajia only needs to speak softly, and Ji Xiaoyan can hear clearly.

"Well, let me think about it!" Ji Xiaoyan sighed.It is in a state of being unable to communicate with the outside world again!The team list has also turned gray, and I don't know what happened to the strangers, have they been killed by Ye Shan?Uncle Qingmi doesn't know what's going on...

At this time, the strangers who were worried about by Ji Xiaoyan were squatting in the dungeon of Panchi City, thinking sadly what to do next!
"Let's find someone to help!" Thunder Kitten and his father Super Thunder Big Cat said, looking at the others.

"Look at your friend list first! If you can call someone, then I will be thankful!" Xing Konghaohan sighed, then raised his eyebrows, and said to Thunder Kitten.

"Friends list?" Hearing this, Thunder Kitten immediately turned over the friends list, and it turned out to be all gray!

"Look at our team list again!" Starry Sky reminded again.

"Ah, it's also gray!" Thunder Kitten said in surprise, "Are you all like this?"

"Nonsense!" Xingkong Haohan said in a very unhappy mood.Why do you think they are so unlucky!It's just a mission. After finally entering the city, I found the subordinates of the city lord and started the mission.In the end, because Ji Xiaoyan and old man Qingmi didn't know what trouble they caused, they caused trouble to the entire City Lord's Mansion, and Ji Xiaoyan disappeared.The old man Qingya was in a coma, and they were thrown into the dungeon!
Looking at the dark dungeon, the vast starry sky sighed depressingly!What should I do now!

Thunder Kitty obviously knew that Xingkong Haohan was in a bad mood, so he didn't care about his harsh tone, just ignored it, and then looked at the stranger and asked: "Boss Su, what should we do next?" what?"

"Just wait!" The stranger sighed.

"What are you waiting for? Wait until we become the lowest level players in the entire game?" Feihua Wushang frowned, looking at strangers and asked.If Driftwood, who was about to sink, said that their task was very difficult, but there were many rewards, and she could share some with her, and then gave her [-] gold coins as a shooting fee, she would definitely not have come to help!Look what's going on now!There is no time to look forward to being locked in a dungeon by NPCs, how long will they have to be locked up?If one day, when they go out, they find out that they are already proud of their level, but they are better than them by just grabbing a passer-by, how embarrassing will they be?

The stranger frowned, glanced at Fei Hua Wushang, and said nothing.

Thunder Kitten sighed inwardly, what a pity the fallen leaves are flying!The special priest they finally brought up has not been used for a few days...

"Susu, what are we waiting for?" Xing Kong Haohann saw that there was obviously something wrong with the atmosphere between the strangers and Feihua Wushang, so he hurriedly stood up and asked.

"Wait until Qing Mi wakes up!" The stranger said calmly after glancing at Xingkong Haohan.

"He can still wake up?" Driftwood, who was sinking, frowned, "Those NPCs obviously used Qing Mi to wrong us, it is definitely impossible to wake Qing Mi up! Tell me, is this a branch of some kind of mission? For example, this is actually a random hidden mission, what we need is for us to find a way to wake up Qingya, and then clear our innocence?"

"Driftwood, your ability to imagine is really strong..." Thunder Kitten pouted and said quietly.Do you think you are Ji Xiaoyan, whatever happens to you is a task...

However, it is obvious that some people still agree with the idea of ​​the fast-sinking driftwood!For example, the starry sky is vast!Another example, Flying Flowers Don't Hurt...
(End of this chapter)

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