Chapter 3159

For the adventurers in Qingcheng, they have joined the forces of Qingcheng, and most of their daily activities are within the territory of Qingcheng. There are also such tasks, but the rewards are not too attractive. That kind of situation, most of the time, they just cleared the quests to earn some experience. If they really left the Qingcheng area and went to other places to do quests, that was even rarer.

Therefore, sometimes, for these adventurers in Qingcheng, the life of this game is still a bit boring, and naturally many adventurers start to enjoy the leisurely life of the game when they have nothing to do. turned up.

Manager Qing Gong and Ji Xiaoyan discussed the chain of missions, and it didn't take much time. They just need to confirm which aborigine is responsible for the first chain of missions, and don't worry about the rest. Arrange for those aborigines, and then give this reward to the aborigine in the last link of the mission, and everything will be over.

Save trouble, effort and worry!

As for things like telling adventurers, there is no need.I believe this news will soon spread throughout the entire Qingcheng forces!

All that is required is that Director Qing Gong personally find the aborigines of the first ring mission and ask him to send the mission out.

Therefore, when an adventurer recognized Manager Qing Gong, followed him boredly to the shop of the aborigines responsible for releasing the first ring task, and vaguely heard their conversation, the news had already flown out!
As soon as Manager Qing Gong left the shop, the adventurers rushed into the shop impatiently, quickly asked the aborigine about the news, got the mission scroll easily, and saw clearly After the written introduction of the serial missions, the adventurers in Qingcheng almost went crazy!

Serial missions!Manager Qing Gong also personally said that the task rewards are very generous!

As long as this chain of tasks is completed, not only can there be a lot of experience to get, but also a lot of rewards!How can this keep these boring adventurers from going crazy?What's more, Manager Qing Gong also said that this series of missions will be available every month in the future. Adventurers have no mission time limit and mission limit. As long as they complete the mission, they can come back to claim the scroll.

In other words, this is a mission that can be done infinitely, as long as you have the mission scroll, as long as the monthly mission rewards are still there.

Then, if you want to grab the monthly mission rewards, you can only complete this mission as quickly as possible!This requires more adventurers to help!And such a good thing, of course, can only be told to the closest friends!

It's just that one friend told the other, and the other told the other.
By the time Director Qing Gong returned to the palace of the City Lord's Mansion, the news had already spread thoroughly!
"My lord, when are you going to start selling the things that the Moon God Clan gave us in Qingcheng this month?"

"Boss Qing Gong, you can decide! Don't ask me! From now on, you can decide all these things!" Ji Xiaoyan looked indifferent, and said to Boss Qing Gong: "Tomorrow is not the patriarch of the elves clan. Is your lord and the patriarch of the Lusi'er tribe going to come to the city lord's mansion to do something? You can discuss it at that time, or you can share some of those things with each other, and then it will be fine to sell it! My request is just a little, in exchange Just turn it into gold coins!"

"Then these things should only be sold to our adventurers in Qingcheng!" Manager Qing Gong thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "In this case, our adventurers in Qingcheng will definitely not buy these good things for these good things in the future!" Might have left."

"Most of them are fine! But we still need to share some of them and sell them to other forces or adventurers from other continents!" Ji Xiaoyan did not directly agree with Manager Qing Gong's words, and said to him seriously: "If If these things are only given to our current adventurers in Qingcheng, then we can only attract them and their friends. If we want to attract more adventurers to our Qingcheng in the future, the scope of coverage is too small And, if we have what these adventurers want, we only earn gold coins from the adventurers within our own forces, isn’t that a bit unkind?”

Director Qing Gong was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he asked Ji Xiaoyan: "Then according to what you want, Lord City Master, why don't we distribute most of the things and sell them to other forces and adventurers from the mainland?" Alright! Let's earn more of their gold coins!"

"That won't work either! If we sell these good things to others and not to our own people, how can our adventurers in Qingcheng be happy?" Ji Xiaoyan said with a smile, "Just share a little Part of it is enough! Most of the things are still sold to our own people!"

"But the city lord, you just said that if we do this, we are earning our own gold coins! If the gold coins of our adventurers in Qingcheng are all earned, what should we do?" Qing Gong said With a worried look on his face, he really felt that the gold coins of those adventurers were limited, and they couldn't stand their toss!
"No! Manager Qing Gong!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing, and said to Manager Qing Gong seriously: "The news that we have good things in Qingcheng will definitely spread, and there will naturally be people with gold coins in their pockets." The adventurers who come to our Qingcheng to trade, then, if they want to enter our Qingcheng, they can only become the adventurers of our Qingcheng, can't they? In this case, don't we not only earn gold coins, but also attract adventurers? Kill two birds with one stone How nice? Don’t worry about those adventurers! Their gold coins may not be many on everyone’s body, but if they really get together, I’m afraid it will be an amount that we can’t imagine!”

Manager Qing Gong thought about it seriously, and it seemed to be the same thing: "Then, Lord City Master, I will really follow your orders!"

"Just do it like this! If there is something wrong, you can discuss and modify it at that time!" Ji Xiaoyan said with a smile, "I just made a suggestion, the specific implementation part, or It’s up to Chief Qing Gong to decide for you!”

"My lord, you really don't want to take care of anything?" When Manager Qing Gong heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, his face was full of worry, and he quickly said to her: "You can't just take care of me like this." We left it behind! Lord City Lord!"

"I don't have one!" Ji Xiaoyan said suddenly, dumbfounded.

"But you look like you don't want to take care of anything now!" Manager Qing Gong was a little anxious, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "My lord, I feel that this made you find the patriarch of the elves." It seems like a wrong decision for your lord and the patriarch of the Lusi'er clan to be in charge and help share the affairs of Qingcheng!"

"Director Qing Gong, you are just thinking wildly! Can I still not clear the city?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing, and quickly said to Manager Qing Gong: "I just want to be lazy. ? Don't think too much about it! When I need me, I will naturally show up! How can I put it this way, I am still the Lord of Qing City, am I not?"

Director Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan suspiciously, and finally she was fooled by her and left the palace to sort out various affairs in Qingcheng.As for Ji Xiaoyan, of course, he went straight back to his palace room, and told the maids of the city lord's mansion that after he went to rest, he returned to the space of the main god, and continued to toss about the space that was built by Jiajia. .

In the next few days, Ji Xiaoyan just had nothing to do in the game to toss the space, and when he had enough tossing, he went to the game, met with strangers and Xingkong Haohan, and chatted about the things in Qiyu City. So much leisure.

It's just that the two mutant beasts who left had no intention of returning to Qiyu City, so Ji Xiaoyan no longer expected anything, but every time he looked at the silhouettes of mutant beasts that occasionally appeared in the distance outside the city wall, he couldn't help it. Will guess where those two mutant beasts are now and what they are doing!
On the seventh day, the supplies sent by Patriarch Mu Chi arrived in Qiyu City, and the stranger and Xingkong Haohan went to the city wall early in the morning to wait to receive them.So after Ji Xiaoyan played the game, he didn't see them immediately, and could only make video calls with strangers in the room on the podium.

Patriarch Mu Chi sent a lot of things this time, and all he could see was a fleet of countless flying ships flying in from the direction of Siwen City, and finally stopped outside Qiyu City.

"There are so many things?!" Ji Xiaoyan was also surprised when he saw this situation, and couldn't help asking the stranger in the video call: "Susu, what are these flying ships? ?”

"It's just all kinds of materials!" The stranger smiled, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "The subsequent construction materials need to be transported, and more fleets are needed, and the speed will be slower!"

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and looked curiously at the flying ships that started to fall outside the city wall, "Na Susu, are you going out to receive these supplies? Every flying ship has to check Huh? Then when will we see it?"

"We only look at the most important ones! For the others, we will arrange for people to repair the supplies!" Xing Konghaohan heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, but said directly to her: "Otherwise, you let me and Susu went to check one by one, when will we see? Are you trying to exhaust us to death?"

"I didn't mean that!" Ji Xiaoyan naturally knew that Xingkong Haohanhan was joking, and immediately said with a smile: "I want to come and help, but you won't let me! Otherwise, I'd better come and have a look !"

"No need, it will take a lot of time to go back and forth, you can just rest in the city!" Shaking his head, he said, "These things are better for us! If you are bored, you can go out for a walk." Turn around, we'll be back in a while!"

"I don't have anything to play with!" Ji Xiaoyan also shook his head, thought for a while and said to the stranger: "If Susu and you are busy, don't worry about me, I'll hang up the call now!"

"No need!" The stranger said with a smile, "I'll just let someone hold it! Don't delay me!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Xiaoyan watched the angle of the video call change, and then went out from the city wall with Xing Kong Haohan, who had never met before, and went to the frontmost flying ship, walked in directly from the hatch, and The officers in the flying ship met and greeted each other, and then directly began to check the supplies.

Ji Xiaoyan originally thought that those military officers would definitely cast puzzled or surprised looks when they saw that they were strangers and chatted with him on video, but he did not expect that those military officers seemed to have not seen anything , Waited until the strangers had checked all the supplies in the flying ship, and then when the officers sent them off, they greeted Ji Xiaoyan in the video call.

Ji Xiaoyan was taken aback for a moment, but hurriedly said goodbye to all the officers with a smile, and waited until the strangers left the flying ship before quickly asking: "Susu, why do they all know me?"

"Why don't they know you?" The stranger asked doubtfully.

"Ji Xiaoyan!" Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Xingkong Haohann immediately continued: "You are really confused, you are still pretending to be confused! Now the patriarch's grandfather recognizes you, you and Susu They are all about to hold a wedding! If you really want to talk about it, you are also engaged! Just like that, how many people in Mu Chi's family do you think don't know you? Even if they didn't meet you directly I must have circulated your video or photo a long time ago! It's normal to recognize you directly. You are so surprised, isn't it a little too exaggerated?"

"Circulate my photos and videos?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard Xingkong Haohan's words, and asked the stranger, "Susu, is this true?"

"Everyone wants to know you, of course they want to see what you look like!" The strangers didn't deny it, and nodded to Ji Xiaoyan, seeing her terrified expression, quickly comforted her: "Xiaoyan, don't worry The things that are circulated to everyone must have been carefully selected, that is, let them know what you look like, what you like, your temper, etc., there will be nothing that you can't see!"

"There's nothing I can't see! I just feel that no one has ever told me about this matter." Ji Xiaoyan was depressed because she was unprepared for such a thing, so she let it out!Is this a violation of portrait rights?Even if it was, what did she dare to say?
So, this is why she is a little depressed!

(End of this chapter)

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