The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 318 The price has risen

Chapter 318 The price has risen

The conditions for entering the city wall are very simple!All you need is one hundred pairs of bee wings, one hundred pairs of poisonous ox horns, one hundred pairs of red sand poisonous scorpion tails, one hundred pairs of red sand scorpion tentacles, plus one poisonous cow boss horn and one red sand poisonous scorpion boss The poisonous needle tail, that's all... After Ji Xiaoyan asked Xuan Mo the conditions for entering the city wall, it was clearly written on her task bar!
Ji Xiaoyan looked into her package and found that there were more than 300 pairs of bee wings, so there was no need to worry about that; she and Jiajia also killed more than a dozen of poisonous cow horns, which was still far away from a hundred pairs; as for the red sand Ji Xiaoyan has no idea what kind of monsters the poisonous scorpion and the red sand cow are. It seems that the difficulty of this is still a bit big!As for the BOSS, this needs to be considered again.

The kid Xuan Mo also said that as long as Ji Xiaoyan can leave a mark on his forehead, then he can help Ji Xiaoyan kill those monsters.However, Ji Xiaoyan inquired carefully, and found that the conditions for collecting ink were more difficult than the conditions for entering the city wall. After thinking about it, she gave up first, or completed the task conditions for entering the city wall first, and her strength improved It's more realistic to think about Xuan Mo's matter later!
Of course, for Ji Xiaoyan's intention of not paying much attention to him, the kid Yu Mo stopped talking in anger.Although Ji Xiaoyan comforted and explained a lot, Xuan Mo was still a little unhappy in his heart!And the result of his displeasure was that he directly set up a small barrier to lock himself up, glared at Ji Xiaoyan and Jiajia angrily, and expressed that he would be resolute even when he saw Ji Xiaoyan and the others in danger. Unhelpful attitude!Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo amusedly, and then called Jiajia to start looking for the poisonous bull monster and start killing it.

The next specific task process is very simple.Kill monsters, drink medicine, get experience, pick up materials, pick up quest items, continue to find monsters, continue to kill... This repeated process lasted for several days.Of course, when eating, Ji Xiaoyan has one more person to take care of.Fortunately, this NPC probably eats too many monsters in this secret space, and has never eaten the bread, steamed buns and other things bought in Ji Xiaoyan's package, so Ji Xiaoyan is not worried at all, this child is not willing to eat The situation with coarse grains...

Of course, in the past few days, Ji Xiaoyan has done a lot of things in reality.

In addition to eating and drinking during the game, Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Qisi went to the federal government office together, paid a deposit of 50 federal currency, and then applied for a one-month temporary residence right, and it was easier to receive five Two were looking for herbs, one was mining, one was doing voluntary cleaning, and the other was killing a low-level beast in the wilderness... Ji Xiaoyan expressed his shock at the fact that there were wild beasts in the wild.She always thought that that kind of beast was related to the wild animals in her previous life, but who knew that Yu Qisi told her that she was completely wrong.

This world is not only a super-advanced technological world, but also a somewhat magical world.At least Ji Xiaoyan thinks so.

According to the saying of July [-]th, the so-called wilderness is the place outside the human settlements.For example, the uninhabited area between cities!The reason why residents with low levels of residents must live on the side outside the city is because the side outside the city is close to no-man's land. Sometimes the beasts in the wilderness go crazy or are hungry, and the side outside the city The residents have become a natural protective barrier for the residents living inside.When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, she was still shocked.What a cruel society this is!
Ji Xiaoyan also asked Yu Qisi, does the federal government send out troops to protect the people?
However, the answer I got was that there is an army, but wild beasts are hard to guard against. Therefore, in order to protect those residents with a higher level of residents, those with a lower level must live on the edge of the city, just in case.As for the girl Ji Xiaoyan who lived in a low-level city for so many years and never encountered any beasts entering the city to hurt people or heard such news, it can only be said that this girl is very lucky!
Then Yu Qisi solemnly told Ji Xiaoyan that he must work hard to raise the level of residents, otherwise maybe one day, Ji Xiaoyan's name would appear in the list of victims who were killed by wild beasts.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan nodded fiercely, and secretly swore in her heart that she must continue to raise the resident level and keep herself safe.

As for the task of killing beasts, Yu Qisi said that it was relatively easy for low-level beasts!When Ji Xiaoyan was going to go, she went to her young master Yu Jiangxia to borrow a set of equipment and weapons for Ji Xiaoyan, and then Ji Xiaoyan only needed to find the beast and give it a firepower to destroy it.

Ji Xiaoyan nodded sympathetically, obediently agreeing with Yu Qisi's statement.

And in the past few days, because Ji Xiaoyan is doing tasks in reality or in the game every day, and because she can't contact her in the game, Xingkong Haohan is anxious to death.

The game forum of the Western Continent forwarded the content shortly after Falling Leaves Flying Flying posted it. Xing Kong Haohan immediately went to the game forum after getting contact from his gang players outside the game, and then saw that Hong Hong The top post of "The First Guild Establishment Order, How Much Do You Pay?" "

Starry Sky would bet that this post has something to do with that girl Ji Xiaoyan.No wonder that girl has said that she is not in a hurry to sell since she logged off the line once, it turned out that she had this idea in mind!Xingkong Haohan was angry and a bit regretful at the same time. If he had known that he would have just paid a little more money last time, and he would have taken down the guild building order first!Now isn't this a lot of trouble?
Xingkong Haohan gave himself a hard hammer, and then started flipping through that post.From the quotation of more than 5000 gold coins on the first page to the last page, Starry Sky's face suddenly darkened.Damn, I don't know if these posters are really quoting.More than [-] gold coins have been reported for a guild building order!This is just their Western Continent!Starry Sky can assure you that the prices on the forums in the other three continents are probably similar. If the girl Ji Xiaoyan finds out about this news, can he still buy the Guild Establishment Token?Those players are simply making trouble!

Thinking of this, the starry sky became even more depressed.I regret it, I regret it!Why was he trying to embarrass that girl Ji Xiaoyan last time?How nice it is to pay a little more to buy things in your hands!It's not like he didn't want to save a little money!Now it's over, not to mention the increase in the price of the guild formation order, that girl Ji Xiaoyan has so many choices, will she still consider him, the person who offended her?

The starry sky is vast and sad.The few players in their gang who knew the situation were also worried.What to do now?

Although Flying Leaves couldn't intuitively see how much money was spent on the guild building orders on the forums of the three continents other than the Eastern Continent, it didn't mean he couldn't do anything!When entering the game, if the player asks the receiving NPC if there is a birthplace option, they can choose which continent to be born in.If there is no choice, then the guide NPC will help you choose according to your resident's place of residence...Many players with gangs and players with friends will basically choose a continent when they enter the game born.If you don't know which continent other people were born in, then those players will tell the guiding NPC, stay online, call and ask after going offline, and then choose in the game.

And as those gang leaders with ideas and ambitions, after entering the game and discovering this problem, they will basically go offline to discuss with the players below, and then send a few players to enter several other continents as spies to understand More information!Therefore, as an aspiring gang leader, Yeguang Fine Wine also has players in the other three continents.Therefore, Flying Leaves asked Yeguang Fine Wine to contact them directly, and then learned about the quotations of the other three continents for the Guild Establishment Order.

Of course, Luminous Wine is actually something I don't want to talk about, isn't this creating trouble for myself?However, Falling Leaves Flying Flying has spoken, and Yeguang Fine Wine is for the sake of his friend, so he still wants to help pass the news on!However, Ye Guang Meijiu was shocked and shocked when he learned about the situation of the other three continents.The first guild building token in the game is so valuable!Now the highest bidder is a player from the North Continent, which has already reached 11 gold coins.Although I don't know whether the bidder is real or not, but if the news reaches that girl Ji Xiaoyan, who can guarantee that she won't come up with a way to trade in the North Continent!Do you think she is going to the Western Continent now?So, Yeguang Fine Wine and Gentleman Qianqian began to discuss again, how much money did they want to pay this girl, Ji Xiaoyan, to buy a gang building order, and what's more, Luoye Fenfei would come to help...
Yeguang Fine Wine's current mood is the same as the vastness of the starry sky, very complicated and entangled...
This girl Ji Xiaoyan is simply loved and hated... Of course, this "love" definitely does not mean that between a man and a woman!Luminous wine and vast starry sky don't think there is anything lovable about this girl Ji Xiaoyan!This is the common aspiration of the players who have been tricked by Ji Xiaoyan...
No matter what the players in various continents who wanted to buy Guild Building Tokens thought, Flying Leaves was very happy to finish the matter at hand, and then got on the hover car to go to his home and headed towards Shihei District.He was going to visit the girl Ji Xiaoyan, and by the way, he would personally tell her the news about the guild formation order, which he promised last time!Of course, he also wanted to ask Ji Xiaoyan how this girl is doing recently, and if she has caused any trouble in the Western Continent...

 PS: Thank you for the pink ticket of "Lai Lai Chong who loves fantasy"~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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