The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 323 Let's go to prison

Chapter 323 Let's go to prison
When Ji Xiaoyan went offline, he found the first level 58 boss together with Jiajia and the others in the secret space.It was a very strange-looking short-nosed elephant!Four super thick legs, a dark red skin, and a flaming tail!At that time, Ji Xiaoyan was discussing with Jiajia and the others how to deal with the flaming elephant, but the system reminded her that there was interference from the outside world and told her to go offline as soon as possible.

So, Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo immediately went offline after talking.Then I saw Yu Qisi give her a signal, saying that there was a phone call to find her!

This call is from Yixin Aidan.

Yixin Aidan was instructed by Thunder Kitten to go offline and ask where Ji Xiaoyan is in Panchi City, and when will she come out!What's more, her guild building token might have to be sold before the martial arts tournament. Otherwise, if a lucky player gets No. 1, the system really gives a guild building token as a reward , then Ji Xiaoyan's price will drop a lot.

Of course, regarding the Guild Establishment Order, it was Xingkong Haohan who gave Thunder Kitty a signal.According to the vastness of the starry sky, he actually wanted to let Thunder Kitty remind Ji Xiaoyan, and then told her that after the martial arts competition, the price of the gang formation order might drop again, so Ji Xiaoyan should use the principle of proximity to give her the proposal as soon as possible. Gang Ling bought it for him!In this way, the girl can sell at a relatively high price, and she will lose less money in the future.However, what Xingkong Haohanhan didn't expect was that Thunder Kitten didn't have a good impression of him now, so he simply told Yixin Aidan to ask Ji Xiaoyan to go to the forum to see whoever offered the highest price would sell it directly Lose.Don't think about the guy who wants to take advantage of the starry sky.

Ji Xiaoyan smiled understandingly, chatted with Yixin Aidan for a while, and gave Yixin Aidan a brief introduction of her current situation, and asked her to help Thunder Kitten and the others to reply, saying that she would be in the tournament Before the start, I went to Thunder Kitten and they met, then hung up the call.Then he immediately made a call to Flying Leaves to connect, but Flying Leaves was not there.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan had no choice but to continue to enter the game to fight those bosses for Xuan Mo.

But here in the vast starry sky, they are all sitting in the guest room of Qianhuamen, waiting for Yixin Aidan to contact Thunder Kitten.Originally thought it would only take ten minutes, but they waited for more than an hour before Yixin Aidan connected the call to Thunder Kitty!Of course, this is all Ji Xiaoyan asked Yixin Aidan, she just wanted to make Xingkong Haohan and the others wait!
"How is it?" Starry Sky asked nervously as soon as he saw Thunder Kitten and Yixin Aidan finished talking on the phone.In fact, he originally wanted to let Thunder Kitty make the call connection amplified so that everyone could hear it.In the end, who would have known that Super Thunder Big Cat said that his son and Yixin Aidan, who may be his future daughter-in-law, had some private conversations for everyone to hear, how embarrassing that is!Therefore, Xingkong Haohan had no choice but to smile resentfully.

"Xiaoyan is still in the City Lord's Mansion, but she's locked up! She's trying to figure out a way to come out before the tournament!" Thunder Kitten rolled his eyeballs and said to the starry sky.

"Is she locked up?" Xingkong Haohan frowned, and then asked, "Has she been locked up all these days?"

"Yes!" Thunder Kitty nodded.

"Is she locked in a dungeon?" Xing Kong Haohan asked suspiciously, looking at the stranger.

"Actually, I think we just need to wait a little longer!" Thunder Kitten said looking at the vast starry sky.

"Wait? How long will it take?" Driftwood, which was about to sink, frowned, looking at Thunder Kitten and asked.Waiting for no purpose like this, who knows how many days it will take!Feihua Wushang, this woman, just because she couldn't complete this task, made a new billing method for him. As long as they don't complete the task for a day, he will pay her a day's waiting fee!That's ten gold coins a day!There is still one month left for the martial arts tournament, if Ji Xiaoyan waits until the day of the martial arts tournament to come out, how much gold coins will she have to pay?Three hundred gold coins!How much money would he spend just waiting for nothing!Why do women nowadays love money so much!

"I don't know!" Thunder Kitten shrugged and said, looking at the sinking driftwood.

"This won't work, we can't just waste time waiting for her like this!" Said Driftwood, who was about to sink, frowning and looking at the vast starry sky.

"The driftwood, what do you want?" Xingkong Haohan asked looking at the sinking driftwood.They basically knew about the fast-sinking driftwood and Flying Flowers deal!So he can understand his eagerness.

"We don't seem to need Ji Xiaoyan's help in the front of this task. If that's the case, let's do it first! When she comes out, we can do the next task together! What do you think?" Shen Driftwood looked at the stranger and asked.

"I think it's good!" Xing Konghaohan nodded.

"We don't care!" Thunder Kitten, Super Thunder Big Cat and Feihua Wushang all shrugged indifferently.Anyway, this task is neither theirs nor can they be shared.

"Susu, what do you think?" Xingkong Haohan looked at the stranger and asked.

"Without Ji Xiaoyan, we wouldn't be able to complete the task!" Said the stranger, who looked at the vast starry sky and the sinking driftwood indifferently.

"Why can't it be done? Take a good look at the mission prompt! We can do it without that Ji Xiaoyan!" Driftwood, who was about to sink, frowned and said, staring at the stranger!The first part of the mission is to go to a place west of Panchi City, rescue an NPC, and then get the next mission prompt from him.There is no need for that girl Ji Xiaoyan to participate in this!

The stranger raised his eyes, glanced at the sinking driftwood, and said: "No matter what part of the task, as long as there is no dual profession like her, we can't complete it! Even if we saw the task NPC , rescued him! But without Ji Xiaoyan, the mission would not be completed!"

"Impossible!" Driftwood, who was sinking, stared at the stranger and said, "Why do you think this will happen? It didn't say anything in the mission prompt!"

"I spent [-] gold coins and found an elder at the master's gate to confirm it! Otherwise, why do you think I would go all the way to find someone to do tasks with us?" Said the stranger, looking at the sinking driftwood .

"If we only need a dual-professional player, then we can just find another dual-professional player! Why do we have to have that Ji Xiaoyan!" Driftwood, who was about to sink, said depressedly.

"Are you sure you can find a player who knows the skills of mage and priest, and has no profession yet?" asked the stranger, looking at the sinking driftwood lightly.

"What do you mean?" Driftwood, who was sinking quickly, frowned and asked as he looked at the stranger.Now that I have learned skills, how can I not have a job?
"That's what I meant!" The stranger looked at the sinking driftwood, and then continued: "In short, there is nothing we can do except wait for Ji Xiaoyan to come out!"

Driftwood, which was about to sink, frowned, looked thoughtfully at the stranger, and said nothing.

The two thousand gold coins given to the elder of the teacher by the stranger at the beginning were not for nothing!Originally, according to what the leaders of the master's school said, in fact, their mission can only be opened after they reach level [-]!Then you need to find at least five players of the same sect to complete it!But who knows that one day, that is, not long after Ji Xiaoyan's aboriginal ID card was obtained.An elder from their division revealed a message to the stranger, that is, his task can be completed at around level [-].

You know, if it weren't for the fact that the stranger was the highest player level in Qianhuamen at that time, then this good thing would definitely not be his turn.Therefore, the strangers immediately tried to find a way to mix with the elders, and after a long period of emotional cultivation, after spending two thousand gold coins.The elder of Qianhua Gate looked at the stranger with satisfaction, then gave him a double-knot lock, and told him that as long as he finds a skill that has no occupation but can use the skills of two occupations, one of the skills must also be used. It's someone from the magic department, to put it bluntly, it's the girl Ji Xiaoyan.As long as you find her, put the double knot lock on her body, and then bring her back to do the task.Then not only their quest limit is much lower, but also, as long as the quest is completed, as the master with double knot locks, the rewards given to strangers will be twice that of other people!
Of course, no one has ever said anything about this matter!
And when he was a stranger at the fiftieth level, it was actually the idea of ​​their teacher elder that he teleported to River Water City!Then find a way to get him there!The reason is that their elder knew that the girl Ji Xiaoyan was not in the Western Continent at all. If they wanted a chance to get in touch with Ji Xiaoyan, they had to let him leave the Western Continent first.

After staying in River Water City for so long, the stranger thought that he would stay in River Water City until level [-], and then return to the Western Continent to follow the original teacher's steps to do the task.But who knew that the girl Ji Xiaoyan was brought in front of him so easily by Thunder Kitten...
"It's not a problem for us to wait like this!" The strangers were recalling the past when they suddenly heard Xingkong Haohan speak.

"What's your idea?" Driftwood, which was about to sink, looked at the vast starry sky and asked.

"Since Xiaoyan is locked up! It is very likely that she was locked up in the dungeon! We didn't meet her at the beginning, so either she was locked up in a different place from us, or she was locked up after we escaped. He was just locked in!" Xingkong Haohan looked at the eyes of everyone looking at him, and then said word by word: "So, let's go to prison!"

 PS: Thanks to "Lazy Pig Cats" for commenting and updating tickets! !Qianqian hasn't seen these two tickets for a long time. Another sentence, yesterday's chapter number was wrong!tears.
(End of this chapter)

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