Chapter 336 Vegetable Leaf Disturbance (Part [-])
In the end, under Xuan Mo's stern urging, the thunder kitten followed Xuan Mo out with the super thunder cat.

As for the strangers, he smiled at them indifferently and told them to go out to see the situation first, and then come in to rescue them when they have a chance.Xing Kong Haohan also nodded, and talked to Thunder Kitten like the stranger said.

But the sinking driftwood didn't think so!There is only one thought in his mind right now, that is why Thunder Kitty and his father and son can be released, while the rest of them are still locked up here?Even if that kid wasn't sent by Gongzheng, he shouldn't have saved Thunder Kitten and the others!Could it be that Thunder Kitten and the others knew that child themselves, but they just didn't say it out, for fear that the child would let them all out together...
Thinking of this, the sinking driftwood couldn't bear it any longer, grabbed the fence of the cell and shook it, and yelled sadly at the leaving figures of Xuan Mo and Thunder Kitten: "Let me out! Let me go!" Get out! Thunder Kitty, tell them to let us out!"

The guard NPC slapped the sinking driftwood impatiently, and then said fiercely: "Scream? You scream again! If I don't clean you up today, I don't have to hang around here anymore!"

The guard NPC looked at the sinking driftwood angrily, this kid is so annoying!Didn't you see that little grown-up impatient to see them?Still yelling like this, if you offend that little lord, turn around and speak softly to the city lord... The NPC guards were suddenly covered in cold sweat, and their eyes became even sharper when they looked at the sinking driftwood up.

The sinking driftwood and the vast starry sky were shocked when they heard the words of the guard NPC!Could it be that what is this NPC going to do to them?He is a level [-] NPC, if he really did something to the players like them, would they still resist?

"You...don't mess around..." Driftwood, who was about to sink, looked at the guard NPC in horror, and murmured, "Our two friends went out with that adult, if you What did you do to us? When our two friends come back, we will definitely tell that lord! At that time, you will definitely be unlucky!"

"Hmph!" The guard NPC snorted coldly when he heard the words of the fast-sinking driftwood, and thought to himself: It seems that the little lord just now had a reason to clean up this free practitioner called the fast-sinking driftwood !With such an unlovable character, he wanted to clean it up severely.

"It's my business to be unlucky, so you don't have to worry about it! You just need to enjoy it!" The guard NPC snorted coldly at the sinking driftwood, and then turned to face outside the cell Walked out, ready to call some people to help, and leave a deep prison experience for the sinking driftwood and the others!

Driftwood, who was about to sink, was relieved when he saw the guard NPC leave, and then immediately looked at the stranger nervously and said: "I don't know each other, Thunder Kitten and the others are your friends, please contact them quickly Let them get us out!"

"The map is not open, so there is no way to contact!" The stranger said with a frown as he glanced at the sinking driftwood.In the past, I had little contact with the sinking driftwood, and I always thought that his personality was not bad, but who knows that after getting in touch with him in the past few days, I feel that this person is too annoying.Looking at the sinking driftwood with regret after never knowing each other before, thinking about turning around and going out, do I need to spend some more time to find a player in the division to do the task...

It is said that Thunder Kitten and Super Thunder Big Cat followed Xuan Mo around the dungeon for a while nervously, and finally stepped up the steps and left the dungeon.Then I saw Xuan Mo exiting the dungeon door, and said to the NPCs next to him, "Take us out first!"

"Yes!" An NPC in the dungeon nodded quickly, and led Xuan Mo directly to the outside of the dungeon.

The Thunder Kitten hurriedly followed while looking around curiously.

After walking for a while, they were out of the confines of the dungeon.

"Okay, you go back!" Xuan Mo waved at the dungeon NPC and said.

"Yes!" The dungeon NPC nodded, bowed to Xuan Mo and then turned back.

"Let's go, let's go to the teahouse to have a rest!" Xuan Mo turned his head, glanced at Thunder Kitten and the others, and said.

"That..." Thunder Kitten opened its mouth, ready to ask Xuan Mo why he rescued them, why he went to the teahouse to rest, and when he would let them go, but he only said two words , and saw Xuan Mo staring at him with cold eyes, with displeasure on his face, so he quickly shut up!You can't offend an NPC if you offend anyone!This is the iron rule of the game that players know!
Seeing that the thunder kitten stopped talking, Xuan Mo turned around and took a step in satisfaction, and then said quietly: "Xiaoyan asked me to rescue you! As for the other people in the dungeon, don't worry, they will all be well in a while." was released!"

"Xiaoyan? Xiaoyan is here? Where is she?" Thunder Kitten asked excitedly when he heard Xuan Mo mentioning Ji Xiaoyan.Isn't it because of Ji Xiaoyan that they have been tortured for so long?After finally getting news from her, why don't you ask?
"What are you in a hurry for? I'll see her in a while!" Yu Mo glared at Thunder Kitten, then ignored him.

The big super thunder cat tugged at the thunder kitten who wanted to talk, and then said in a low voice: "We can just wait! If you have any questions, just ask Xiaoyan later!"

Thunder Kitten nodded, and then followed Xuan Mo with peace of mind.

And Ji Xiaoyan has already entered Panchi City at this moment, but she is worrying not far from the gate of the city!

Originally, after Yan Shan and Xuan Mo had floated into Panchi City, Ji Xiaoyan directly used her sub-legendary mask to change her appearance, and then used the Pretender Code that Master Bessa modified for her to change her identity to an NPC With a guilty conscience, she directly took Jiajia to the gate of the city, and told the city guards that she was going into the city to visit relatives!

When Ji Xiaoyan was stopped by the city guards, his palms were sweating!Watching nervously the two city guards looked her up and down, and wanted to hug Jiajia's leg many times in the process, letting it take her away!Who knows if the eyes of these two city guards are poisonous, can they directly see through her?
But fortunately, Master Bessa's modified Code of Pretender seems to be quite powerful. The two city guards looked at Ji Xiaoyan for a long time, and then began to question Ji Xiaoyan normally.After Ji Xiaoyan was a little nervous and made up Wang Er's name at random, saying that she was a relative of her family, she was allowed to enter the city by the city guards!As for whether there is a man named Wang Er in Panchi City, Ji Xiaoyan doesn't know!
After entering the city, Ji Xiaoyan wanted to leave the city gate and go find Xuan Mo.In the end, who knew that he had just climbed up Jiajia's back and walked a few steps before he was stopped by an NPC who suddenly rushed out on the road.

"Do evil! Do evil!" The one who suddenly rushed out was a female NPC named Aunt Zhang, about 40 years old, dressed in commoner clothes, and she was set as a poor NPC with little money up.

Ji Xiaoyan frowned and sat on Gaga's back, seeing that Aunt Zhang was sitting on the ground directly opposite Gaga, crying loudly, and nervously looked in the direction of the city gate behind her, seeing those few After all the city guards didn't even look this way, they breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Aunt Zhang on the ground, "Auntie, why are you crying?"

In fact, if Ji Xiaoyan wanted to say something, she really wanted to yell at this crazy Aunt Zhang, cry back and cry on her own, don't get in the way on the road!But after thinking about it, I still feel low-key, don't provoke the city guards!

"What a crime, what a crime!" Aunt Zhang heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, she took her eyes out of the hands covering her face and glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, then continued to cry.

Although Panchi City has not been opened yet, there are no players.But it is a city after all, isn't it? There are still a lot of NPCs!So, after Aunt Zhang cried a few times, Ji Xiaoyan saw a bunch of NPCs gathered around her, most of them looked like they were watching the fun, but there were still a few staring at her with unkind eyes. Hers, I guess those few are NPCs who have a good relationship with Aunt Zhang, thinking that Ji Xiaoyan bullied Aunt Zhang.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Aunt Zhang who was sitting on the ground crying and crying for a while, then slowly climbed off Jiajia's back, took a few steps towards Aunt Zhang, and stopped a few meters away from her , and asked again: "Auntie, why are you crying? Is there something sad?"

As a caring and kind-hearted girl, Ji Xiaoyan said that if this NPC aunt encounters any troubles, she can still help out selflessly, Dangdang is alive!Of course, if Aunt Zhang insists on giving her some tasks, rewards, etc., then she can still accept it reluctantly...
The surrounding NPCs heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and looked at Aunt Zhang nervously, asking her what's wrong.

"What a crime, what a crime!" Aunt Zhang didn't know if she had cried enough, she wiped her face, then looked up at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "You bully my old lady! My good food is trampled by you, a beast It's over, how can I sell it for money! My poor little Si'er! Grandma doesn't even have the money to buy food for you to feed your stomach..."

When Ji Xiaoyan heard Aunt Zhang's words, his face was covered with black lines.Is there something wrong with this NPC?The first sentence said that she was lonely, and the second sentence said that she had a grandson, Xiaosi!Isn't this inconsistent?Besides, this road is so big, no matter how big Jiajia's claws are, they can't step on her food, right?Is this NPC trying to extort money?
"Xiaoyan, Jiajia didn't step on her things!" As the person who was wronged, Jiajia expressed that she was wronged!
"En! I know!" Ji Xiaoyan comforted Jiajia with a smile.

When Aunt Zhang saw it, she was not happy.She worked so hard on the performance, and the girl who just entered the city is so shameless, chatting and laughing with her pets, not looking at her at all, it hurts her self-esteem too much!Originally, she was going to only extort a few taels of silver, but it seems that she will not extort a little more, and she is so sorry for herself.

 PS: Thank you "New Tie Niu" for the pink ticket!Thanks to "Fantasy Lai Lai Chong" for the pink ticket!Thanks for the updated ticket of "The Thorn Bird Flying Lonely"! .[-] words, thousands of words is very difficult!If it is three thousand, Qianqian will be so happy and crazy. This is one update, and today there is another four update. Please bow and pray if you are satisfied with the update ticket. I hope that there will be all three thousand tickets in the future. Hehe
(End of this chapter)

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