Chapter 338
As for Aunt Zhang's use of vegetable leaves to blackmail Ji Xiaoyan, in the end Ji Xiaoyan agreed to pay two hundred silver coins as compensation, and then the matter was settled.

Originally, Ji Xiaoyan thought that he could leave after paying the money.In the end, who knows, after watching Aunt Zhang put the money into the bag excitedly, bowed to the onlookers and thanked the NPCs, when she still blocked the way and didn't want Ji Xiaoyan and the others to leave, Ji Xiaoyan knew that things were going on again. There is trouble!Sure enough, when the surrounding NPCs were about to disperse, Aunt Zhang looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a charming smile and said, "Girl, I don't know what you want to do when you come to the city?"

"None of your business!" Ji Xiaoyan said coldly.

"Oh, girl, old lady, I'm afraid you're not familiar with the place, so I want to help you!" Aunt Zhang continued to look at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile on her face.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Aunt Zhang indifferently, and said after a while, "If there is nothing else, Auntie should go buy rice early and go home to cook for your little four!" After speaking, Ji Xiaoyan greeted With a screech, he raised his foot and prepared to leave.

In the end, who knows, Aunt Zhang immediately opened her hands and strode forward in front of Ji Xiaoyan, and looked at her with a malicious smile and said, "Girl, we have something to talk about!"

"I have nothing to tell you!" Ji Xiaoyan said, glaring at Aunt Zhang.Just kidding, I was wronged and blackmailed by this aunt, and now I have to be patient and talk to her?She is not such a good-tempered person!
"Hehe, girl! Originally, the old woman wanted to help you, since you don't need it, then forget it!" Aunt Zhang smiled coldly at Ji Xiaoyan, and then continued: "I'll go to help you over there." City guards, please tell me, here is a free cultivator pretending to be a cultivator!"

After finishing speaking, Aunt Zhang patted on her clothes and was about to walk towards the gate of the city.

Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly stopped her, frowned and asked, "Auntie, what do you want?"

Ji Xiaoyan was still taken aback by Aunt Zhang's words!Although the city guards at the gate of the city did not recognize her, there is no guarantee that there are no other NPCs with poisonous eyes!Seeing the determined look on Aunt Zhang's face, Ji Xiaoyan knew that this aunt must belong to the kind of NPC with good eyesight.

"Hehe, girl! I'm not a bad-hearted old lady, I believe the girl has seen what happened just now! The old lady is just short of money!" Aunt Zhang looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile on her face and said lightly.

"Then you can guarantee that you will take the money and not tell it?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Aunt Zhang vigilantly and asked, wondering if she should trick Aunt Zhang into the dungeon to join Xuan Mo and the others, and then go to Yan Shan Do me a favor and fix it!After all, Yan Shan is also the brother of the city lord, isn't he?If something happens, people can take care of it!Anyway, he is still a serious NPC!And the child Xuan Mo has now become her attendant, if something happens, won't it all be blamed on her?

"That's natural, that's natural!" As soon as Aunt Zhang heard it, she knew there was something going on, and immediately smiled: "Don't worry, my wife, although I do this business for a living, my reputation is still very reliable! Promise the girl The matter will definitely not be spoken out!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded calmly, but in her heart she doubted that this aunt would never be so honest.However, if you can really spend some money to buy peace of mind, it is still possible.

"Then how much money does Aunt Zhang want this time?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Aunt Zhang and asked tentatively.

"Not much, not much!" Aunt Zhang immediately became excited when she heard this.Today's trip was worth it. If I met such a fat girl, if the extortion goes well this time, she will be able to live comfortably for a long time in the future!

"Miss, you know that our Panchi City is still not officially opened, so you broke the rules when you came in. Since the old woman has received your money, she will definitely not talk nonsense! But this money, the girl can't give There are too few! Otherwise, it would not be worth it for the old woman to take such a big risk for the girl!" Aunt Zhang looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said with a smile.

"Just tell me how much you want!" Ji Xiaoyan said impatiently.

"Not much, not much!" Aunt Zhang laughed quickly, "Young lady, just give me fifty gold coins!"

"What?" Ji Xiaoyan was shocked!Just now this aunt extorted [-] silver coins for Cai Ye, but now she pays [-] gold coins when she opens her mouth. She really thinks Ji Xiaoyan is easy to bully!

"Girl, fifty gold coins is not much! Compared to the risk that the old woman took for the girl, fifty gold coins is totally worth it!" Aunt Zhang looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile on her face and advised.

"Xiaoyan..." Jiajia didn't like Aunt Zhang very much, seeing that she had talked with Ji Xiaoyan for a long time, and even asked Ji Xiaoyan for money, she immediately yelled at Ji Xiaoyan.What a gold coin is, Jiajia still remembers it!At the beginning, it even extorted a little bit from Luminous Wine.Gold coins can be used to buy food, play, and use... That's a good thing, but you can't just cheapen this nasty old woman in front of you!

Ji Xiaoyan turned her head and smiled at Jiajia, then looked at Aunt Zhang and sneered and said, "How about it, Aunt Zhang, I don't have so much money with me now, and my companions have already entered the city, you take me to meet him When the companions meet, I will share the money with my companions, how about it?"

"This..." Aunt Zhang hesitated a little.

"How about I give my aunt one more gold coin as a fee for leading the way?" Ji Xiaoyan continued to laugh.

"Deal!" When Aunt Zhang heard that she could earn an extra gold coin by leading the way, she immediately agreed.Moreover, Aunt Zhang has another consideration, that is, seeing more free adventurers later, shouldn't it be possible to raise the price again and ask Ji Xiaoyan to increase the money?After all, she just agreed to keep Ji Xiaoyan a secret, and she only asked for fifty gold coins!Thinking of this, the smile on Aunt Zhang's face deepened.

"Auntie is really a good person!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Aunt Zhang coldly and said, then climbed onto Jiajia's back, ready to follow Aunt Zhang.But it turned out that Aunt Zhang was looking at Jiajia anxiously and didn't move.

"Auntie? Why don't you leave?" Ji Xiaoyan asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, girl, this pet of yours can still travel! My old lady is old, and my muscles and bones are not very good. I wonder if I can sit on it with you?" Aunt Zhang looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked.

"No! If you dare to come up, I'll kill you!" Before Ji Xiaoyan could speak, Jiajia bared his teeth fiercely and yelled at Aunt Zhang.

"If you don't take it, don't take it. Why are you so fierce?" Aunt Zhang took two steps back in shock, and then said with a look of disgust, "Isn't it just a beast! Hmph!"

Both Ji Xiaoyan and Jiajia looked at Aunt Zhang unhappily, and thought: I must find a chance to clean up this aunt later!

Thunder Kitten and Super Thunder Cat followed Xuan Mo into a teahouse closest to the dungeon, chose a seat by the window, sat down and waited for Ji Xiaoyan.

On the way, Thunder Kitten tentatively asked Xuan Mo, was there anyone else besides the two of them that Ji Xiaoyan had rescued?In the end, the answer I got was that Ji Xiaoyan said at that time that he should focus on taking care of the two of them!Nothing else was said!So, Thunder Kitten silently sighed in his heart for the stranger!It seems that Ji Xiaoyan doesn't have a good impression of strangers!

After waiting for a while, Thunder Kitty saw that Xuan Mo stood up suddenly, and said to them, "Let's go! Xiaoyan is here!"

"Ah? How do you know?" Thunder Kitten looked out the window first, and after finding that Ji Xiaoyan was not on the street, he asked Xuan Mo.

"That's a lot of nonsense!" Xuan Mo gave Lei Ting kitten a sharp look, and then walked directly outside the teahouse.

Thunder Kitten looked at his father inexplicably, but stood up and prepared to go out with him.Who knew that the owner of the teahouse stopped them, saying that they could only leave after paying the tea money, otherwise they would have to call the city guards over!So, Thunder Kitty had no choice but to honestly take out the silver coins and pay for the tea money, and then chased after Xuan Mo with the Super Thunder Cat.

Then, he saw a scene that surprised him.

Isn't the child who rescued the two father and son out of the prison a very cold-hearted child?Isn't it unwilling to talk or something?Don't you have to throw cold-eyed knives at him from time to time?no…….
Why does he see something different now?Thunder Kitty felt that he was dazzled.

At this time, Xuan Mo had an innocent face, with a smile on his face, holding Ji Xiaoyan's arm with both hands, and kept talking. He looked like a pug trying to curry favor with his master?Bah, bah, Thunder Kitty quickly collected his thoughts and walked towards Ji Xiaoyan.

"Ah, big cat and little cat, you're here!" Ji Xiaoyan's mood finally got better after being completely destroyed by Aunt Zhang.

"En, yes!" Thunder Kitty nodded, then glanced at Xuan Mo, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "Xiaoyan, this little brother said you asked him to save us? What is he?" people?"

"Oh, this is Xuanmo! My friend!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled at Thunder Kitten, and then said: "I heard Xiaoyi said that you were locked in a cell, so I came here to rescue you. "

"Oh!" Thunder Kitten nodded, and then saw Aunt Zhang who was looking at them with glowing eyes, pointed at her and asked Ji Xiaoyan, "Xiaoyan, who is this?"

"Oh, this is Aunt Zhang!" Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Aunt Zhang lightly, then looked down at Xuan Mo who was holding her arm with a happy expression on his face, and said, "Xu Mo, where did you go? I owe this Aunt Zhang [-] gold coins! I was thinking of asking Qi Shan to pay it back for me!"

As soon as Thunder Kitten heard this, he opened his mouth and said that if Ji Xiaoyan had no money, he would just pay it back for him!But who knew he just moved, and was stopped by his father, and then he heard his father pass him a private message: "I didn't see Xiaoyan's face! I guess there must be something wrong here , don't go blindly participating!"

 PS: Thanks to "Gudao Xiaofeng" for the safety talisman, and "amysisi" for the Christmas hat. O(∩_∩)O~
(End of this chapter)

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