The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 361 The reason for not moving

Chapter 361 The reason for not moving

When Fang Fenhe worked hard and finally achieved his goal, and successfully followed the migratory bird Bufei to Qingshimen, Ji Xiaoyan was currently squatting with Yan Foil, Lei Ting Kitten, Xuan Mo, and Jia Jia with a happy expression on his face. On the main hall of Qingshimen, watching a good show on the main hall!Of course, those who watched the play were the senior disciples, deacons and chief stewards who stood motionless on both sides of the main hall at Qingshimen, but just watched with their eyes!It's just that, in order to maintain their image, they didn't squat on the ground without any rules like Ji Xiaoyan!

To be precise, the good show that Ji Xiaoyan and the others watched was a good show where the elders and heads of Qingshimen made a big move for her.

Ji Xiaoyan was very puzzled by this!
Do you think those old men and old ladies in Qingshimen are bored?She said that she only followed old man Qingmi, why did the other elders and heads of Qingshimen still fight because of her?This made her such an ordinary girl, how could she feel a little bit of a disaster for the country and the people?Of course, Ji Xiaoyan felt that this was definitely a compliment!At least it is used on her! !Moreover, she felt very happy in her heart.

"Xiaoyan, who do you think will win in the end?" Thunder Kitten asked excitedly while looking curiously at the NPCs who made big moves not far away.

"How do I know! But, I think it should be the head of the sect, right? Isn't the one with the highest martial arts able to be the head?" Ji Xiaoyan blinked, looked at Thunder Kitten and replied.

"I don't think so!" Nightmare Foil Drifter interjected.

"I want you to tell!" Xuan Mo replied unceremoniously.

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at this, then at that, then frowned, looked at Xuan Mo and Yan Foil with some doubts and asked, "Why do I feel like you have a grudge against each other?"



Yan Foil Liuli and Xuan Mo said immediately, and then looked at each other in a flash.Yan Foil drifted away to the usual gentle smile, but Xuan Mo's eyes were a little flaming.

"No, it looks like you two have some kind of holiday!" Ji Xiaoyan said after seeing Xuan Mo's expression, then looked at Xuan Mo and asked, "Xu Mo, don't you like wandering?"

Xuan Mo opened his mouth, and finally nodded decisively.

"Why?" Ji Xiaoyan was puzzled!How did Yan Foil drift offend Xuan Mo?No matter how you look at it, Nightmare Foil Wandering also needs to be gentle and gentle, polite and polite!And she is quite beautiful, no matter how you look at it, she is very flattering!Why does Xuan Mo not like him?Speaking of Jiajia, Xuan Mo used to think that Jiajia would compete with him for favor. One servant and one pet are like domesticated animals. The first comers and the later ones always feel that the other party will rob their own territory. It is okay to have some conflicts I understand!

But Nightmare Foil Wandering is a player, just like her Ji Xiaoyan!He didn't do anything to offend Xuan Mo along the way, so why did Xuan Mo dislike Yan Foil's wandering so much?

When Xuan Mo heard Ji Xiaoyan's question, he was silent for two seconds, glared at the still smiling Yan Foil Liuliai, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a pitiful look and asked: "If I tell, Xiaoyan will Won't you dislike me?"

"Of course not! Xuanmo is my favorite just like Jiajia!" Ji Xiaoyan said quickly.

"Really?" Su Mo asked a little happily.

"Of course it's true!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded.

"Then I'll tell Xiaoyan!" Xuan Mo glanced proudly at Yan Foil Liuli, hoping to see the sudden change in his face.However, it turned out that Yan Foil Liuliu directly shifted his gaze to the fighting Elder Qingshimen.

In this regard, Xuan Mo was depressed for a few more seconds.

"Xu Mo?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo's gloomy look, and hurriedly greeted him, reminding him that she was still waiting for his reply!

Xuan Mo withdrew his eyes from Yan Foil Liuli's body, then moved to Ji Xiaoyan's side, and said in a low voice: "Xiaoyan, he is bad! Very bad!"

"En? How to say?" Hearing the words, Ji Xiaoyan first intuitively glanced at Yan Foil Liuli, then looked at Xuan Mo and asked.

"Anyway... Anyway, he's bad, I don't like him!" Yu Mo opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't say anything. After all, he didn't do anything bad if he wanted to say that he was displaced!At most, it was against him!It's really hard for Xuan Mo to say this.

"What's so bad about him that you can't tell?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo with a little amusement and asked.Could it be that Xuan Mo's vision and Yan Foil's vision were not aligned?

"He, he always fights against me! I hate him!" After thinking for a while, Xuan Mo replied.

"Against it?" Ji Xiaoyan was very puzzled.They didn't do anything along the way, when did Xuan Mo and Yan Fouliu fight against each other?

Xuan Mo looked at Ji Xiaoyan shyly for a few times, then glanced at Yan Foil Liuliu, and finally said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Anyway, anyway, Xuan Mo doesn't like him!"

"Okay! Don't like it if you don't like it!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo and smiled, and then said: "But why don't you like him, if we encounter trouble in the future, we can't deliberately find fault with him! Otherwise , then I will be angry!"

"En! Good!" Xuan Mo was silent for a few seconds, then nodded with a smile on his face.He figured it out on his own, what Ji Xiaoyan meant was that as long as it wasn't a bad thing, Ji Xiaoyan wouldn't be angry no matter how he and Yan Fouliu fought!So in other words, in the future, he doesn't have to be afraid of that nightmare going away and going to Ji Xiaoyan to file a complaint?

Thinking of this, Xuan Mo felt at ease.Xiaoyan is still good to him!

Yan Foil Liuli turned around to look at Ji Xiaoyan, and then gave Xuan Mo a wicked smile.Of course, this is just what Xuan Mo thinks!As for the others, they didn't feel that way at all.

The elders and heads of the Qingshimen Hall were still shaking their arms and fighting each other, Ji Xiaoyan felt a little bored after watching it for a while.Then he glanced at the senior disciples who were standing upright next to them, but squinting at the battle situation over there, thought for a while and said, "Well, seniors, is there any food in the sect?" The food reserves in her bag have basically been used up, so she has to find a way to replenish them sooner!

The senior disciples were obviously taken aback when they heard Ji Xiaoyan's question, and turned their gazes to Ji Xiaoyan.But Ji Xiaoyan stared at them for a while, but still didn't see them move or even say a word.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan had no choice but to look at Xuan Mo suspiciously and asked, "They all got the fixation spell?" Otherwise, why didn't they move or speak, or even speak?

"No!" Xuan Mo looked at those senior disciples, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and shook his head.

"Then why don't they talk?" Ji Xiaoyan asked suspiciously.

"How about I ask Uncle Qingmi?" Xuan Mo asked, blinking at Ji Xiaoyan.

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Qing Mi who was fighting with the group of elders in the dark, and shook his head at Xuan Mo after thinking about it, what if the child came over and beat him up again , isn't that miserable?

"I'll go ask those stewards and deacons! They should know!" Yan Foil Lili stood up at this moment, smiled at Ji Xiaoyan and said something, then walked directly to the side where the deacon and stewards were standing past.

Seeing this, Xuan Mo stood up immediately, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I'm going too!" Then he immediately followed Yan Foil away.

Ji Xiaoyan gave Xuan Mo a funny look, this kid is going to fight Yan Foil Liuliu!

"Let me tell you, Xiaoyan has already told me that no matter what I do to you in the future, she won't be angry with me! Hmph, I won't be afraid of you going to sue Xiaoyan!" Yanmo ran to Yanfoil's home Next to him, he raised his head and watched Yan Foil drifting away from the demonstration road with a proud face.

"Oh!" Yan Foil Liuli just glanced at Xuan Mo lightly, and then gave him a very gentle smile and stopped looking at him.

Therefore, Xuan Mo felt that this man was even more hateful.

"My steward, do you have anything to eat at Qingshimen?" Yan Foil wandered to a senior steward of Qingshimen, and asked with an amiable and polite expression on his face.

Seeing Yan Foil's appearance, Xuan Mo quickly put on an extremely cute smiling face, looked at a senior manager in front of him and asked the same question as Yan Foil's.

In the end, neither of them got a result, and the senior disciples, stewards, and deacons of Qingshimen didn't say a word at all.

There was no other way, Yan Foil Liuli and Xuan Mo had no choice but to go back to the place where Ji Xiaoyan and the others were squatting, and were going to wait patiently for old man Qingmi and the others to finish their fight.

At this time, a big bell rang suddenly in Qingshimen.

The bell is loud and deep.

The most miraculous thing was that after the bell rang, the senior disciples, deacons and chief stewards who had been motionless just now were no longer motionless as before, but all moved immediately!

Then Ji Xiaoyan witnessed the most miraculous scene at Qingshimen.

I saw all the senior disciples and deacons and stewards immediately began to writhe their muscles and bones, and at the same time began to complain about how uncomfortable it was to stand still, and how depressing it was not being able to talk!This is completely different from the feeling of strict prohibition and solemnity just now...
The senior disciples standing next to Ji Xiaoyan and the others looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others with a smile while twisting their bodies and swinging their arms, and said, "Little Junior Sister! Don't mind if I didn't answer your question just now! The door has issued an order, and anyone who moves or talks indiscriminately before the bell rings at noon will be severely punished! There is nothing we can do about it!"

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth wide and nodded in surprise.

Then I saw the senior disciples, deacons, and stewards in the hall began to take off their clothes.

"You... what are you... doing?" Ji Xiaoyan swallowed, and asked a little incoherently.This... This came a little too suddenly...

Although the NPCs in Qingshimen are all handsome guys, she is still a little embarrassed to have such a handsome strip show in front of her!Of course, this girl has no intention of closing her eyes at all...
 PS: Thank you for the pink ticket of "My Husband, Money Comes."! .This chapter is the addition of Pink 20. There is a difference of 1 pink tickets from No.60. Qianqian is not extravagant, and can’t catch up. No.1 has rewards, Qianqian can’t get it. Cover your face and be honest Thank you all for your support! ! 40 votes plus more is not far away, hee hee!
(End of this chapter)

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