The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 365 Falling Leaves and Luminous Wine

Chapter 365 Falling Leaves and Luminous Wine

After explaining to the leaders of Qingshimen that she didn't want to leave the big team of Qingshimen, Ji Xiaoyan finally went offline to eat as she wished.Although Ji Xiaoyan desperately hoped that the NPCs at Qingshimen would continue their journey, it would be fine for her to catch up while sitting down.However, the head of Qing Miao said that all the NPCs of Qingshimen must rest where they are, and wait until Ji Xiaoyan appears before everyone hurry!

Seeing the NPCs of Qingshimen who moved in unison and swiftly in front of them sat down casually, and then stared at her in unison, Ji Xiaoyan expressed embarrassingly, it turns out that it is a sin to be too popular. ...

After Ji Xiaoyan went offline, Thunder Kitty went offline with her, and was going to contact his father to find out what happened to them after they entered Panchi City.As for Yan Foil's exile, he quietly followed the Qingshimen's army, and found a clean place to stay in the same place, while Jiajia and Xuanmo found a place to wander freely...
After going offline, it is already night in real time!Ji Xiaoyan ate the meal very quickly, and then contacted Luoye Fenfei, but he didn't find anyone right away. It was said that Luoye Fenfei had gone to some social gathering and would have to wait a while before returning home.So, after thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan decided to stay out of the game and contact her after Flying Leaves arrived home.

In the end, who knows, this wait lasted for two hours, and then I waited for Falling Leaves to reply.

Ji Xiaoyan briefly explained her current situation to Luoye Fenfei, and then asked excitedly: "The person who is willing to buy a guild building order, should we contact him in advance?"

This is the main reason why Ji Xiaoyan went offline.

Now she is going to Taoism soon, old man Qingmi promised her to introduce some Taoist teleportation master for her, as long as she meets someone, then she should be able to teleport to other continents, when the time comes to help her Order can be shot!She will have gold coins...

"That's no problem, I'll find someone to leave a message on the forum in a while!" Luo Yefei said while pulling the tie around his neck while looking at Ji Xiaoyan on the other side of the video call.

"Enen!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded happily immediately.

"However, Xiaoyan, are you sure you want to sell it to him?" Luo Yefei frowned, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "We don't know this person, and we haven't dealt with him before. The result of the investigation! I don’t feel at ease when you go to the North Continent to sell things by yourself!” No wonder Fallen Leaves thinks this way, Ji Xiaoyan is probably panicked due to lack of money, and the matter of establishing a guild order has been considered. After a long time, he decided to sell it to the player from the Northern Continent who had the highest bid.Flying Leaves felt that this was a bit inappropriate.

Not to mention that the North Continent is so far away, this girl Ji Xiaoyan rushed over there single-handedly.The main reason is that when we get there, this girl doesn't even have a single acquaintance, if she meets this token-buying person with bad intentions or something!Although it is said that there will be no such thing as not getting money after buying something in the game, but if when Ji Xiaoyan arrives, the player who bought the guild building order intentionally lowers the price, and Ji Xiaoyan will not let her go unless the price is lowered. Yes, what will this girl do then?She told him that if her level drops to level 0, she will be directly wiped out by the system!Moreover, once this girl dies, she will drop five levels. With her current level, she can only be killed more than a dozen times!
Therefore, Flying Leaves is still very worried about Ji Xiaoyan's decision!There are too many murders and revenge in the game now!As long as there is any small conflict between the players, basically it cannot be resolved without fighting to the death. Therefore, what Flying Leaves is most worried about is that after Ji Xiaoyan arrives in the Northern Continent, if something unexpected happens to the price of the Guild Establishment Order, This girl can't do it alone!According to his thinking, it would be better to sell to acquaintances, even if they are not acquaintances, it would be better to sell to the mainland where there are acquaintances!At least it can guarantee the safety of Ji Xiaoyan's current game character!

"It should be fine!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned when he heard the words of fallen leaves flying.

"Why don't you wait for me for a while, and I'll talk to Ye Guang to see what he means?" Luo Ye Fen Fei asked after thinking about it.Ever since he told Yeguang Fine Wine about the establishment order last time, he hadn't waited for Yeguang Fine Wine's reply, and he didn't know whether he wanted to buy it or not.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the video and frowned slightly. Fallen Leaves Flying with a concerned face thought for two seconds, then nodded.Flying Leaves has always taken care of her, so she can still satisfy this little request!How bad it would be to refute the face of Flying Leaves!Who is not selling?

"Huh, then wait for me for a while!" Seeing Ji Xiaoyan nod his head, Luoye Feifei breathed a sigh of relief and hung up the video call on Ji Xiaoyan's place, then went to contact Yeguang Fine Wine.

Right now, Yeguang Fine Wine is killing monsters in the wild with Gentleman Qianqian, preparing for the martial arts conference that will be held more than a month later.When I was trying my best to kill, I received a system notification that someone was looking for it outside the game!

Yeguang Fine Wine and Qianqian Junzi went offline immediately after saying hello, and then saw the video call of the housekeeper with the falling leaves flying.

"Why did you think of looking for me? Aren't you very busy recently?" Ye Guangmeijiu took a towel from a beautiful servant standing next to him and wiped his face, while looking at the video on the video phone held by the butler. Flying Leaves asked.

"It's quite busy!" Luoye Feifei nodded, then looked at Ye Guangmeijiu at the other end of the video and said, "I'm looking for you for something!"

"What's the matter?" Ye Guang Meijiu asked after leaving the game room, found a comfortable place to sit down, and watched the fallen leaves fly casually while drinking the drink offered by the beautiful servant.

"It's about the guild building order!" Flying Leaves said while eating.

Ye Guang Meijiu frowned when he heard the falling leaves, and said after a two-second silence: "Didn't that girl Ji Xiaoyan go to the Western Continent? Now that the mainland has not been developed and opened, isn't that something that can only be sold to the Western Continent?" Are there players from the mainland? What else can you say about the Guild Establishment Order?"

"Do you think that the issue of mainland China not issuing access is a problem for Ji Xiaoyan?" Luo Yefenfei raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile when he heard Yeguang Fine Wine's words.

"What do you mean?" Ye Guang Meijiu continued to frown, stared blankly at the falling leaves for a few seconds, and then asked, "Don't tell me, that girl Ji Xiaoyan still has the ability to come back from the Western Continent at any time!"

Falling Leaves Flying raised his eyebrows but smiled silently as he looked at Yeguang Fine Wine.

"Damn, what you said is true?" Seeing the falling leaves, Ye Guangmeijiu was startled, and immediately slapped the wine glass in his hand directly on the table in front of him, almost breaking the glass.The servants next to me were terrified!
"Then tell me straight up! What is it about the Guild Establishment Order!" Ye Guang Meijiu said after taking a deep breath and watching the falling leaves.

"Hehe, don't I want to take care of you when I have good things?" Falling Leaves Flying smiled at Yeguang Fine Wine, and then said: "It's also a good thing that Xiaoyan can come back to sell gang building orders, at least you can look forward to it, right? The problem now is that she wants to sell the guild building order to the player with the highest bid in the Northern Continent. I thought I told you about this last time? Now that her situation is stable, I want to ask Let me ask you, do you want to buy this guild! If you want to buy it, offer a suitable price, and I will tell her! If you don’t buy it, you can only let her go to the Northern Continent!"

"If I buy her Guild Establishment Order, it's no wonder she doesn't beat me up hard!" Ye Guangmeijiu said disdainfully, "Besides, there are rumors that the No.1 reward of the martial arts conference also has Guild Establishment Order? Then the sign in Ji Xiaoyan's hand won't be as valuable as it is now!"

"No matter how much Xiaoyan kills you, he won't raise the price as high as that of that player from the Northern Continent!" Falling Leaves Flying said to Yeguang Fine Wine while eating, "And, as you said, that martial arts The reward of the conference is just a rumor, who knows if it is true! Besides, are you confident that you will be the first?"

Yeguang Meijiu frowned and didn't speak.

Luoye Feifei looked at him, thought for a while, and then said: "Think about it carefully, if you really want to buy a guild building order, I will tell Xiaoyan that it would be good to let her sell it to you at a lower price! Don't worry about her going to the Northern Continent alone, you can get what you want, right? The best of both worlds, how wonderful! With that gang building order, the gang you build will be the first in the entire game! "

Yeguang Meijiu raised his eyes, looked at the fallen leaves for two seconds, then twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "By the way, why do you care so much about that Ji Xiaoyan! What kind of background is she? Is she worthy of your treatment?"

Falling Leaves Flying shrugged, and said, "We are friends!"

"Friend?" Yeguang Meijiu smiled.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Luo Yefenfei raised her eyebrows and asked while looking at Ye Guang Meijiu.

"I can't figure it out. We have been friends since childhood. Why do I feel that since I met Ji Xiaoyan, your relationship with her is better than our relationship?" Ye Guangmeijiu looked at it seriously Fallen Leaves said, "Besides, the degree of care and attention you have for this girl is extraordinary! As far as that girl's character is concerned, to be honest, I really don't see anything likable about her!"

Falling Leaves Flying took a tissue, wiped his mouth and motioned to the servants next to him to clean up the plates on the table, looked at the night light wine for a few seconds, and then said flatly: "She is a little sister I know, I Of course you have to take good care of her!"

"Little sister! Hehe!" Ye Guangmeijiu smiled at the falling leaves, and then said, "Your young master of the Yu family still lacks a younger sister?"

 PS: Thank you "Zhonggushanren" for the pink ticket!Thank you "Xianyuner" for the pink ticket! . By the way, there are already 34 votes?There are still 6 votes to be added? ?
(End of this chapter)

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