Chapter 3875 No news?

The team leader listened to Ji Xiaoyan's doubtful tone, as if he was caught off guard, after being stunned, he quickly explained to Ji Xiaoyan: "These signals have special meaning, not everyone can see them. I understand! Each signal has a different meaning, so Miss Ji can rest assured."

"So that's it, then we need to reach the destination next, and then wait for the signal?" Ji Xiaoyan raised his eyebrows and asked, seeing that the team leader nodded affirmatively and didn't say any more.

The aborigine of the elves was also a little nervous at the moment, he wanted to find the best time to escape with Ji Xiaoyan.

But it was obvious that when the team leader was about to approach the destination, he kept a closer eye on Ji Xiaoyan and him.

At this moment, the aborigine of the elves has been wondering whether he should take a gamble.

If he finds a slightly better opportunity and escapes with Ji Xiaoyan, will he be able to escape smoothly?

Will the captain of the team in front of him have the ability to directly destroy his mecha?
If he doesn't take a gamble, he will follow the team leader all the time. When they reach their destination, there will definitely be more traps waiting for him and Ji Xiaoyan!
Will he be able to protect Ji Xiaoyan and escape back then?

If Ji Xiaoyan was injured or taken away in the end, he might not be able to explain to the rest of the clan, right?
Thinking of these possibilities, the aborigine of the elves became even more anxious, couldn't help but raised his hand and patted Ji Xiaoyan's shoulder lightly, and after watching her look at him suspiciously, he turned to the team The captain shook his head.

Ji Xiaoyan immediately understood what the aborigine of the elves meant, but she only gave him a calm look, as if she was not worried about any danger if she continued.

They were strangers at this moment, they had already arrived at the agreed position with Ji Xiaoyan, after sending their subordinates to check around, they confirmed that Ji Xiaoyan was nowhere to be found, and their expression darkened immediately.

After repeatedly dialing Ji Xiaoyan's communicator and confirming that there was no sign of a possible connection, the stranger immediately put on a stern face, and put down the tracing orders one by one.

"Order to block the entire Qiyu City completely, and no one is allowed to enter or exit."

A group of federal soldiers immediately took the order to deliver the news, and the remaining two federal officers looked around with sad faces, and then asked the strangers.

"Master Six, is Miss Ji still on the way?"

"If we block Qiyu City now, won't it be too much of a fuss?"

"Before, in order to control the possibility of those people from the federation escaping, we have made the monitoring of Qiyu City a bit stricter than usual. Many people who wanted to leave the city were stopped..."

"If the entire Qiyu City is blocked now, those who want to enter Qiyu City will have to be stopped outside the city."

"This will cause them to have an emotional riot!"

The two federal officers looked worried, and they kept imagining in their minds that if Muchi Mufeng's household registration investigation also showed the emotional riots of the federal residents, then there might be turmoil in the entire Qiyu City up!
It's not a pretty thing.

maybe.If there were to be a riot, it would be an addition to the Federation's unfamiliar resume.

"Sixth Young Master, let's be more tolerant! As before, first stop those who want to leave Qiyu City, and let them go after careful interrogation!"

"This will at least give the federal residents something to look forward to, and they will have a bottom line in their hearts. Otherwise, if they really arouse their sense of resistance, it will be the worst for our entire Qiyu City."

"Then you can guarantee that all the people who have been interrogated are innocent? They are not those from the Federation?" Hearing the words of the Federation officer, the stranger's face became even more gloomy, and his eyes were cold Like a sharp sword of ice, it shot at the federal officer in an instant. Seeing him trembling in fright and not daring to say any more, the stranger, who had never known him before, took a deep breath.

"Now you follow me on the suspension vehicle, and immediately look for people along the vicinity! No matter what, we must find Xiaoyan and the others within an hour."

"Xiaoyan is surrounded by a mecha. The target should be huge. Turn on the locator and see if you can find where they are now."

"Yes!" The two federal officers didn't dare to say more, and hurriedly boarded the suspension vehicle according to the orders they had never met before, and began to search for the location of the aboriginal mecha.

It's just that the location of the aborigines of the mecha can't be found at all.

It seems that since Ji Xiaoyan and the stranger agreed on the location to meet, there has been a problem with the location information of the aborigines of the mecha.

"Master Six, could it be that the aborigines of this mech turned off the positioning system?"

"This should be impossible." Another federal officer frowned, and said with a little worry: "These mecha natives are different from the mecha controllers we cultivated. They are a piece of system data, even if they can control Mecha, and the positioning system inside the mecha cannot be manually turned off."

"So, even if they know that the mecha has a positioning system, they can't turn it off or open it! If they can't locate them now, it can only mean that the mecha's positioning system is broken..."

"Or, someone manually turned off the positioning system of the mecha."

"Could it be Ms. Ji?" The two federal officers suddenly thought of this possibility, and immediately said the words without thinking about them, and then they looked at each other tacitly, and quickly looked at the strangers.

"Do you think it's possible?" The stranger's voice was extremely cold and stern, very dissatisfied with the groundless speculation of the two federal officers in front of him.

"Turn on the radar and look for their traces carefully."

"Yes!" The two federal officers quickly laughed, and immediately began to search carefully after a reply.

It's just that time passed bit by bit, but they couldn't find any trace of Ji Xiaoyan at all, but the people under Mu Chi Mufeng encountered wave after wave.

"Sixth Young Master, I've asked them all! These people haven't seen Miss Ji and the aborigines. Is it possible that Miss Ji and the others haven't come here?"

"Keep looking!" The stranger ordered with a cold face, then took out the communicator and dialed Mu Chi Mufeng's number.

"Is there any news about people from the Federation? Have you caught them?"

Mu Chi Mufeng was taken aback by this question from a stranger, blinked his eyes in doubt, and then hurriedly asked: "Master Six, where did you get the news? Our people haven't passed it on yet. Respond to such a message!"

"We haven't found any traces of those Federation people so far!"

(End of this chapter)

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