Chapter 3885
Ji Xiaoyan thought she had found a chance to ask for help, but she didn't expect that the communicator could only be used in a small area. How could she ask for help?
" you need to use a communicator to contact your relatives?" Seeing Ji Xiaoyan's disappointed expression, the boy couldn't help asking cautiously.

"You can wait a little longer! We haven't had such a situation here before. Most likely there is a problem with a nearby line, or other problems have occurred. This is an accident! I believe someone will come to repair it soon .”

"You just have to wait a little longer."

Ji Xiaoyan didn't say anything, just stood there frowning, thinking about what to do next.

"Aren't you from our building?"

The boy looked at Ji Xiaoyan's silent appearance, and seemed to think of some possibility, so he hurriedly asked her a question.

Then seeing that Ji Xiaoyan didn't intend to answer himself, he quickly said, "Why don't you wait at my house? When the signal is restored, you can use my communicator to contact your family."

"No need." Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, a little disappointed, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Where are you going?" The boy looked at Ji Xiaoyan's obviously lonely back, and couldn't help shouting again: "If you are not from our building, there is no place to go here! Or go to my house and wait. ?”

"I am not a bad guy."

"Thank you, I can't go to your house." Ji Xiaoyan shook his head and sighed, looking at the boy's puzzled expression, he explained, "If I go to your house, it will bring you danger, and would make me more dangerous."

"Is there any trouble for you?" The boy asked suspiciously as if he had thought of something.

It's just that Ji Xiaoyan didn't intend to answer, just shook his head with a wry smile, and began to think about whether he should go back to the utility room and continue hiding.

I don't know which floors the people in that team are on now?

If no one is guarding the ground floor of the building, can she escape first?

"If you are in any trouble, I can help you too." The boy said.Looking at Ji Xiaoyan with sparkling eyes, he seemed a little excited, "Trust me! I'm a good person! If you have any troubles, just tell me. If I can't help, we still have many classmates in this building!"

"Don't worry, it will definitely help you."

The boy looked eager to try, as if the only thing he wanted to do now was to help Ji Xiaoyan solve her troubles.

"No need! It will get you into trouble."

"Besides, what I just heard from you seems to be going back to the game world. If that's the case, you should hurry home and play the game." Ji Xiaoyan shook his head and sighed, then raised his foot and prepared to leave.

"We are going to play the game, but we can't do it now." The boy sighed, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "I made an appointment with someone to play the game because of the inside information I received when the signal was still on. Yes, who knew that when we came back, we found that there was no signal in our area.”

"I made an appointment with someone to form a team before, and I don't want to wait for the signal to recover before contacting my classmates, wasting time."

"That's why I contacted them using the LAN, and you just overheard me! Even if we want to play the game now, we can't connect to the Internet."

Ji Xiaoyan waved his hands and sighed, but he didn't turn his head to talk to the boy, and was going to go back to the utility room to have a look.

Unexpectedly, the boy seemed to have thought of something, immediately ran two steps quickly, chased after Ji Xiaoyan, stopped her and asked excitedly, "You wanted to use my communicator to contact your family, yes Bar?"

"Then your home belongs to our Qiyu City?"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the excited look on that boy's face, thinking that he was so enthusiastic, he couldn't keep pouring cold water on him, so he didn't answer such a question, right?

I really have to answer, if this boy can really think of a way to help me connect with strangers, that would be a surprise!

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan nodded, as a response to the boy's question.

"Then, is your family far from here? I have a suspension car! If it's not far away, I can send you to find your family."

"You have a levitation car?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't expect this possibility, he was taken aback, and looked at the boy in surprise.

Seeing him nodding his head affirmatively, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing immediately.

There is such a surprise!If there is a suspension car, that would be great too.

"Where did you park your hover car?"

"It's just a few floors above the parking lot. If you need it, let's go to the parking lot now. I'll take you back with a suspension car. How about it?"

"Yes, thank you very much!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing happily.

If she escaped from this building with a levitation car, and waited for the team to stay here and look for her like headless flies, that would be really good.

"In that case, let's go!" The boy immediately grinned, and took Ji Xiaoyan to the upstairs parking lot.

"We still have to be careful when we go up."

"Actually, I met bad guys in this building! They are all chasing me..." Ji Xiaoyan thought that those people from the team were looking for her in the building, and they might also appear in the parking lot of the suspension car, so he hurriedly told her Watching the boy make a foreshadowing.

"Meet a bad guy? Did you get lost and entered our building?" The boy was a little confused.

Is the security of their building useless now?

"Yes, they have been chasing me into the building!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately, and said to the boy seriously, "They are all bad guys, they want to arrest me."

"When I was escaping, I suddenly saw someone coming into your building, so I brushed against his door control and ran in."

"I thought I could get rid of those bad guys, but they also chased into the building. Now I don't know if they are looking for me on every floor."

"So, we have to be careful when we go to the parking lot!"

"If they're waiting for me in the parking lot, we'll have to hide a little bit."

"You just came back from the parking lot, did you see them?"

"I didn't pay attention to this... When I came back, I also met a few people in the parking lot, but they all have suspended parking spaces, and they should be from our building."

"I hope we don't meet these bad guys when we go to the parking lot!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, but he was relieved, and said to the boy, "If we meet those people, we should run quickly, don't delay."

"But I don't know them either, do you know those people?" The boy asked Ji Xiaoyan suspiciously.

"I've seen them before, of course I know them! You just need to be careful and listen to my reminder and run!"

(End of this chapter)

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