The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3904: Which one to persuade first?

Chapter 3904: Which one to persuade first?

Ji Xiaoyan suppressed his uneasiness, and after much thought, decided to go and see what the two ancestors, Lord Eshan and Lord Yeshan, were arguing about, or even fighting...

Apart from fighting for the real power and territory of the city lords, the two city lords are still in harmony with each other, right?

They had obviously been living in peace before, so how could they suddenly start fighting again? Is there another uncontrollable situation in this game world?

Ji Xiaoyan frowned and asked many aborigines in the city lord's mansion along the way. Only then did he finally know the whereabouts of the two city lords and hurriedly searched for them.

At this moment, the Lords of the City of Ye Huan and the Lord of the City of E Huan did not return to their Sha City. Instead, they stayed in Ji Xiaoyan's Qing City City Lord's Mansion. However, the two of them acted like a king without seeing the king, and each of them occupied a Qing City. In the palace of the city lord's palace, there are also many Sha city guards, who are confronting each other.

"Lord City Lord Ji! Are you back!?"

When the natives of Sha City saw Ji Xiaoyan's appearance, they were so happy that they even loosened their weapons in their hands. They shouted excitedly to her and wanted to rush forward immediately.

But suddenly he seemed to think of something, and he stopped in hesitation, looking at her with a hopeful look on his face.

"What are you doing?" Ji Xiaoyan looked curiously at these two groups of aborigines who were obviously not from Qingcheng.

The two parties looked at me and I looked at you, but they did not answer immediately. Instead, they glanced at the palace behind them. After a while, the aborigines cautiously approached Ji Xiaoyan and started quickly. said.

"Lord City Lord Ji, we two Lord City Lords have had a conflict and are very angry right now! They insist on making arrangements for us to decide the winner first... We have fought several times, and now we are also angry. I don’t want to do anything anymore, I’m just showing off!”

"It's a good thing you're back! Hurry up and persuade the two city lords, otherwise we will cause trouble!"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned and looked in the direction of the two palaces, and asked in confusion: "What on earth is going on with you two city lords?"

The aboriginal guard also had a grimace on his face and sighed: "How do we know about Lord City Lord? Lord City Lord Ji, why don't you go and ask yourself?"

"I don't know anything, how can I ask? What do you know about the situation? Please tell me quickly! It will help me feel confident!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but sigh depressedly towards the aboriginal guard.

"But we really don't know anything!" The other aboriginal guards looked at each other and said helplessly in a low voice.

"You don't know the situation. With so many guards in Sha City, no one else knows about it? No one knows the inside information?"

This is impossible, right?

The aboriginal guard standing next to Ji Xiaoyan frowned: "Mr. City Master Ji, before we came here, everyone secretly passed their breath! No one really knows the situation!"

"Then tell me, what were you two city lords doing in Sha City before? Did anything special happen inside Sha City?"

"If nothing happened, how could you two city lords suddenly quarrel and even take action?" There must be something going on here!

"But we really don't know anything!" The aboriginal guard looked distressed. "We were all at our respective posts before, and suddenly we were called to fight..."

"As for us inside Sha City, we haven't heard anything special lately! As for what happened in the City Lord's Mansion, we haven't heard anything strange either..." "Then it could be that you two City Lords suddenly went through menopause. ? You want to fight out of nowhere?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but complain, "Weren't they doing well when I left Qingcheng?"

The aborigine sighed helplessly: "Lord City Lord Ji, we really don't know anything... Otherwise, why don't you go have a heart-to-heart talk with the two Lord City Lords? Maybe they will tell you the reason!"

"The two city lords came all the way from Sha City to Qingcheng just to come to you for comment! We all think that the two city lords must have come to you, City Lord Ji, to complain. If you ask, what will the two city lords do? The city lord will definitely tell you!"

After all, what this aboriginal meant was that he wanted Ji Xiaoyan to ask on his own.

But Ji Xiaoyan was really worried. She didn't even know anything about the situation, so she just ran to ask directly. What if she said the wrong thing and angered the two ancestors?

Ji Xiaoyan believed that these two city lords would not attack her, but who could be sure that these two city lords would not destroy a piece of her palace in Qingcheng?

If one of them is not good, and the two of them go crazy and destroy the palace they currently occupy, who will bear the loss?

Ji Xiaoyan even suspected that the two city lords had planned to come to her Qing City instead of quarreling and fighting in their own Sha City.

After all, if this was done, at least it wouldn't be something that would destroy their city, wouldn't it?

"Lord City Lord Ji, why don't you go to our Lord City Lord Ji first?" Just as Ji Xiaoyan was thinking about it, another aboriginal guard came up to her with a sneer and said to her expectantly, "You You also know that our Lord City Lord Yeyan is usually very patient with all kinds of problems from Lord Yeshan! This time the two Lords of the City had a conflict, and we Lord City Lord have already suffered a lot!"

"If you go to our Lord Eshan City first, I think he will be happier. I am sure that whatever you ask, Lord Eshan City will tell you!"

"What are you talking about?" When the aboriginal guard standing next to Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he immediately widened his eyes and said angrily, "We, the Lord of Yeshan City, are also very able to control our emotions! You too Don’t look at how angry the Lord Yeshan City Lord has been before!”

"Now that City Lord Ji is back, you have to go see our Lord Yeshan first and ask about the situation!"

"What a beautiful idea you have? Why don't Lord Ji, City Lord, have to visit our Lord, City Lord Eyan, first?"

"No! We have to go see our Lord Lord of Yexian City first!"


The aboriginal guards on both sides suddenly started to quarrel, and Ji Xiaoyan's head started to hurt from the noise.

"Okay! Stop arguing. You all go to the palace quickly and ask your city lords to come to the pavilion in front. I will talk to them directly and listen to what happened to them. !”

Since she wants to talk, she must not turn to one side. If she dares to choose to step into one of the palaces, the city lord of the other palace will definitely get angry immediately!

Ji Xiaoyan didn't want to ruin his Qingcheng!

Why not let both of them come out together and have a frank talk! This will save one of the two city lords from feeling that he is biased towards the other!

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