The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3908 Ji Xiaoyan, your choice!

Chapter 3908 Ji Xiaoyan, your choice!

2605 chapter

Ji Xiaoyan now finally understands what the conflict between the Lord Eshan and the Lord Yeshan is!

"Then Lord Yeshan, what do you think?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at it for a long time. Lord Yeshan, who should have needed to speak to exercise his right to speak, didn't say a word for a while and couldn't help but ask.

She also wanted to hear what the Lord of Yeshan City was thinking.

It is undeniable that what Lord Eyan City said is actually quite reasonable.

That is a small part of the palace of Sha City! Although Ji Xiaoyan hasn't visited it yet, just thinking about the area of ​​Sha City, she also knows that there are quite a lot of destroyed areas! The Holy Lady of the Fox Clan and the Young Patriarch of the Fallen Demon Clan may really not be able to afford this compensation!

When Lord Yeshan heard Ji Xiaoyan call his name, he glanced at Lord Yeshan disdainfully, and then he snorted and said, "You think I don't know about the saint of the Fox clan and the fallen demon?" Is it possible that the young clan leader cannot compensate for the loss of our Sha city?"

"Since you know this, why don't you want to go with me to find those people from the Fox Clan and the Fallen Demon Clan?" The Lord of the City, Eryan, also looked unhappy, with a look on his face like "You are just messing around with me and looking for trouble." look.

However, the Lord of Yeshan City seemed not to notice anything and said directly to Ji Xiaoyan: "Yehan, this guy is just a little confused! I don't even think about it, if we found those two clans like this, will they admit it? ? What evidence do we have? What witnesses can prove that those two people were responsible for the destruction of our city?"

"If we go directly to our door to ask for compensation, won't people question us? At that time, we won't be able to show that we have no identity documents. Isn't it a waste of time? We will also have to be pointed at by people from those two tribes and scolded us for thinking about money. Crazy? Is this why you are such an idiot?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Our evil city has been destroyed like that. Isn't that proof?" Lord Yeshan City Lord looked angry, and he raised his hand and wanted to have another fight with Lord Yeshan City!

"Your Majesty, Lord of the City! Lord, Lord of the City! Calm down, calm down!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly stopped the person and said with a smile: "Aren't we going to sit down and have a good talk? This Lord of the City, Ye Yan, has just started to speak... "

"What? Lord Ji City Lord, are you trying to protect him?" Lord Bo Yan City Lord was a little unhappy!

"I'm sure I'll side with whoever has the right! There's no such thing as protecting someone!" Ji Xiaoyan said quickly, "Mr. City Lord Yeshan, there is a dispute between you and Lord Yeshan City. Isn't this what we are doing? Understand the situation and then judge?”

"You can't help but let Lord Yeshan finish his words, right?"

"That's right!" As if he had received some encouragement and support, City Lord Ye Huan straightened up immediately, raised his chin and said to City Lord Ye Huan, "They said I have a bad temper. I think your temper is even worse. ?”

"You..." Lord Eyan City still wanted to speak, but was stopped by Ji Xiaoyan.

"Lord Ye Huan City Lord, please continue talking!" Ji Xiaoyan pulled Lord Ye Huan City Lord to sit down and spoke with a smile.

"I thought clearly. Bo Yan and I went directly to the door without even bringing the culprits with us. Even if we caught those adventurers together, would the natives of the Fox and Fallen Demon tribes believe it? Yes. I don’t believe it either! You know what those adventurers are like!”

"As long as you give them benefits, you can let them do whatever they want! In this case, Bohan, do you think the natives of the Fox and Fallen tribes may believe that our Sha City was destroyed by people from their tribe?" Lord Yeshan City asked with arrogance on his face.

"This is the fact. If they don't believe it, let them send people to our Sha City to have a look!" The Lord of the City, Eyan, showed disapproval, "Their own clan's saintess and young clan leader I don’t believe they can’t recognize it!”

"Then what if they pretend not to recognize it?" Lord Yeshan City Lord said calmly at this moment, "Yehan, don't forget, there are many places that have been destroyed in our Sha City! The two clans If people go to Sha City and find out that adventurers are involved in what happened, do you think they will give most of the responsibility to those adventurers? "

"Whether it's the Fox Clan or the Fallen Demon Clan, don't they think that if they can pay less, they should pay less? This is human nature, Ji Xiaoyan, don't you think so?" Lord Yeshan City Master immediately faced Ji Xiaoyan. asked rhetorically.

"This... I think what City Lord Ye Huan said makes sense!" Ji Xiaoyan laughed dryly. Seeing that City Lord Ye Huan seemed to be about to get angry immediately, he quickly continued: "City Lord Ye Huan, people say arrest him. People have to be scratched! There is some truth in what City Lord Yeshan said. No one is being taken advantage of. Someone comes to tell you that you have destroyed something in Sha City, and it is worth a sky-high price. You are asking for compensation, Lord Yeshan. It’s impossible to agree immediately!”

"That's right!" The Lord of Yeshan City seemed to have regained the situation and continued: "I definitely agree with the matter of asking the Fox Clan and the Fallen Demon Clan to compensate! After all, this is a big deal for our Sha City. It’s an unthinkable disaster! If it weren’t for the Holy Lady of the Fox Clan and the Young Patriarch of the Fallen Demon Clan, how could this happen to our Sha City?”

Those adventurers have no destructive power at all!

"It's just that when we go to those two clans, it's best to catch the two saints of the fox clan and the young clan leader of the fallen demon clan. It's better to go together! As long as the two of them admit it, they are willing to If we bear this responsibility for compensation, the people of the Fox Clan or the Fallen Demon Clan will be able to pay more happily!"

"This saves us the time of arguing with those two tribes! Erhan, I really don't know what you think?! Can't you even understand this little bit of truth?"

"Of course I know!" Lord Yehan, the city lord, said stubbornly with a look of disdain: "But Yehan, have you ever thought about it, now that the two of them don't know where they have gone, how can we find them? Even if they are found, We have to help them find their children before they are willing to come with us!”

"Have you ever thought about how much time we have to spend looking for people?" City Lord Eryan still looked disapproving, "I think it would be best to go directly to the Fox Clan or the Fallen Demon Clan and ask their people to come to Sha City to check. The most time-saving way!” “I don’t believe it, can they still admit it?”

"What if they just don't admit it? Isn't it a waste of time!?" Lord Yeshan said with a speechless expression.

"If you don't try it, how will you know that others don't agree!?"

"I know it just by thinking about it!"

"You're not them?!"

"If I put myself in my shoes, I wouldn't admit it even if I put it on my own head!"

With an expression of "You are simply unreasonable", the Lord of the City of Yeshan started arguing with the Lord of the City of Eshan again.

Ji Xiaoyan only felt a headache!

These two people shouldn’t take action directly here! Otherwise, she will be another victim!

"Two city lords, please calm down, calm down! Let's talk it over, okay!?" Ji Xiaoyan took one by one and persuaded them to sit down again, and then said: "I understand this matter now. ! In fact, the two city lords had a dispute over whether to go find someone first and then ask for compensation, or go directly to ask for compensation, right? "



The two said in unison, both feeling that their own considerations were the best!

"Ji Xiaoyan, just tell me, which one of us has the better idea!" Lord Yeshan City Master said with a cold face, threateningly to Ji Xiaoyan.

"I think the considerations of the two city lords are very reasonable!" Ji Xiaoyan coughed twice to ease his helpless mood at the moment, and continued: "Actually, it seems that the two city lords are arguing over such a matter. It makes no sense!”

"Mr. City Lord Ji, what do you mean by this? Why is it meaningless?" Lord Eyan City Lord was not happy!

They have been arguing for several days, how could it be meaningless? Between him and Ye Xian, there must be a fight to the top! Someone must compromise!

"Tell me, why are our days so meaningless?" Lord Yeshan's face also darkened, and he looked at Ji Xiaoyan unhappily and said.

It’s a lot of pressure!

Ji Xiaoyan sighed silently in his heart: "Actually, since the two city lords had different ideas before, why do they have to act together? Can't you just act separately and follow your own ideas? As long as you arrive When the compensation is in place, won’t it be enough to rebuild the city?”



Upon hearing these words, City Lord Eshan and City Lord Yeshan immediately shouted to Ji Xiaoyan in tacit agreement.

"What did I say wrong?" Ji Xiaoyan was confused.

"If I go and get compensation, Ye Huan is still out chasing the Holy Lady of the Fox Clan and the Young Patriarch of the Fallen Demon Clan. Am I not working for him?"

"That is, if I catch those two people, and Bo Yan has not asked for anything from either clan, and I take these two people to the two clans to ask for compensation, wouldn't Bo Yan just take advantage of me? No way. ! I won’t agree!”

City Lord Eryan and City Lord Yeshan both shook their heads in tacit agreement, with expressions determined not to let the other side take advantage.

What can Ji Xiaoyan say?

No one is willing to compromise, isn't it just going to cause trouble?

She didn't understand. It was obviously a very easy thing, so why were the two of them so stubborn that no one wanted to take advantage of the other?

Oh, no, it’s not called taking advantage. It means that after you have done something, the other party has benefited, and you have done it in vain!

These two brothers are so naive!

"Ji Xiaoyan, anyway, the two of us must come up with a plan to act together. Let's talk about our choice now, which one is better! Who makes more sense!" Mr. Yeshan City Lord He glanced coldly at City Lord Eryan and asked Ji Xiaoyan.

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