The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 391 Teleportation

Chapter 391 Teleportation

Finally, after repeated experiments several times, Ji Xiaoyan and the others came to a conclusion.

As long as this magic power restriction plate is in the hands of a mage, it can't be put into a package. People who don't know magic can hold it, but it can be put into a package. However, if the strength is not enough, the level cannot reach a certain level. To the extent that there is no way to put this thing in the package.Jiajia belongs to this type of insufficient level!Ji Xiaoyan estimated that the level limit is sixty.Otherwise, why can't she pretend to go in, but old man Qingmi can pretend to go in?
After understanding the reason why the magic power restraining plate could be packed into the package, Ji Xiaoyan graciously threw the sub-sacred artifact directly to the old man Qingmi and put it in his package.This behavior of abnormal trust directly caused the old man Qingmi's love for Ji Xiaoyan to rise a lot again.You know, that is a sub-artifact!This girl trusted him so much, and gave him things unsuspectingly, old man Qingmi felt that he didn't love this girl in vain!
As for why this sub-artifact appeared in the bamboo forest, Ji Xiaoyan and the others thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure out how it leaped from the Northern Continent to the Western Continent, and then flew into the bamboo forest of Xuanmen.In the end, I decided not to care about anything else, as long as the things entered their hands, whoever picked them up belonged to them!
At first, Ji Xiaoyan was worried that after Qing Mi put the plate into the package, the magic-swallowing skill on the plate would be activated automatically, but after Qing Mi put the things in, Ji Xiaoyan heard Xuan Mo say happily : "My mana is restored!"

So, Ji Xiaoyan was relieved.

On the other hand, old man Qingmi heard Xuan Mo's words, and cheerfully leaned over to his side and said, "Boy, you won't be able to hold back in front of this old man from now on! As long as I take out the plate, you will become a waste! Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo's face turned green a lot, and then he hugged Jiajia's thigh to seek comfort.

After collecting the treasures, Ji Xiaoyan suggested that everyone go back to the bamboo house, lest people find them all gathered here, and then saw such a big hole, what did they think!
Therefore, Xuan Mo and Jia Jia, as the characters who have visited the bamboo forest all over the place, volunteered to take Ji Xiaoyan and old man Qingmi around the big pit and go back to the bamboo house from the other side.In this way, even if they are discovered when they go back, they are not in the same direction as Dakeng, are they?At that time, there is no doubt about what happened to them!
Regarding this proposal, the old man Qingya praised the proponent, classmate Xuan Mo, a few times.

As a result, when they walked to the bamboo house, Ji Xiaoyan and the others saw a person in fluttering green clothes standing at the door of the bamboo house. When they got closer, they saw that it was Fei Yu who had been locked in the bamboo house for a long time and didn't know what to do.

"Feiyu, why did you come out?" Qingmi old man looked at Feiyu in surprise and asked.

Feiyu looked at Qingmi lightly, then smiled slightly and said: "It's nothing, a senior brother came to talk to me for a while, and then I came out to blow some air! You are..."

"Oh!" Old man Qingmi nodded, then pointed to Ji Xiaoyan and said, "It's not this girl who insists on wanting to eat bamboo shoots, and yells for me to find some for her. In the end, we searched for a long way. None of them grow better, and she doesn't want those crooked ones, so we have to come back!"

"Hehe, we'll be able to eat it in a few days! Just look for it later!" Feiyu said with a slight smile at Ji Xiaoyan.From that look, it seemed that she was comforting Ji Xiaoyan whose wish was not fulfilled.

Ji Xiaoyan put on a stiff smile, smiled at Feiyu, and then gave old man Qingmi a hard look from the back.This old man will wrong her!However, this excuse is not bad!

"By the way, are you ready for what I told you last time?" Old Man Qingmi looked at Fei Yu and asked.

"Well, it's done!" Fei Yu nodded, and then said: "After I go to the head of the house and say something, I can leave at any time!"

"Okay! Then you go first, the girl and I will pack up and wait for you to come back!" Old Qing Mi nodded, said something to Fei Yu, and then pulled Ji Xiaoyan, ready to go back to the bamboo house.

"Okay!" Fei Yu nodded, raised his foot and went outside the bamboo house.

"Girl, have you figured out where to teleport?" Qing Mi looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked.

"The Eastern Continent has already thought about it, but the Southern Continent hasn't done it yet!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly replied.

"Then why don't you think about it quickly?" Qing Mi patted Ji Xiaoyan and said, "You have to be more straightforward in doing things, otherwise you will be offended by Fei Yu later, and he will leave you on other continents, let's see how you come back when the time comes! "

"Okay, okay, okay! I'll think about it right away, I'll think about it right away!" Ji Xiaoyan answered quickly, and then began to think about how to contact Yan Foil Wandering and find Yunshu to contact the teleportation destination for a deal.

Ji Xiaoyan has been online for so long, and Thunder Kitten and Nightmare Foil Wandering haven't been online yet.Thunder Kitten probably went to kiss me with Yixin Aidan, and it must be after parting ways at night before going home to play games.As for Yan Foil Displaced, Ji Xiaoyan didn't know when he was going to play the game.Moreover, when she left, she also forgot to ask for the communication number of Yanboliu, so she didn't urge Yanfuliu to play the game...
After squatting in the bamboo hut with a frowning face and thinking for a long time, Ji Xiaoyan finally decided to teleport to the Eastern Continent to sell the Guild Establishment Token first!The old man Qingmi had nothing to do with Ji Xiaoyan, so he finally let her go.Anyway, the old man made up his mind to go with Ji Xiaoyan, otherwise, the high-potential apprentice he had set his sights on would never come back, what should he do?If it is really lost, the head of the Qingshimen will not be able to explain it anywhere!

Fei Yu's speed was very fast, and he came back to the bamboo house in a while.

"Have you decided where to go?" Feiyu looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile and asked.

"Think it over!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, and then said to Feiyu: "Uncle Feiyu, I want to go to River Water City first, and then go to the Southern Continent, is that okay?"

"Yes, yes!" Feiyu nodded lightly.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Feiyu in surprise.She was also worried that this NPC was really doing what the old man Qing Mi said, and would think it was troublesome for her to teleport, and then he would not give her a good face!But now it seems that his temper is still very good!How can there be such a bad temper as the old man Qing Mi said!
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Qing Mi, wanting to despise his heart, but found that he didn't look at her at all.

Teleportation across continents is time-consuming and labor-intensive when the continents have not officially opened mutual teleportation!According to Feiyu, it would take a lot of materials for him to send it to Ji Xiaoyan and the others!
Of course, when Ji Xiaoyan heard this, his heart tightened immediately, for fear that Feiyu would say something next: "You should bear the cost of those materials yourself!"

Fortunately, people are very nice!Not only was she willing to spend time and energy to send it to Ji Xiaoyan, but she even gave Ji Xiaoyan the responsibility of sending the materials for free!Moreover, he is willing to take old man Qingmi along with him, and send Ji Xiaoyan to various continents along with himself!It was meant to make Ji Xiaoyan's transmission more convenient.

So, Ji Xiaoyan was moved!Look at how nice it is to be an NPC!
The transcontinental teleportation is similar to when Ji Xiaoyan came to the Western Continent!She just felt a burst of colorful light in front of her eyes, and then the place she was standing just now changed.The destination they teleported at this time was in the corner of a housing area in River Water City.

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the surrounding environment, and after finding that there were no NPCs or players, he immediately made a call connection to Flying Leaves.

"Leaf, where are you?"

"Huh, Xiaoyan? You've arrived in the Eastern Continent so soon?" Luo Yefenfei asked in surprise.

"Well, we've arrived at River Water City! Has Ye Guang reached level [-]? Can he come?" Ji Xiaoyan asked a little worriedly.

"Hurry up! We still have a little bit of experience, and I'm fighting monsters with him!" Fallen Leaves said.

"Oh, hurry up then! I'll be waiting for you in River Water City!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded and said.

"Okay! At most 10 minutes, we'll be over right away!" Luo Yefei quickly replied.

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded.Then, after telling Qing Mi and Fei Yu about the situation, Ji Xiaoyan took Xuan Mo together, found a place to squat down with Qing Mi and Fei Yu.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, instead of waiting for the night light wine and falling leaves, I saw the Fenghuo Lianzhan who had conflicted with Ji Xiaoyan and the others.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the four people from Fenghuo Lienzhan walking in the alley in surprise, a little puzzled.Isn't River Water City already teleportable?Why haven't they left here yet?Moreover, after being killed by Ji Xiaoyan and the others last time, shouldn't Fenghuo Lienzhan be sent back to his hometown after being relegated, to the city where they stayed before?How can it still appear here?

With such doubts in mind, Ji Xiaoyan looked at Fenghuo Lienzhan and the others, and started to probe a bit.

"Brother, look over there, those NPCs are so strange! Do you think they have some mission!" Sharpening his sword, he immediately saw Ji Xiaoyan and the others squatting on the ground.But because Jiajia was sent to the pet space to save the transmission materials during the transmission, and Ji Xiaoyan changed his appearance again, so Modao Huohuo didn't recognize this girl at all!Coupled with Feiyu, Qingmi, and Xuan Mo who were squatting next to her, Mo Dao Huohuo immediately thought that Ji Xiaoyan was the same as the rest of them, they were all NPCs, they just wore strange clothes.

"Let's go up and ask! If there is a mission, that would be great!" Bai Xue Piaopiao immediately nodded, then looked at Fenghuo Lienzhan and said.After she finally died once, she finally rose back to level [-] and was with Fenghuo Lianzhan and the others.

"I don't think so! I always think they are weird!" Feng Huo Lien Chan frowned and said with disapproval.

 PS: Thanks to "Cat¥Baby" for the firecrackers!Thanks to "Star Bedora" for the peace talisman!Thank you "Female Empress" for the firecrackers!Thanks to "Dragon Witch" for the firecrackers and update tickets! !Thanks to "Yuhu" for the two pink tickets!Thank you "Gu Dao Xiao Feng" for the firecrackers! .After working overtime in the early hours of the morning, I saw so many tips and tickets!Qianqian is very touched!thank you all.
(End of this chapter)

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