The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3918 There is a difference between being killed and being killed

Chapter 3918 There is a difference between being killed and being killed

Ji Xiaoyan didn't understand the mentality of the players in front of him at this moment. He looked at these people speechlessly, as if he couldn't refuse their "enthusiasm", and was pushed to the edge of the teleportation array.

"Go! Go and feel it!" The female player urged Ji Xiaoyan crazily with a smile on her face, the gloating look in her eyes not concealing it at all.

"I promise, you will definitely remember this!" The female player stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to push Ji Xiaoyan out of the safe area of ​​the teleportation array.

But Ji Xiaoyan didn't let her succeed. He avoided the female player's arm and stepped out of the safe zone of the teleportation array.

In an instant, everyone's eyes on the teleportation array fell on Ji Xiaoyan.

There was ill-intention in those eyes, as well as sarcasm and ridicule, as well as gloating and satisfaction...

But before their gazes could last for a few seconds, the expressions on everyone's faces changed to shock!

"Where are those mutant beasts and mutant plants?"

Some players saw Ji Xiaoyan standing intact outside the safe zone during the teleportation, and was not immediately attacked by mutant beasts and mutant plants. They couldn't help but yelled in surprise: "How is this possible?"

"Where are those mutant beasts and mutant plants?" The players couldn't help but repeat it again, looking frantically outside the teleportation array, and after making sure that there was no movement of any mutant beasts or mutant plants, they seemed to have discovered something. It was like a secret, and I suddenly became excited!

"Hahaha, no mutant beasts or mutant plants appear, we can leave this teleportation array!"

"Quick, quick, everyone, don't delay! Let's leave now and go to the gathering place of the aboriginal people. That's the safest place!"

"Yeah, yeah, don't delay! Let's leave quickly. Even if we change to another teleportation array, it's better than being stuck here all the time!"

Countless players suddenly became excited and immediately rushed towards the safe area outside the teleportation array, hoping to appear in that area safely like Ji Xiaoyan.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they stepped out of the safe zone, vines of mutated plants emerged from the ground and pierced directly into their bodies...

In less than ten seconds, all the players who stepped out of the safe zone fell to the ground, their bodies covered with leaves of mutated plants...

"This... how is this possible?!" The players who had not yet had time to step out of the teleportation array were shocked. They looked at the corpses of those players and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan, who was still standing intact outside the safe zone. They were all I don’t know what’s going on now? !

Obviously everyone is a player, why is this person not attacked by mutated plants after stepping out of the safe zone?

"There must be something precious in her!"

At this moment, a female player's voice suddenly appeared, with a bit of sharpness and anger, she raised her hands and pointed at Ji Xiaoyan, and shouted crazily: "She must have treasures on her body, those mutant plants don't Will attack her!"

"What are you guys doing standing still? Kill her quickly and grab her baby!"

"Isn't this bad?" A player immediately said, "Even if there is a treasure, it belongs to someone else. Isn't it bad for us to kill people and seize treasures like this?"

"This is a game world!" A man's voice suddenly shouted, "I don't believe you haven't killed anyone in the game world?!" "This is a game world, and the strong are respected!" Some players immediately echoed, "In this game world, what props can't be snatched by everyone? Aren't those monsters that were killed not lives? And even if she is killed, so what?" You will be resurrected in the game world later..."

"If she is willing to hand over the treasure that is not attacked by mutant beasts and mutant plants, we can also choose not to kill her..."

Several players who advocated killing people and seizing treasures gathered together silently, looking at Ji Xiaoyan greedily, as if if she dared to refute, they would immediately unite to deal with her.

Most of the players on the teleportation array remained silent, but kept looking back and forth between Ji Xiaoyan and the few players who wanted to kill people and seize treasures.

Ji Xiaoyan also had concerns in her heart at this moment.

Obviously, the players in the teleportation array who wanted to kill people and seize treasures were not federal soldiers, but more like players who were sent for trials by federal families.

"Hey, what do you say?" Among the players who were gathered together, someone looked at Ji Xiaoyan who didn't say anything for a while. He seemed to be frightened, and suddenly became a little proud. He raised his eyebrows and shouted to Ji Xiaoyan. : "If you are willing to hand over that baby, we will definitely let you live!"

"As long as we determine the purpose of the treasure, we can also find a way to send you to the aboriginal settlement! Then you won't have to be trapped in this teleportation array, and you can get us as bodyguards for free!"

"You're making a lot of money!"

"You can say such shameless words? It's hard enough for you!" A player in the teleportation array suddenly sneered and shouted sarcastically at those players, "I didn't know you guys are from the Federation. Which family? If you don’t mind, can you tell us your name so we can learn more about it?”

"Yes! You can't hide your identity. Since you want someone else's treasure, why don't you have to name yourself?"

"If you are too embarrassed to tell me your family name, why don't you tell me your game name!"

"That's right! Let us help you publicize it when the time comes, and invite people from each family to claim it and see whose family you belong to!"

Many people in the teleportation array couldn't help but burst out laughing, and sneered at the players who were huddled together: "We have been trapped here before, and it is rare for a newcomer to prank others. We think You can still understand! As long as the newcomers have no objections, even if they are killed by the mutant beasts, they will learn a lesson..."

"But it's not very kind of you to want to explode other people's equipment so blatantly!"

"That's right! Before, some people were asking the newcomers to go out and be killed by mutant beasts and mutant plants for a long time. Now you actually want to kill others maliciously and use explosive equipment..."

"Isn't this an obvious robbery? Do you think we have teleported so many people in the town that they don't even know how to write the word justice?"

Ji Xiaoyan was speechless as he watched the players on the teleportation array start to argue.

It was obvious that these people had all been colluding to see her killed by mutated beasts and plants. Why did they split internally in just a few minutes?

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