The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 393 1 hand payment 1 hand delivery

Chapter 393

Level [-] monsters can be easily caught outside River Water City.As for the monster corpse, that would be easier.There are a lot of aquatic monsters underwater in the outskirts, and even if you get [-] of them, the small corpses won't take up much space, so they can be brought back easily!To Fenghuo Lianzhan and the others, this test is just a joke!Thinking of this, Fenghuo Lianzhan and the others became excited.

But here Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo with a little disappointment and said, "Why do you ask them to kill five hundred monsters?"

"Xiaoyan, did I do something wrong?" Xuan Mo tugged at the corner of his clothes and looked at Ji Xiaoyan aggrievedly and asked.

"Hey! I didn't say what you did was wrong!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly comforted him, and then said, "What I mean is, why do you only let them kill five hundred monsters? You have to kill thousands of monsters anyway." Okay! Otherwise, they will be back in a while! Then let them do the task from where you came from?"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo's eyes recovered immediately, and he hugged Ji Xiaoyan's arm and smiled: "Aren't we going to leave soon? I'm not afraid of them coming back! Besides, I also have a task in my hands, but when the time comes I don't know if they can do it on condition!"

"Huh? You have a mission? Then why didn't you tell me?" Ji Xiaoyan was surprised when he heard that.In other words, she seems to have not seen what a mission looks like for a long time!
"Xiaoyan, you didn't ask me!" Xuan Mo blinked, looked at Ji Xiaoyan innocently and said.

"What task is it? Can I do it?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo in surprise and asked.

"It doesn't seem to work!" Xuan Mo glanced at Ji Xiaoyan lightly, then lowered his head and said, "Xiaoyan, your potential doesn't meet the requirements!"

Ji Xiaoyan was a little frustrated when he heard the words, and he was not in the mood to ask what kind of players Xuan Mo needed to take on the mission.

"Girl want to do the mission?" It was the old man Qingmi who spoke at this time.

"Master, where do you have a mission?" Ji Xiaoyan heard this, and immediately looked at Qing Mi.

"Of course!" The old man Qingmi straightened his back, stood up and looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "We have a lot of tasks in Qingshimen, or when I go back, I will ask the senior brother in charge to do it for you." Play?"

"Is there a reward?" Ji Xiaoyan asked with concern.

"Of course there is!" Old Man Qingya nodded and said.

"Then, can I accept the mission even if I'm not a disciple of Qingshimen?" Ji Xiaoyan thought of this point, looked at Qingmi and asked.
Now the old man Qingmi didn't answer immediately, instead he frowned, and after thinking for two seconds, he gritted his teeth and said: "Yes! If not, I will talk to the senior brother in charge, and I will definitely let you do the task!"

"Hey, it's better to be an uncle!" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly patted her ass.

"How long do we have to wait here?" Feiyu followed the old man Qingmi's movement to stand up, and then rubbed his squatting feet that were probably a little numb, looking at Ji Xiaoyan and asked.

"Why not, Uncle Yu, I'll show you around? I stayed here for a while before!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately suggested.I don't know how long it will take for Luminous Wine to reach level [-]!The NPCs are waiting impatiently!
"Okay!" Fei Yu nodded with a good temper.

So, after Ji Xiaoyan and the others fooled Fenghuo Lienzhan for a while, they immediately left.

And when Fenghuo Lianzhan and the others happily entered River Water City with a pile of monster corpses, regardless of the complaints from the NPCs in River Water City, they rushed to the place where Ji Xiaoyan and the others stayed just now and found no one, so they After being dragged into prison by the NPC city guards for damaging the appearance of River Water City and being locked up for a few hours after paying a fine, they couldn’t figure out why the NPCs who promised them the task disappeared. , Could it be that they came early?
Although the appearance of Ji Xiaoyan walking in River Water City has changed, her identity has not changed!In addition, the eyes of the NPCs are very poisonous, so when wandering in River Water City, many NPCs recognized Ji Xiaoyan, and even greeted her.After all, Ji Xiaoyan seems to be the only girl who has an aboriginal identity and is an adventurer! The enthusiasm of the NPCs made Ji Xiaoyan finally truly feel what kind of wonderful feeling it is when his heart is filled with vanity...
Of course, Ji Xiaoyan knew that it was enough for her to be a little vain, but she shouldn't be too arrogant!

Originally, Ji Xiaoyan planned to take Feiyu and the others to see Lord Besa in the City Lord's Mansion, but when he arrived at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, he was told by the city guards that Lord Besa had gone out for a wandering not long ago and has not returned yet!Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan directly gave up the idea of ​​visiting the City Lord's Mansion.

Falling Leaves Flying made a call when Ji Xiaoyan and the others had just left the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, saying that they were rushing to the teleportation array now, and asked Ji Xiaoyan to go to the teleportation array in River Water City.

So, after talking with old man Qingmi, Ji Xiaoyan and the others went straight to the teleportation array outside the south gate of River Water City.

Outside the south gate of River Water City is the only piece of land outside River Water City.When Ji Xiaoyan and the others reached the gate of the city, they saw the fallen leaves flying and the luminous wine just being sent over.

After the two parties met, Ji Xiaoyan complained, "You guys are so late!"

"It takes time to level up! Do you think everyone is like you, and you can get experience level up by causing trouble everywhere!" Ye Guang Meijiu looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a bit of envy and said.

"Hey, I know Ye Guang you are envious of me! So I don't care about you!" Ji Xiaoyan said while looking at Ye Guang Wine with a smile.

Ye Guang Meijiu glared at Ji Xiaoyan, then looked at Qing Mi and the old man standing beside her, looked at her and asked, "Who are they?"

"Oh, let me introduce you!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled, then looked at the luminous wine and fallen leaves and said, "This is Xuan Mo, my servant! This is Master Qingmi, not Master Yu!" Said Wan pointed to the night light wine and the falling leaves and introduced them to Qing Ya and the others.

Yeguang Fine Wine was very good this time, together with Luoye Fenfei, they directly took a few bottles of wine and some food from the package and handed them to old man Qingmi and the others, saying that they were filial to them.Of course, Xuan Mo also received a copy.As a result, the three NPCs had a much better impression of Luminous Wine.

On the other hand, Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yeguang Meijiu in surprise and asked in a low voice, "When did you get enlightened?" In other words, this guy didn't even think of giving her a greeting gift when we met in reality, but why did he become enlightened in the game? Woolen cloth?
"It's called eating a pit and gaining wisdom!" Ye Guang Meijiu looked down at Ji Xiaoyan and said flatly.

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yeguang Fine Wine with a funny smile, and then got to the point: "Have you brought enough money?"

"Of course! I even brought you the gold coins from your meeting gift!" Ye Guang Meijiu looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said.

"Hey! That's good, that's good!" Ji Xiaoyan replied with a smile, and then directly submitted a transaction application to Yeguang Fine Wine.

Originally, when Ye Guang Meijiu looked at the string of zero gold coins in his package and thought of giving it to Ji Xiaoyan, he still felt a little distressed.However, when he saw the inconspicuous wooden sign in the trading box, with the three words "Clan Establishment Order" written on it that almost blinded his eyes, Yeguang Fine Wine's heart was still excited. Jumped a lot.

This is a real guild building order!How many players dream of what they want!

"You, tell me the truth, where... did you really get this thing from the giant dragon?" Ye Guangmeijiu swallowed while looking at the guild establishment order in the trading box, and asked Ji Xiaoyan.

"Well! Of course, am I trying to lie to you?" Ji Xiaoyan tilted his head and said, looking at Yeguang Fine Wine.

"Okay! Make sure!" Ye Guang Meijiu took a deep breath, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said.

"Yeah!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly clicked to confirm, and then, regardless of how excited Yeguang Fine Wine was, he looked around and said, "Yeguang, back then you said you would bring your men down to protect me, but in the end Now you're here alone. It's so deserted!"

Ye Guangmeijiu glared at Ji Xiaoyan, and said directly: "What do you want? Let me tell you, don't even think about getting out of here and let me find someone to protect you! I heard that this is a neutral city. If you go out of here, you The name on the head will be red, and no matter how many subordinates I have at that time, I can't stop those players who want to catch you to claim rewards! You should come here to play honestly!"

"Hey, I don't want to go anywhere!" Ji Xiaoyan sighed after hearing the words, and then said, "I just want to see how Brick is..."

"That's easy!" Luo Yefenfei nodded, and then said: "I'll call right away and ask someone to go to your store to inform him, and let him come to you! You should stay here!"

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded.

"By the way, Ye Guang, do you only need to click on this guild building order to form a gang?" Ji Xiaoyan asked curiously while looking at Ye Guang Wine who was holding the guild building order as a rare treasure.

"It should be, after you order it, you will know!" Ye Guang Meijiu suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Then you can order it now!" Ji Xiaoyan said, looking at Yeguang Wine with interest.She had put this thing in the package for a while, but she didn't dare to touch it lightly, for fear that the mastermind would find out and kill her directly.But now the things are in the hands of Ye Guang Meijiu, so it's none of her business... By the way, if something really happens, will Yeguang Meijiu be involved?Will Flying Leaves blame her too?
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly felt that she sold the establishment order to Yeguang Fine Wine, isn't it a bit of a misfortune?And he's still an acquaintance...

"I'll order it when I get back!" Ye Guang Meijiu just glared at Ji Xiaoyan and refused when she heard Ji Xiaoyan asking him to try it now.Just kidding, I still need to go back and show this thing to my subordinates, so as to establish a little more prestige for his status as the leader!

Think about it!When the time comes, he will have a round with his subordinates, then hold up the guild building order for them to take a look, and then, under the eyes of everyone expecting, click on the guild building order.Everyone listened to the system announcement, announcing that they became the first gang in the game, and he became the first official gang leader in the game...
Wow, it's cool to think about it!
Thinking of this, Yeguang Meijiu became excited immediately, and wished to leave River Water City immediately! !
 PS: Today's third update is finally coded out.
(End of this chapter)

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