The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3942: Very good, let’s fight again

Chapter 3942: Very good, let’s fight again

"You are so deceitful and shameless, and you can actually say such confusing words..." After hearing what Lord Yeshan said, the patriarch of the Fox clan suddenly yelled at them angrily.

"How could Lord Patriarch misunderstand me so much?" Lord Yeshan City blinked his eyes and deliberately said words that sounded like he had been wronged and wronged, but the expression on his face was extremely proud, "Lord Patriarch, I’m just telling the truth, you can’t just accuse me just because you don’t want to hear it!”

"" The patriarch of the Fox clan looked at the triumphant expression of Lord Yeshan City, and then looked at the elders of his clan lying on the ground not knowing whether he was alive or dead. He gritted his teeth and said angrily. He shouted towards Ji Xiaoyan: "Mr. City Lord Ji, I know that you have a very good relationship with these two Lords of the City. Do you also want to work with them to go against our Fox Clan?"

"Patriarch, I never said that I would go against the Fox Clan!" Ji Xiaoyan suddenly looked like he had been wronged, and quickly said to the elder of the Fox Clan: "Clan Leader, I and the two city lords came to the Fox Clan. The clan is not here to stir up trouble! There are just some things that I need to discuss with the clan leader..."

"I believe the patriarch should have already known from the two city lords what we are here for, right?"

"Otherwise, we will be responsible for the elder's injuries? I will prepare a few bottles of potions for the elder now. What do you think, the patriarch?" Ji Xiaoyan said as he began to take out the potions from the package. With a smile on his face, he said to the patriarch of the Fox Clan: "Don't worry, patriarch, my potion is definitely very effective and will definitely make the elder recover quickly!"

"We, the Fox Clan, don't need it!" The leader of the Fox Clan raised his hand and waved it fiercely at Ji Xiaoyan. He wanted to knock the potion down to the ground, but he didn't expect Ji Xiaoyan's hand to shrink. , but he just dodged it!

"Chief, these potions are very valuable. You'd better be careful!" Ji Xiaoyan looked like he was cherishing the potions very much. He put the potions in his arms and was reluctant to take them out!

Seeing this situation, the Lord of the City of Yiyan couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Master Patriarch, you can't let the elder miss the best opportunity for treatment because of your emotions!"

"You..." The leader of the Fox Clan blushed angrily, and after angrily looking at Ji Xiaoyan and the others, he didn't care about being polite anymore and shouted loudly at the aborigines of the Fox Clan. Said: "Do it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the aborigines of the Fox tribe moved!

Ji Xiaoyan immediately looked at the Fox Clan aboriginals with caution. He thought they would rush forward immediately, but unexpectedly, all the Fox Clan aboriginals quickly retreated a few meters.

Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment and didn't know what to do.

However, the Lord of City Eshan and Lord Yeshan are not as inexperienced as Ji Xiaoyan.

After seeing the Fox tribe's aboriginals retreating, the Lord of City Eyan immediately moved to Ji Xiaoyan's side, raised his hand and pulled out a protective shield in front of him, and Ji Xiaoyan was directly enveloped in it.

"Your Majesty City Lord Bohan?!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Lord Boshan City with a puzzled face, but when she saw him looking at the natives of the Fox Clan with a gloomy expression, she understood immediately!

These natives of the Fox tribe are really going to attack them! And this is obviously a deadly move!

Thinking of this, the expression on Ji Xiaoyan's face turned serious for an instant, and the next second he saw the aboriginals of the Fox tribe throwing countless colorful magic light balls, all of them smashing in their direction!

This battle will not stop until they are blown into powder!

The power of countless magic light balls, like a huge mountain, instantly hit Ji Xiaoyan and the other two people. In the blink of an eye, they all hit the Lord Eyan and the Lord Yeshan!

Ji Xiaoyan stayed in the protective cover and watched the countless magic light balls falling on the protective cover like falling raindrops and instantly exploded into tiny fireworks and disappeared. He couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief!

so far so good! The protective shield created by the Lord of the City is very powerful. She will definitely not be beaten down by the natives of the Fox tribe!

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly looked at the Lords of the City of Yishan and the Lord of the City of Yeshan. Watching those magic light balls falling on them and disappearing in an instant just one or two centimeters away, he felt completely relieved and turned his gaze. It fell on the leader of the Fox Clan!

Just as Ji Xiaoyan imagined, after the leader of the Fox tribe saw that the aborigines of the Fox tribe had no way to deal with the Lord of the City and the Lord of Yeshan, his face turned slightly red with anger. Turned a bit green.

"Clan leader, as you can see, we really didn't come to the Fox clan to stir up trouble!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly said to the fox clan leader, "otherwise, clan leader, let's have a good talk!"

"After all, this action is still very harmful to peace!"

"Since Mr. City Lord Ji knew that it would harm the peace, why did you join the two Lords of the City in taking action in our Fox Clan settlement? Does Lord Ji know how much our Fox Clan has suffered this time? How many clan members have been injured?" That one? The leader of the Fox clan stared at Ji Xiaoyan with his eyes wide open, as if he wanted to devour Ji Xiaoyan, and shouted angrily at her!

"Yes, yes! Although the natives of the Fox clan are at fault for this matter, we have taken action, so we cannot shirk the responsibility! Otherwise, the clan leader can tell us what compensation is needed and we can discuss it?" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly said He persuaded with a smile.

"Ji Xiaoyan, what nonsense are you talking about?" Upon hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, the Lord of Yeshan City raised his hand to scatter the spell flying in front of him, turned to look at Ji Xiaoyan and said in a warning tone: " We are not willing to pay any compensation, don’t forget what we came to the Fox Clan for!”

"Before the Fox Clan came this time, we politely sent a message to the Fox Clan to visit us! But who knew that when we came to the Fox Clan, we would be stopped by these people with rude words!"

"Speaking of which, it's all a misunderstanding caused by the Fox Clan's patriarch's lax control! We're being very polite by not asking you, the patriarch, to pay any more compensation!"

"Clan leader, please don't push yourself too far!"

"You... you... are just being unreasonable! Since there is nothing to talk about, let me show you the truth!" The leader of the Fox tribe was not polite and once again loudly ordered the aborigines of the Fox tribe to speed up the attack. , he also stepped into the battlefield together and attacked directly towards Lord Yeshan City!

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