The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 611 There Are A Lot Of Sensitive People

Chapter 611 There Are A Lot Of Sensitive People
As for the players who were chasing Ji Xiaoyan and the others, they inadvertently spotted Ji Xiaoyan and the others from a distance of several teams of players.To be precise, in fact, there was a player in their line of work who thought that the little Mimi floating on Ji Xiaoyan's shoulder was very suitable for his aesthetics, so he kept looking at Little Mimi with all kinds of envy and hatred. of.As a result, he saw the problem of Ji Xiaoyan and the others.

In other words, at that time, the player was just a little curious about Ji Xiaoyan and the others sneaking together and didn't know what they were discussing, but then saw Ji Xiaoyan and the super thunder cat walking to a corner together, and then the super thunder cat stopped. That scene didn't come back.Once this happens, he can still guess that the super thunder cat has gone offline, but if two or three times such a scene where someone walks into a corner and disappears, something is wrong.So, after the player discovered this situation, he immediately talked to the players next to him.After all kinds of speculation, everyone saw that Thunder Kitten also disappeared...
A team disappears four players one after another, how strange is this?So, after thinking about it, these players guessed the truth in an instant. Ji Xiaoyan and his team must have some way to teleport into the maze without fishing lotus flowers in the river.Otherwise, where did the few people who disappeared go?Is it also possible that their team is fighting among themselves, tricking people one by one into a corner to kill and rob?Obviously impossible!Didn't you see that the internal relationship between their teams seems to be harmonious?

In addition, after Miao Xiaohei and the others met the eyes of these players, they moved their positions, as if they were going to chop them up.So these players were immediately blessed, knowing that there must be something going on, Ji Xiaoyan and the others didn't want them to know, so they began to hide from them.However, as soon as they realized something was wrong, they followed Ji Xiaoyan to catch up, but they didn't see a single person.How reconciled they are!

The current state is just like the feeling of knowing that there is a treasure house in front of you, but you can't find where the door is. It's very uncomfortable to scratch people...
"What should we do now? Everyone is gone!" A player asked with a distressed sigh, looking at the others.

"Look, we must find them all!" Another player said angrily, then looked at the others and said, "Maybe they are hiding around here."

Ji Xiaoyan and the others were stunned when they heard the words, and looked at the player in surprise.Xindao: Did he really find out that they were hiding here?

"Hiding? How do we hide around here? What if they have already teleported into the maze? No matter how we look, we can't find anyone!" A player stood up and said, frowning.This kind of possibility is entirely possible, otherwise how to explain the situation that those female players and pets disappeared as soon as they came over?

"Look for it first!" The player who spoke before said with sharp eyes and a little bit of gnashing of teeth: "I don't believe it, they can all enter the maze at once! If there is really any way to get in without getting that lotus If it’s a maze, it’s definitely impossible to teleport all of them in at once. Otherwise, the few players with them wouldn’t disappear one by one! There must be some restrictions…”

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan involuntarily exchanged glances with Ming Yuexin, Miao Xiaohei and the others.In other words, why didn't they think that they could float together to catch lotus flowers on the river, and then enter the maze?They are really stupid, why waste time to catch lotus one by one?Thinking of this, the three of them looked at each other and ran straight to the river.

Who cares how these players find them?It's business for them to go directly to catch the lotus and enter the maze!

"That... Xiaoyan..." Just after Ji Xiaoyan and the others left the corner that led the group of players, the farmer's sister's voice suddenly rang out.

At first, Ji Xiaoyan didn't realize who was calling her, but after hearing the sound, she turned her head and saw that the peasant sister was following behind the huge figure of Jiajia, chasing them vigorously.

"Uh... what's the matter?" Ji Xiaoyan was taken aback, looking at the peasant sister and asked.In other words, she seemed to have forgotten about this girl just now, but fortunately, Yu Mo remembered to add invisibility to her, otherwise it would be finished.

"'s nothing...I just want you to wait for me!" The farmer sister panted heavily and rushed to Ji Xiaoyan, with her hands on her knees, half-bent, and turned her head to Ji Xiaoyan. Xiaoyan said.

"Uh... good!" Ji Xiaoyan blushed, then nodded and answered.Speaking of which, she was really ashamed. Anyway, this girl has joined their team for a while, and she just forgot about her just now. I am really sorry for this girl!
Meow Xiaohei and Ming Yuexin blushed the moment they saw the peasant sister.The two of them, like Ji Xiaoyan, shamelessly ignored the existence of the peasant sister...
"Well, little girl, it seems that your stamina and speed are not enough? Look at how far we have run, and you can't catch up!" In order to resolve the embarrassment, Miao Xiaohei immediately pulled a smiley face, facing the farmer sister Said.

"Well, my attributes are basically added to my spirit, so my physical strength and agility are not good!" The farmer sister smiled a little embarrassedly when she heard what Miao Xiaohei said, and then said: "So, my Occupational partiality is a bit serious...."

"Oh, that's it..." Miao Xiaohei blinked and smiled absently.She was just looking for something to say, to resolve the embarrassment of forgetting the peasant sister.As for whether the girl's attributes are more or less, she really doesn't care at all.Who made her not a mage.....
"Wow, little girl, aren't your magic attack and magic value very good?" Ming Yuexin asked in surprise when she heard what the peasant sister said.

"It's okay, it's okay!" The farmer sister scratched her head and said a little embarrassedly: "My level is too low, and speaking of it, I'm not too good! It's only a little bit better than players of the same level! "

"If the level is higher, then it will be great!" Ming Yuexin nodded and said with certainty.I didn't see that the farmer's sister was about to show off how awesome her attributes were, but she interrupted her and had to shut up silently...

"By the way, let's talk later if we have something to say. Let's go catch the lotus first? The big cats are still waiting for us in the maze!" Miao Xiaohei blinked, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others and suggested.

"Yes, yes, yes! Let's hurry to catch the lotus!" Ming Yuexin nodded immediately, then glanced at the river and said, "By the way, why is the kitten still fishing?"

"I guess I haven't found the feeling yet!" Ji Xiaoyan shrugged, said something lightly, then looked at the peasant sister and said, "How is it? Can you still go?"

"Okay! I just want to trouble you to slow down..." the farmer sister said shyly.

"That's no problem, we'll just slow down!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded and said, and then greeted Miao Xiaohei and the others and ran to the river.

When Ji Xiaoyan reached the bank of the river, Thunder Kitty finally caught a lotus, ready to float back.As a result, at this moment, they heard a player on the river bank next to him yell in surprise: "Ah! Look, there is another lotus missing?"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, he was startled and turned his head to look at the source of the voice.There was a bunch of players over there, all looking excitedly and puzzled in the direction of Thunder Kitten on the river.

"Really, really, I saw it too!"

"How many flowers are these that have disappeared?"

"No. 12 flowers!"

"What's going on here? Didn't those lotus flowers float to the side of the mountain gate, or disappeared after being touched by the players? Why did they suddenly disappear halfway?"

"Could it be that a player came across it?"

"Where are there players on the river!! You idiot!"

"What if it's invisible?"

"That's right, all thieves now have the ability to learn invisibility?"

"So what if you learn it? If the thieves get into the water, wouldn't the quota of [-] people be exceeded? Then you think those players over there can continue to stand in the river! You are so stupid! "


"In other words, if it can float on the surface of the river without touching the river water, there must be no problem, right?"

"If you can float, what's the point of being invisible? Isn't that superfluous?"

"Invisibility is to prevent you from discovering... Hahaha!"

One by one, players pointed to the river and chattered.Ji Xiaoyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then turned his gaze back, and landed on Thunder Kitten.There were many players in that group, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't see exactly which players were talking, but could barely hear their discussions...
"Huh, I'm back!" The thunder kitten floated to the shore, saw Ji Xiaoyan and the others at a glance, so he hurriedly landed in front of them and said something.

"Little cat, you've been discovered!" Ming Yuexin blinked and said as soon as Thunder Kitty landed on the ground.

"Ah? My invisibility is gone?" Thunder Kitten was startled when she heard this, looked at Mingyuexin and the others and asked, then looked around in horror, as if she wanted to dig a hole right away Hide first.

"No, no, it's still in stealth!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly said to Thunder Kitten, and then said, "It's just that a player over there discovered that the lotus flower disappeared for no reason..."

"Huh, so that's how it is!" Thunder Kitten breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others and asked, "If that's the case, do you want to go a little further upstream to catch the lotus?"

"This is the only way to do it now!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then said: "Little cat, you can enter the maze first, and let the big cat wait for us a little longer!"

"Okay! Then you guys work hard!" Thunder Kitten agreed straightforwardly, and then directly chose to teleport immediately, disappeared in front of Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and entered the maze...
 PS: Thank you "Lying in the Snow and Listening to the Wind" for your comments! .This chapter can be regarded as making up for the benefits of Pink Sixty last month. Continue to tweet: [Ronghua Medical Road] Seeing the rebirth of a female doctor in an unknown dynasty, where does the love go! [Online Game Sommelier]: A rookie player has become a generation of sommelier.

(End of this chapter)

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