Chapter 627 Situation
"What happened?"

"Then the NPC is dead?"

"Who did it? Jiajia?"

Mingyuexin and Miao Xiaohei started to communicate excitedly as soon as they saw Friesman fell to the ground.

"If you want to know, just go and have a look!" Ji Xiaoyan yelled loudly, and then set his eyes on Friesman.In other words, this NPC is too... a little weak, right?Isn't it just throwing a big spell on her to freeze her?As for being weak like this?I can't even stand up! ?Could it be that this NPC can only use one spell, and die of exhaustion when it runs out?Just like those bees, if you stick out the tail needle, you will die?

Not like, not like!If that's the case, this NPC can live until now, and it's not that he has never used spells before?Ji Xiaoyan murmured secretly in his heart, he felt like Miao Xiaohei and the others in his heart, a little wanting to go over to see what the real situation was like, but unfortunately, he couldn't move his body yet, so he could only stare helplessly like this Watching Friesman fall to the ground, curled up.

"Xiaoyan, potion!" At this time, Yu Mo had already taken a few bottles of blood-increasing potion from Brick and floated over, and landed at a position parallel to Ji Xiaoyan's head, and then asked a little excitedly: "Xiaoyan Do you need Ximo to feed?"

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded.If Xuan Mo didn't feed her, she probably wouldn't be able to drink the potion either.

After hearing this, Xuan Mo happily opened the potion, stretched out his small arms and handed the potion to Ji Xiaoyan's mouth, watched her drink it, and then said: "Brick said he has a bottle of antifreeze, I don’t know if I can undo the freezing effect on Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan, do you want to try it?”

"Huh? Brick still made this kind of potion?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo in surprise when he heard that, and seeing that he nodded with certainty, he immediately said, "Then let me try it! It might be of no use at all!"

"Okay!" Xuan Mo nodded, flipped through the bottles of potion in his hand, selected a bottle of white potion, handed it to Ji Xiaoyan's mouth, and asked curiously after pouring her a drink : "How is it? Xiaoyan, does it work?"

"For the time being, it doesn't seem to have any effect..." Ji Xiaoyan blinked, and after feeling it, he said a little frustrated.

"Then... Maybe we have to wait for a while!" Xuan Mo guessed with puffy face.

"Yeah!" Ji Xiaoyan responded, and then heard the big super thunder cat shouting towards them: "Xiaoyan, are you okay now? If it's okay, can you ask Xuan Mo to come over and help! The monster is too Too much, we can't resist."

"Oh, good!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly responded, gestured to Xuan Mo, and then watched Xuan Mo drift away from her sight.Originally, there were him, Aizai, and Jiajia as the meat shield on the Super Thunder cat's side.Now Ai went to rescue his Huisheng at that time, but Jiajia wanted to protect Ji Xiaoyan, and Mingyuexin and Miao Xiaohei were both offensive-oriented occupations. It would take a while for the two of them to kill a monster together, let alone Said, Super Thunder big cats should also pay attention to their blood bars, for fear that they will be shot to death.So, the most stressful player on the field right now is the Super Thunder cat.

As for Thunder Kitten, as a mage, he can only stand at the back of the team to support...

Brick's blood-increasing potion was very effective. After drinking it for a second or two, it instantly increased Ji Xiaoyan's blood bar by more than half, and then began to increase slowly.And the thawing potion also began to work, but the effect was a bit slow.Ten seconds before Friesman's spell was automatically dispelled, the ice cubes on Ji Xiaoyan's body finally disappeared, and he could move slightly.However, the soles of her feet are still fixed to the ground as if rooted.

"This spell is really awesome." Ji Xiaoyan murmured to herself, thinking that if she learned this spell, it would be much more convenient for her to kill monsters and bosses in the future.However, seeing Friesman curled up on the ground in pain, Ji Xiaoyan retreated a bit.If she looks like that NPC every time she uses this spell, then she should not learn it well.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ji Xiaoyan squatted on the ground, tilted his head, and while picking at the ice cubes on the soles of his feet, he looked at Friesman and asked.

"Woo.....Woo." Freesman seemed not to have heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and there were bursts of painful groans in his throat.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at his state, there were still 5 seconds left for the freezing technique.

"Friesman?" Ji Xiaoyan shouted again.Seeing that Friesman still didn't hear her words, his eyes rolled immediately.Isn’t there a common saying that goes: Take advantage of your illness to kill you... Cough cough cough, so what, take advantage of the fire to rob... Cough cough cough, is that the case anyway?Now this NPC named Friesman seems to be in a very bad state. If she kills him, can something good be revealed?It would be perfect if some skill books could be published.

Ji Xiaoyan thought happily in her heart, and looked at Friesman with hot eyes.

So, after Ji Xiaoyan completely disappeared from the frozen state of the freezing technique, she directly sacrificed her staff, concocted a lowest-level fiery spell, and threw it towards Friesman.Her idea is very good, first throw a spell over there to test it out, if the NPC is hit, but still alive and kicking, if it stands up with anger and troubles her, it means that the NPC just did not behave like that. It's just pretending, and she can make a confession with everyone later, saying that the spell missed or something.At that time, when this NPC charges them, just kill him severely.

However, Ji Xiaoyan's intention was good, but when the spell was thrown on Friesman, she found that the system unexpectedly gave her a reminder.

[System Prompt]: Player Ji Xiaoyan has no effect on the magic attack of the fake ice god Friesman.

"Invalid?" Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, a little confused.Generally, if this kind of attack is invalid, shouldn't it be enough to just have a MISS?Why is there still a system prompt on this Friesman?Is it because of his false title of ice god?In other words, although an ice god is a "false", he still has the word "god", how can he be as weak as he is now?
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and simply threw one of her most powerful single-person attack spell, Burst Red Flame, on Friesman.As a result, unexpectedly, the system gave a system prompt again, saying that her spell attack against Friesman was invalid.

And Friesman, who suffered from Ji Xiaoyan's two attacking spells, still curled up on the ground as if he didn't know anything.

"Xiaoyan, if you're okay, can you help us get rid of these monsters first!" Miao Xiaohei raised his head and shouted at Ji Xiaoyan.She was a bit guessing that Ji Xiaoyan was going to attack Friesman, but she just watched Ji Xiaoyan throw two spells on the NPC, and the NPC didn't see any blood loss status numbers on the top of its head, nor did she see it. What action does the NPC have?So, Miao Xiaohei guessed that maybe that Friesman was an NPC with a mission, not attackable or something.

Ji Xiaoyan scratched his head and looked back at the direction of Miao Xiaohei and the others. Seeing that they were still struggling to kill those monsters, he finally sighed and took a deep look at Friesman who was curled up on the ground. Then he said, "Take some time to watch him. If he makes any moves, please let me know!" The high-end swords went directly towards those monsters.

Since those monsters are immune to her fire spells, she can switch roles and become a warrior.But then again, Friesman is also immune to her spells, so why don't she try to attack with warrior skills later?

While thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan slashed down with a gale move, and then saw a large area of ​​blood loss values ​​of -990, -1200, etc. floating above the heads of the surrounding monsters, so, Ji Xiaoyan instantly found confidence in her heart.Fortunately, she is still very good, and she finally lived up to the many skills she learned in Qingshimen!

"Xiaoyan!!" And just after Ji Xiaoyan and everyone killed a few monsters together, Hui Sheng's voice suddenly sounded slightly sharp, with a little bit of irritation in his tone: "You should restrain yourself The NPC that came with you, Yu Mo." Hui Sheng and the others still don't know that Xuan Mo and Brick are both NPC attendants, they have heard from Thunder Kitten and the others that they are special NPCs who came to the martial arts conference with Ji Xiaoyan .

"What's wrong?" Ji Xiaoyan blinked suspiciously when he heard Hui Sheng's words, and asked in the direction of Hui Sheng from the side of a monster.Hui Sheng looked a bit embarrassed at this time, with a faint black light shining on his body, while Ai was holding a spear by his side at that time, poking the monster one after another.

"He...he brought the monster to me! Almost killed me." Hui Sheng held back for a second, and finally uttered this sentence.

"Where will I take it to you?" Miao Xiaohei and Ming Yuexin both looked at Hui Sheng when they heard the words, and then Miao Xiaohei continued to ask: "Xiao Hui, it shouldn't be a problem to take it to you, right? Hate It’s all on us, as long as you don’t attack those monsters, you’ll be fine, right?”

"Who said it's all right? Didn't you see that all those monsters came to besiege me?" Hui Sheng immediately glared at Meow Xiaohei and said.

"Look, I saw it!" Miao Xiaohei nodded, and then asked: "Isn't it because you attacked them that those monsters came to attack you? Actually, Hui Sheng, you shouldn't be the one who robbed Xuan Mo , as long as you don't attack those monsters, they will definitely only chase after you, not you. You see, it is because of your willfulness that you attacked those monsters, which caused them to chase and kill you. Liaison love is leaving us to save you..."

When Hui Sheng heard this, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.Meow Xiaohei, if he doesn't turn black and white like this, how can he attack those monsters, are those monsters attacking him, okay?
 PS: Thank you for the safety talisman of "Moon with Breeze"!Thanks for the rice dumplings from "The Call of the Ice God"! .Last night, my hand hurt so much that I couldn't do it anymore, so I didn't update it in the morning. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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