Chapter 634
"Eat?" Miao Xiaohei looked at Friesman suspiciously, straightened his body, stared straight into Friesman's eyes, and then asked with a little naivety and doubts: "Uncle , are you hungry? But, I don’t have any food on my body, but my friend has some, why don’t you wait for a while? When they finish their work, you will have something to eat! You can still eat in this time hold on?"

"I...I can't wait..." Friesman said with a painful face.

"Isn't it? Uncle, just be hungry for a while, and you can't help it? Could it be that you are so hungry that you became what you are now? Then how many days have you been hungry?" Miao Xiaohei wondered He tilted his head, thought for two seconds, shook his head, and then continued: "That's not right! Uncle, I think you fell to the ground because you used skills and then your body collapsed, right? How do you want to eat? In this case, you should drink water, right? Uncle, do you want to drink water? Although I don’t have ordinary drinking water here, there is still a little potion. Do you need some? "

Friesman looked at Miao Xiaohei's serious face, and after a moment of astonishment, burst into tears in his heart.Did this girl do it on purpose?Is it intentional?She obviously guessed the truth, knowing that eating is the most important thing to him, so she deliberately didn't want to give him food, so she said that, right?What do you mean he looks like his body has collapsed after using a skill?How can his body be so bad?Will you fall down if you just use a skill?Then how can he mess around?Drink water?Who wants to drink water?He's not thirsty at all, okay?
Friesman stared at Miao Xiaohei with fiery eyes, but couldn't say a word.You said that if he admits that he fell to the ground because of hunger, as Miao Xiaohei said?No, no, if you admit it, how embarrassing would it be?Surely he will be laughed at in the future; but if he doesn't admit it, he will have nothing to eat, and he will not be able to recover.And if he can't recover, he won't be able to grab the spoils from the group of adventurers in front of him!

Is it better to exchange reputation for real things?Or is it better to want reputation and not things?

Friesman struggled.

Miao Xiaohei knew that he was doing the right thing when he saw that Friesman was not talking but was thinking.It is definitely correct not to feed this NPC, but Miao Xiaohei is still a little puzzled when he thinks of this.Is this NPC really so hungry?The aura of robbing them just now doesn't seem like a hungry person?Could it be that all of this is just pretending?

He looked at Friesman suspiciously again, and Miao Xiaohei became more certain of his thoughts in his heart.After quietly moving a few steps to the side, Miao Xiaohei slowly stood up, leaned over to Hui Sheng, who was throwing spells with joy, and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Hei Come back, why didn't you want to continue to fight that NPC over there? Can you tell me?"

Hui Sheng glanced at Miao Xiaohei indifferently, and only said one word coldly: "Busy!"

Hearing this, Miao Xiaohei gave Hui Sheng a big white eye, and continued to ask: "What's so busy? Isn't it just killing monsters? You can also talk while killing monsters!"

"I want to chant the mantra!" Hui Sheng took the time to say another sentence.

So, Miao Xiaohei was completely defeated by Hui Sheng.As a player of the physics department, his life is indeed different from that of a player of the law department!They can chat while killing monsters, but those from the legal system have to recite spells...
Miao Xiaohei looked at Hui Sheng with a face full of reluctance, then at Friesman who was lying on the ground and was thinking about something, and was so absorbed in his thoughts. Finally, he could only sigh, put his hands on his chest, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others. Killed monsters.

The remaining two elite-level monsters, after being besieged by Ji Xiaoyan and the others, finally persisted unwillingly for more than ten minutes, then completely fell to the ground and twitched twice and then stopped moving. Then a bunch of things exploded, compared to the elite monster that was killed first, these two dropped a lot more things.

As the team leader, Ji Xiaoyan was directly entrusted with the important task of picking things up.As for the distribution of spoils, this kind of thing is usually done when they are too tired from walking and resting in the maze.

After Ji Xiaoyan put the things that these two monsters exploded into the package, he waved to Hui Sheng and said, "Xiao Hui, hurry up and collect the corpses..."

"En!" Hearing this, Hui Sheng gave Ji Xiaoyan a grateful look, and happily trotted over.He didn't expect that girl Ji Xiaoyan could still remember that he needed a corpse.

"Corpse..." Friesman heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and immediately glanced at them with bright eyes, then turned his head to look at Miao Xiaohei expectantly, and squeezed out a sentence: " Little girl... little girl..." Why did he chase these monsters back then?Isn't it just for the corpses, for the things on those monsters?Now watching others want to collect his spoils, do you think Friesman can not be in a hurry?

"Oh, I'm sorry uncle, I forgot about you!" Miao Xiaohei immediately gave him an apologetic smile when he heard what Friesman said, and then said, "Don't worry, uncle, I'll go and talk to my Companions, tell us, we will definitely save you!" After saying that, Xiao Hei immediately ignored Friesman's hesitant expression, and ran towards Ji Xiaoyan and the others.

Friesman stretched out a hand and scratched in the direction of Miao Xiaohei, but he didn't catch anything.He doesn't want that girl to find someone to save him. What he needs most now is food, and the second is who can knock down his blood!The girl must have known something, so she deliberately said something to save him, and then ran away immediately...

Here, Friesman is tearful and sad in his heart, and over there, Miao Xiaohei has already talked about Friesman's abnormality and Ji Xiaoyan, and Hui Sheng also asked why he didn't want to continue beating him. Riesman's reason was explained again, and everyone immediately guessed Friesman's state in their hearts.This NPC definitely has some tricks that can be used after the health bar is down, so they are determined not to hit him again.

However, can they let go of such a good opportunity to give them something?The answer is of course no.

So, the heavy responsibility of blackmailing the NPC naturally fell on Ji Xiaoyan again, who made this girl the captain?Coupled with Thunder Kitty and the others knowing Ji Xiaoyan well, it really is most appropriate for Ji Xiaoyan to do this kind of thing!
"Hey, Uncle!" Ji Xiaoyan took advantage of everyone waiting for Huisheng to recover the corpse, while Brick was decomposing some materials on the corpse, walked to Friesman's side, looked at him and yelled.

However, this NPC's enthusiasm for Ji Xiaoyan is obviously not as good as Miao Xiaohei and Hui Sheng.Watching Ji Xiaoyan come to him helplessly, and after calling him, Friesman remained silent, just looking at Ji Xiaoyan indifferently.

"Don't talk?" Ji Xiaoyan squatted in front of Friesman, tilted his head to look at him, and then asked again: "Uncle, are you so hungry that you don't even have the energy to speak?"

You're so hungry that you don't even have the energy to speak!Your whole family is so hungry that you don't even have the energy to speak!Friesman cursed in his heart, his face was still expressionless, and he just stared at Ji Xiaoyan blankly.

"It seems that you are really hungry, uncle!" Ji Xiaoyan understood for a while, then looked at Friesman with a big smile, then took out a small bread from the package, and waved it in front of Friesman Shaking, seeing him staring at the piece of bread like a wolf, following the movement of her hand, her eyeballs following the bread swaying from side to side, the smile on Ji Xiaoyan's face became even wider: "Uncle, I heard that you promised that if anyone can feed you, you are willing to pay something. Is this true?"

Friesman swallowed dryly, then moved his eyes reluctantly from the bread in Ji Xiaoyan's hand to her face, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "What do you want?"

"Look at what you're talking about, uncle! What can I do? If you cast a spell, I won't be able to move. What else can I do? It's just that I heard that you can use some rewards in exchange for us. Food? So I’m coming here now!” Ji Xiaoyan looked at Friesman with a smile and said, “Of course, if uncle doesn’t want to, we won’t force it. After all, we still have a lot of things to keep busy of."

"Give me the bread, and I'll give you something!" Friesman said to Ji Xiaoyan without even thinking about it.Hmph, when he regains his strength, the first thing he will do is to destroy the girl in front of him first, and then destroy her team...
"I don't know what uncle wants to exchange for this bread?" Ji Xiaoyan asked, looking at Friesman with a smile.Looking at it like that, Friesman's heart tightened suddenly. Why did he feel that the girl's expression was particularly malicious?
"A bottle of ice and snow protection potion can have a ten-second invincible defense state. For 10 minutes, it can increase the attack of water and ice spells by 40%, and for half an hour, it can be immune to 60% of water and ice damage!" Friesman said. He said something to Ji Xiaoyan with a face full of pain.I thought that when the girl heard the properties of the potion, she would definitely hand over the bread and ask him to give the potion.

But who knows, Friesman saw Ji Xiaoyan squinting his eyes, smiling like a profiteer, looking at him and saying, "Uncle, I remember you said that you have a high-level dagger and a book or two of skills. Books, huh?"

 PS: Thanks to "Qiuyue Xiaoyao" for the pink tickets!Thank you "grape cici" for the pink ticket!Thank you for the pink tickets of "Lying in the Snow and Listening to the Wind"!Thanks for the pink ticket to "Where the Stars Are"!

(End of this chapter)

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