Chapter 641 NPC Merchant
Regarding Ji Xiaoyan's request for a change of treatment, to be honest, Friesman was still very disturbed.According to his thinking, judging from Ji Xiaoyan's shameless, treacherous and unwilling character and attitude, if she doesn't continue to blackmail him for something, she will definitely not agree.However, for the sake of his own image and comfort, Friesman still tried to speak, to see if he could use Brick's face to make the girl treat him better.

After all, if it weren't for Brick's persuasive lobbying, he wouldn't be willing to exchange a skill book for the two pieces of bread in Miss Ji Xiaoyan's hand, and he wouldn't think about the disadvantages that would be. !Of course, he himself is not willing to starve to death here...

What I didn't expect was that although the girl Ji Xiaoyan denied insulting him, she still agreed to give him a change of treatment, instead of letting Jiajia drag his leg, dragging him around on the ground and following them around. .The place where Friesman was staying now was one of Gaga's paws. He was supported by Gaga's paws, he let out a sigh of relief, and said in his heart: This is the treatment that a great mage should have!

"Xiaoyan, what skill is it?" Miao Xiaohei raised his chin and gestured to the skill book in Ji Xiaoyan's hand, and asked curiously.

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan held the skill book in front of his eyes, and whispered to Miao Xiaohei and the peasant sister:

Item Name: Ice Blast (Skill Book)

Item restrictions: Ice mages above level [-] can learn.

Item introduction: Ice blast can quickly extract and freeze the water elements around the enemy, and make the frozen water elements explode within three seconds, attacking the enemy with explosive force, cold air and ice crystals.

"Good stuff!" Miao Xiaohei sighed immediately after hearing Ji Xiaoyan read the attributes written in the skill book, and then said with some regret: "It's a pity, you must be an ice mage to learn it."

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled slightly, nodded indifferently, and then put the skill book directly into the bag.Ice mage?Hehe, who said that you must be an ice mage to learn this skill book?What is her character?That is, she can learn any skill. Will these career-restricted skill books and weapons and equipment work for her?

"Didn't the NPC say that he has two skill books in his hand? Could it be that the other one is also used by ice mages?" The farmer sister sighed and said something to Ji Xiaoyan and Miao Xiaohei.

"If that's the case, the ice mages will be the cheapest ones in the end!" Miao Xiaohei also sighed.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it's a good thing!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled when he heard the words, and then greeted Jiajia directly, and asked: "Jiajia, can you try to find which direction the kittens and the others are going? "There are too many side roads and walls in the maze. If they wander around recklessly, they might lose themselves. They haven't found the super thunder cat yet, so they can only rely on the almighty Kaka." Radar pets up.

Fortunately, although Jiajia couldn't clearly find out which way the Super Thunder Big Cat and the others were walking, they could find a general direction anyway, so Ji Xiaoyan had to take Jiajia and the others stumbling towards the maze. Looking in that direction, he slowly groped to find the past.

At this time, Nightmare Foliage, Nightmare Cleaner, and Zhiyue Flying Flying had already successfully escaped from the previous incident of catching lotus in the river and fighting with players, catching the lotus and entering the maze.As a matter of course, after the three of them were teleported into the mountain gate of the maze, they also encountered many ambush attacks from the players who entered first. However, because the thief, the Nightmare Cleaner, had a relatively high agility, he was directly attacked by the opponent. When they hit them, they took Zhiyue Flying, the thin-skinned mage, and ran away quickly, leaving Diao Foil to help them carry a few big attacks, dropped some blood bars, and successfully killed two players After that, the three of them finally rushed to the safe place where the entrance and exit of the maze was.

After tidying up, the three of them went straight to the maze.

Fortunately, Nightmare Foil Wandering and the others encountered the legendary supply NPC businessman walking around randomly in the maze as soon as they entered the maze.Among the three of them, Nightmare Foil Wanderer had enough gold coins on him, so after seeing the NPC merchant, Nightmare Foil Wanderer directly bought a lot of special props and potions, etc., and successfully obtained that NPC merchants have a lot of favorability.And the thief Nightmare Cleaner also had a lot of gold coins. After buying a bunch of things he could use, he even disposed of all the garbage he stole from other players to the NPC merchant.

As for the aggrieved Paper Magician, Flying Paper Moon, after showing you everything that the NPC merchant sells, he didn't buy anything in the end.He had already prepared potions and other things well before entering the maze, so there was absolutely no need to spend money on them.And the NPC merchant didn't have any paper that he could use to attack, so in the end, Paper Moon Flying only looked at the NPC merchant's goods honestly, and then turned away with no interest.

Originally, Nightmare Foil Displacement and the others thought it would be over. The NPC merchant would leave after selling them something, and then they continued to explore the maze.In the end, I don't know if the NPC is too individual, or the system is set that way.The NPC businessman became a little annoyed when he saw that Zhiyue Fenfei didn't buy anything with a disappointed expression on his face.

"You don't want to buy anything?" the NPC merchant stared at Zhiyue Fenfei with burning eyes and asked.

"Ah! Do I have to buy it?" Zhiyue Fenfei looked at the NPC merchant with surprise and confusion and asked.But he was muttering in his heart. Could it be that if he met this kind of NPC merchant in this maze, he would have to pay for things?What if the player has no money on him?Moreover, he didn't want to spend money inexplicably on things he didn't need.

"I didn't force you to buy it!" The NPC merchant replied staring at Zhiyue Flying, and then continued: "It's just that you looked at my goods with interest, why didn't you buy it? Don't you think I You don’t like anything? You know, you’re hurting my self-esteem as a businessman, so I’m very angry!”

"Ah?" Zhiyue Fenfei heard the words, suddenly looked surprised and terrified, turned his head to look at the Nightmare Foil Drifter and the Nightmare Cleaner, and asked wordlessly: What should we do now?What does this NPC mean?

Seeing this, Yan Foil immediately put a smile on his face, then looked at the NPC businessman and said, "Uncle, don't get me wrong. Our companion didn't mean that."

"What does that mean?" The NPC businessman looked at Yan Foil Displaced, and his face was a little pale. For those who spend a lot of money in his own hands, this NPC's attitude is still good, "I obviously looked at him with hope. After looking at my goods, he turned out to be disappointed and didn’t buy anything. Isn’t that what he looked down on me? Did he think my things were not good enough? Not high-end?

"No, Uncle, that's not the case!" The Nightmare Cleaner heard the words, and immediately explained: "Uncle, don't think so, my companion... my companion is actually very cash-strapped, I can't afford it... I can't afford it!" After speaking, the Nightmare Cleaner quickly poked Zhiyue Flying with his hand, motioning for him to answer.

"Yes, uncle, I'm sorry, I didn't dare to buy your things because I have no money and I'm too poor." Zhiyue Fenfei heard the words of the nightmare cleaner and said knowingly: "Uncle, don't It's not that your stuff is bad, it's just that I don't have money to buy it, so don't be angry!"

"Really?" The NPC businessman's complexion immediately improved after hearing the words, but he still held a hesitant attitude and asked while watching Zhiyue Feifei.

"Really, [-]% true!" Zhiyue Fenfei replied immediately.But he became depressed in his heart, could his luck be so bad!It's just a one-time purchase, and NPCs will catch him and come to trouble him. Can he not be so unlucky!
"En..." The NPC businessman looked at Zhiyue Fenfei carefully, as if he was thinking about the credibility of his words, then he pondered for a few seconds, looked up at Zhiyue Fenfei and asked: "Then how much money do you have?"

"Ah?" Zhiyue Fenfei heard the words, and was a little dazed.What does the NPC mean by asking this?Could it be that this NPC knew how much money he had on him, and was going to see if he was lying?Or, does this NPC have other ideas?
"What? Don't dare to say?" The NPC businessman squinted his eyes when he saw the surprised face of Zhiyue Flying Flying, and asked a little dangerously.

"Hehe, uncle, what is he afraid to say!" Seeing this, the Nightmare Cleaner quickly bumped into the paper moon, and then said with a smile: "He is embarrassed, too embarrassed, so he can't open his mouth for a while. Zhiyue, hurry up and tell Uncle how much you have with the few copper plates you have..." After speaking, the Nightmare Cleaner winked at Zhiyue Fenfei.

"I..." Zhiyue Fenfei's heart was quite nervous at the moment, he couldn't figure out what the NPC businessman in front of him meant when he asked him how much money he had, and he was constantly weighing in his heart, what should he say? .According to the words of the nightmare cleaner, there are only a few copper coins, or a little more.Or, just tell the truth?
"Zhiyue, we won't laugh at you, don't you only have a dozen copper coins left on you? Tell this uncle loudly, he won't laugh at you!" Yan Foil looked at Zhiyue with a smile After a word of encouragement, together with the Nightmare Cleaner, they turned their attention to the NPC merchant.

They have to be on guard all the time, to see what this NPC businessman is going to do next...

 PS: Thank you "ygong" for your comment! "Huofeili" peach blossom fan, pink ticket and big sachet! ... It's been a long time since I saw a fan and a sachet... Qianqian is very excited! !The internet was disconnected today, so the upload was delayed. . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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