The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 644 Worried Mingyuexin

Chapter 644 Worried Mingyuexin
"Big cat... Love is here... What should I do now?" Ming Yuexin was a little stunned by the words of the NPC who seemed to be the leader, and looked at Super Thunder Big Cat and Love quite at a loss. At that time, he said in panic: "We didn't mess with these NPCs, did we? Why did they kill us? If we die now, wouldn't we be eliminated from the second level?"

They entered this maze with great difficulty, and they got out of so many things, and they haven't got much benefit in their hands. If they are eliminated like this, isn't it too worthless and not worth it?Thinking of this, Ming Yuexin was a little bit unwilling!What's the matter, what's the matter, I have to find a way to escape...
At that time, Ai was frowning tightly, thinking about what the NPC leader meant, and what it meant to let them pay for the property of these NPCs with their lives.Hearing Ming Yuexin's panicked voice, Ai couldn't help but look at Ming Yuexin impatiently at that time, but didn't say anything.Now they don't know what the situation is, they speak rashly, or beg for mercy or something, maybe there is nothing to solve the situation in front of them, saying that it is not necessary to provoke these NPCs, it will be even worse to die later .

"Ai is here, you have the most ideas... think about it quickly, what should we do?" Seeing that Ai had no intention of talking at all at that time, Ming Yuexin hurriedly called out to him.

"Mingyue, can't you stop for a while?" Seeing this, Hui Sheng frowned slightly, and said to Mingyue Xin a little impatiently, "Didn't you see that Xiao Ai is already thinking of a way?"

"Xiao Hui, am I in a hurry? If we hang here, we will be wronged! Do you want to hang here?" Ming Yuexin frowned and yelled at him when she heard Hui Sheng's words said a word.As a result, when she yelled, another NPC standing next to them stood up and hit Mingyue Xin with a stick, knocking out more than 6000 of her blood bars again, and yelled at her: "Woman, Be quiet! This is not a place where you can yell loudly...."

Therefore, Ming Yuexin was wronged.

Why does she feel that these NPCs are targeting her?Obviously Hui Sheng also spoke just now?Why do these NPCs only attack her... Thinking of this, Ming Yuexin could only look at those NPCs in a grievous voice, then took out the medicine bottle and drank it silently, while hugging the pet Xiaohua in her hand tight.In a while, if she really has to, if she wants to escape, she will have to rely on her pet to attract the firepower and attention of those NPCs...

At that time, Ai saw that Ming Yuexin had finally calmed down, and she was greatly relieved in her heart. Ming Yuexin, a girl, was startled when she followed them all the way, and she was fine when she usually killed monsters. With her cheerful voice, everyone felt that the atmosphere was not bad, at least when they got something, hearing her joyful voice would add to the joy in everyone's heart.But the problem is, now is not the time to yell and yell. Every time the girl said a word, he felt a little more irritable in his heart, and he wanted to be like those NPCs, give her A few times.Now that she finally shut up, Ai felt that her brain could finally turn around at that time, so she slowly moved towards the Super Thunder cat, preparing to take advantage of these NPCs before they moved them. Discuss with the Super Thunder cat first to discuss what they will do next.

"Lock them all up. When the time comes, there will be a life sacrifice." The NPC leader looked lightly at the super thunder cats who were surrounded together, said something to the other NPCs, and then turned directly into the room. left the village and disappeared.

The next thing is simple.

The super thunder cats were left where they were, but those NPCs got some bamboo poles from somewhere, built a bamboo cage around them, and treated them like pets. closed.Then those NPCs disappeared completely in the village!
"What should we do now? Just cut down these bamboos?" The thunder kitten approached the super thunder cat in a low voice, and asked, "I see that there are no NPCs looking at us now, If we want to do it, we must hurry up."

"Maybe some NPCs are hiding in the corner and watching us! As soon as we make a move, they will appear. Let's be honest, can we ask for mercy when we see it!" Mingyue was taken aback Sniffing, the urn said something.The NPCs in this village said so fiercely that if a fight really broke out, they might be the ones who deliver the food...
Hui Sheng glanced at Ming Yuexin lightly, looked around, and said: "I look around, but it doesn't look like there are people anymore, it seems that those NPCs have all entered the village. If we don't act sooner If you plan to find a way, they might kill us in a while..."

"Yes, yes, yes! We don't know when they are going to kill us now, so we should figure out a way!" The thunder kitten nodded immediately after hearing this, and then continued: "I don't know if we What kind of bad luck is it that these NPCs have taken a fancy to them. What is the reason why they killed us? Pay their property! We have not even seen their property, and we have to pay for our lives. It's just a disaster!"

The big super thunder cat responded lightly, and then said to Ai at that time: "I will try with you to see if I can cut down these bamboos..."

"Okay!" Ai nodded bluntly at that time, directly touched his weapon, chose a position to stand in place, and then looked at the big super thunder cat, ready to listen to his orders and then do it .

"You... Aren't you afraid that there will be NPCs spying on us, and you will rush out as soon as you leave?" Ming Yuexin looked at the super thunder cat and the others in surprise and asked.

"Anyway, I'm going to be killed. If you don't fight for it, you'll be discouraged!" Hearing this, the thunder kitten rolled Ming Yuexin's eyes, and then warned in a low voice: "However, Ming Yue, I don't think you should talk too much. It's better, otherwise there will be no NPCs coming out in a while, and you will attract a few as soon as you speak, that would be bad!"

When Ming Yuexin heard the words, she immediately became a little angry.What does Thunder Kitten mean?That her voice is too loud?Or are you mocking her for being hated by NPCs?Didn't she just remind everyone because she was worried that everyone would be taken over by one pot?Good intentions are not rewarded!

The big super thunder cat looked around vigilantly, then nodded to Ai at that time, and the two of them swung their weapons at the bamboos surrounding them in unison.I originally thought that these bamboos were either in a state of bleeding, or they were cut off directly, or the system prompted something that these bamboos could not be cut down or something.In the end, who knew, when they went down with the knife, it didn't matter that there was a big miss on the bamboo, but they actually heard a pleasant crisp sound.

"What sound?" Thunder Kitten was startled, and looked at his father.

"It seems... It's the sound of you chopping bamboo?" Hui Sheng also opened his eyes wide, and looked at the super thunder cat and the others and said something.

"I'll try again!" Ai frowned when he heard the words at that time, and chopped the bamboo in front of him twice again.Sure enough, I heard the crisp sound again, and the sound was not small.

"Don't cut it, the sound is so loud, those NPCs will definitely be alarmed!" Ming Yuexin said to Ai at that time with a face of panic, and then spun around anxiously: "No wonder those NPCs The NPCs are not guarding us. It turns out that these bamboos will make noise whenever they are cut. As long as we want to escape, they will know... What should we do? Are we just waiting to be killed? By the way, I don’t know if I can contact the team members here? Let’s ask Xiao Hei and Xiao Yan to save us..."

"Save? There are so many NPCs, how can we save them? We can't even break out of this cage now, so we will be arrested if we let Xiaoyan and the others come here?" Hui Sheng gave Ming Yuexin a white look, and asked back.

"Don't be afraid of this, there is Xiaoyan's Xuan Mo here? He is a mage of the earth system, and he must have a way to get us out of this cage..." Ming Yuexin didn't care about his treatment of her when she heard Hui Sheng's words. A bit dissatisfied with that attitude, he smiled directly and said: "Besides, there is Jiajia, and Jiajia is still very powerful. With its size, it can slap several NPCs away with one paw! Then we will be fine." Ran away……."

When Thunder Kitten heard this, he immediately looked at Ming Yuexin with a feeling of displeasure.Why does he feel that listening to this girl's words is not pleasant at all?It would be fine if they were killed by NPCs, who made them too unlucky to be caught?But, asking Ji Xiaoyan and the others to save them... Isn't that letting Ji Xiaoyan and the others throw themselves into a trap and be caught by an NPC?

The Super Thunder cat was the same as Ai at that time. He glanced at Ming Yuexin but didn't express anything. He went directly to study those bamboos together.Hui Sheng frowned, turned his head away in disdain, and stopped looking at Ming Yuexin. He found that he didn't like Ming Yuexin a little...
Mingyue finished speaking eagerly, but she didn't get any response or expression from her teammates, and she felt aggrieved again in her heart.Look, look, she was thinking of a way for everyone to escape, but in the end, everyone didn't express anything, and they even looked to have a problem with her.Who is she provoking?Could it be that when a team member is in trouble, other teammates shouldn't come to help, to save people?
Thinking of this, Ming Yuexin directly pulled out the friend menu, found Ji Xiaoyan's name, and was going to throw a call to connect to it, to see if he could contact his teammates in the maze, and recruit Ji Xiaoyan and the others to save them...
Hmph, when Ji Xiaoyan and Miao Xiaohei come over and rescue them, Thunder Kitty and the others will definitely be grateful to her. At that time, let's see if they still haven't apologized to her for their current attitude towards her?

 PS: Qianqian asks for recommended tickets and favorites to click.

(End of this chapter)

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