Chapter 666

On the morning of the second day in real time, in Beixuan Dou Maze.

When Ji Xiaoyan went online, Lang Lang Haoyue and the others had already waited impatiently at the place where they went offline.It is said that these people took turns waiting for them to go online, fearing that they would leave them here and go away by themselves. In the end, the rest of the people were not at ease, and all of them went on the game in the middle of the night and waited until now...
As for the people on their side, basically all of them came together. Aizai and Huisheng were sitting by the wall of a maze with their eyes closed. The younger sister and Miao Xiaohei girl are boringly studying the patterns on the maze wall... The only one left in the whole team is Thunder Kitten who has not yet logged in.

Therefore, for the sake of the team's unity and action, everyone stayed where they were, and wanted to wait until Thunder Kitten went online before adding up the routes they wrote down.Of course, at this time, among the four that could not go offline, Brick, Jiajia, and Friesman, only Brick stayed where he was, and the other three disappeared.

As for Little Mimi, this guy usually appears on Ji Xiaoyan's shoulder when she goes online, and disappears when Ji Xiaoyan goes offline.During the period of disappearance, no one knows where the red eyeball went...

After Ji Xiaoyan and Super Thunder Big Cat both said hello, they directly ignored Lang Lang Haoyue's attempt to get together, and turned around to ask Brick Yumo where they were.Regarding Miss Qingyuxi's matter, after Ji Xiaoyan and Luoye Fenfei discussed it together, they finally decided to take a look and see what purpose Miss Qingyuxi had!Otherwise, if you offend Qing Yuxi, it will be a kind of trouble after all, won't it?

"Xu Mo has been taking Friesman out for a long time..." Brick heard Ji Xiaoyan ask Xuan Mo their whereabouts, immediately glanced at her a little nervously, and then said something.

"What did they go to do?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked at Brick and asked, "Did you find food for Jiajia? Or did they get bored and went out to let the wind go?"

Brick shook his head and replied: "I don't know either... I heard that Yu Mo pulled Friesman and said, as if he was going to give him some ideas to please you... Xiaoyan, you hate Friesman Is it? I think he is still very good!" Brick said while looking at Ji Xiaoyan eagerly.

"You like Friesman very much?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Brick suspiciously and asked.When did these two NPCs have such a good relationship?

"I...I just think he's very pitiful..." Brick wrinkled his mouth and said something in a low voice.

Ji Xiaoyan was silent for a few seconds, and then she smiled and said to Brick: "Okay, I get it! As long as he doesn't have any bad intentions, I won't do anything to him if I stay honest!" As he said that, Ji Xiaoyan patted Brick on the shoulder, and said, "Since you like him, I will try my best to treat him well in the future..." As long as that guy Friesman doesn't mess around That's it.

"Hmm!" Brick smiled brightly at Ji Xiaoyan when he heard the words, and then asked happily: "Then Xiaoyan, when shall we continue to set off? All the materials have been packed, and a lot of potions have been made..."

"Let's go later..." Ji Xiaoyan looked around, the Thunder Kitten was not online yet, so he pulled Brick to the side, and asked in a low voice: "Brick, Let me ask you something. Can you still contact the town house beast in the Western Continent?"

"Well, yes!" Brick nodded, and then said: "I can send the potion back directly, and then the town house beast will send the gold coins."

"It's amazing..." Ji Xiaoyan smacked his mouth, then looked at Brick and asked, "Then, if I want Town House Beast to lend a part of our shop to others, you here Can you convey it?"

When Brick heard this, he stared at Ji Xiaoyan for a moment, then shook his head and said, "This is not acceptable. We can only give each other some things, and we cannot convey orders and the like! Xiaoyan, why do you want to borrow the shop?" Going out? Is it because you don’t have enough money? I have gold coins here, and I have all the gold coins for selling potions a while ago, how much do you want?”

Ji Xiaoyan waved his hand, smiled helplessly at Brick, and then explained: "It's just that Luoye and the others want to use our shop to do something, but they can't buy real estate anywhere... If it doesn't work, then it's okay. By the way, how much did we sell the potion during this time?"

When it comes to gold coins, Ji Xiaoyan is still very interested.

"A lot!" When Brick heard Ji Xiaoyan's question, he looked at her with joy and said, "There are more than 3 gold coins... But, if you want Xiaoyan, I can only give you [-] gold coins." Gold coins... The rest, part of it will be consumed by the town house beast, part of it will be collected from some materials and the like, and the part that the consul should be given will be sent over..."

"Thirty thousand..." Ji Xiaoyan stared at Brick in disbelief, already overwhelmed with surprise.What is the concept of thirty thousand gold coins?The potion made by Brick is so valuable. Calculated in this way, when Brick was bought with [-] gold coins, it was like buying a gold ingot. It's worth it!

"The main reason is that the potion given by the Woffney Consul was so good a while ago. After the adventurers' level exceeds level [-], the potion business may not be so good!" Brick sipped. Pursing her lips, she said to Ji Xiaoyan.

"It's pretty good now!" Ji Xiaoyan sighed for a moment, then smiled at Brick and said, "It's just as long as our shop can go around for a while... Let's talk about the future things later!" Who can guarantee Will they not be able to find any good potion formula in the future?

However, the potion that Consul Woffney gave her that can allow players over level 40 to cross the gap between level [-] and level [-] is indeed very good... When she returns to the Eastern Continent, do you want to use it? How about going to Libo Town to thank him properly?

"However, the Town House Beast still needs to consume gold coins?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looking at Brick and asked in doubt.

"Well, yes! We rely on town house beasts to transfer things across continents. In addition to the gold coins that need to be consumed during the transmission process, town house beasts usually consume and upgrade. Gold coins are required!" Brick told Ji Xiaoyan explained.You can't just let the town house beast work and not give it food!

"So, it's a machine that spits out money?" Sure enough, Ji Xiaoyan's face immediately became a little ugly when he heard that.Cooperating with her, she picked up a money-making machine like Brick, and she still has to raise a money-eating machine like a town house beast... It's really depressing!

"'s almost..." Brick replied with his head down, and then Ji Xiaoyan sighed and said: "Forget it, just use it! Let's make more money slowly in the future." Already!"

"Yeah!" Brick breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Ji Xiaoyan figured it out.

Seeing that Ji Xiaoyan and Brick seemed to have finished their conversation, Lang Lang Haoyue and the others immediately discussed asking June Chongchong to talk to Ji Xiaoyan and establish a relationship.After all, in the future, we will get along for a long time!Not necessarily, but they have to get along until they finish the maze...

However, just when June Chongchong was persuaded and stood up and was about to walk towards Ji Xiaoyan, there was a faint sound from one end of the maze.Ji Xiaoyan and the others listened carefully for a while, and they could tell that it was a man's voice. From the tone of his voice, he seemed to be discussing something with someone...
"Everyone hide, prepare to attack..." Ai whispered to everyone at that time, clutching her weapon.

"We know, you don't need to say it! It seems that you are not the captain here, right?" Wutongshu in Langlang Haoyue's team frowned when he heard Aizai's words at that time, and looked at him with a little displeasure and said something.The captains of their two teams, one is Lang Lang Haoyue and the other is Ji Xiaoyan.Since Ji Xiaoyan didn't speak, it should be their boss Lang Lang Haoyue's turn to give orders in the team. How could such a man rob him of this power and honor?
Hearing the words at that time, Ai frowned slightly, snorted coldly and glanced at the sycamore tree lightly, didn't say anything, just winked at the super thunder big cat and the others, and then looked for a place to hide on its own, Ready to go to war.

The sycamore tree was ignored like this, and I was naturally even more unhappy with Ai Zai at that time.Just considering the current situation, he let out his breath, and then looked at Lang Lang Haoyue. It was obvious that he wanted to tell Ji Xiaoyan and the others that their team only listened to Lang Lang Haoyue.

It's just a pity that no one in Ji Xiaoyan's team paid attention to them!
"Everyone, take your place..." Lang Lang Haoyue naturally understood the meaning of the plane tree. Seeing him looking at her with a face that only listened to his ideas, she felt relieved and smiled at the plane tree with satisfaction. His gaze moved to the other end of the maze.

The voice became louder and louder, and within a short while, Ji Xiaoyan and the others could clearly hear every word the male voice said.

"I said, how far do we have to go? Aren't you lost? We've been walking for so long, but we haven't seen anyone... Maybe you remember the wrong way?" The male voice became clearer and clearer. rang.

Ji Xiaoyan and the others knew very well that a few people were about to walk out of the fork in front of them at any time, and they wanted to act preemptively when those people walked out of the fork and didn't find them. Kill them all.Otherwise, when those people come back to their senses, it will be another fierce battle...
However, what Ji Xiaoyan and the others did not expect was that the first figure to appear at the fork was someone they were very familiar with...
 PS: Thanks for the pink ticket for "Fall Into The Monkeys"!

(End of this chapter)

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