Chapter 670 For the end
Ji Xiaoyan has the map of Beixuan Dou Labyrinth.

Ji Xiaoyan also knew all the destination routes, traps, NPC villages, teleportation arrays, and monster refresh points in the entire maze.However, the problem that bothers her now falls on Lang Lang Haoyue and the others.According to Ji Xiaoyan's observation, Lang Lang Haoyue and the others have identified them and will stick to them until they leave the maze.Then, should she take advantage of Lang Lang Haoyue and the others and bring them to the finish line?

Obliged to take Lang Lang Haoyue and the others away, Ji Xiaoyan felt a little reconciled.They are not good friends, they once turned their faces!But, don't bring it?If not, how can we get rid of Lang Lang Haoyue and the others?Ji Xiaoyan was a little worried.

She really wanted to collect some gold coins from Lang Lang Haoyue and the others, but based on her observations, it is estimated that Lang Lang Haoyue and the others did not have much money, right?Anyway, it will definitely not meet her satisfaction!It may not be that once she opens her mouth, Lang Lang Haoyue and the others will directly tell her that they have little money left because they bought potions on her, and then send her a hundred and eighteen gold coins at will, and send her away. I bought it at the end of the maze...
If that's the case, Ji Xiaoyan is really not reconciled!She bought this map with a scroll that summoned a level [-] boss!What can a big boss at level [-] do?There are so many things that can be done!It's not a problem to destroy a small town!
After Yan Foil's drifting aura greatly stared away Thunder Kitten and the others who were trying to surround Ji Xiaoyan, he slightly moved his head closer to Ji Xiaoyan's side, and asked in a low voice: "Xiaoyan, what are you doing?" Is there any difficulty? Have you thought about it? Would you like me to help you as a staff member?"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan came back to her senses immediately and saw Yan Foil Liuli's delicate face approaching her, those slightly purple eyes were looking at her without blinking, the breath in the nasal cavity brought A fresh fragrance spewed out lightly, caressing her face and neck like a tickle, disturbing her a little bit strangely.

"I... I just haven't considered some things!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, moved his body to the side, and whispered something to Yan Foil Liuli, but the heat on his face rose involuntarily.Every time she sees Yanbo Liuli looking at her intently, she always thinks of the words of confession that Yanboliai said to her back then.

Is an ordinary girl like her really worthy of the attention of an outstanding man like Yan Foil?

"Can you say it?" Yan Foil Liuli saw Ji Xiaoyan move away from him, his eyes dimmed involuntarily, then he adjusted his mood immediately, smiled faintly, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked: " If you can say something, you can say it, and I'll help you think about it..." As he said that, he casually raised his hand, and before Ji Xiaoyan could react, he stroked her forehead broken hair on.

Ji Xiaoyan instinctively dodged to the side, and after seeing Yan Foil's Liuli's eyes hurt for a moment, he said in a low voice: "Liuli, I... I'm not used to it, don't get so close to me..."

"En!" Yan Foil heard the words, gave Ji Xiaoyan a warm smile, then retracted his hand, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Can you tell me what you were thinking just now?"

Ji Xiaoyan first looked around and found that other people were far away from her. If she spoke in a low voice, others might not be able to hear clearly. Then she glanced at Yan Foil Liuli and took the initiative to turn her head in his direction Moved, while telling myself not to think too much, not to blush and pant, he said in a low voice: "I got the map of the maze."

"Huh?" Yan Foil Liuli looked at Ji Xiaoyan's movements with joy, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he asked in a low voice, "Is it the map of the maze? Did that monster just give it to you?"

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded.

"What's the scope?" Yan Foil Liuli looked at Ji Xiaoyan seriously and asked, "Zhiyue also got a maze map, but the scope is not large!" The maze map with no end has a limited time to use.

"The range is huge!" Ji Xiaoyan was surprised, and then said to Yan Foil Liuliai: "There are all those at the end point!" She thought that her maze map was the first one, but she didn't expect Zhiyue Flying Flying to get it A map of the maze!So, it is possible for players in other mazes to get a similar maze map?So, does it mean that the first few players in the Northern Continent who reached the end of the maze also got the map?

"Is there an end point? Can we follow the map to reach the end point directly?" Yan Foil Liuli was surprised when he heard what Ji Xiaoyan said.The value of this map is completely different from that of Paper Moon Flying!
"Yes! Yes!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded bluntly, and then said with a little distress: "But, I am thinking about one thing now. Now we know the route to the end, but what will Langlang Haoyue and the others do? I I didn't get along well with them in the Eastern Continent before... Although the relationship is not the type of enemy, but it is still an acquaintance... However, we have a little conflict. If we take them to the end like this, I will And I feel a little bit unwilling... I also paid a price to get the map back, and let them take advantage of it for nothing, my heart..."

"Is your heart unbalanced?" Yan Foil asked with a smile when he heard the words.

"Yeah!" Ji Xiaoyan raised his eyes carefully to look at Yan Foil Liuliu, seeing that he didn't despise her at all because of her narrow-mindedness, he nodded immediately.

Yan Foil Liuli looked at Ji Xiaoyan's stingy look amusedly, and laughed a little.It seems that apart from her usual appearance of a profiteer, this girl still has the small-minded and willful temperament of a little girl!This kind of Ji Xiaoyan, Yan Foil Liuli thinks it is very cute, "Since you don't want them to take advantage of it for nothing, then kill them hard!"

"I thought so too! But..." Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Lang Lang Haoyue's direction sadly, sighed deeply, and then continued: "You don't know who Lang Lang Haoyue and his team are? Mu Xianle’s. If I ask for money or things, he will tell me that they have no extra property on them, and some of them have been used on me to buy medicines and so on! Even if they can get it later If the money comes out, I guess it won't be much.....There are no bank warehouses or anything in this labyrinth, and I have nothing to do with them in the end!"

After hearing the words, Yan Foil followed Ji Xiaoyan's gaze and looked at Lang Lang Haoyue and the others.After a while, he said, "I'll figure it out! As long as we talk to them, there's nothing else to do?"

"Well, that's all I'm thinking about!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, then looked at Yan Foil Wandering and asked, "What can you do?" What can be squeezed out?
"Wait until I go and talk to them, you continue to rest for a while, after the talk is over, let's go on the road again!" Yan Foil Liuli said to Ji Xiaoyan confidently, and after seeing her nod blankly, he went straight Run towards the area where Lang Lang Haoyue and the others are sitting.

Ji Xiaoyan didn't know exactly what Yan Foil had talked with Lang Lang Haoyue and the others, how much money and how much they had collected from them.All she knew was that Lang Lang Haoyue and the others looked at her in shock, and then they whispered to Yan Fou Liai for a long time. After they got a bunch of things from their body and traded them to Yan Fou Liai, the matter was considered finalized.Then Yan Foil Liuli walked up to Ji Xiaoyan with a happy smile on his face and said, "Xiaoyan, if we rest well, we are ready to set off to find the end point..."

"Oh, good!" Ji Xiaoyan glanced blankly at Yan Foil Liuli, then at Lang Lang Haoyue and the others who were as sluggish as frost beating eggplants, and nodded.From the looks of it, Yan Foil Wandering seems to have blackmailed Lang Lang Haoyue and the others severely!I just don't know how ruthless this extortion is!

"They did what you thought, saying that they had no gold coins on them. So I asked them to hand over a few pieces of valuable equipment as collateral, and when they returned to the Eastern Continent, they would redeem them with gold coins. At that time, I would give the gold coins Here you are..." Yan Foil Liuli said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile on his face, "As for the amount of gold coins, you don't have to worry, you shouldn't be disappointed. I think it's worthy of this map!" "

"En! Good!" Ji Xiaoyan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he glanced at Yan Foil Liuli with joy.This man really has a way, he can still coax Lang Lang Haoyue and the others to mortgage their equipment! !

"Okay, everyone, get ready. Let's hurry up and post the system announcement. Let's be the second, third, and fourth teams to reach the end of the maze..." Seeing that Ji Xiaoyan was happy, Yan Foil immediately smiled happily , and then they clapped their hands at Thunder Kitten and reminded: "Everyone has to work hard!"

"Wandering, it's so easy to get to the end!" Thunder Kitten heard the words, and immediately raised his head from the depressing things about the farmer's sister and Nightmare Cleaner's gossip about their hidden occupations, and said something to Nightmare Foil , "However, it's good to wander your mind."

Yan Foil Liuli glanced at Thunder Kitten indifferently, then turned his gaze to Lang Lang Haoyue's direction, and said loudly: "However, we have to make an agreement in advance. After reaching the end, the first one to go out , it must be Xiaoyan's team. As for who will follow behind, we will talk about it later..."

"Okay!" Lang Lang Haoyue expressed his opinion immediately on behalf of their team.

Super Thunder Big Cat and the others felt something was wrong at this moment.Hearing Yan Foil's words, is he certain that they can find the end of the maze?

" have a way to find the end? Damn, why didn't you say it before?" Nightmare Cleaner's eyes widened immediately after hearing what Yan Foil said, looking at him and asking.He can't figure it out!If Nightmare Foil Drifter really knows the end point, why didn't he say it before?

 PS: Thanks to "wjdxk1" for the safety symbol!Thank you "Female Empress" for the peace talisman!Thank you for comforting Qianqian's depressed heart....
(End of this chapter)

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