Chapter 687 The Cellar
What happened to the players in the restaurant, Ji Xiaoyan didn't know.She only knew that after following Mo Haihua, the owner of the restaurant, they walked around the restaurant for a long time, and finally saw a place similar to a cellar.

"That... Boss... This is where we are, do we want to go down and hide?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at a cellar opening in front of him with some uncertainty, and asked Mo Haihua.No wonder she thought so, the NPC mayor brought them here, didn't he just want them to go in and hide, and then let them leave after the players outside were almost gone?Otherwise, why bring them to this place?Could it be that there is an exit in this cellar?Or, in fact, the mayor boss just brought them to see some things she put in the cellar, or some wine?
No, no, no, no, Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly shook his head, shaking this ridiculous thought out of his mind.Xindao: This NPC mayor will definitely not be so boring, right?Right?
When Mo Haihua heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, she didn't answer her directly, but just gave her a smile, and then said hello to the shop waiter who had been following them all the time, after that, Ji Xiaoyan and the others saw that NPC shop waiter bent down , pulled up the black-painted wooden board covering the cellar opening on the ground, then took a small oil lamp from the side, lit the oil lamp with a torch, and took a photo into the cellar, and then He nodded to Mo Haihua.

"Follow!" Mo Haihua nodded in satisfaction, gestured to Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and followed the NPC shop waiter down the stairs in the cellar.

"Um...Xiaoyan, are we really going down? I think it's kind of scary down there! It's pitch black!" Meow Xiaohei said, pulling La Ji Xiaoyan worriedly.

"What are you afraid of?" Before Ji Xiaoyan could speak, the old man Qingmi said to Miao Xiaohei energetically: "Afraid of monsters? Or afraid of ghosts? There is still a group of undead that you are talking about standing here." As for the guy, is he a ghost? Don’t you usually have a good relationship with him? If there is anything, let him go to the front to help you. It’s fine. What are you afraid of? Hurry up and follow! "

Saying that, the old man Qing Mi immediately pushed Meow Xiao Hei.

"Uncle Master, why don't I walk a little behind!" Miao Xiaohei swallowed the saliva in his mouth, looked at the old man Qingmi with a flattering look and asked.

"It's the same wherever you go!" The old man Qingmi rolled his eyes at Xiaohei, then pointed to Mo Haihua and the waiter who had gone down to the cellar ahead, and said, "Someone has already opened the way for you, what are you afraid of? It’s not good for something to happen, they just picked the ones behind…” After speaking, the old man Qingmi was in a good mood to scare Miao Xiaohei for a while, and then followed Mo Haihua’s pace, walking towards the cellar Go, while shouting: "Don't delay, you follow quickly."

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, grabbed Miao Xiaohei and said, "Let's go together!"

"Hmm, um!" Miao Xiaohei nodded quickly, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan a little embarrassedly: "Actually, what... I'm not afraid of ghosts or anything, I'm just a little afraid of bugs... This cellar, it looks like it's not usually It’s too useful, I’m afraid there will be bugs or something..."

"Well, it's okay!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, smiled at Miao Xiaohei, patted her reassuringly, followed the old man Qingmi's movements, stepped up the stairs of the cellar, and walked down the stairs.

As far as this cellar is concerned, it is actually very or very hidden.

The opening of the cellar was only about the size of a square of eighty centimeters by eighty centimeters, and it was covered with a smooth wooden board painted with black paint. A small thread was nailed to a small corner of the board. Iron ring, if you don't pay attention, you can't see it at all.And the whole cellar opening is opened and closed by such a small iron ring!Below the cellar is a long wooden staircase. The staircase falls straight from the opening of the cellar to the floor of the cellar. The entire staircase is about ten meters high, but the width is only about half a meter away. There are no escalators on both sides. Things like that, so walking on it makes people feel insecure.

Ji Xiaoyan tremblingly followed the light of the oil lamp of the waiter in front of him, supported the wooden boards of the stairs with his hands, and then climbed down the stairs step by step, and landed firmly on the ground. After looking around for Miao Xiaohei to see if there were any bugs around her, and seeing that she was about to hit the ground, Ji Xiaoyan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the surrounding environment.

The whole cellar is very wide.

The overall space is just like what Ji Xiaoyan saw before, with a floor height of more than ten meters and a width of more than ten meters because the oil lamp of the shop assistant is not very effective, so Ji Xiaoyan can't see it very clearly, but he can still vaguely see the piles of piles in the cellar. With few things, the cellar is divided into three floors with various wooden planks and wooden pillars in the middle, and each floor has wooden stairs on it for ordinary walking.And each layer of wooden boards is piled with all kinds of things, including wood, ironware, pockets, wine jars and food, and even Ji Xiaoyan saw a lot of books in a corner something like...

"Wow..." Ji Xiaoyan sighed, never expecting such an inconspicuous cellar to have such an appearance, "Boss, how big is this place? It's full of things? It's so spectacular!"

"Hehe, okay!" Mo Haihua was very happy with Ji Xiaoyan's praise, smiled at her, and then said with infinite emotion: "This is a place that I spent a lot of energy to build..." Said Then, Mo Haihua walked to the place closest to them, touched the wine jars piled up there with her hands, and said, "These are all my favorites..."

"What kind of wine are these? Why don't you give me a few jars to taste?" The old man Qingmi's eyes lit up a little when he saw the wine jars. After hearing Mo Haihua say that those wine jars were her treasures, The old man Qingya immediately said something thick-skinned.

"Uncle Master..." Ji Xiaoyan was startled when he heard this.Old man Qingya, what are you doing here?The boss said that these are her treasures, and he dared to ask for them. Isn't this impatient?Although Ji Xiaoyan doesn't think that the mayor and tavern owner of Wuli Town in front of him can beat the old man Qingmi, but anyway, he is still on his territory, too rampant, not to give him face, or not OK!
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately wanted to stop the old man Qingmi from continuing to ask for wine.

But who knows, Ji Xiaoyan heard Mo Haihua's clear voice happily after he opened his mouth and said, "Are you also a wine lover?"

"Of course!" Old man Qingmi happily replied, and then continued to ask shamelessly: "How is it? For the sake of our good wine, give me a few jars to try? In the future, if the old man If you find something good outside, how about sending some to you?"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, he stroked his forehead immediately.Uncle Qingmi, when you have something good, can you remember to send it to others?The pancake painting is too big, the boss will definitely not agree to you!
Just thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan was shocked to hear Mo Haihua say: "Well... it's not impossible to give you a few jars, but..."

"Just what?" Old Man Qingya immediately asked nervously.

"It's just that these wines are not cheap... They are all my treasures, and they are hard to find! Just because you are good at wine, I will give it to you for nothing... Hehe..." Mo Haihua caressed the wine jar twice, once Said to the old man Qingmi calmly.

Then Ji Xiaoyan saw old man Qingmi's eyes widen.

In other words, she was also surprised!Co-authored for a long time, the owner Mo Haihua understood the virtue of old man Qingmi very well, so he pointed out his intention directly, expressing his unwillingness to give old man Qingmi's wine for nothing!However, if this is not a free gift, are you going to let them spend money to buy it?Thousands of gold are hard to come by... Oh my god, is it really necessary to sell a thousand gold coins for a pot?She wouldn't buy such a luxurious wine for old man Qingya!
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately shifted his gaze to the old man Qingmi, and kept praying in his heart, praying that the old man Qingmi would never let her buy him wine.However, Ji Xiaoyan obviously couldn't realize this wish.

Because the old man Qingmi cast his eyes on Mo Haihua immediately after he finished speaking, and said, "Xiaoyan..."

Ji Xiaoyan felt that her scalp was a little numb.

"Hehe, that's right, talking about my baby, I almost forgot about the business." At this moment, Mo Haihua smiled suddenly, ignoring the expressions on the faces of Ji Xiaoyan and Qingmi old man, and then said : "Don't you ask me why I brought you here? So relieve me?"

Ji Xiaoyan and Miao Xiaohei looked at each other, put on a very idiotic smile, and smiled flatteringly at Mo Haihua.You have to be respectful and curry favor with local snakes, there is always a benefit, isn't it?
Sure enough, after a while, Ji Xiaoyan heard the NPC boss continue to say: "The purpose of bringing you here is to send you out. If you go through the back door, I believe it is not safe. There must be a lot of traffic jams everywhere now." People. I specially set up a lot of passages in this cellar, and you can go out of the town directly through these passages! Of course, the safety after you go out is beyond the scope of my promise."

"That's for sure! Thank you!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately thanked Mo Haihua after hearing that.

"En!" Mo Haihua nodded, then pointed in a direction, and said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "You can just walk through that passage, Xiaoer will send you there in a while..."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, boss!" Ji Xiaoyan said gratefully.

"Then, then how do you sell those wines?" Just when Ji Xiaoyan pulled Miao Xiaohei and was about to follow the waiter in the shop, the old man Qingmi's unwilling voice suddenly sounded, "You have to give me a price to let it go." I'll think about whether to buy it or not, I'm really not reconciled if I don't get a jar to try!"

 Ps: Halfway through the writing, there was an earthquake here in Qianqian. The earthquake felt so loud that I was scared to death. . . . . . .At that time, there was only one idea in my mind, and I only coded half of it. Is it necessary to stop updating?so far so good. . . .Qianqian is fine. . .

(End of this chapter)

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