The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 689 Stealing a Hot Thing

Chapter 689 Stealing a Hot Thing
To be honest, Ji Xiaoyan has never seen such shameless old man Qingmi before.After taking something from an NPC and being caught, it’s fine if he doesn’t return it, but if he is chased, what else can he shout: “I just took something from you, can’t you pretend you didn’t see it?” ?” came the words.To be honest, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but get black lines all over his face when he heard old man Qingmi's words.

Uncle Qingmi, can you be more shameless?

"Stop talking nonsense, leave everything to me!" Mo Haihua's voice was extremely angry, and after roaring, Ji Xiaoyan and the others heard waves of vibrations coming from the ground.

"By the way, Xiaoyan, should we avoid it first? I see that this movement is a bit loud, will we be implicated in a while?" Ye Ying looked at Ji Xiaoyan with layers of worry, and asked, "I saw that Shishu and the others are not easy to mess with. When gods fight, mortals can easily suffer!"

"Yeah, Xiaoyan, why don't we step aside?" Miao Xiaohei also quickly looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said.

"Then what about the passageway?" Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the dark hole on the ground and the wooden board, frowned and thought for a while, "Uncle Master told us to leave the door for him... "It is estimated that when the old man Qing Mi said this, he made up his mind to steal things, and he was afraid of being chased when he ran away, so he must let them keep the door for him, right?This old man is really getting bolder and bolder!
"Jajia has thick skin, Jiajia can stay and close the door!" At this time, Jiajia who was holding on to the wooden board looked at Ji Xiaoyan arrogantly and said, "Xiaoyan, you guys go over there and hide. Jiajia stay! "

"How high do you think your strength is?" Ji Xiaoyan immediately quit after hearing the words.If Jiajia was accidentally killed by old man Qingmi and the others, where would she revive it?In other words, the head of Qing Miao promised to help her find the skills to resurrect pets at the beginning. It seems that the NPC didn't mention it when I met recently?No, no, after they found the land of the dead and settled the matter between Miao Xiaohei and Friesman, they must come back to the head of Qing Miao to implement the resurrection of this pet.

When Jiajia heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he was moved, and was about to continue lobbying Ji Xiaoyan, so as to show his own value.In the end, I only heard a touch from the ground, and then the old man Qingmi shouted: "Okay, okay, you really can't even shake it off. Isn't it just a piece of trash? I'll give it back to you , continue by yourself..."

Just two seconds after the words fell, Ji Xiaoyan and the others saw a blue-gray shadow rushing up to the ground, and then the wooden board that was just on the melon seeds was snatched away, and then "boom" With a sound, the board was firmly fastened to the opening of the passage, and then Ji Xiaoyan felt a tightness around his neck, and his whole body was lifted into the air in an instant, and the old man Qingmi's voice immediately rang out: "Ji Jia , with that Ye Ying, let's go quickly..."

Afterwards, Ji Xiaoyan saw the scene in front of him and started to move quickly.He turned his head and looked at the shadow that was carrying him, and it was indeed the old man Qingmi!However, at this moment, the old man Qingmi's expression is not good at all, he is holding her in one hand and Miao Xiaohei girl in the other with a serious face.

"Uncle Master... what's the matter..." Ji Xiaoyan swallowed a few breaths, but still asked.Hearing what the old man said just now, didn't he already return the things to Mo Haihua?Why does he still have such an ugly face?Could it be that he felt that he had stolen something and was forced to return it, so he felt very upset, which made him look bad?Or, in fact, after he fought with Mo Haihua, he lost the fight, so his face was not good-looking?How powerful is Mo Haihua's NPC?
While guessing wildly, Ji Xiaoyan heard roaring voices behind him: "Bastard, you'd better pray never to come to Wuli Town, or I, Mo Haihua, will kill you..."

"Uncle Master..." Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at Old Man Qingmi.Now, are they wanted by the mayor of Wuli Town in disguise?Pray to God that they won't pick up any missions about Wuli Town...

"Let's talk about it later!" Old man Qingmi held back for two seconds, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "That woman is setting off a smoke bomb, trying to make us think that she gave up and didn't run away! In fact, she was still chasing after her. !"

So, Ji Xiaoyan shut up obediently.Old man Qingya is indeed not the only treacherous NPC!

Thus, their escape life was carried out in the form of the old man Qingmi carrying her and Miao Xiaohei girl, carrying Ye Ying on his back, and chasing after a stamina Mayor Mo Haihua.It's just that their days of chasing and running, the three days that lasted directly into the game time, have not ended yet.

Yes, after three days of fugitive life, they had already fled the sphere of influence of Wuli Town, and even crossed the sphere of influence of the three towns, but the mayor of Mohaihua was still following them.This made Ji Xiaoyan have to sigh how patient Mo Haihua is!

"I said uncle, how long are we going to run away? I see that the mayor is not a person who is willing to let it go, what kind of treasure have you stolen from him!" Ji Xiaoyan was talking to old man Qingmi and the others. They hid together in a hidden cave to rest, and wanted to wait for a breath of relief before continuing to flee.

"I didn't take any treasure from her, didn't I just have a little wine and some torn paper? That woman was chasing her so hard, and those who didn't know thought I was molesting her!" Old man Qing Mi ate layers of Ye Ying. Handing over the dish, he sighed unhappily and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "It's like a piece of brown sugar, I can't shake it off... I don't believe that woman can keep chasing us like this, regardless of Wuli Town It's about..."

"Well, uncle... If you were stolen, you would definitely keep chasing after you like this, right?" Yeying pursed his lips when he heard what old man Qingmi said, "What's more , it is possible that you really stole something precious from the boss, otherwise..... I have been chasing you for three days..."

"Yes, yes, uncle, why don't you show us the things, have you stolen some precious things that people can't throw away?" The old man Qingya moved around, looked at him with bright eyes and said.

"No way?" The old man Qingmi frowned when he heard the words, and after thinking for a while, he said, "I just picked up a few jars of wine and felt that the dust on them was heavy, so I just grabbed some paper next to it to wipe my hands... ..”

"And by the way, you put the paper towels in the bag?" Ji Xiaoyan raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, otherwise where would you throw it for her after wiping it? Isn't that leaving a handle?" Qing Mi said something of course, and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others with some uncertainty and asked: "Then tell me, Did she come for the wine? Or for the torn paper?"

"You'll know it when you see it, Master Uncle, hurry up and take a look at it!" Ye Ying said, looking at the old man Qingmi as he slowed down the things he was handing out.

Old man Qingya heard the words, thought for a while and started to rummage through the bag.He didn't take out the wine jar or anything at all.According to him, if Mo Haihua's NPC really chased them for the wine, he would rather run away than return the things to her. It can be seen that the old man is still very obsessed with Mo Haihua's drink.So, in the end, what the old man Qingya took out were the so-called papers he grabbed to wipe his hands...
These papers, if they are ordinary, are indeed relatively ordinary.

Ji Xiaoyan, Miao Xiaohei and the others flipped through the pages, and saw that they were not bills for buying vegetables and selling wine, but just a list of odd and small things. It seemed that there was really nothing special about it!Could it be that Mo Haihua chased old man Qingmi really because of those wines?

"Master, how many jugs of wine did you steal?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, then looked at old man Qingmi with some doubts and asked.If it's really just a few jars stolen as old man Qingmi said, it's a big deal for them to find a way to discuss with Mo Haihua and spend money to go to disaster.

Old man Qingmi twitched a bit when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and then said under her burning gaze: "Not many... probably only twenty or thirty altars..."

"You... how much did you say?" Ye Ying became restless.One jar of wine is two thousand gold coins, ten jars is worth twenty thousand gold coins! ! !This old NPC really wants to steal!

"It's only twenty or thirty altars!" Qingmi old man glanced at Ye Ying layer by layer, and then said: "Anyway, if you take one altar, you can take it, and if you take two altars, you can take it. If you don't take white, you can't take it!"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, he rubbed the center of his brows, really not knowing what to say.Old man Qingya, very good, very powerful.Her idea of ​​spending money to avoid disasters may not come true.That's not something that can be solved with a few thousand gold coins!
"Okay, okay, don't be so sad. If you run for a while, maybe the woman won't chase anymore. They Wuli Town are still waiting for her to go back to preside over the overall situation. How could it be just for this A little wine has been chasing us! You can rest assured." Qingmi looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others with a relieved expression, and then continued to eat.

Ji Xiaoyan and Miao Xiaohei looked at each other speechlessly, and they both sighed.Now it seems that the only option is to wait for the mayor of Mohaihua to give up.

However, just when everyone was thinking this way, Friesman, who was honestly standing next to those lists, suddenly let out a "huh", then looked at the old man Qingmi in surprise, and stammered a question : "You also stole this from Wuli Town?"

"What?" Ji Xiaoyan was shocked when he heard Friesman's words, and asked while looking at him.Could it be that there is really something incredible in the pile of waste paper that old man Qingmi stole?
Friesman took a look at the old man Qingmi, and saw that he was also surprised, so he had to raise the paper in his hand, handed it to Ji Xiaoyan, and said: "I guess, that mayor is for this thing, that's why he came here. I've been chasing after it. This is really a terrible thing, no wonder she never gave up....hey..."

Miao Xiaohei and Ye Ying were immediately curious when they heard what Friesman said.What exactly is worth chasing after Mo Haihua, an NPC?Thinking about it, the two of them went directly to Ji Xiaoyan's side, watched as Ji Xiaoyan took the paper from Friesman's hand, and slowly unfolded it.

"What exactly is it?" Qingmi old man was also puzzled, he just grabbed it casually at that time, the rest were just waste paper, it is impossible that there is something important mixed in those waste papers, right?

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the things on the paper in a hurry, before looking up at old man Qingmi and said: "Master, let's find a way to return this thing to Mo Haihua..."

"What the hell is it?" Old Man Qingmi frowned upon hearing this.

"I'll read it, I'll read it!" Miao Xiaohei immediately raised his hand and said when he heard old man Qingmi's words, "I'll read it to my uncle, and my uncle will know what it is."

Ji Xiaoyan handed the paper to Miao Xiaohei, and then looked helplessly at old man Qingmi.She really didn't expect that this old NPC man could catch such a thing with just a quick grab. It's no wonder that the mayor kept chasing them and snatching the thing back.Moreover, Ji Xiaoyan guessed, maybe Mo Haihua was still guessing in her heart, old man Qingmi wanted to steal her things on purpose......
"Ahem, I'm reading it!" Miao Xiaohei cleared his throat and glanced at everyone.

"Hurry up, don't talk nonsense!" Qingmi old man glared at Miao Xiaohei, and said a little angrily.

"Hey, Uncle Master, what are you in a hurry for? I've kept everything in your bag for several days..." Miao Xiaohei said to the old man Qingmi with a smile, seeing that his face was very bad, he just Hurry up and say:
"Item Name: Wuli Town Mayor Appointment Certificate!"

Well, with just these few words, the old man Qingmi instantly understood why Mo Haihua kept chasing them.

As soon as he co-authored it, he grabbed the mayor's appointment letter in his hand and took it away like garbage!However, this is also very strange. This kind of appointment letter from the mayor should be very important. Why did Mo Haihua put this thing in a cellar?This kind of thing should be kept next to your body no matter what?
Regarding what Miss Miao Xiaohei will read next, the old man Qingmi is not in the mood to listen to it at all. What worries him most now is, what should he do next?Return things back?That's for sure, but how can I return it?Just wait for Mo Haihua to catch up and give it to her?If she thought he stole it on purpose, wouldn't there be another fight?He, Qing Mi, doesn't hit women easily...
Just throw it on the ground?That's also impossible.He stole the thing, if it was put on the ground, and Mo Haihua didn't pick it up later, what if the thing fell?This account is not to be counted on his head!

 Tweet: [The Warmth of Rebirth] Author of the novel: Lipo was killed by her closest relatives in her previous life. God gave her a chance to be reborn, and she decided to live a good life! [Occasionally cheap hands in online games]: Ladies, don't be cheap. [Rebirth of peace] After rebirth, make money, study, make friends, be happy, and work hard

(End of this chapter)

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