Chapter 707 Help
Ji Xiaoyan was very puzzled as to why those players in Xiaotaoyuan didn't welcome them.Of course, among the few people present, the one with the most intense emotional changes was actually Vajra Iron Bushan, a veteran player who had been in Xiaotaoyuan for N long time!

As far as the man in diamond iron cloth shirt is concerned, he is definitely the kind of warm-hearted guy, the kind of good guy who can be a confidant and a friend to anyone he meets with a few words.In King Kong Iron Cloth's mind, everyone is a player who is also trapped in Xiaotaoyuan. It should be taken for granted that they should help each other, and then develop into good friends, good comrades-in-arms, etc., right?This kind of cognition has been maintained very well before Ji Xiaoyan and the others arrived!As far as the current players in Xiaotaoyuan, which one wasn't he introduced to each other one by one, familiar with each other?But, why, after Ji Xiaoyan and the others came, those partners who were eager to make friends before suddenly changed their faces?
The diamond iron cloth shirt is very puzzled!

"Carrot... Qingye..." Diamond Iron Bushan looked at the players, murmured twice, with a wounded look on his face: "What's wrong with you? Kitty and the others are also newcomers Ah..." Compared with those players who have already mixed in Xiaotaoyuan like fish in water, Ji Xiaoyan and the others are indeed newcomers!

"King Kong, come here, don't be with them! Let's drive them away together!" The male player called Luobo gave Ji Xiaoyan and the others a disdainful look, and then said to King Kong's iron cloth shirt: "King Kong, you You know, they are here to snatch our tasks and rewards, we can't let them stay in Xiaotaoyuan! If they don't leave, we won't be able to hang out in Xiaotaoyuan in the future!"

"Luoba, what do you mean? How could the kittens snatch our missions and rewards?" Hearing this, King Kong Iron Bushan was stunned, and asked suspiciously while looking at the radish.You know, there are as many missions as there are in Little Taoyuan, and only they can't finish them, so there are missions that have been released?Besides, Thunder Kittens and the others did the mission, but they won't even get any rewards. At most, they just collect some garbage and exchange for some small things!

"King Kong, you don't know yet?" The player named Qingye looked at the expression on King Kong's iron cloth shirt, and immediately asked in surprise: "Don't you know that it is spread all over Xiaotaoyuan now? It is said that as long as they stay One day here, we won't have any more missions!"

"Who? Who said that?" Diamond's face turned pale.The surroundings of Little Taoyuan, except for the monsters that appear at night, are definitely a tourist attraction. If there are no tasks to do, where can they go to get experience and rewards?Let them go out to kill monsters at night?That is completely impossible!
It goes without saying that the fog is poisonous, and the monsters at night are quite ferocious.This point became clear to him not long after King Kong Iron Cloth arrived in Xiaotaoyuan, and went out with a few players to kill monsters.That time, in their team, except for him who ran faster and survived from serious injuries, all the other players were buried in the belly of monsters...
"Who else is there? Taolu said it!" Luobo sneered twice, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and then said: "When we came back to hand in the task, Taolu told us! "

"Impossible, I just handed in the mission, why didn't I hear the news?" King Kong Tiebushan immediately shouted when he heard it.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Taolu now!" Qingye looked at the diamond cloth shirt with a face full of hatred, and then said: "As far as Taolu who handed in the task before us told us , Let us tell you later..."

"No, it's impossible! There are so many missions in the village, why doesn't Sister Taolu want us to do missions?" Diamond Iron cloth shirt looked at Qingye precariously and asked.

"It's not because of them!" Luobo looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others with a bit of resentment and said, "I thought the people who came here were friends, but they turned out to be enemies! Taolu and the others said that these newcomers in front of them are helping the village with tasks. They don’t need rewards, so if you compare them, you don’t want us...King Kong, don’t you understand? Come quickly, let’s drive them away together!”

"Hmph, we don't want to stay yet!" Thunder Kitten listened for a long time, and then snorted angrily, "You think we are happy to stay here to do free work, and we can't leave!"

"Who knows what you want to stay here for? Maybe you know that the rewards we usually get are too good, so you are jealous and come here to grab them!" Qingye stared, looked at Thunder Kitten and shouted: "You It's so unkind!"

"Fart!" Thunder Kitten spat hard, and then said: "If we can, we hope we can leave today!"

Radish and Aoba looked at each other, showing disbelief.

"I said, can you grow your brains?" Miao Xiaohei pursed her lips, looked at Carrot and Aoba and said, "If we are jealous of your rewards, then you think we will do this kind of work for nothing? But you can’t get the reward?”

Aoba thought for a while, then shifted her gaze to Vajra Iron Cloth.In Xiaotaoyuan, King Kong Tiebushan is the leader of their group of players, the boss, and they listen to him in general matters.

"I think what Xiao Hei said is reasonable..." Diamond Iron Bushan is an honest man. Hearing Miao Xiao Hei's words, he nodded immediately, then thought about it, and suddenly said excitedly: "By the way, Xiao Hei Cat, didn’t you say that you can leave as long as you complete your tasks? How about we all help you complete the tasks together, and then you can leave! Those weeds will grow up quickly, At that time, we will just rest for a few days, and then we will have tasks to do... This way, we will have the best of both worlds!"

"Why should we help them with their missions!" Qing Ye immediately glared at Thunder Kitten and the others after hearing that.

"Qingye, if we don't help them, their mission will never be completed!" Diamond Iron Bushan said a little shyly.If Thunder Kitty and the others can't complete their tasks, then they will stay in Xiaotaoyuan forever. Although he welcomes the arrival of new companions, if the new companions threaten everyone's interests, it will definitely cause conflicts. At that time, was Xiaotaoyuan still Xiaotaoyuan?

Thinking of this, Vajra Tiebushan strengthened his mind, looked at Aoba and the others resolutely and said, "Let's help Kitten and the others complete the task!"

"Well, it doesn't really matter whether we do the task or not." At this moment, Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth and said, "Anyway, there is nothing in our task bar, the reason why we stay here is It was because someone in our team was taken hostage by an NPC, so we were forced to stay... If you are willing to help us find someone and help us get into the teleportation formation, we will immediately say nothing Say, leave and leave!"

"Really?" Qingye and Luobo looked disbelieving, "Didn't you steal our mission for reward?"

"I said no, why don't you believe it!" Thunder Kitten said impatiently, and then was slapped by the Super Thunder Cat, and then Ji Xiaoyan and the others heard the Super Thunder Cat say : "We actually broke into here to do another time-limited task. If we stay, we will be punished if we fail to complete the time-limited task. Compared with the punishment, the reward here is If you want it, you dare not! So, if everyone is willing to help us, it would be very grateful."

"Limited time mission, what's that like? I haven't seen it yet!" Carrot asked with great interest when he heard what Super Thunder cat said.

"Carrot!" King Kong Tiebushan shouted in a low voice, and then said to the big super thunder cat with a smile: "Carrot is just curious! You don't mind!"

"Well, it's okay!" The big super thunder cat nodded indifferently.In the game, knowing that others have hidden missions, or adventurous missions and so on, it is very impolite to keep asking the bottom line, and it is easy to cause conflicts and disputes!Who knew that when you came to ask about the quest, did you intend to grab the quest?

And the face of the super thunder cat didn't care, it was because he made up this mission, so he could be so indifferent, but in the eyes of King Kong iron cloth shirt and radish, it seemed that the super thunder cat People are very generous.

"I'm sorry, I just asked casually!" Luobo's favorability for the Super Thunder cat instantly rose to a higher level in his heart, and he said something embarrassed, then turned his head, looked at the other players and asked: "What do you guys think? Let's help them find people and send them away?"

"No problem, isn't it just to find someone? We are good at this!" When several players heard this, they smiled and said to Thunder Kitten and the others: "Don't worry, we will definitely help you!" As long as the few people in front of them It is perfectly fine for players not to stay in Xiaotaoyuan to grab their quests and rewards, but to do something for them.

Everyone thought so tacitly in their hearts.

"What kind of person are you looking for? What kind of equipment is he wearing? Who took him away..." After getting the news that Ji Xiaoyan and the others clearly wanted to leave, everyone immediately became enthusiastic and surrounded them. The inquiry recorded the information they needed, and then they split up and started an earth-shaking search in Xiaotaoyuan...
"Sure enough, more people are more powerful!" Thunder Kitten looked at all the players who had stepped out of the tavern with a sigh, and said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "I just don't know if they can find the uncle and the others!"

(End of this chapter)

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