The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 709 For the celebration

Chapter 709 For the celebration
The old man Qingmi's life in Xiaotaoyuan is called nourishing!

Every day, an endless stream of rare delicacies of various colors are placed in front of him in turn, not to mention eating as much as he wants, and there is no shortage of wine and fruits of various colors!Even, if you suddenly want to eat something that is not on the table, you can also order it, and you can directly summon Ye Ying, a soldier who works in the chef group of Xiaotaoyuan, at any time, and then tell him to send a message to the NPCs in Xiaotaoyuan , After a while, the old man Qingya could see the dishes he wanted on the table!What's more, this stuff is free....
To be honest, the old man Qingmi is already living such a happy life like a fairy, and he has really forgotten the reason why he is staying in Xiaotaoyuan at this moment...
Therefore, when Ye Ying came to him with a dark face, the old man Qingmi became a little angry in an instant.Is this kid in front of me going to rebel?How dare you show your face in front of him!Is this the wrong medicine?

"Boy, what kind of face do you have? You don't want to serve me?" Old man Qing Mi straightened up from the soft couch with a displeased face, and yelled at Ye Ying, suddenly feeling a little dizzy Yes, so he lay back on the soft couch with his forehead in an instant, and muttered in a low voice: "It seems that the wine this time is not bad, it's a bit strong..."

"Uncle Master!" Yeying was silent for two seconds, and then looked determined, looked at old man Qingmi and said: "Xiaoyan said, let you pack up and meet them as soon as possible, we are going to leave Xiaotaoyuan It's gone." Leaving Xiaotaoyuan means that you can no longer get things from the NPCs here, and to be honest, Ye Ying's layer upon layer is still a bit of a pity.

But when Ji Xiaoyan and the others told him that they were fortunate enough to work as coolies outside the city but could not get any rewards, and they had to keep doing that endless task that could not be terminated, Yeying felt guilty in an instant!You can't let him enjoy life in the village and make your teammates suffer all the time outside the village, right?

"Xiaoyan?" The old man Qingmi was confused for a moment, his mind cleared up for a moment, then he looked at Ye Ying and asked layer by layer: "Where is the girl? Leaving Xiaotaoyuan? Now?"

"Now!" Yeying nodded with certainty, and then said: "Originally, Xiaoyan wanted to come to see Master Uncle in person, but the NPCs outside didn't let them in, so I can only pass on the message! Master uncle, don't drink those wines, let's clean up quickly..."

"What are you doing? Stop!" The old man Qingmi stopped him when he saw that Ye Ying was packing the drinks in the room into the package, "Don't touch my things! Who said we are leaving now? Didn't enjoy the comfort! You go tell the girl, let her wait!"

"Uncle Master..." Ye Ying stared at each other.

"Go, just say I said it!" The old man Qingmi hiccupped, and then continued to order: "By the way, you ask the kitchen to cook more delicious food for me, and when everything is ready, we can pack it before leaving Anyway, the girl and the others have been here for a long time, and I don’t care about waiting for me for a while! If you don’t take advantage of it, you are a bastard! Hurry up, hurry up and ask the kitchen to prepare things....."

"But uncle..." Ye Ying hesitated.Ji Xiaoyan and the others said that they should let him bring the old man Qingmi to meet them, and then everyone can wait for the other players in Xiaotaoyuan to help, and after finding Xuan Mo and the others, they can sprint to the teleportation formation.But looking at the old man Qing Mi now, he is already drunk and a little confused, maybe he can't even stand up, right?If he escapes, it seems that he can't hide from the NPCs guarding not far away, right?Then, are you really going to ask the kitchen to make more things to pack, so that old man Qingya can take advantage of this little time to wake up?

It seems a little unkind!Yeying felt very sorry for those kind and amiable NPCs in Xiaotaoyuan!
"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and pass the word to the kitchen!" The old man Qingmi opened his eyes, saw Ye Ying standing still in place layer by layer, and immediately yelled at him.

"Then... Uncle, you can't drink any more, sober yourself up, otherwise we won't be able to leave for a while!" Yeying thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said something while looking at old man Qingmi.

"Okay, okay, I still don't know the seriousness?" The old man Qingmi waved his hand, glared at Ye Ying layer after layer, and seeing that he finally left, he grabbed a jug of wine from the side and slammed it into his mouth After taking a sip, he said angrily, "MD, the wine from Xiaotaoyuan is really good!"

Yeying honestly went to the kitchen to pass on the message, then turned around and left the area where old man Qingmi was staying, and went to the tavern, preparing to give Ji Xiaoyan and the others some information about old man Qingmi's situation. Say.As a result, when they stepped into the tavern, they saw more than a dozen players who hadn't seen them excitedly surrounding Ji Xiaoyan and the others, who didn't know what to say.

"Xiaoyan...kitten..." Yeying stood on the periphery and shouted a few words, but because the voice was too small, he was swallowed up by the voices of other players in an instant.

"Xiaoyan..." Yeying tried to scream twice, and finally was heard by the super thunder cat standing in the distance watching the excitement.

"Ye Ying is back!" The super thunder cat squeezed out from several players, looked at Ye Ying and asked layer by layer: "Why didn't Master Qingmi follow?"

"Master Uncle said he wants the kitchen to make some more food, and he will leave after packing! I'm here to talk to you!" Yeying sighed, looked at the players around, and finally Looking at Super Thunder Big Cat, he said, "Big Cat, are they all players here?"

"Yeah!" The Super Thunder cat nodded, and then said: "They have heard about Xuan Mo and the others, and they are discussing how to find someone, and sprint to the teleportation array!"

"Wow, do they all want to help?" Yeying was surprised at every level, he never expected that the players in Xiaotaoyuan were so enthusiastic!

"Hmm! There are so many people!" The Super Thunder cat smiled, and then said, "How long will it take for Uncle Qingmi? We discussed it, and we will do it after the federal celebration is over!"

"Federation Celebration!" Ye Ying was stunned after hearing the words, and then murmured: "Don't you need to do it first? By the time the Federation Celebration is over, several days have passed in the game!"

"There is no other way!" The Super Thunder cat shrugged, and then said: "Several of those players will go offline in a while to prepare for their own celebrations, and the kitten and I also need to go home and be with our family Prepare for the celebration. As you know, the celebration is about to begin, and everyone needs to prepare a lot of things... According to Xiaoyan, she is still on her way to Qing Kelin District at the moment, and it is estimated that she will need a lot of time when she arrives I’m here to prepare for the celebration, so everyone probably doesn’t have time during this period! Not to mention that when it’s time for the celebration, everyone won’t be able to play the game!”

"Then why not do it now?" Ye Ying asked suspiciously, "If only a few people help, there should be no problem, right?"

"Can you accurately grasp how long it will take to save people and then rush into the teleportation array?" The super thunder cat patted Yeying on the shoulder, sighed and said: "What's more, we will be killed again in a while." Detained to go out of the village to work! Because we are going offline, there must be more work sent by the NPC this time... The mastermind is really very calculating!"

Yeying heard the words layer by layer, opened his mouth, but didn't answer!That's right, he had completely forgotten about the compulsory task without reward that Ji Xiaoyan and the others had been carrying on all along.

"Do you want to go over and have a few words with Xiaoyan and the others?" The atmosphere was silent for two seconds, and then the big super thunder cat looked at Yeying and asked layer by layer.

"No, I have to go back and look at Uncle Qingmi, he drank too much, I'm afraid he'll be too drunk, and when the time comes, he won't even be able to walk!" Ye Ying shook his head. Shaking his head, he said to the super thunder big cat: "Big cat, you can help me talk to Xiaoyan and the others! Then, we will see you after the federal celebration!"

"Yeah!" The big super thunder cat nodded, and after watching Ye Ying leave layer by layer, he walked back to Ji Xiaoyan and the others.

Because the Federation celebration is a relatively important festival in the entire Federation world, Ji Xiaoyan always thought that at this time, the game would definitely hold some special program for the festival celebration, or some small activities, as she imagined. Increase the festive atmosphere in the game and drive the player's enthusiasm for the game.

As a result, who knows, just after they discussed the action with those players, a system announcement suddenly appeared, telling all players that during the days of the federation celebration, the game will not open the server, and no player can Come to the game!
After Ji Xiaoyan listened to the system announcement in a daze, he turned around and saw Super Thunder Big Cat and the others taking it for granted, and immediately became a little puzzled: "Big Cat, why are you not surprised that the game is not allowed?"

"Why are you surprised?" Thunder Kitten looked at Ji Xiaoyan suspiciously, and then said, "It's like this every year, everyone knows it!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan was completely stunned.Why hasn't she heard Falling Leaves Flying Flying say it?

"Xiaoyan, don't you know?" Miao Xiaohei looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked.

"I don't know!" Ji Xiaoyan shook her head honestly, and after thinking for a while, she said, "It's the first time I've had a federation celebration in the game!" What was she doing at the federation celebration last year?He robbed a kid from the slums. Although he won, he ended up lying in bed for two days...

"Xiaoyan, this game has been running for several years...Could it be, Xiaoyan, you haven't played the game for a year?" Thunder Kitty was surprised when he thought of this possibility, "Your level is better than ours. Players who have been playing for several years are even taller! How did you rise up?"

Well, she seems to have said the wrong thing!Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help muttering in his heart.

In the end, Ji Xiaoyan still didn't say anything more to Thunder Kitty, and after quickly breaking the subject and chatting for a few words, they saw the peach green NPC who dutifully came to escort them to work.

The same work, the same scene, the difference is that it is not only Ji Xiaoyan and the others who are working this time, but also the players like Diamond Iron Bushan and Aoba. After receiving the task, staying in the village is just staying, why not come out to help Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and collect some garbage and return to the village to get some small rewards, which can serve multiple purposes!
Ji Xiaoyan and Miao Xiaohei thanked the diamond iron cloth shirt together, and everyone started fighting outside Xiaotaoyuan Village.

One day after the game time, the mastermind issued another announcement to the whole world, announcing that the server will be shut down in one hour, all activities in the game will be stopped, and the server will not open until after the federation celebration.Ji Xiaoyan and the players who were still in the game bid farewell and wished, and then bid farewell to Super Thunder and the others, and exited the game.

When he opened his eyes, Yu Qisi was sitting with Bai San in a corner of the airship lounge with a cold face, the atmosphere looked very good!But Flying Leaves still hasn't come out in the game.

"Miss Xiaoyan, have you come out? Do you need something to eat?" Seeing Ji Xiaoyan's movement, Yu Qisi immediately put on a smile and approached her to ask a question with concern.

"Well, let's drink something, what time is it now, and how long until dinner is ready?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yu Qisi and asked while putting away the game adapter in his hand.

"There are still about two hours!" Yu Qisi found some drinks that Ji Xiaoyan liked in the room, poured them into a cup and handed them to her, and said, "It's already five o'clock, the catering department said In order to take care of many players in the game to go offline for dinner, the meal time was postponed for an hour."

"Eat at seven o'clock!" Ji Xiaoyan took a sip of his drink and continued, "So, there are a lot of people playing games on the airship?" Otherwise, why do the service staff on the airship take care of the gamers to eat? !
"Yes!" Yu Qisi nodded, "Except for some security personnel, the passengers on the airship are basically gamers!"

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan was slightly surprised by the popularity of this game, so he glanced at Bai San with some doubts, looked at Yu Qisi in a low voice and asked, "Qi Si, what happened to you and Bai San? Seeing that the atmosphere between the two of you is not very good!" You know, Yu Qisi has never shown such a cold expression to anyone before!Not to mention, that Baisan seems to be Yu Qisi's childhood friend!There must be something wrong between the two of them.

Sure enough, after Ji Xiaoyan finished speaking, the gentle smile on Yu Qisi's face froze instantly, and two seconds later, Yu Qisi smiled unnaturally: "Miss Xiaoyan, you think too much , what can Baisan and I have to do, it's just a matter of puffing up over a small matter, it will be fine in a while."

Ji Xiaoyan gave Yu Qisi a suspicious look, then his eyes fell on Baisan, just in time to see the girl staring at her with deep eyes!
 PS: Thanks to "July-Shang" for the mooncakes!Thank you "jiuaikeguazi" for the mooncakes!I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance! (Qianqian has a bad memory, and always forgets during festivals, hee hee!)
(End of this chapter)

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