Chapter 725
The teleportation array in Xiaotaoyuan Village was full of light, and after a few seconds of shining, it completely returned to calm.

By the time those NPCs who used human missiles to track Ji Xiaoyan and the others arrived at the teleportation formation, Ji Xiaoyan and the others had disappeared, and the players who were still around the teleportation formation to help just now also rushed away Scattered, all flash people disappeared.

"Land of the dead... Land of the dead..." The only thing left around the entire teleportation array is the guard NPC with two teleportation arrays, and the teleportation array guard NPC who seems to have the task of the land of the dead At the moment, he was sitting on the edge of the teleportation array without any image, muttering repeatedly in a foolish manner.And his colleagues were circling around him anxiously. It seemed that the two of them looked extremely helpless!

"Where is the person? Which side are you running to?" An NPC from Xiaotaoyuan rushed to the guard NPCs of the two teleportation arrays in an instant, asked loudly, and then moved his eyes to the ground, and began to patrol to see if he could Can't find any clues to continue tracking.

"Let's go, they're all gone!" The normal NPC guard of the teleportation array heard that there were a lot of NPCs from the same village, so he immediately joined in, and then pointed to the teleportation array and said: "They robbed the teleportation array and then Ran."

"You helped them open the teleportation formation?! Who allowed you to open the teleportation formation!" An NPC immediately stared at the teleportation formation NPC guard and questioned.

"It's not us, it's not us! Without the elder's warrant, we dare not open the teleportation array casually. We remember the rules of Xiaotaoyuan very clearly. Those outsiders opened the teleportation array themselves!" The teleportation array NPC The guard quickly denied it.

"Really? They still have such abilities?" The NPC frowned, then shifted his gaze to the NPC guard of the teleportation array who was sitting next to the teleportation array and murmured blankly at the moment, and asked: "He What's the matter? God and God are talking, bewitched?"

"I don't know either. It seems that those outsiders who just left said something about 'land of the dead', and then he just did it!" The NPC guard in the teleportation circle thought for a while, and then continued: "I saw that he was originally I was going to throw something to prevent those outsiders from leaving, but who knows, that thing was snatched by those outsiders who had been in our village before, and then he became like this..."

"What was it that was stolen?" Several NPCs asked curiously when they heard the words. Seeing that the teleportation array NPC guard shook his head, they finally had to shift their gaze to the teleportation array NPC guard sitting on the ground.

There are two flowers on each table.

When Ji Xiaoyan opened his eyes in the strong light of the teleportation array, what he saw was a pitch-black sky, surrounded by plants of various colors and strange growths with faint green and white lights, and the pitch-black Thunder kitten them.

"Where is this?" Miao Xiaohei quickly looked around, and then asked in a low voice.

"Let me see the map!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly responded, and immediately found the skull map from the package.

"By the way, when we left the teleportation array, didn't the NPC guard throw something at us? Did any of you catch it? If not, check the surrounding ground to see if there is any! It must be a good thing !" Thunder Kitten suddenly thought of this matter, and immediately said nervously to everyone, then turned around and looked down on the ground.

"I said boy, don't waste your time looking for it!" At this time, the old man Qingmi became more energetic, pushed aside Yeying's support, looked at the Lei Ting kitten and said: "The thing thrown by that person is halfway It was robbed by those surrounding people on the road, you still expect you to receive that thing!"

"Snatched?" Thunder Kitten couldn't believe it.

"Don't you really think that those people who helped us will get us a little more after knowing that we are leaving immediately?" Qing Mi looked at the pitch-black Thunder Kitten disdainfully, and then said Turning her head to Ji Xiaoyan, she said, "Girl, look at the route, where are we going now? This place is pitch black, and if there are no torches, the road ahead will be much harder for us... .”

"I have the torch!" Brick raised his hand and said when he heard old man Qingya's words.

"Hey, you have quite a lot of inventory, kid! Not bad, not bad!" Hearing this, the old man Qingya immediately smiled at Brick with satisfaction.

"Master, did they really snatch that thing?" Thunder Kitty was still a little bit unwilling after being silent for two seconds.

"You still don't believe me? If you don't believe me, ask Xiaoyan and the others!" The old man Qingmi waved his hands at Thunder Kitten impatiently, then turned around and walked towards a white fluorescent plant around him.

"Xiaoyan... did you see it?" Kitten Thunder still didn't quite believe old man Qingmi, so he turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan and shouted.

Miao Xiaohei girl said that she didn't see it at all, so she didn't speak when she heard Thunder Kitty's question.

"En! I saw it." Ji Xiaoyan said calmly while looking at the skull map in his hand: "I saw that thing was about to fly over, and then a hand stretched out from the top of some players' heads. I grabbed that thing. As for who grabbed that thing, I didn't see it!"

"Then why didn't you say that just now!" Thunder Kitten asked with some grief.It might not be some high-level props, or the key items of the mission!

"I didn't get it anyway, so what's there to say!" Ji Xiaoyan shrugged, glanced at the surrounding environment, then pointed to the skull map in his hand, and said to everyone: "We are probably in the middle of this area. In the south, as long as you walk west for a few days, you will probably be able to reach the end."

"Walking west will lead to the Land of the Dead?" Miao Xiaohei asked excitedly with wide-eyed eyes.

"Well, if the map is correct!" Ji Xiaoyan replied with a smile, and then said to Brick: "Brick, take out the torch, let's get ready to go!"

"Okay!" Brick nodded, took out a few torches, handed them to Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and said, "I'll light the fire later."

Ji Xiaoyan responded, and after grabbing a torch, he shouted towards the dark shadow of the old man Qingmi who seemed to have walked beside the glowing plants: "Master, come quickly, we are ready to leave!"

"Understood!" Old Man Qing Mi responded, and after a while, he suddenly gave a curious surprise.

"What's the matter, uncle?" Ye Ying heard the voice layer by layer, and immediately asked curiously in the direction of old man Qingmi.

"Come here and take a look at these glowing little things, they seem to be edible!" Old Qing Mi was obviously very excited, turned around and shouted at Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and then put a glowing thing in his hand into it. mouth, "En, it tastes good..."

So, in the next second, Ji Xiaoyan and the others saw a very surprising and hair-raising scene.

I saw the old man Qingmi's face lit up in the darkness instantly after the voice fell, and it was still brightened from the inside out.Eye sockets, cheekbones, teeth, and even nostrils slowly emerged from the old flesh, and the green light slowly penetrated from the flesh, making the old man Qingmi transform from a living person at this moment. It turned into a green bone skull with flesh hanging on it.....
"Master...Uncle, your face..." Miao Xiaohei was taken aback by the old man Qingmi's appearance, and quickly grabbed Ji Xiaoyan who was closest to her, and asked nervously: "Xiaoyan, what is the name of Master Uncle?" Poisoned, or bewitched? Can you solve it... This is so scary!"

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help swallowing dryly, and then shifted his gaze to Brick and Friesman. One of them is an alchemist who plays with various materials and medicinal materials, so he must be well-informed; He is also a member of the undead clan. Even if he has not yet reached the land of the undead, he should be a bit knowledgeable in comparison and can help a little...

"Xiaoyan, don't look at me, I don't know!" Friesman immediately waved his hand and said when he saw Ji Xiaoyan looking at him, "I was taken away since I was a child, and I am not familiar with the surrounding environment at all, you If you ask me which piece of the labyrinth has what, I can tell you clearly...I can't do it here, it's my first time here..."

"You didn't have any memory when you were taken away as a child?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little bit unwilling.

"Not at all!" Friesman said with certainty.

"It's really useless!" Ji Xiaoyan pursed her mouth in displeasure, ignoring Friesman's aggrieved expression, then turned her head to look at Brick and asked, "Brick, have you seen such a Is there anything? Is Master Qingmi poisoned? Or something else?"

"Poisoned? Who said I was poisoned? I'm fine now!" The old man Qing Mi immediately stared at Ji Xiaoyan's words, and then said: "This fruit tastes good, do you want to try it, it is definitely not poisonous... .”

"No, no need!" Miao Xiaohei quickly waved his hands, and then his eyes fell on Brick.

"Master, do you have any bad feelings now?" Brick nodded towards Ji Xiaoyan, then professionally took out a small notebook from his bag, and looked at the old man Qingmi seriously with a pen in his hand. I asked, "What shape is that thing you just took, does it taste like it tastes in the mouth? How does it feel to swallow it..."
"How can I feel it? Anyway, it tastes like that. It's refreshing and a bit sweet... Oh, I don't know. How about I eat another one and taste it slowly before I tell you?" Scratching his scalp full of fluorescent light, he said something to Brick impatiently, then reached out and grabbed another glowing fruit and swallowed it into his mouth...
(End of this chapter)

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