The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 733 Tangled Identity

Chapter 733 Tangled Identity

Outside the barrier of the Forest of Rest.

Friesman's face was flushed with anger, and he stared at the group of undead NPCs standing in front of him with an expression of disbelief, as if he had to give him a result and an answer. It's like giving up...

And the leading warrior NPC looked at Friesman's appearance, and at first thought that Friesman blushed in anger and shame because he had exposed his conspiracy to pretend to be a member of the undead clan.But in the next little time, the warrior NPC realized that something was wrong. He looked at Friesman and stared at him with red eyes. The expression of great grief and despair in his eyes really made the leader The warrior NPC was hit hard in the heart.

So, he was a little puzzled.Could it be that the man in front of him who claims to be a member of their undead tribe is telling the truth?But, if it is true, why can't he feel the mutual induction between the members of the undead clan in this man at all?Thinking of this, the warrior NPC suddenly frowned, then turned his head to look at the few people behind him and asked in a low voice: "Do you have a sense of fellowship? With him..."

"No!" The NPCs shook their heads tacitly.

The warrior NPC frowned even tighter.None of them had any kinship connection with the guy who claimed to be a member of the undead clan. Based on this alone, he could say that that guy was absolutely impossible to be a member of their undead clan.But seeing that guy's sad eyes, that warrior NPC was a little shaken again!If that guy is really not a member of their undead clan, he shouldn't be grieving like this because they don't recognize his identity...
How to do?This matter is so tangled!

After Friesman stared at the group of NPCs for a long time, he said to them in a hoarse voice: "If you really say that you don't have the feeling of the same race as me... then, then please go Please come out, elder... I believe that the elder will be able to prove my identity!"

"Please elder!?" An NPC yelled when he heard Friesman's words, and then said sharply: "Do you know what you are talking about? Please come out elder? Who do you think you are, can the elder Can you invite me casually? You guys are too ignorant..."

The elders of the undead clan are equivalent to the rulers of their entire undead clan, the king type, responsible for managing various affairs of their entire undead clan, as well as clansmen, real estate and food arrangements!Generally speaking, the elders belong to the kind of people who look down on their entire undead clan from above. Only the elders order their members of the undead clan. How can anyone order the elders to go here and there!
Therefore, the NPC who spoke sharply at Friesman was shocked when he heard Friesman's words.I thought: Who is this guy as the elder of their undead tribe? He said he wanted to see him if he wanted to see him?And let the elders come out to meet him in the enchantment, does he really think he is some kind of big shot?It is the bosses of those little demons living in their undead territory. When they want to see the elders of their undead tribe, don’t they always run outside the enchantment of the Forest of Rest, waiting for their notification? Afterwards, I respectfully followed them into the knot interface to meet the elders...
Probably because of the feeling among the same race, when the NPC who spoke sharply thought of this, the group of NPCs all changed their faces collectively in an instant.

Ji Xiaoyan didn't know who the elder of the undead tribe was, but seeing the faces of those NPCs were not very good, and felt that Friesman had said something wrong, so he quickly smiled at the NPCs , and then pointed to the old man Qingmi and said to them: "By the way, our uncle is also an elder! Hehe... Friesman, we are juniors, how can we let the elders come to see us! According to what I mean, since You want the elders of your undead tribe to help verify your identity as a member of the undead tribe, why don't you let us go in with these people and ask to see the elders... What do you think? This is a basic courtesy, right? …..”

Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Friesman looked at the people in front of him who looked at him like an enemy, his eyes turned red, and he turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan seriously for a moment, as if he had resigned himself to his fate. The whole straight body suddenly felt like a deflated balloon, and suddenly slumped a bit, and then said in a low voice: "Okay, I'll listen to you Xiaoyan! Let's go back to the Forest of Rest to see the elder!"

"You guy, don't talk nonsense! We don't think you are a member of our undead clan, so don't use words like 'return to the Forest of Rest'." An NPC in the NPC team heard Friesman He jumped up and said, "Don't try to use this kind of language trap to secretly narrow the distance between us! Not everyone will accept us!" After finishing speaking, the NPC gave Friesman a contemptuous look.

As a result, Friesman was even more grief-stricken.

He was really desperate at this moment.Forced to be taken away from his homeland since he was a child, he finally learned to be a magician by himself in the maze, lived alone for more than N years, and finally, for a little food, he was aggrieved as the girl Ji Xiaoyan. The half-servant finally returned to the door of his house after going through all kinds of hardships.I thought I would get a warm and warm welcome, but my brothers and sisters told me that they didn’t know him, that they didn’t have a fellow like him... Tell me, why did he survive all these years?
Friesman was momentarily lost in despair.

Miao Xiaohei looked at the group of NPCs, then at Friesman, and immediately sighed sympathetically towards Friesman, slowly moved to his side, patted his shoulder and said: " Friesman, don't be discouraged, just wait until you meet the elders... If they still don't recognize you by then, don't you still have Xiaoyan, and us? We won't give up on you! Cheer up! "

Friesman glanced at Miao Xiaohei with some emotion, and then slowly shifted his eyes to Ji Xiaoyan. Seeing her smiling at him tenderly, Friesman felt that there was something in her eyes. Living……..
Some promises don't need words!For no reason, Friesman suddenly thought of such a sentence.

And Ji Xiaoyan also heard the system's prompt, saying that the NPC Friesman's loyalty to her has increased, and finally reached the level where she will never leave her, and will never betray her again...
Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan was a little depressed at this moment.Co-author Friesman's attitude towards her before, that can be betrayed?Is it because she thinks that as long as the attendant procedures are completed, she can completely accept the NPC Friesman?

"Then, please take us to see the elders!" Friesman lowered his heart, looked at the group of NPCs with a serious face, and then said in a deep voice, "I believe the elders will Decisive!"

The leading warrior NPC heard Friesman's words, just looked at him quietly for a while, and then said: "Then you wait here first, we need to go back and report before we can reply to you!" After finishing speaking, that The warrior NPC paused again, and then explained to Friesman: "This is the rule... All those who are not qualified to enter the Forest of Peace need to be notified, and they can only enter after obtaining permission..." He I really can't bear to see the weeping look of this guy who claims to be their kin...

"Well, I know this very well!" Friesman nodded with a face of course, "Then I will trouble you! We will wait here!"

"Okay!" The leading warrior NPC nodded cheerfully, greeted the following NPCs, and led the people up the stairs next to Ji Xiaoyan and the others leading to the barrier.Then Ji Xiaoyan and the others watched the ten NPCs easily pass through the barrier as if they were nothing, the figures slowly faded into the air, and disappeared directly from their sight.

The thunder kitten stepped up the stairs following the footsteps of those NPCs curiously and surprised, poked the transparent enchantment with his finger, only to find that his finger felt that hard feeling again, so he said excitedly: " Wow, this enchantment is so amazing! They can go in directly, but we feel like a wall... By the way, Friesman, can you go straight through like them?"

"It should be possible!" Friesman nodded, and then said with some uncertainty: "It may not be possible... It was possible before, but now I don't know...."

When Thunder Kitten heard this, he immediately smiled embarrassingly, as if he had accidentally poked Friesman's scar.

The little black girl glared at Thunder Kitten, then patted Friesman with a smile and said, "Friesman, don't be sad, maybe it's because you have lived outside for so many years, so they can't recognize you. Come out of you! Don't worry, don't worry, when I see that elder of yours, the matter will be cleared up..."

"Hmm!" Friesman heard the words, and hope was burning in his heart!The clansmen couldn't recognize him for a while, it must be because he didn't stay in the undead clan for a long time... It must be like this!However, Friesman never thought about it. In fact, there is a more important reason, that is, the fact that he became Ji Xiaoyan's NPC attendant also directly affected the relationship between him and his fellow clansmen...
Sitting blankly outside the barrier of the Forest of Rest, after waiting for nearly an hour, Ji Xiaoyan and the others finally waited for an NPC who came out of the barrier to answer.

"The guy who claims to be from our tribe, the elder agrees to see you! Follow me in!" A male NPC in black leather armor stepped out of the barrier, and immediately yelled at Friesman with a cold face. One sentence.

"It's just me? What about my friends and masters?" Friesman first glanced at the NPC in surprise, then frowned, pointing to Ji Xiaoyan and the others and asked.

"Master? What master!" The NPC immediately yelled when he heard Friesman's words, "You claim to be a member of the undead clan, and you dare to recognize the master!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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