Chapter 738 A Firm Heart
The quest item that Emek has been thinking about is the sub-legendary mask that Ji Xiaoyan got from Mr. Don Ross Consul.That thing is said to be a sacred object passed down from generation to generation by the demon fox clan back then.Later, in the legend of a racial war in the mainland, the leader of the fox tribe at that time used this thing to successfully assassinate the leader of a certain enemy race, and accidentally dropped the thing when he was injured and escaped.

And the reason why Emek was looking for this thing was entirely because this mask had other uses besides the function of changing a person's appearance.As for that kind of use, most people don't need it, but it is quite necessary for Emek and the people above him, so Emek wants to find that sub-legendary mask wholeheartedly.

"Apprentice, master, I am doing this for your own good! You have to know, that thing is not an ordinary thing, as long as you find it, it will be of great benefit to you..." Emek saw the nightmare Foil Liuli ignored him, just kept cutting those piranhas with a weapon, and immediately found a safe place closest to Nightmare Foil Li, and continued to persuade him: "You must know, that thing is a sacred object of the demon fox clan... ....Do you know what is a sacred object? The holy object of a clan is a very important thing. If you give something to the fox clan, after they run out of things, you will not only get the friendship and rewards from the fox clan, You can also get a sub-legendary item, which is a good thing that serves multiple purposes!"

Yan Foil Liuli listened to Emek's persuasive persuasion from behind, but just kept his head in silence and didn't speak.

"Apprentice, your master, am I talking to you? Why are you ignoring me?" Emek probably also noticed the situation, and immediately took two steps in the direction of Yan Foil's wandering, trying to avoid the two people beside him. Those piranhas on the side grabbed the safety belt and approached the wandering side of Yan Foil: "What are you thinking?"

"Master, I've said it all, I really can't do anything about that task!" Yan Foil Liuli had no choice but to sigh when Emek asked, stopped what he was doing and looked at Emek and said: "Master, don't embarrass me. I have tried my best!" Otherwise, could he really ask Ji Xiaoyan for something?He won't do it!

However, it would be great if Emek would give this task to Ji Xiaoyan...
Yan Foil Liuli suddenly thought of this, and immediately looked at Emek with some bright eyes, and began to think in his heart whether this matter could be carried out.

"Ah, my mother!" At this moment, Emek suddenly yelled, and his figure flashed away from Yan Foil's side, and quickly ran back to the area of ​​the safe zone , and then yelled at Yan Foil: "Apprentice, you are going to kill your master.... I know that I can't do anything about these piranhas, how can you stop? Hurry up, hurry up........ Didn't you see that thing still coveted your master and me from such a long distance?"

"Yes, master!" Yan Foil Liuliu smiled when he saw Emek's action, shook off the thoughts in his mind, and prepared to find a suitable time to talk to Emek later, then turned around, Hold the weapon and continue to chop cannibal flowers.

To say that Emek, an NPC, is really capable, he knows a lot of skills and magic.But because of some special reasons, he was trapped in this exile, which directly caused the NPC to be suppressed, and then he couldn't use any skills, basically becoming a useless person.Of course, in addition to drawing the teleportation array!

And the group of piranhas around the rotten houses that Emek usually lives in are also specially used to restrain Emek and prevent him from running around!Emek can attack any monsters in the Exiled Lands, but he can't touch those piranhas. That thing is like a natural enemy, surrounding him every day, staring at him!Therefore, if Emek wants to leave the exiled land, then someone must help him clear a way in the cannibal flower area.

This is also the reason why Aimerk immediately took him as a disciple when Nightmare Foil Wandering was accidentally teleported to the Exiled Land.Why, isn't it today? !
After Yan Foil drifted away to clear a large section of the safe road again, he turned around and returned to the safe area, preparing to eat something to replenish his strength and take a rest by the way.Just stepped into the safe area where Emek usually lives, and saw the old man squatting on the ground with a dejected expression, looking at him pitifully.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Yan Foil Liuliu asked with some doubts.

"Apprentice... I've been thinking about it for a long time..." Emek quietly watched Yanbo drift away.

"Huh? Master, what did you think of?" Yan Foil Liuliu frowned and asked.

"I think you must know where the Monster Fox Clan thing is!" Emek was silent for two seconds, and suddenly said something astonishingly looking at Nightmare Foil.

Sure enough, Yan Foil Liuli's heart skipped a beat when Emek said this, but he looked at Emek without any expression on his face and asked, "Master, why did you say that?"

"I can see it!" Emek said with certainty, "You must know where that thing is, but you can't get it easily now, right? If so, don't worry, wait for me to go out, master. It's time to join hands with you to get that thing back!"

Yan Foil Liuli took a bite of the bread in his hand, and said to Emek, "Master, you are thinking too much! I don't know where that thing is!"

"You must know!" Emek's demeanor changed immediately when he heard Yan Foil's words, and he said sternly: "Whether you admit it or not, I have already seen it. You definitely know where that thing is, it's just you I don’t want to say it! Apprentice, you have to think about it, as long as you find that thing, you will get so much benefit! At that time, maybe you can become a member of the Demon Fox Clan! Their clan is well-known throughout the continent of…….."

"Master, you really think too much!" Yan Foil Liuliu looked at Emek with an unchanged expression and said.

" silly boy!" Emerk trembled angrily, pointed at Yan Foil Liuliu with his finger and looked at it for a while, and said with some resentment: "Don't tell me? Okay, I'll wait for your master to go out Yes, I'll find it myself! You don't think that I gave you that bead, but there is only one bead? You know, when the person above came last time, I got a pair of those beads... "

Hearing the words, Yan Foil was startled for a moment, and looked up at Emek, seeing him smiling triumphantly, felt very bad in his heart.He always thought that there was only one bead that Emek gave him to find the ever-changing bead, but who knew that it was actually a pair...
"Master, do you really want to find that thing?" Yan Foil Liuliu was silent for a while, and asked a little compromised.If there is only one bead, then he may be the only one who knows that the ever-changing things belong to Ji Xiaoyan. As long as he doesn't tell, Ji Xiaoyan will always have that sub-legendary thing.But now there are beads on Aimoke's body, that is to say, after Aimoke goes out, as long as he meets Ji Xiaoyan, he will know that the thing is on her.

Don't think that the game is too big, Ji Xiaoyan can't meet her if she loves Merck in the Western Continent.Don't forget, when Ji Xiaoyan fell into the land of exile and Emek let her go, he put something on her body!I can assure you that with Emek's personality, as long as he goes out, he will find Ji Xiaoyan immediately, ask her to give some gold coins, or help him manage his life, and take care of him by the way. Re-emerged NPC's.

Thinking of this, Yan Foil Liuliu couldn't help frowning.

Seeing Yan Foil Wandering, Emerk seemed to be a little loose, and immediately smiled slyly, then put down his body and said coquettishly: "My good apprentice, the master is doing it for your own good! That good thing, as long as you get it, it will be yours at that time... …”

"Master!" Nightmare Foil Liuli glanced at Emek and frowned, "Let me tell you the truth, I know where that thing is, but I can't take it!"

"Why?" Emek's voice was a little sharp.He couldn't figure out why Yan Baoliu, who had news of the item, could ignore such a great benefit and not grab the item.Don't they all say that adventurers can live and die for a little profit?
"Master, the person who owns that thing is someone very important to me!" Yan Foil Liuli looked up at Emek quietly and said, "So, I can't take it!"

"A very important person?" Emek sneered, and then said with some disdain: "How important is it? You can still sacrifice your life for him? Apprentice, if we can't find that thing, other people sent down by the top If people get it, we will be severely punished... At that time, maybe you will disappear..."

Yan Foil was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the "disappearance" that Emek said might have been wiped out by an NPC.

"Apprentice, you have to think clearly! It's just one thing. No matter how important that person is, can he be more important than yourself? Good apprentice, you have to listen to your master!" Emek sighed deeply. In a low tone, he looked at Yan Foil and said.

Yan Foil Lili pursed his lips, only looked at Emke, and said after a while, "Master, I'm sorry!"

So Emek was furious!For so many years, he has never met a master who is as indifferent as his apprentice Yan Foil Liuliu, "Apprentice, you have to think clearly!"

"Master, she is the most important thing to me!" Nightmare Foil Liuli looked at Emek with certainty and said, "So, Master, I won't take that thing!"

"You have to think clearly! We can have the beads to find things, and others will have other things that can sense that legendary thing. At that time, if we can't find that thing, we will be the ones who will be punished..." Love Merck's eyes widened, and he said sharply to Yan Foil: "My worst punishment is to be imprisoned here again, but you may not even have any scum left. That's because the higher-ups agreed to let me accept you. What about the conditions for being an apprentice..."

 PS: Qianqian's foreshadowing is long enough, right?It took more than 100 W words for the task of Diablo foil to appear. . . .Would someone want to kill Qianqian?

(End of this chapter)

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