The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 744 Robbery in the Daytime

Chapter 744 Robbery in the Daytime
The NPC maids and NPC guards wandering around the city lord's mansion have no idea what exactly happened in the city lord's mansion in Wanqi City.What they can understand from their eyes and senses is that shortly after a few maids followed Master Qi Qu into the City Lord’s Mansion carrying a few expensive-looking boxes, the momentum around the City Lord’s Mansion changed, not to mention, even They could all feel the solemnity and tension slowly growing in the air.

The NPCs in Wanqi City are very aware of this dignifiedness and tension, which is emitted by their Lord City Lord.

And just when all the NPCs thought that some big event would happen in the City Lord's Mansion, and they were all sharpening their knives and waiting for orders, a group of people came out of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion after a long silence. , followed by Mr. Qi Qu with an ugly face...
Erdan is an ordinary guard in the third team under the fifth team of the NPC guards in Wanqi City.He was conscripted to Wanqi City a few years ago from a small village outside Wanqi City as a small city guard.Later, because he was usually honest and diligent in doing things, he was quickly favored. From a low-ranking city guard, he climbed directly to the guard team under the jurisdiction of the city lord, and was successfully brainwashed. Resolutely defend the city lord as the highest code of conduct.

Therefore, after feeling the aura of the city lord emanating from the city lord's mansion, Er Dan's first reaction was to clenched his weapon excitedly, waiting to rush into the city lord's mansion at any time to maintain the majesty and safety of the city lord .In the end, who knows, after waiting for a long time, nothing happened. Instead, a team of two women and more men came out of the city lord's mansion.

The bastards in this team are impressive, it was Master Qi Qu who walked into the City Lord's Mansion with a smile on his face.In Er Dan's feeling, this group of people should be the guests of the city lord, otherwise Lord Qi Qu would not have personally brought them to meet the city lord.

Dudan people are honest, but not stupid.From Master Qi Qu's different facial expressions when he entered and exited, Er Dan could also see some clues.So, when seeing old man Qingmi and the others coming out of the city lord's mansion with smiles, and Master Qi Qu's face so ugly, Erdan quickly thought of the aura of the city lord just now, so Erdan is very smart I quickly guessed a result: this group of people has offended the city lord!In other words, this group of people made the City Lord angry, so Wanqi City does not welcome them...
As an NPC bodyguard who can give everything for the city lord, Erdan feels that he must find a way to deal with the group of people passing by him in front of him, and help the city lord vent his anger so that he can be worthy of the city lord's treatment of him. cultivation.So, when the old man Qingmi led Ji Xiaoyan and the others away from the City Lord's Mansion with his head held high, Erdan talked to an NPC guard who was usually close to him, and quietly followed Ji Xiaoyan and the others...
Seeing the palace of the City Lord's Mansion slowly disappearing from sight, Ji Xiaoyan and the others finally shouted happily.

When they first saw the first box of top-quality gems, to be honest, Ji Xiaoyan and the others were really stunned.In their understanding at the time, those gems were the same as they imagined in their minds, and they should be the kind of high-level gems that can increase various attributes.In the end, who knows, they were surprised rather than surprised, but the old man Qing Mi showed no expression at all, and walked towards the second NPC maid casually, and then opened the box that was said to contain an antique vase that was thousands of years old... ....
Next, the box at the back is either filled with something that was used by someone in the legend, or some precious seeds, wood and the like.

So, no matter how dull their brains were, Ji Xiaoyan and the others could see that something was wrong.

If these things are in reality, to be honest, this is definitely an excellent reward.But the problem is, they are in the game right now!Who in the game would treat these things that can only be seen, dangdang decorations as treasures!Apart from being sold to some NPCs for some gold coins, what else can these things be used for?Mingli said it was thousands of years old, which sounds awesome, but if it doesn't have any attributes, what else can you say these things do?The mastermind of the system can even set it directly, so that the NPCs and players in their entire game can collectively travel through thousands of years!

So, after reading the so-called rewards for them, the old man Qingmi took the lead, Ji Xiaoyan and the others all fell silent, and then silently looked at the city lord and Qi Qu of Wanqi City.

"Since you are so insincere, City Lord, we still don't bother you!" Old Qing Mi gave the City Lord an uneasy look, and greeted Ji Xiaoyan and the others directly: "Let's go, let's not waste time That’s it. I’m sure there will be a lot of people out there clamoring for the Miexi Fruit.”

"Elder Qingmi, what do you mean?" The city lord saw the old man Qingmi's actions, and immediately said angrily: "Isn't the reward that the city lord gave you not good enough? Just go for that box of top-grade gems, Qingmi Elder, ask yourself, isn’t it precious enough?”

"City Master, do you really think of us as idiots who have never seen anything?" Old Man Qingmi retorted, "Look at our team, what is the thing we want the most, don't you know? Yes, This box of gems and the like is indeed very valuable. But is it useful to them? I am not out to make money for the sect. What is the use of these things from you? Besides, our Qingshimen doesn’t even have such a little thing I can't even take it out..."

As a result, the face of the city lord of Wanqi City turned blue instantly.

"If the city lord really can't show his sincerity, then don't ask us for Mie Xiguo!" The old man Qingmi gave Qi Qu a disdainful look, and said to the city lord: "We will take our leave now."

"Stop!" The City Lord suddenly stood up from his throne and shouted loudly.It turned out that old man Qingmi didn't even dump him, so the face of the city lord became even darker: "Old man Qingmi, what exactly do you want?"

"What can I do? I just hope that the city lord can exchange it at an equal value!" Qing Mi stopped, turned his head and hugged his chest and said: "However, if the city lord gives us these things as an apology, That would be even better!" After finishing speaking, the old man Qingmi hooked the corners of his mouth, and looked at the city owner seriously.

The air in the City Lord's Mansion became tense at this very second.

Of course, as for the aftermath, of course Old Man Qingya and the others won.

The Mie Xi fruit is usually of no use. It is just a kind of fruit that is condensed by the members of the undead clan after their natural death. It is a kind of fruit similar to the life-continuing plant.However, for the kind of NPC whose strength has reached the bottleneck, Miexi Fruit is something similar to a high-level elixir.To put it bluntly, it is a kind of precious item used in the cultivation story to hit the bottleneck, then save life and increase the probability of upgrading, which is somewhat similar to the existence of the Foundation Establishment Pill.

The city lord of Wanqi City has stayed at this level of strength for a long time.The land of the dead is indeed not a very dangerous place for him, but the problem is that he, the city lord, cannot leave Wanqi City.It would be impossible to send someone to the land of the dead to find Mie Xiguo, who doesn't know that the undead tribes are dismissive of everyone!If you don't have any face, you might be killed before you get close to the land of the dead.

The appearance of Ji Xiaoyan and the others really excited the city lord of Wanqi City.Among them, he clearly saw a man with an undead aura!Therefore, he had every reason to believe that this team would definitely be able to enter the Land of the Dead and obtain the Extinction Fruit for him.

As long as he gets the Miexi Fruit and upgrades successfully, then their Wanqi City will appear in the eyes of everyone in the Western Continent with a high profile, which will bring more adventurers and NPCs to join them... ..
Therefore, for the city lord of Wanqi City, Miexi Fruit is definitely a very important thing.

It is because of this that in the end, the city lord of Wanqi City still compromised under the tough attitude of old man Qingmi, and took out the pile of top-quality gems and antiques, including the good wine that he had promised to old man Qingmi, and took away a few genuine ones. After giving all the good things to Old Man Qingmi, he finally got the Miexi Fruit, and then watched Old Man Qingmi and the others with a smile take away such a large amount of wealth from his warehouse in Wanqi City, and walked out. The palace of the city lord's mansion...

"Uncle, Uncle! What kind of good things did the City Lord give us?" After Ye Ying couldn't see the palace of the City Lord's Mansion at all, he immediately asked the old man Qingmi very excitedly.There is no way, the negotiator has always been the old man Qingmi, so in the end all the things went into the old man Qingmi's package, and none of them knew what treasure the city lord gave him.

"Why are you asking this? As a cook, can you use treasures even if you have them?" Old Man Qingmi glanced at Ye Ying layer by layer and said in a good mood.It's not that he feels happy to be the treasure of the city lord of Wanqi City, he is mainly because of those dozens of altars of fine wine...
"Uncle Master, let me see, it's okay to have long eyes!" Ye Ying said with a bit of gloom, pursing her lips.

"That's right, that's right! Uncle, tell us quickly, what kind of good things did the city lord give us?" Miao Xiaohei also asked excitedly.

Then the old man Qingmi caught sight of Ji Xiaoyan who was also very curious. After thinking about it, he found two exquisite boxes from his bag, and was about to introduce to Ji Xiaoyan and the others what the good things in the boxes were.In the end, who knows, suddenly a breath rushed out from the back of their team, the old man Qingmi moved the hand holding the box as fast as possible, and was about to see what was going on, but he felt a heavy feeling in his hand Suddenly disappeared...

The box was robbed in broad daylight!

(End of this chapter)

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