Chapter 750 That NPC
Regarding the words from Miao Xiaohei girl's mouth about the big tree-shaped monster in the cave, Ye Ying felt very unbelievable from the bottom of his heart.From his point of view, Miao Xiaohei was just making a fuss about him not being able to see the situation in the cave, making fun of him, and playing with him!However, after Ye Ying heard Ji Xiaoyan and Super Thunder Big Cat tell him with such certainty, he finally believed it a little bit.

Of course, at this moment, Ye Ying's layer upon layer just reluctantly believed in Ji Xiaoyan and the others.Who knows, will Ji Xiaoyan and the others join forces to play with him?right?
"Then what happened to the monster you mentioned now? Was it killed by you?" Yeying stared at the direction where Miao Xiaohei and the others sounded in his memory, and asked, "What level of monster is that? ?”

"It should be beaten away..." Miao Xiaohei thought for a while, and then said to Yeying layer by layer: "We just saw it standing there suddenly, making noises around it with some swaying branches , and then we saw you grabbing a branch and shaking vigorously, we thought you were entangled! So we attacked immediately... We just didn't expect that monster to be so easy to kill, so we hit it After a few strokes, I didn't see it bleed, and it disappeared... As for the level, it seems that I didn't see it at all..."

"I didn't see it either..." The big super thunder cat also frowned strangely, and agreed.

"That's it?" Ye Ying frowned, obviously feeling that Miao Xiao Hei's words were unbelievable, "I didn't grab any branches at that time! What I grabbed were big cat's clothes all the time.... Xiao Hei, did you misread it?"

"What is wrong! We can all see the situation clearly, how could we be wrong! Yeying, you were holding a branch at that time. If you don't believe me, you can ask Xiaoyan and the others! Xiaoyan and the others won't lie to you!" Miao Xiaohei looked at Yeying with dissatisfaction and said, "However, if you think that even Xiaoyan and the others can't be trusted, then there is nothing you can do!"

After hearing the words, Ye Ying immediately turned his face away, and chose a direction in the darkness to look over.

"I'm here..." Ji Xiaoyan saw Ye Ying looking at a direction where there was no object, and sighed, and then said: "Ye Ying, there is really no need for us to lie to you, right? So , The situation you just encountered is really the same as what Xiao Hei said."

"Yeah!" Ye Ying was stunned for a while, and then nodded after a while, feeling that he didn't need to waste so much time entangled in this matter, so Ye Ying sighed a lot, and followed Ji Xiaoyan Looking in the direction of the voice just now, he asked, "Then what should we do now? Wait for that monster to reappear, then kill it before moving on? Or should we just move on?"

"Of course we continue! The purpose of our coming here is not to kill mobs!" Miao Xiaohei excitedly waved the dagger in her hand, and then said with some doubts: "However, aren't we here to challenge NPCs? ? Why is it turned into killing monsters now? Isn’t the third level of this martial arts conference supposed to be all about NPCs? How could there be monsters? Hey, Xiaoyan, do you think we went the wrong way, or encountered What's the strange situation? Could it be that we actually encountered some hidden mission?"

"Xiao Hei, I think you think too much! Really!" Although Ye Ying couldn't see the facial expression of Miao Xiao Hei girl, but from her tone, Ye Ying also imagined the girl's face at this moment. What a general state of excitement.

"I thought too much! What if things are like that?" Miao Xiaohei said to Ye Ying layer by layer, a little unconvinced, "Who said that the third level can't have hidden tasks and the like? As soon as we met?! There can be adventures in the second level of the maze, who said that the third level is not possible!"

"I don't think our luck will be that good!" Ye Ying said weakly.

"Hmph, your bad luck doesn't mean our luck is bad! Right? Xiaoyan!" Miao Xiaohei stared at Yeying with some dissatisfaction, then turned her head to look at Ji Xiaoyan.

"This... luck is still uncertain!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't offend both sides, so he finally had to say something so lightly, then immediately changed the subject, and said to everyone: "Let's hurry to the front Keep going! Otherwise, if the big monster tree appeared again and came to be serious with us, maybe we will be unlucky! By the way, Yeying, you should take Brick and go together later It's better! If there is a battle later, the big cat will definitely not be able to take care of you..."

"Oh, good!" Ye Ying nodded understandingly, and obediently grasped the hand that Brick handed to him, and followed Ji Xiaoyan and the others towards the only light that was still on in the cave. up.

This cave in the back mountain of Wuming Village is indeed the second level of the third level of the Martial Arts Conference. There is only one NPC in the entire cave!And the big tree-shaped monster that Ji Xiaoyan and the others met was not a real monster, it was a clone of the NPC living in this cave, or it was more appropriate to say that it was an incarnation.

You know, living alone in a large space will always feel boring, lonely, and life is boring, right?So, the NPC living in this cave has nothing to do to make some playthings, to add a little fun to himself or something.And that big tree-like monster was just something he made for his own amusement!

That's why Ji Xiaoyan and the others only hit the big tree monster a few times, and beat it away without even seeing its level.As for why Ye Ying's layers changed from pulling the clothes of the super thunder cat to pulling the branches of the big tree in an instant, this matter, only God knows...
The further they walked into the cave, Ji Xiaoyan and the others found that the white light was getting bigger and brighter.After waiting for a long time, Ji Xiaoyan and the others finally saw the true face of the white light clearly.

The white light was so large that it basically covered the end of the entire cave.In front of the white light is a male NPC with black hair and a white robe.The NPC man was sitting cross-legged in front of the white light, and on the right side of the wall was a light curtain with colored lights...
"NPC?" Ye Ying asked excitedly as soon as he saw the NPC man because he finally got rid of the feeling of being a blind person.Then suddenly saw the male NPC opposite them who had kept his eyes closed all the time suddenly opened his eyes, swept them all around, and asked coldly: "Are you here to challenge?"

Just as Ji Xiaoyan was about to nod, he saw that NPC man cast a very sharp gaze on them in an instant, "You were the ones who hit my clone just now?"

"What doppelganger?" Miao Xiaohei asked intuitively.

"Big tree..." The NPC slightly raised his eyes to look at Miao Xiaohei girl, and then said, "I know you, you stabbed my clone a few times just now..."

Hearing the words, Miao Xiaohei immediately shook her body, looked at Ji Xiaoyan uneasily, and asked silently with her eyes: "It's over, Xiaoyan, will this level be the same as the one you just encountered? Being hated by NPC, and then increasing the difficulty?

Ji Xiaoyan only returned Miao Xiaohei with a helpless smile, then sighed and said to the NPC man: "That... Senior? We are indeed here to challenge, I don't know what the problem you gave us what?"

When the male NPC heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he immediately turned his gaze back from Miao Xiaohei, landed on Ji Xiaoyan, looked at her seriously, and then said lightly: "My questions here are very simple. , I just ask you to find a way to help me find something within a certain period of time!"

"Just looking for something?" Ye Ying couldn't help asking in surprise after hearing the words.

"Yeah!" The NPC nodded, took out a black and white stone from his sleeve, held it up in the air and said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "You can see clearly, I will throw this thing out in a while, you just You need to find this thing again within an hour, even if you have passed the level!"

"It's just that simple?!" Ye Ying was even more surprised now!Although the stone in the NPC man's hand looks very small, as long as they can clearly see the trajectory where it was thrown, it is still easy for them to find it, right? !Anyway, with Ji Xiaoyan and the others' night vision function, I believe they can easily find this thing even if it falls into the dark.

"Easy?!" The NPC man gave Ye Ying a funny look when he heard the layers of words, and then said sarcastically, "If you think it's easy, I can make it a little more difficult for you!"

"No, no, no, no need! I was joking just now! It's just a joke!" After hearing what the NPC man said, Ye Ying immediately opened his mouth to cover up: "Please don't take my bullshit seriously..."

When the NPC man heard Ye Ying's words, he snorted coldly with some contempt, and then continued to say to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Don't think this challenge is easy! My rules are very simple, I just need you to Just let me find this stone again! However, you need to go through the illusion I gave you in the middle of the way to find out where this stone was thrown... So, don’t underestimate me It's a challenge! My kung fu for creating illusions is also ranked among the best in the mainland..."

 PS: Qianqian is very busy recently. She goes to the construction site during the day and only comes back to code at night. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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