The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 796 Where the hell are you?

Chapter 796 Where the hell are you?

The auction of the Qingshimen Guild Order did not go smoothly at all.

The reason is very simple!With such a big incident happening in Qingshimen, how can there be any NPC in the mood to organize and prepare for the auction of this guild building order?Of course, now that the news has been spread, Qingshimen can't do the kind of self-slapping, reneging on the promise, and losing face.So, in the end, the auction was still going on as usual, but the scene was a bit different from what the players, old man Qingya and the others had planned and imagined...
A room that looks fairly clean, a chair, a table of Eight Immortals, three senior NPC disciples from Qingshimen, and 53 players who teleported from various continents and brought huge sums of money to buy Guild Establishment Tokens were all crowded together. In this room, which is only about 30 square meters, and after nearly half an hour of bidding, the first auction in the entire game about guild building orders came to an end...

As for which player from which continent finally got the gang-building token, and whether they will safely take the gang-building token away after going out, the three senior NPC disciples of Qingshimen don't care at all. Responsible for the safety of the [-] gold coins obtained from the auction, and smoothly bring them back to the inner gate of Qingshimen for business.

Regarding the auction of the Guild Establishment Token, as the owner of the Guild Establishment Token, Miao Xiaohei had the idea to secretly join in the fun after being kicked out of Qingshi Gate by the old man Qingmi.It's just that the Qingshimen NPC who was in charge of the auction registration didn't give her any face at all, completely ignoring her constant flirting, pleading and so on, and just threw a sentence, telling her to either pay the registration fee to enter the venue, or Just fuck off.In the end, Miao Xiaohei could only look shyly at her own few gold coins, and silently left the outer gate of Qingshimen step by step, and honestly began to think of a way to send flying pigeons to Miss Ji Xiaoyan Connect with video call and ask where she is....
However, for Ji Xiaoyan, who was taken to a wilderness by Lin Qianye, an NPC man, the video call connection signal was naturally blocked!Therefore, no matter how many times Miao Xiaohei made video calls, she still couldn't reach Ji Xiaoyan in the end!In the end, she had no choice but to find a random town near Qingshimen to stay, and then sent Ji Xiaoyan a dozen flying pigeons to send letters to Ji Xiaoyan, waiting for her reply.

As a result, Ji Xiaoyan's reply letter was not received by Miao Xiaohei, but what was waiting was Ye Ying's letter from Feige, who was living leisurely in the inner gate of Qingshimen at the moment.Ye Ying only said two things to Miao Xiaohei when he passed the letters to Feige: first, he hoped that Miao Xiaohei would go back as soon as possible and take him away.Without Miao Xiaohei, his life in Qingshimen was very depressing and painful... As for whether the real state is like that, Miao Xiaohei said that he doesn't know!The second thing is that Miao Xiaohei's guild establishment order was sold, and the old man Qingmi took half of the gold coins from the sale of the guild establishment order, and handed it to the head of Qingmiao in her name as Qingshimen's reserve funds ….
"Fuck! Half of the gold coins!" Meow, the little black girl, after reading Feige's biography, immediately became extremely depressed and extremely angry.Tell me, how ruthless old man Qingmi is to treat her like this!How much would it cost to sell half of the gold coins for the Guild Establishment Order?Half of the [-] gold coins must have [-] gold coins, right?Nearly [-] gold coins disappeared in such an instant, do you think Miao Xiaohei will complain?

Of course it will!Moreover, after the girl got the news, she immediately packed her things, rented a carriage from an NPC in the town, and ran back to Qingshimen without stopping, planning to ask old man Qingmi for an explanation.

However, in the end, apart from getting [-] gold coins from the old man Qingmi and successfully bringing Ye Ying out of Qingshimen, Miao Xiaohei only wanted a few words of justice.

The old man Qingmi’s original words were: “Tell me yourself, who is responsible for the smooth auction of the Guild Establishment Order? Our Qingshimen issued the announcement, right? The site is provided by our Qingshimen? The auction site The guards and staff are also disciples of our Qingshimen, right? Apart from the fact that the rotten brand is yours, what else did you do? Even the fact that this brand can be sold at such a high price is due to our Qingshimen. Do you think you can get so many gold coins? If it weren’t for the fact that you are usually pretty well-behaved and have a good character, I would not be willing to give you so many gold coins! Tell yourself, you can hold on to you That something?"

So, Miao Xiaohei could only remain silent in the end.

Although what the old man Qingya said were all very unreasonable reasons, but it cannot be denied that these words are very reasonable.There was really nothing to guess about her.So in the end, for the [-] gold coins, Miao Xiaohei only took the [-] integers from the old man Qingmi, and stored the remaining [-] gold coins in the old man Qingmi's place, saying that he would come back to get them next time!
Miao Xiaohei thought very clearly, if the [-] gold coins she took this time could not reach the trading hall and be exchanged for federal currency, but were cheated or robbed or stolen by some NPCs that suddenly appeared, at least she would There can still be nine thousand gold coins at the bottom, right?Although the old man Qingmi doesn't seem to be very kind to her, but fortunately, he still counts his words. Coupled with the relationship with Miss Ji Xiaoyan, Miao Xiaohei completely believes that her nine thousand gold coins will not be taken away. The old man Qingya swallowed blackly...
Therefore, after the old man Qingmi agreed to help her keep the nine thousand gold coins, Miao Xiaohei girl left the inner gate of Qingshimen again boldly and boldly led Ye Ying layer by layer.

However, Miao Xiaohei expressed incomparable confidence in the old man Qingmi, thinking that the old man would definitely not embezzle her gold coins without returning them, but this girl didn't consider this at all.These NPCs at Qingshimen have no idea or care about gold coins.To be precise, it is the old man Qingya who has no attitude towards gold coins at all!So, after Miao Xiaohei left, the old man Qing Mi casually put her nine thousand gold coins in a room in a side hall, and then went on to discuss with Qing Miao's masters about finding Miss Ji Xiaoyan... …

This also caused, when the [-] gold coins on Miao Xiaohei's body were fooled and stolen by countless swindling NPCs, and finally only [-] gold coins were successfully exchanged into federal currency. When I was looking for old man Qingmi to get back some gold coins in the game, I found out that Qingshimen had issued a recruitment order, saying that old man Qingmi and elder Qingyi had disappeared together...
So, when the girl Miao Xiaohei, who was thrown out of Qingshimen to find Ji Xiaoyan, brought Ye Ying back to Qingshimen for the third time to apply for some gold coins back, the elders of Qingshimen had no idea that old man Qingmi had Helping her keep the [-] gold coins, and I can't find where the old man Qingmi left the gold coins...
So, in the end, Miao Xiaohei left Qingshimen in disappointment again, ran to the outer gate of Qingshimen to accept the task of the recruitment order, and then began to lead Ye Ying to search for Ji Xiaoyan and Ji Xiaoyan in the game carefully. Old Man Qingmi and Elder Qingyi are here...
But after leaving the martial arts conference, the man who was most eager to find Ji Xiaoyan was Xingkong Haohan, a man who had never met before.You know, after Xingkong Haohan got the skill book in the martial arts conference that needed to find a player who had successfully changed his job to help open the seal, he wanted to find such a player who had successfully changed his job.As a result, after knowing that Yixin Aidan and Ji Xiaoyan are very close, Xing Konghaohan listened to the words of the stranger, and wanted to find Ji Xiaoyan first, and then ask her to help with a line or something, so that Miss Yixin Aidan can help ...

Therefore, whether it was in the third level of the martial arts conference or after it left, Xingkong Haohan was always doing one thing, that was to try his best to find Miss Ji Xiaoyan.However, if Ji Xiaoyan's news was so easy to find, he wouldn't have to worry so much, would he?

Until the Qingshimen recruitment order came out, Xingkong Haohan still did not get any news about Ji Xiaoyan's whereabouts.In the end, he had no choice but to discuss with the stranger, and found the mayor of that town directly in the town where they were staying, and spent a sum of gold coins to ask the mayor to post a notice on the bulletin board of the town. The general idea is that if anyone gets the news of Miss Ji Xiaoyan, as long as it is true, they can report the news to the mayor of Qingshimen at the same time as reporting to Qingshimen. Fei's reward...

Therefore, as soon as this announcement came out, Ji Xiaoyan's reputation in the game rose a lot again.Many players are becoming more and more curious, what kind of character is this "Ji Xiaoyan" player who has been followed by many NPCs, and where is she hiding?How come there are so many players, and it took so long for no one to get her whereabouts?

Just when all the game players were wondering where Ji Xiaoyan was, the girl was panting heavily in embarrassment, lying flat on the sand, looking at the blue sky and white clouds in the game, wondering what she was thinking...
"Xiaoyan, are you okay?" Friesman and Xuan Mo stood together, looked at Ji Xiaoyan's embarrassed look and asked carefully, and then said: "How about we sneak away? You see we are For more than ten days here, you have been tortured like this every day, and we feel very distressed when we see it... I think that Lin Qianye did it on purpose! He asked you to become a teacher and said that he would teach you skills, but Xiaoyan, you Look... You have been thrown here to kill so many monsters with your bare hands, and that Lin Qianye didn't see anything to teach you... If you want me to say, we might as well take advantage of him leaving this time to compare Far away, it will take a lot of time to come back, let's run away together..."

(End of this chapter)

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