The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 905 Sabrina is here

Chapter 905 Sabrina is here
Sabrina is a very beautiful woman, she is tall, slender, beautiful, with fair skin!Of course, the most important thing is that her body proportions are very suitable. After taking off the big gray cloak that covered her face and figure, Ji Xiaoyan had to admit that Sabrina This Juli woman is very eye-catching.

"No, look, I just said that the people from the Juli clan will definitely come!" Lin Qianye saw Sabrina being carefully led into the alleyway by several disciples of Qingshimen, walked to After their space, they immediately raised their heads and said something to the old man Qingmi, then turned to look at Sabrina and asked: "Why did you come so late? It is your patriarch who disagrees with us. Cooperation? Or do you have other questions?"

Lin Qianye acted like a patriarch, looked at Sabrina and asked a question.

It's just that Sabrina from the Juli family obviously doesn't give Lin Qianye a lot of face, and I don't know if there was some "little friction" that Lin Qianye didn't mention when he met her. class happens.Sabrina just glanced at Lin Qianye, nodded to him to say hello, and immediately turned to the Qingshimen disciples who were densely packed in this small space, as well as old man Qingmi and the other elders, Ji Xiaoyan and the others. After that, he opened his mouth and asked: "I don't know who is the Deputy City Lord of Shacheng among all of you here?"

Ji Xiaoyan looked up at the female giant in front of him, and it took him a long time to realize that the other person was talking about himself, and then he quickly raised his hand, as if answering the teacher's question while studying, jumped up and looked at Sha Bai Lina shouted loudly: "That's what, I am, I am the deputy city lord of Shacheng!!"

"Vice City Master!" Sabrina found Ji Xiaoyan's figure in the crowd, and immediately gave Ji Xiaoyan a gentle smile, and then said apologetically to several Qingshimen disciples around her, After letting them get out of the way, he squatted down, looked at Ji Xiaoyan as much as possible and said, "Hello, Vice City Master, I am Sabrina from the Juli Clan. It's an honor to meet you."

"Hello, hello!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly replied, smiling innocently.

The old man Qingya and the others next to him didn't say a word, they all looked at Sabrina with full vigilance.They are worried, although the woman in front of them said that the combat power is not the top among the Juli tribe, but she can suppress them Qingshimen, okay, this is equivalent to the existence of natural enemies, if they are not careful, Ji Xiaoyan The girl is optimistic, and the Juli woman in front of her seized the opportunity to kill Ji Xiaoyan, and their Qingshimen face will be lost, and the next siege battle will be troublesome!

"Hehe, the deputy city lord is really a bit reserved!" Seeing Ji Xiaoyan's appearance, Sabrina suddenly said something with a bit of a smile, then suppressed her smile, and said in a serious tone: "About us I have already mentioned the cooperation between the Juli clan and the deputy city lord with the patriarch. The patriarch said that it would be better for the deputy city lord to discuss this matter in person! Of course, we have also heard about the festival between the deputy city lord and the Qingwan city lord. Said, now the city lord in Qingcheng didn't know where he heard the news, knowing that the deputy city lord has entered Qingcheng, so now Qingcheng has entered the first-level ban in Qingcheng, and he wants to arrest the deputy city lord gone."

"How did the city lord know that we came in?" Lin Qianye immediately frowned and looked at Sabrina when she heard this, and then asked, "Could it be someone from your Juli clan who leaked the news? gone?"

"Our Juli Clan definitely did not do this!" Sabrina immediately denied what Lin Qianye said: "Only me and the Patriarch of the entire Juli Clan know about the matter of the Deputy City Lord. , except for the city lord Qingwan and the others. Speaking of which, before the city lord Qingwan and our patriarch spy, I heard that the city lord Qingwan ordered the adventurers who came with her to do something. In this way, the deputy city lord The leak of the whereabouts is estimated to be spread by those adventurers who went to Qingcheng."

"This is possible! It would be weird if that girl Qing Wan didn't cause us trouble, but made convenience for herself!" Lin Qianye nodded immediately after thinking about it, and then looked at Sabrina and asked He said: "Since the whole Qingcheng is on alert now, with so many people in front of us, how can we go to your settlement to discuss cooperation? Or is the patriarch of your Juli clan willing to come and talk?"

"It's inconvenient for the patriarch!" Sabrina said with a sigh when she heard Lin Qianye's words: "Although the Lord Qingwan released the adventurers, she is still staying with us. The patriarch must I want to accompany City Lord Qingwan, so I don’t have time to come, so I can only invite the Deputy City Lord to the settlement of our Juli clan.”

"Accompany that girl Qingwan? Does she have more face than us?" Lin Qianye glanced at the old man Qingmi and the others who hadn't said anything since Sabrina appeared, and twitched the corner of her mouth knowingly, Immediately looked at Sabrina and asked: "Or do you Juli think that the deputy city lord of Shacheng is not as good as that girl Qingwan?"

"Vice City Master, our Juli Clan doesn't mean that!" Sabrina immediately explained to Ji Xiaoyan after hearing Lin Qianye's words: "I think the Vice City Master must know about our Juli Clan's holy artifacts Right? Now the patriarch is just trying to get back the ownership of the sacred artifacts, and wants Qingwan City Lord to let our Juli clan live, so that's it."

"Yeah, yeah! We understand!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately when he heard this, and then looked at Sabrina and asked: "Then how do we get to the settlement of your Juli clan now? Don't you mean The outside is on alert. There are so many of us, and our clothes are so conspicuous. Will we be arrested as soon as we go out? By the way, how did the adventurers from Qingwan City Lord appear in Qingcheng in a fair manner? Huh? They won't be arrested?"

"Recently, a lot of adventurers have come to Qingcheng. I heard that they are here to support the current city lord. Therefore, adventurers are generally free to move around in Qingcheng. It's just that the aborigines know each other. If there are strange faces, It will indeed arouse vigilance." Sabrina explained to Ji Xiaoyan, then looked around at the NPC disciples of Qingshimen, and then continued: "As for them, I will go to the pawnshop to buy them for you. There are a lot of old clothes, and when the time comes, you will be wronged to wear these old clothes, and then spread them out, trying to find a way to go to our Juli clan."

"Will you not be found by interrogation if you wear old clothes?" Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the old man Qingmi and the others who had been silent all this time, and asked Sabrina.

"It can only be said that in this case, it is harder to be found than wearing uniform clothes like you are now." Sabrina shook her head, and then said: "Qingcheng is so big, and those city guards didn't say that every original The residents all know each other. The clothes I bought for you are some of Qingcheng’s special clothes over the years. I think if you wear these clothes and be careful, you should be able to walk to our Juli clan. But, when the time comes, you will still It needs a lot of care, if the current city guards see suspicious people, they will interrogate them, and this interrogation will easily lead to flaws."

"Yes, yes, yes, we know this!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, then looked up at Sabrina and asked, "Where are those clothes? How many sets are there?"

When Sabrina heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, she immediately straightened her body, then took out a lot of clothes from her bosom, and immediately grabbed a lot of clothes of various colors and threw them on the ground, then said to old man Qingmi and the others: "Clothes It’s all here, everyone, find the right one for yourself, if it’s not enough, then I have nothing to do.”

"Yeah, okay, thank you!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately said something to Sabrina with a smile, and then turned his head to greet old man Qingmi and the others: "Master, can you see if you can wear it?"

"En!" Old man Qingmi nodded, and after looking at Sabrina vigilantly, he nodded to the head of Qing Miao and the others. Called other Qingshimen disciples to start choosing clothes.

"If the city lord is ready, will you follow me to our Juli clan?" Sabrina glanced at the Qingshimen disciples who were all dressed up, and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan who was completely undressed and asked. said a word.

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately replied to Sabrina after seeing Lin Qianye nodding to her, and then asked, "Then should I go directly with you, or find a way to go?" ?”

"The deputy city lord can just walk with me. With my conspicuous body shape, if you want to bring only the deputy city lord, the city guards won't check it out." Sabrina thought for a while, then looked at Ji Xuan Mo and Friesman behind Miss Xiaoyan continued: "It's just that the people behind you, Vice City Master, may need to cover up a bit."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yu Mo and the others following Sabrina's eyes, and then smiled: "You don't have to worry about this, Yu Mo will help them follow invisibly."

"Invisibility?!" Sabrina was surprised, glanced at Yu Mo and the others, then nodded, then stood up, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Since the deputy city lord said so, then do so Let’s go! But, I don’t know if Long Buduo, the child of our Juli clan, can the deputy city lord let me take him back together?”

After finishing speaking, Sabrina looked at the Juli tribe child who was tied with a rope and was struggling towards her, and smiled at Ji Xiaoyan, with a look of indifference!

 PS: Thanks to "fan___fan" for the pink ticket and cake.
(End of this chapter)

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