Chapter 930 Rumor? !
In the end, before actually seeing the boss in the maze, Xie Jun Luohua learned what kind of monster that boss was from Luo Yefeifei's mouth.However, after knowing it, the confidence that Xie Jun Luohua had been harboring in his heart disappeared instantly like a balloon being pricked by a needle.

"What did you say? It's a dragon?" Xie Jun Luohua couldn't believe it. He looked at the fallen leaves flying past him as he talked, and stopped involuntarily, before catching up with fallen leaves again. Fen Fei yelled: "Luo Ye, are you kidding me? Since when have real dragons appeared in this game? The dragons used to level up and kill before were all hybrids like sub-dragons. Why? Now there are really dragons?"

"It seems that in every game, the indispensable boss-level monsters are all dragons, right? Luohua, don't you know?" Luoye Fenfei turned his face to look at Xiejun Luohua with a puzzled face and asked back, and then said: "Why? Can’t this game be without dragons? Besides, you know that no player has ever seen a dragon before?”

"What do you mean by that? In the past? You mean that before this siege battle, some players have seen the giant dragon? Impossible!" The evil king Luohua immediately retorted when he heard the words of fallen leaves flying: "Now How many levels does the game player have? How many levels does the dragon have to set, how could it appear? Moreover, if the boss in our maze is really a dragon, how could we possibly beat it? We can’t face each other directly, just Being vomited to death by the dragon's breath, no, no, no, I think it's absolutely unreliable for us to push the BOSS in the past."

"What? Just now you said you were going to torture the BOSS. Now that you hear it's a giant dragon, you're afraid? Are you that timid?" Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing immediately turned around when he heard Xie Jun Luo Hua's words, Looking straight at him, he said, "At most it's just hanging up once, what are you worried about?"

"That's a giant dragon, how about a giant dragon! What you said is very light! Hang once, the problem is, being hanged by a giant dragon once, it will have a psychological shadow," Xiejun Luohua said with a jump.

"Is it a man? If it's a man, go away! Don't stand there like a coward!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing said to Xie Jun Luo Hua impatiently, and then muttered: "Why can't you get some Come out with courage and learn from the player who was the first to see a dragon?"

"The first player to see a dragon? Cut, who knows if he was so frightened at the time! You let me learn from him? Didn't you just see a dragon once? What's so great, I can see it in a while It's here!" When Xiejun Luohua heard this, he immediately said with disdain: "Piao Miao, do you know how big the dragon is? It must be like a hill, right? Let's go to the dragon. Stand, how small that is! I don't believe anyone who sees the players doesn't feel guilty."

"Uh..." Fallen Leaves Flying and Ye Guangmeijiu couldn't help but opened their mouths when they heard this, and they couldn't bear to hit the evil king Luohua and said: "Luohua, in fact, you should learn a little bit from that player."

"Which player? Luo Ye, who are you talking about?" Xie Jun Luo Hua didn't slow down for a while, and they asked suspiciously as they watched the fallen leaves flying.

"The first player to see the dragon!" Luo Yefenfei sighed, and then said softly under the puzzled expression of Xie Jun Luohua's frown: "Actually, you also know that player! Of course, everyone knows her. She was But after seeing the dragon, I didn't get scared to the point of shit."

"Who? Who's so awesome? Shit, did we know each other?" Xie Jun Luohua immediately became interested, looked at all of Yeguang Wine and the others, and then asked with some uncertainty: "No, that person Is it someone among you? Who is it, stand up and show me?"

"Not among us!" Luo Yefei shook his head, and then said: "It's Xiaoyan!"

"Xiaoyan? Impossible! Why did she encounter all the bullshit things?" Xiejun Luohua immediately yelled when she heard it, and then held Piao Miao Zuitianxing and shouted in tears Said: "Piao Miao, I don't want to live, I don't want to live. Because of Mao Xiaoyan, that girl can meet any good things!! You said that she met a dragon, but she didn't say to send us a carrier pigeon to show off , so that I can show off to others, my brother has a friend who has seen a giant dragon. If there is a chance, maybe I can follow that girl Xiaoyan to the treasure house cave of the dragon and find something good. Piao Miao, such a good opportunity, why is there nothing wrong with my brother?"

"Character is an attribute, you can't add points!" Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing was very calm, he glanced at Xie Jun Luo Hua, patted his hand holding his clothes, and then continued on without turning his head. Walking in the maze, leaving only the bitter expression on Xie Jun Luohua's stiff face, before the performance is over. "Luoye, what you just said is true? Xiaoyan has seen the dragon before?" Qing Yuxi said directly After crossing over to Luohua, the evil lord, he moved closer to Flying Leaves and asked in a low voice.

"Well, really! Xiaoyan got our guild's guild establishment order from the giant dragon!" Falling Leaves Flying Fly didn't hide it, and said something to Miss Qing Yuxi directly, and successfully saw Miss Qing Yuxi's wide-eyed eyes. After looking unbelievable, he laughed twice and said: "It is said that Xiaoyan has ridden a giant dragon."

"Is it true? Why haven't I heard her say it?" Xie Jun Luo Hua immediately approached him when she heard Falling Ye Fly's words, with an excited and curious look on her face, watching him continue to question him: "How does it feel to ride a dragon? Is this game going to have a dragon knight profession in the future? If so, I will definitely change my profession to become a dragon knight. Wow, just thinking about it is very impressive!"

Hearing the words, Falling Leaves Flying Fly shook his head amusedly, expressing that he didn't know, and was about to continue to say something, when he heard a misty and drunken voice from the front: "A group of players from your guild are coming this way."

As soon as the words fell, the fallen leaves were flying and they huddled together in the narrow maze alleyway, collectively looking forward.A few seconds later, a faint voice was heard.

"They're coming towards us? Don't we want to go forward? Could it be that we're going the wrong way?" Ye Guang Meijiu looked at Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing with some doubts, and then said: "Piao Miao, are you sure that all the people coming in front Is it a player from our guild?"

"En!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing nodded, and then said: "I heard them say that they are people who gather together."

"Piao Miao, did you just run to the front to explore the way?" Xie Jun Luo Hua asked suspiciously, and after seeing Piao Miao Zui Tianxing nodding, she pursed her lips and said, "I said you don't have much time to spare all day. Come down! Do you still need things like pathfinding in the maze?"

Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing did not answer.He didn't want to tell Xie Jun Luohua that he was trying to avoid his nagging mouth, so he thought of running to the front to explore the way, in an attempt to get a trace of cleanliness.
Half a minute later, the group of Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing's players appeared in front of Ye Guang Mei Jiu and the others.However, before the two parties had time to report their identities and say a few words, they heard the players running over shouting at Yeguang Fine Wine and the others: "Are you friends from Juyuantianxia? Hurry up, hurry up!" , the dragon boss over there has found us."

"What do you mean?" Ye Guang Meijiu froze for a moment, with a look of disbelief: "There is no news on the guild channel?"

"What news can there be? The boy near the dragon was sprayed to death by the dragon's breath, and he is still waiting for the resurrection time to be resurrected. Of course, he has no time to talk on the guild channel! Hurry up, hurry up, or else the dragon will come back soon. If it comes over, we will all be finished." A player immediately waved his hand and said after hearing Yeguang Fine Wine's words, and then shouted at Flying Leaves, "Comrades, hurry up! We are going to be successful here If you miss the straight line of the dragon, it will be miserable in a while."

"Why is the dragon angry?" Gentleman Qianqian winked at the other players, and after holding back the gang players who had just rushed over, he continued to ask: "Did you see the dragon coming? "

"That's not true." A player was asked by the gentleman, and immediately answered with a confused face. Then he turned his head and looked behind him, pointing in a direction and said, "I'm also listening to that kid over there." said?"

"Brother over there, did you really see the dragon?" Gentleman Qianqian nodded, and immediately threw the question to another player, and then heard that player say that he also heard it from others.As a result, the players present calmed down in an instant, and began to investigate one by one, who was spreading the rumors!
It turned out that at the end of the investigation, the player who first sent the news was not there! !
"That's why I said, the rumors are brave!" The gentleman said with a sigh, "None or two of you have not seen the dragon, and you still spread rumors everywhere. Fortunately, no serious consequences have been caused! But. Looking back, we will still We must arrest the one who spread the rumors."

Before Qianqian Junzi's voice fell completely, he heard someone from the players behind him yelling: "Ah, someone in the channel said that the dragon has come out?"

"Guild channel?" Hearing this, Gentleman Qianqian immediately turned over the guild channel, and then saw the name of the rumored player they mentioned just now flashing, followed by a few players bought with gold coins There are countless exclamation points in the red font roaring in the channel: Everyone, don't look for the coordinates of the dragon! ! ! !The dragon is out! !I just ran a step slower! ! !Then he was killed by the blood loss per second of the dragon's breath! ! ! !Everyone be careful! !Resurrection takes 2 minutes! !It is difficult to pass on a message! ! !
 PS: Thanks to "wjdxk1" for the peace symbol. Very happy
(End of this chapter)

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