The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1010 The Guardian

Chapter 1010 The Guardian

If Cyclops deliberately targeted him, Hades could still find some excuses to get angry.

This really can only mean that he was unlucky.

Thanks to Hades' own divine power is the strongest among the three brothers, even without the blessing of the divine weapon, the gap would not be widened too much.

Lu Yan stood there holding a cup of instant coffee, but he didn't think there was any harm in picking up leftovers.

In fact, it is because of this invisible helmet that death is always with us.

It can only be said that from this moment on, the difference between the three brothers was clearly shown.

Zeus and Poseidon, who had acquired a powerful artifact, made no secret of their excitement. Poseidon even felt that he should have become the strongest among the new gods by now.

Fortunately, Zeus has not been dazzled by such a surprise.

He still remembered his purpose in coming to the abyss, not just to save the Cyclops.

And the hundred-armed giants that are deeper...

During the creation of the artifact, Zeus had reached a consensus with the Cyclops.

The Cyclops will stay on the top floor, waiting for Zeus and the others to come back with the hundred-armed giants.

It's not because the cyclops can't leave the first floor, it's just because they are afraid of the hundred-armed giants.

Unlike the cyclops, the hundred-armed giants possessed terrifying power.

It would be fine if they just had great power, but the hundred-armed giants were crazy.

Each hundred-armed giant has more than 50 heads and more than 100 arms, and its own thinking is quite chaotic.

Especially when the hundred-armed giant went mad, he could fight himself.

Moreover, the hundred-armed giants who were suppressed at the bottom of the tower had a powerful guardian—the giant dragon Camper.

This is the guardian Uranus, the first generation of God King, who was specially dispatched by the hundred-armed giants for their power to hurt him.

The giant dragon Camper was actually a creature made with the power of creation, but at least it was the first-generation god king who made a special creation.

Even if the three gods of Zeus have a powerful artifact, it is not so easy to solve the existence.

"Zeus, congratulations on your success."

Cyclops's husky voice was a bit pessimistic, making it look more negative.

"Don't worry, I said I will take you back to the earth."

Zeus held the scepter of thunder in his hand, full of confidence: "Besides, Lord Lore is walking with us, there will be no problems."

Lu Yan: "..." He only came here for the sake of the horn of abundance, not to mention as if he wanted to liberate the giants.

Zeus waved the Thunder Scepter in his hand: "Well, then let's go on."

Zeus knew very well that the new gods of Mount Olympus were no match for those old gods. After the three brothers left, they were powerless to fight back.

It has been delayed for a long time, and Zeus knows that it cannot be delayed any longer.

Hades and Poseidon had no objections, and continued to walk to the bottom of the tower.

By the way, the current high tower is still so empty.

Except for the cyclops at the top and the hundred-armed giant at the bottom, there are no other creatures in the tower.

On the contrary, it is convenient for Zeus and the others. There are no creatures blocking the way, and the journey is quite easy.

However, as they got closer and closer to the bottom layer, the hysterical howling sound became more and more clear.

This is the hundred-armed giant crying.

Although Zeus and the others are sure, there are only three hundred-armed giants at the bottom.

But the howling sound seemed like hundreds of people were screaming. Coupled with the environment in the tower where the light seemed to cower, it made Zeus and other gods feel a little shivering down their spines.

Along the way, the more I walked, the more frightened I became.

At first Zeus could speak to adjust the atmosphere, but as the distance approached, their emotions became more and more tense.

Only Lu Yan was left as an outsider, and he could even taste instant coffee like no one else was around.

hum ~ hum ~
Suddenly, the lights on both sides of the aisle suddenly lit up.

It was a ball of light like a kerosene lamp.

Not too bright, but can provide not low visibility.


Camper the dragon hangs upside down like a spider over the huge aisle: "Intruders."

Its voice sounded quite happy, so happy that it was close to excitement.

It is worth mentioning that although it is called the dragon Camper.

But it really doesn't have much to do with dragons.

She has a woman's head, a giant dragon-like body, and a scorpion-like poisonous sting in her tail.

Except for the head, the whole body is covered with dark brown scales.

How to describe it.

Lu Yan stared at the giant dragon Camper in the distance, feeling inexplicably lost the appetite to continue drinking coffee.

It can only be said that it is worthy of the aesthetics of Uranus.

The giant dragon Kemper didn't think there was any problem with her appearance, she faithfully carried out her task of guarding.

Regardless of the large number of opponents, the ejection started.

He rushed towards Zeus, who was the leader at first glance.

Her body is so huge, but her speed is not slow at all. On the trajectory of her actions, even the space has unstable fluctuations.

The huge contrast made Zeus unable to react for a while.

Fortunately, no problem.

Zeus is no longer the former Zeus.

Even if it was the first time he used the Thunder Scepter to fight, he was familiar with it like he was born with it.

He suddenly raised the thunder scepter in his hand.

Several thunderbolts enveloped his whole body first, forming a thunder cage that seemed to have a huge gap but was actually airtight.

The giant dragon Kemper didn't care about whether he would be injured. Several poisonous needles like scorpion tails shone with a gloomy cold light, piercing from all directions like Zeus's thunder cage covering himself.

Hades and Poseidon didn't just watch either.

They are just the power displayed by the giant dragon Kemper, they know very well that this is a strong enemy.

Even if they have become much stronger, they are not opponents that can be solved in a few days and nights.

I can't watch the show, so I have to help.

Two different divine powers surged out from Hades and Poseidon's bodies almost at the same time.

Lu Yan slowly put away the Horn of Harvest.

next moment.

The whole person disappeared in place as if teleporting.

When it reappeared, it was right in front of the giant dragon Camper.

The speed is extremely fast, but it is almost impossible to feel any power fluctuations.

Such a sudden situation made the dragon Kemper even wonder if he was dazzled.

However, in the next second, the sharp pain on her forehead told her.

All of this is real.

boom! ! !
It was as if a group of shock bombs suddenly exploded on the forehead of the giant dragon Camper.

Circles of ripple-like power fluctuations spread out.

Lu Yan didn't even look at the direction Camper was flying upside down, but stared at Zeus as if he hadn't woken up.

"Don't waste my time."

(End of this chapter)

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