Chapter 1128 First Round

The series of mechanized beeps from the reincarnation system fell, followed by bursts of uproar, and even sporadic screams mixed in.

"Hey! Just kidding..."

"Isn't it okay if I don't become a reincarnation? Where is the option to unbind?!"

"Damn it, it's enough to win three opponents."

"No, I just bound the system, I'm just an ordinary person!"

There is no way, when the number reaches a certain level, even if everyone takes a breath, it will be like a tsunami, not to mention the various hysterical scenes now.

For a moment, Lu Yan felt that his ears were buzzing with the loud noise, so he couldn't help poking it with his hand.

Of course, this can't be blamed on these reincarnated people's poor psychological endurance, it's really because the task this time is a bit too cruel.

Not to mention that there will be no gain if you quit halfway, just to be eligible to quit, you must win three consecutive rounds.

Because once defeated, it means death.

It may sound easy, after all, you only need to defeat three opponents.

But if the casualties after three rounds are digitized, the probability of survival is only 12.5%.

In other words, regardless of the overcrowding in the reincarnation space, when the three rounds of death fights are over, nearly [-]% of the reincarnations will disappear.

It's a pity that no matter how much the reincarnators resist this deathmatch mission, it is impossible to affect the operation of the reincarnation system.

The matching time is not too long. Before most people have fully accepted the situation, the reincarnation system has already completed the first round of deathmatch matching.

【Ding! 】

[The first round of deathmatch matches is complete! 】

【Preparing for the duel field...】

【Preparation is complete! 】

[All reincarnators please stay in place, do not move, and start teleportation after ten seconds. 】

Ten seconds passed in a flash.

Countless white lights flickered, and a large number of panicked reincarnators disappeared instantly.

And such a scene is being performed simultaneously in the circulation space of each partition.


[You have been teleported to St. John's duel field (projection arena No. 198356786)]

After feeling down-to-earth, Lu Yan opened his eyes, and it turned out that he was already in a huge square arena.

Looking around, what caught his eyes was a building whose overall structure was similar to the Colosseum in ancient Rome.

Layers of earth-brown brick and stone form the edges of the playing field.

On the square arena, you can still vaguely see a lot of deep black spots left by dried blood.

No wonder he felt that the name St. John's Dueling Field sounded familiar. Isn't this the venue that was used in the ranking battle a long time ago.

After all, Lu Yan had been here before, so naturally he wouldn't have any novel emotions.

If I had to say it, the number of the projection venue surprised him even more.

The figure close to [-] million means that the number of people who are fighting deathmatch at the same time is nearly [-] million.

Even though there must be a lot of starry sky races among them, even so, the number of reincarnations has skyrocketed to an exaggerated level.

If nothing else, most of the reincarnations should have been transformed under the influence of this invasion.

He has not even carried out a training mission, so it can be said that he is no different from ordinary people.

Such a reincarnator is... cannon fodder on the deathmatch field!
Those low-level reincarnations will probably pray that they will be matched with cannon fodder opponents for three consecutive rounds.

If you can survive by just killing three ordinary people, I believe that the vast majority of reincarnated people who have experienced reincarnation will not have any psychological burden.

【Ding! 】

【Both parties:】

[Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War: Zacks]

[The battle begins! 】

Lu Yan turned his gaze to the other end of the ring.

I don't know if it's good luck or not, but in the first round, he was matched with the starry sky race.

"A reincarnation at the level of the Six Realms? It seems that Uncle Ben is lucky."

Although the deathmatch had officially started, this star race did not attack Lu Yan immediately.

It can be felt from its words that it is in a good mood.

Such a reaction is actually quite understandable.

Since it is to squeeze the wool of the reincarnation system, it is natural that the higher the level of reincarnation, the more shipments will be made.

Of course, the level can't be too high.

This starry sky race is of the warrior level, and if compared horizontally, it is roughly equivalent to a reincarnation of the level above the Seven Realms.

This comparison is not to say that it is completely accurate, but it is not bad.

Therefore, after confirming Lu Yan's reincarnation level, this star race completely relaxed.

Coincidentally, Lu Yan also did not choose to act immediately.

Instead, he just stood there, looking at the starry sky race as his opponent in this round, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Because the starry sky race standing in front of him is a sausage with hands and feet.

Yes, a grilled sausage is the kind of food with a transparent casing, red inside, and constantly steaming.

To be reasonable, because the Buddha, blood, fairy, etc. that Lu Yan had seen before did not look much different from humans in appearance, he preconceived that the starry sky races were all such humanoid creatures.

I really didn't expect that there are starry sky races that grow into such food.

Lu Yan stroked his chin and said hesitantly, "Have you ever eaten grilled sausage? Do you want to try it? It's quite delicious."

As soon as he said those words, he seemed to have touched the reverse scale of the grilled sausage on the opposite side.

I saw that the opponent's already rosy color was deepening at a speed visible to the naked eye, so red that it was a little black.

"Although it is a bit rude, it seems that you have changed from a sausage to a sausage."

As Lu Yan talked, he was very happy.

However, in the eyes of this starry sky race, his reaction like this is simply a naked provocation.

"I swear, you will regret what you have done now!"

"I've changed my mind, I won't kill you easily, I will torture you severely, a hundred times! A thousand times!"

Speaking of the latter, the sausage couldn't help roaring.

The speed of the whole intestine climbed to the limit, and even formed a series of afterimages.

After all, it was a warrior-level sausage, and it was solid in terms of combat power.

Unfortunately, its opponent is not an ordinary reincarnation of the Six Realms.

"You are in such a hurry to die."

Lu Yan raised his index finger and swiped down from top to bottom.


There was a toothache tearing sound.

This star race had only moved less than half the distance before it was cut off in the middle by an invisible force.

After finishing all this, the kind smile on Lu Yan's face didn't even have time to fade away.

(End of this chapter)

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