The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1132 Rivals in Round 3

Chapter 1132 The opponent in the third round
Although after two rounds of deathmatch, the number of contestants has been reduced by three quarters, but the remaining contestants are nearly [-] million.

Even if everyone just said a word, the gathered voices seemed to overturn the spectator seats.

In such an environment, Lu Yan had no choice but to mobilize [Suo Tian] silently to temporarily block his hearing.

Fortunately, such riots did not last too long. As time passed, the protests and complaints in the spectator seats gradually subsided.

After all, the contestants knew very well that no matter how excited they were, it was impossible for the reincarnation system to change.

Since he couldn't resist, he could only choose to calm down and think about his own way of life.

Many reincarnators turned their attention to the location of the starry sky race.

It is worth mentioning that the number of starry sky races participating in the deathmatch was actually far less than that of the reincarnated people at the beginning.

It's just that, because the starry sky races are all prepared, those who are not confident in their own strength will definitely not come to die.

Therefore, there is no doubt about the combat power of each starry sky race participating in the death battle.

This is why after two rounds of deathmatch, the number of starry sky races has not decreased much.

And this means that as the number of rounds increases, the probability of being matched with the starry sky race will become higher and higher.

"Hey! The reincarnation system didn't say that shots are not allowed in the spectator seats?"

A bald man with a tattoo on his face looked viciously at the location of the starry sky race, raised his voice and incited: "Then why do we have to behave with these guys?"

"Yeah, why do these guys dare to come to our territory to be arrogant?"

"Get rid of these weird guys first?!"

More and more reincarnations have joined the ranks of condemnation.

In addition, many activists stepped forward and directly blocked the camp of the starry sky race.

It is actually very simple to have such reincarnators agreeing. With the strength of the general warriors of the participating starry sky races, if it is really a one-on-one confrontation, at present, more than [-]% of the reincarnated people cannot be from the starry sky race. opponent.

But the number advantage of the reincarnation is so obvious, as long as they can incite all the reincarnation present, these starry sky races can be killed one by one.

However, facing the ebullient reincarnators, the millions of starry sky races gathered on the west side of the spectator seats did not have much reaction.

Many conflicts will subside simply because there is a lack of leadership.

But in the group of reincarnations, there is no shortage of such guys who dare to stand up and take the lead.

Da da da! ! !
A series of firing sounds suddenly sounded.

The flames spewed from the muzzle easily detonated the situation.

The reincarnators stuck on the edge of the starry sky race couldn't hold back on the spot, their muscles tensed up, and they rushed straight to the starry sky race closest to them.

It seems that in the next second, this vast and incomparably vast spectator seat will become a large-scale battlefield.

at this time.


A special wave of electromagnetic interference spread out from the camp of the starry sky race.

The strong dizziness caused the nearest reincarnation to lie limply on the ground, almost vomiting.

The large-scale battle that was about to break out was unexpectedly pressed the pause button in such a slightly comical way.

Soon, more and more machines with a size of less than one meter came out.

The bright silver body fits perfectly, with no gaps to be seen at all.

On those twinkling eyes, there is a constant flow of data.

Just from this appearance, even if this machine has not introduced itself, the reincarnators can probably guess that it is a member of the machine clan.

"I hope you all calm down, we will not be able to get the spoils if we die in the spectator stands, please die meaningfully."

It is obviously a machine, but the voice it speaks is not the slightest difference from a real person.

Of course, surprises are surprises.

The arrogant words of this Tool Race still angered the reincarnated people around.

It's a pity that after being angry for a long time, no reincarnation person did it again.

No way, the previous electromagnetic fluctuations made the surrounding reincarnation lose their ability to move in a short period of time.

This method alone proves that the number of people is meaningless in front of the starry sky race.

There must be a truly powerful reincarnation to stand up and lead.

Realizing this, many reincarnated people turned their heads to look at the locations of those large organizations and forces.

It is a pity that the members of these large organizations are all old gods who stay in their positions and do not respond.

Compared with wild reincarnators like them who are easily incited, the decision-makers of those large organizations obviously have no intention of dealing with the starry sky race now.

It's not a deathmatch. If you get injured, you won't be healed by the reincarnation system.

And being able to sit at the decision-making level of a large organization is not enough if you are not ruthless.

Anyway, under this competition system, those members of their organization who were reincarnated before had far more advantages than ordinary people. As long as they honestly finished this round of deathmatch and quit, there was no need for extra complications at all.

In such a situation, those who were the first to instigate the reincarnations were a little bit hard to get off.

Fortunately, the system prompt sounded next, timely alleviating their embarrassment.

【Ding! 】

[The third round of random matching is complete! 】

[All reincarnators please stay in place, do not move, and start teleportation after ten seconds. 】


【Ding! 】

【Both sides in this round】

[Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War: Martial Arts Leader]

[According to the strength gap between the two sides, the competition system will be adjusted...]

[Adjustment completed! 】

[Location of this duel: Resource Planet No. 28]

[Due to the different winning conditions of the two sides, please check it yourself on the reincarnation interface. 】


There is actually life on every resource planet.

Even the No. 103 resource planet in Longguo's hands has some weird animals.

But on the top [-] resource planets, it's not as simple as life.

On those planets, there are races that can be called civilizations.

Like this resource planet with a sequence number of 28, the races living on it are no worse than the earth in terms of technology, or even higher.

A faint white light flashed.

A man in a black windbreaker with a cigarette in his mouth appeared on the spot.

"Then, the opponent in this round of deathmatch is actually Lao Lu..."

"Tch, it's not good, it seems that I can't hide my name."

Yu Wulin glanced at the surrounding environment with a careless expression, and babbled twice: "If I knew this name could not be changed, I might as well just use my own name. What do you think?"

Yes, the leader of the martial arts alliance is Yu Wulin.

(End of this chapter)

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