Chapter 1146 Reckless

This white male named J, whose real name is Philip Skovo.

Born in a small circus without a fixed performance venue, he was taken by his parents to exercise physical fitness and flexibility since he was a child.

In addition, most of the time he travels north and south, and in such a mixed environment, he has developed an alert temperament.

Relying on his excellent physical fitness and flexible mind, after Philip became a reincarnation, he also rose smoothly.

The up-and-coming Philip quickly attracted the attention of Erchaus, and Philip naturally joined the largest reincarnation organization in the United States.

Thanks to his always cautious and cautious style of action, he finally became the strongest in the United States, second only to Erchaus and Trevor.

Undoubtedly, even if he didn't join any organization of reincarnations, he was still the top group of reincarnations.

But because of this, J is more aware of the disparity between him and Lu Yan anyway.

Looking at Lu Yan who was standing at the other end of the ring, J's expression became extremely gloomy.

Countless materials about the Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex God of War flashed through his mind.

The original name was Lu Yan, a native of Longguo, before the regional competition, all organizations just regarded him as a low-level reincarnation with several extreme explosive abilities.

After all, it is a "one-time" reincarnation.

Although there was a threat, he didn't pay much attention to it.

However, it turns out that Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex is not some "one-off" reincarnation.

The terrifying power it possesses is simply jaw-dropping.

In the division competition, he single-handedly killed several strongest players in the reincarnation division.

In the end, he even used a special state to defeat the original strongest, Erchaus, with a crushing posture.

Since then, in all organizations' databases, Lu Yan's threat level has been ranked first.

J is not the kind of reincarnated person who has no self-knowledge after mastering some power. He is very clear about how much he has.

There is no doubt that among the reincarnations, Lu Yan's power is overwhelming.

Even now, let J go back to the past and fight against Lu Yan's pale and sickly posture at that time, he still has no certainty of winning.

Not to mention that after so many rounds of training missions, Lu Yan must have become stronger again.

No hope of winning!
J made this judgment in his mind.

If it was a special round, he might still have some hope of winning, but a deathmatch like this would completely kill his hope of winning.

Sadly, there is no option to surrender in Deathmatch.

As long as you step on the ring, you can either live or die.

Under such a premise, even if there is a huge disparity in strength, there will be no scene where they will be caught without a fight.

A thin layer of sweat dripped unconsciously on J's forehead, and he tugged on the tie around his neckline, as if it could make him breathe easier.

"Aren't you going to do it?"

Lu Yan tilted his head and looked at the other party in a little surprise.

It was obviously a very gentle question, but to J's ears, it sounded like death's ecstatic whisper, which made him tense up involuntarily.

After a moment of silence, J said in a slightly difficult tone: "Mr. Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex God of War, I am a senior cadre of the Kingdom of God organization, if you kill me, you will suffer revenge from our entire organization...

... Maybe you don't care about our revenge, but it's impossible for your relatives and friends to be as powerful as you, right? "

J didn't expect to let Lu Yan let him go by saying these words. The reason why he said this was purely because he wanted to make Lu Yan act a little bit more scrupulously.

As he spoke, he slowly squatted down and pressed his hands on the ring.

With the activation of his abilities, the originally ordinary arena suddenly underwent extremely obvious changes.

Small saplings squeezed out from the gaps in the arena and grew rapidly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the entire arena turned into a lush and tall primeval forest, and the thick vines exuded the wild atmosphere of thick fog.

From Lu Yan's point of view, this ability is somewhat similar to the tree world descending from Qianshou Zhujian, but it is slightly different.

The main arena is not big, and his perception ability can easily cover the entire arena.

Within his range of perception, he was able to focus clearly, and a large amount of life breath appeared in this primeval forest.

Judging from the strength of these life breaths, there is a high probability that they are insects.

If you want to cross this primeval forest, you will definitely be attacked by these unknown insects.

And with the appearance of this primeval forest, J's figure also disappeared from Lu Yan's sight.

With the cover of the vegetation, J kept taking out some items, and there were even gold-level consumable scrolls among them.

Even with his status in the Kingdom of God, using a scroll of this level would still be painful.

But there is no way.

After all, if you even die, no matter how many treasures you leave behind, they can only be used as wedding dresses for others.
From J's point of view, rather than becoming Lu Yan's trophy, it is better to use it to try to defeat the opponent.

As more and more consumable scrolls are used, the energy fluctuations in the entire arena gradually become complicated and chaotic.

The most exaggerated thing is that dense thunder is lit up above the ring.

These thunderbolts quickly condensed into the shape of a giant hammer, and branch-shaped thunderbolts continued to scatter.

The arena, which was dilapidated because of these primeval forests, also became soft inexplicably.

Stepping on it, there is no down-to-earth touch, more like stepping on cotton.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be a luxury to even stand, let alone move.

In addition to the transformation of the site, J did not drop its own protective measures.

He wears a gold-level intelligent mechanical exoskeleton armor on his body, creating a force field that strengthens his own survivability.

Although he has done so much, J still feels that it is not enough.

He frantically searched in his backpack to see if there was anything else that could improve his winning rate.

However, at this moment, Lu Yan's gentle and smiling voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Aren't you ready yet?"

J: "!"

A chill ran down my spine, and my hair stood on end.

It seems that it takes a lot of courage to even look back.

To him, it was like a horror movie.

In the face of extreme fear, some people will collapse, while others will burst out with a strong desire to survive.

Being able to grow to this level, J is obviously the latter.

He suppressed the panic in his heart and quickly launched an attack.


Like a short-circuited old-fashioned TV set, J's figure stiffened and disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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