The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1149 God's Recovery

Chapter 1149 God's Recovery
It is worth mentioning that Lu Yan knew about it very early on.

The powerhouses among the reincarnated people basically have their own abilities.

Various abilities match each other and complement each other. For example, the abilities of Mr. Da Luo are almost all related to auxiliary effects.

Compared with these normal reincarnators, these abilities he mastered have almost no connection with each other.

Not only can they not complement each other, but there will also be conflicts between individual capabilities.

Just like at the very beginning, the Eight-door Dunjia Formation and the Emperor's Armor attached to Symmetra could not be superimposed on each other, and if one was used, the other would not be effective.

If Lu Yan hadn't mastered several human clan clan skills, it would be absolutely impossible for Lu Yan to be as powerful as he is now.

At this time, he obtained a set of self-contained abilities in one breath. Although it was about plants, it also made him very interested.

Judging from the abilities dropped by J, his exaggerated performance of creating a primitive forest in a short period of time at the beginning seems to be based on a purple-level ability.

It was only by relying on the blessing of several gold-level abilities that such a shocking scene was created.

[Conditions for winning: Prevent any gods from fully recovering within twelve hours. 】

[Note: The third, fifth, and seventh rounds are special rounds. In the special rounds, the venue and winning conditions are adjusted according to the difference in strength between the two sides. 】

"I'm looking forward to meeting you in this special round."

At most, it was just a low-pitched discussion between familiar contestants.

Facing Lu Yan's undisguised perfunctory attitude, Juvenile Hua didn't get angry either. He smiled, raised his head and said, "The match is over."

Speaking of which, when he first learned of the Supreme Being, he was really nervous for a long time.

Lu Yan withdrew his attention, clicked on the reincarnation interface, and checked the winning conditions of this round of deathmatch.

The moment Lu Yan finished the teleportation, he fully mobilized his perception ability.

[Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War: Molinarik]

"That's it."

Although it is because this world is a projection, it does not limit the destruction of the planet's ecology.

Juvenile Hua said such cruel words, but the smile on his face became clearer.

Without pursuing accuracy, the perception range quickly covered the entire planet.

As the winner of the final arena was decided, the mechanized notification sound of the reincarnation system sounded persistently again.

As soon as the voice fell, the notification tone of the reincarnation system sounded.

[Background introduction: Religious mythology is an important part of culture. In this world, gods are not clay figures, but real existence.Now, they are going to devour the blood of all beings and revive them...]

[All reincarnators please stay in place, do not move, and start teleportation after ten seconds. 】

[Congratulations to the winners who successfully passed the fourth round of deathmatch! 】

It's a pity that among the abilities that Lu Yan originally mastered, the only ones at the purple level are the Eight-door Dunjia Formation and a meditation method.

There is no chance, and there is no need to develop the magic of the purple level ability.

"I would rather be fairer," Lu Yan said.

【Ding! 】

While talking, Juvenile Hua walked to Lu Yan and sat down. He didn't mind saying such self-deprecating words at all.

[This round is the fifth round of bloody plunder. After this round of deathmatch is over, contestants can choose whether to participate in the follow-up duel. 】

【Both sides in this round】

[2: The current world population is 70 billion, and the loss of human population exceeds 5.00%, which is also considered a mission failure. 】

[Adjustment completed! 】

[Location of this duel: Real World Projection (Modified Version)]

【Ding! 】

Sure enough, as the prompt said, the so-called projection of the real world was exactly the same as the real world, and he was even able to find the neighborhood where Yu Wulin's family was located.

After all, judging from the description of the skeleton, the twelve Zhigao beings possessed unimaginable power, and it was impossible to find any effective countermeasures.

But he didn't feel any threat or oppression from Juvenile Painting.

It can only be said that there is always a gap between imagination and reality.

【Deathmatch Mode: Resurrection of the Gods】

From this point of view, even purple-level abilities can pose a sufficient threat as long as they are used well.

"I remember I told you, just accept this when you see it?"

The reduction in the number of contestants has also greatly reduced the total time required for this kind of arena deathmatch.

In response to this, Lu Yan's eyelids closed slightly, and he said without turning his head, "You like to appear behind others so much?"

[The fifth round of random matching starts now! 】

Lu Yan nodded of course.

[Due to the different winning conditions of the two sides, please check it yourself on the reincarnation interface. 】

[According to the strength gap between the two sides, the competition system will be adjusted...]

The fifth round was another special round.

The portrait of the young man raised his mouth again as if he just remembered.

Probably because Juvenile Painting has always been very easy-going, it is difficult for Lu Yan to feel any hostility and sense of crisis.

Hua Hua is more like a harmless boy next door than one of the twelve most powerful beings in the starry sky.

"Very good." Lu Yan casually said perfunctory.

"Because it will be more mysterious."


When he really came into contact with the painting, the other party did show an incomprehensible ability. Lu Yan also admitted that he could not find any effective means to deal with the young painting.

"I, I really intend to kill you."

【Ding! 】

I have to say that his winning conditions this time are indeed a bit too harsh.

[1: The gods need to devour a lot of blood to achieve complete recovery. Due to the difference in power, the number of people who need to devour varies from 500 million to [-] million. 】

It's like predicting in advance.

[The fifth round of random matching is complete! 】

Hearing this, the teenager Hua tilted his head, and said with a half-smile: "What? Beating me under unfair circumstances won't give you a sense of accomplishment?"

As for what specific changes have been made, I can't see it for the time being.

After reading it carefully, Lu Yan pursed his lips.

However, in this situation, all the contestants present were aware of it, and they were not as noisy as they were when they first learned about the competition system in the third round.

The indifferent voice of Juvenile Hua sounded behind Lu Yan.


Lu Yan remained silent, he was too lazy to answer such a wasteful question.

However, the population loss of more than 5.00%, which is considered a failure limit, made it impossible for him to use this method of overturning the table.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know whether his opponent has such restrictions.

If not, the other party doesn't need to help the gods recover, they just need to kill people.

It can only be said that offense is always more active than defense...

(End of this chapter)

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