Chapter 1161 Two Gods
Boom! ! !
There was a deafening earth shaking.

The mountains are broken, and the streams are flooded.

Even tens of kilometers away, you can still see a huge colorful giant snake rushing out of the mountain and soaring into the sky.

It is indeed no match for the creation gods in other myths and legends.

But compared with ordinary recovery gods, Rainbow Snake's divine power can be considered very powerful.

He can easily stir up devastating winds and rainstorms, and his anger can cause disease to spread.

It is precisely because the rainbow snake's power spreads too far that he is unwilling to get angry or do it.

Unfortunately, He is too sad now.

He must make the devil who slaughtered his people pay the price.

In a hurry, he directly built a rainbow bridge, allowing himself to quickly arrive at the scene in a way close to space jumping.

Lu Yanling stood in mid-air, shaking Anubis, and after confirming that the desert god of death was still breathing, he raised his head again and shifted his gaze to the rainbow snake and the giant frog.


In Australian mythology, it is these two animal gods who gradually bring life to the earth.

Seeing that the attitude of this desert god of death was acceptable along the way, Lu Yan did not let this guy fall, but stretched out his hand to grab him.

The giant frog retracted its tongue, and Anubis began to fall freely on the spot.

at this time.

Except for the roar of the thunder dragon, there was no sound at all.

This time it sounded even more harsh and unbearable.

Its speed completely surpassed the limit of nerve reflexes, instantly entangled Anubis in the air, making him unable to move.

Hearing this sound, the animal gods who stayed in place retreated one after another.

The ravines on the land were formed by the movement of the rainbow snake, and the rivers and creeks on the land were ejected from the mouth of this giant frog.

Of course, even in the current situation, Lu Yan has no ill feeling towards these two animal gods.

Lu Yan is not an animal god, so naturally he doesn't understand what Rainbow Snake means, but when he saw this scene, he took it for granted that the other party could communicate.

From extremely dynamic to extremely quiet, there is no transition time, which makes people feel a little disconnected.

Three consecutive frog calls resounded through the sky, causing the animal gods who followed one after another to stop their movements instantly.

After all, it was impossible for him to feel pity for these wild beasts who came forward and wanted to eat him.

The giant frog popped its tongue out.

Lu Yan nodded.

"I see."

The terrifying attack lasted for dozens of seconds before it gradually subsided.

The situation at the scene was not very bloody.

When Anubis saw so many animal gods attacking together, he was unavoidably panicked.

Lu Yan was unscathed, but Anubis suffered a lot.

The scene looks clean, even a little gorgeous.


The Rainbow Snake's response to him was to spit out the snake letter and neigh again.

The originally chaotic scene became calm under the three frog calls.

If it wasn't because of the setting in this projected world, where gods and humans are opposed, Lu Yan might really be happy to get in touch with these two animal gods.

It's purely because these animal gods have no physical body, even if Lu Yan wanted to get some blood from them, he couldn't do it.

After all, in a sense, the recovery gods are all competitors.

As far as the existence on this planet is concerned, it is not enough for all the gods to fully recover, and it is too late for him to be happy with fewer competitors.

Under such a premise, it seems very environmentally friendly to use [Harmony with Light and Dust] to deal with these animal gods.

It is said that ants kill elephants more often, but judging by Lu Yan's appearance, even if he wiped out all the animal gods in Australia, he probably wouldn't feel much fatigue.

Of course.

The next second, the sky exploded.

It wasn't that Lu Yan kept his hand on purpose or something.

Thanks to him being considered strong among the recovery gods, he was not sent away on the spot by such an attack.

The Rainbow Serpent hovered in the sky, neighing piercingly.

With a kind smile that met the expectations of the society, he asked the Rainbow Snake gently: "Please ask, have you seen that guy who looks like a stick insect?"

As for the feeling that something hurts its kind, there are not many.

After seeing the previous scene, Anubis became more cautious when talking to Lu Yan.

Because the process of batch processing is too fast, there are still many animal gods that have not completely dissipated, and the dense stream of light fills the sight, which is extraordinarily gorgeous.

Lu Yan didn't even need to judge where the frog cry came from, because in his line of sight, there was a frog as huge as a mountain from the beginning, squatting by the river.

A thunder dragon as thick as a bucket descended from the sky, covering Anubis under Lu Yan's feet equally.

"Quack! quack! quack!"

Lu Yan casually tossed the aura while telling Anubis to continue looking for the Rainbow Serpent.

Even though he had experienced Lu Yan's overwhelming power before, he never thought that Lu Yan could achieve this level.

After all, the animal gods in Australian mythology are actually quite easy to identify.

The animal gods didn't have any consciousness of avoiding them, they almost bumped into the god's light, and then large areas turned into streamers and dissipated.

Giant frogs and rainbow snakes.

After Anubis realized this, a wave of fear followed.

At this moment, it seemed that there was only this dazzling thunder dragon left in the whole world.

"My lord, that is the Rainbow Serpent."

His whole body was covered with quiet smoke, and the originally ferocious and domineering jackal head was directly hit by the thunder dragon and turned into a bare piece.

If anything, these are the two most powerful animal gods in Australia.

Under his skillful movements, the aura condensed from [He Guang Tong Dust] flew randomly between the sky and the earth as if he didn't want money.

But judging from his bruised state, he was not far from being sent away.

In addition, he also noticed at the same time, the colorful giant snake hovering above the giant frog.

But the subsequent development made him change from feeling unreal to numb.

He had to be thankful that he hadn't been arrogant to the end at that time, otherwise, there would be no light left.

"Is the attitude so bad?"

Lu Yan's eyes gradually narrowed, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

He really didn't understand Rainbow Snake's anger, mainly because the cognitions of the two sides were not consistent.

But one thing is certain, he will never be merciful to those who dare to attack him.

(End of this chapter)

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