"It seems that I can only find it myself."

Lu Yan's voice sounded extremely calm, without any emotional fluctuations.

But before the words fell, he grabbed She Xin's hand and suddenly exerted strength.

tear it up!

After the tooth-piercing tearing sound, Lu Yan forcibly tore Rainbow Snake's snake letter into two pieces.

Thanks to the fact that these revived gods are entities made of energy, there won't be any blood splatter.

So if you have the ability to disassemble the bodies of these revived gods, it's like playing with building blocks.

Of course, Lu Yan didn't mean to torment the Rainbow Snake at this meeting, and threw away the half of the snake letter in his hand like throwing trash.

He freed his hand, and condensed a [Harmony with Light and Dust] divine light in the palm of his hand.

It has to be said that this is the first time that Lu Yan has used it so frequently after acquiring the ability [Harmony with Light and Dust].

Animal gods with at most a few birds could fly up and attack Lu Yan.

The bamboo man took a deep breath, and then slowly sank into the swamp.

Under the circumstances that they could only rely on physical strength, most of the animal gods could not even touch Lu Yan.


the other side.

At this moment, looking at the Rainbow Snake fleeing in a panic in the distant sky, the Bamboo Man's face became even more ugly.

But it was of no avail after all.

Seeing this scene, Rainbow Snake was terrified.

Just staring at the two big eyeballs like this, staring blankly at the air directly in front of him.

After cursing, the bamboo man smiled wryly as if he had accepted the reality.

He knew that if he left now, it would be easy for Lu Yan to find out, so he simply hid for now.

"At this stage, how could there be such an exaggerated reincarnation? It's just like a joke."

This [Harmonic Light and Dust] divine light is gradually shortening the distance. If the Rainbow Snake doesn't want to find other ways, it's only a matter of time before it gets hit.

After getting proficient, I feel that the speed of condensing the divine light is a little faster.

In the swamp that was hundreds of kilometers away from Lu Yan, a head that looked like dry old bark suddenly appeared.

Of course, he knew what kind of method it was. So many of his people disappeared under this kind of divine light.

How important is it to animal gods?

It's a pity that with only the body strength left, even if the Rainbow Snake uses all its strength, it is impossible to move as fast as before.

He didn't know whether he was frightened by Lu Yan, or he was slow to react.

In short, this rainbow snake is like an earthworm dug out of the soil, twisting and stretching in the air, trying to use all means to increase its flying speed.

After a hysterical scream, the Rainbow Snake was finally struck by the divine light of [Harmony with Light and Dust].

However, Lu Yan didn't bother to care about it at all.

"Go and ask, where is that stick insect-like guy now?"

In this case, problems arise.

The scene suddenly became a little funny.


Anyway, Lu Yan's winning conditions are different from his, and it is impossible to stay in Australia all the time.

He didn't have the confidence to slip away under Lu Yan's nose at all, so it was naturally impossible for him to go to the next destination.

"Although I already guessed that the dog head is unreliable, but I can't even delay it, what a waste, and this rainbow snake, it's all waste..."

The reason is also very simple.

"Hum hum!"

Even though his heart was full of fear, he still wanted to go on and kill Lu Yan no matter the cost.


[Harmony with Light] The speed of Shenmang and Rainbow Snake is within the range that can be observed by human eyes. The current speed of the two is almost a thin line.

With his huge size, even if he was hit by the divine light head-on, it would take a certain amount of time to completely dissipate.

With a flick of Lu Yan's finger, the divine light slashed straight at the rainbow snake.

Lu Yan glanced at the frog that was as huge as a mountain below.

It can only be said that it was a crooked attack, and Lu Yan didn't bother to deal with this giant frog in such a state, just be honest and in a daze.

He knew that the flying speed of that kind of divine light was not considered fast. Presumably, as long as he dodged in advance, he should not be hit.

No matter how hip the rainbow snake is, his status in the Australian pantheon is unquestionable.

In such a life-and-death crisis, he could only endure the pain of the broken snake letter, turned his head and flew away from Lu Yan.

As for the plan to make Lu Yan exhausted, it can only be shelved for the time being.

The plan that exhausted Lu Yan died at the second stop.

Using the Chinese mythology as an analogy, it is probably equivalent to Pangu being alive after the creation of the world was completed.

The weather was supposed to be clear, but at this moment, there was a sudden patter of rain, as if the sky was crying.

He had just left the desert temple of Anubis, and not long after he arrived in Australia, he discovered that Lu Yan had followed him.


It's a pity that plans can never keep up with changes.

If you don't look carefully, even if you stand on the edge of the swamp, you probably won't notice that there is a bamboo man hiding here.

Streams of light gushed out from the rainbow snake's body and dissipated between heaven and earth.

The divine light is only a little faster, after the rainbow snake has opened the distance in advance, if it wants to hit it, it will probably have to fly for a while.

Under the icy rain, Anubis also woke up from his coma.

But just three or two, Lu Yan casually threw a few [Harmony with Light and Dust] divine light, and the sky became quiet.

Lu Yan noticed that Anubis had woken up, and didn't explain anything to him. He just let go of the hand that was holding him, and then naturally sat on Anubis' bald jackal head.

In fact, according to the plan of the Bamboo Man, he will always deliberately leave traces for Lu Yan, attracting Lu Yan to search for him all the time, if he is so exhausted, there will probably be a god who will be able to catch the gap and fully recover in the end.


He looked around in a daze, but he still didn't realize what he was doing.

It's hard to say whether it's more enjoyable to be killed on the spot, or it's more torture to be chased and killed at such a leisurely pace.

Almost at the same time, the remaining animal gods roared to the sky as if they had forgotten their fear of Lu Yan.

Anubis did not dare to be negligent in the slightest. Although he was in a coma just now, when he woke up, he could roughly judge what happened before.

He hurriedly said: "Good sir, it will be over soon..."

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly stopped hesitantly.

Turning his head in a certain direction, he sniffed the scent in the air.

"My lord, I seem to have found..."

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