The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1169 The Dust Settles

Chapter 1169 The Dust Settles
It is true that for a normal resuscitating god, the slow flying speed of the [Harmony with Light and Dust] divine light, as long as he deliberately avoids it, it is impossible to be hit.

But the problem is that what they are facing now is not just a divine light.

This densely packed, filled the entire sky with divine light, no god can be sure to completely avoid it.

This is a question of error tolerance.

Under Lu Yan's control, these [Harmony with Light and Dust] gods can make countless mistakes, but if these recovery gods are hit once, they will die immediately.

The recovery gods are not stupid, and several of them have already become unreal.

Regrettably, under the extreme blockade of [Suotian], most of the revived gods do not have the ability to quickly escape from this area.

"You... my lord, we can have a chat."

"Yes, there must be some misunderstanding."

Many recovery gods have begun to give in. Compared with their own survival, face is completely worthless.

Out of his desire for life, he suppressed his fear and said, "My lord, you said you would let me go, is that true?"

This scene was also faithfully recorded by a monitoring satellite in low earth orbit.

If it weren't for the fact that there were still dozens of streamers dissipating in the sky, it would be hard to imagine that the gods had fallen here not long ago.

Following this exclamation, discussions gradually sounded in the conference hall.

It's really that there are too many of these [Harmony and Dust] gods, even so many that they can directly form a wall and press them down.

"Let's do it." Lu Yan said gently.

Many revived gods condensed energy barriers to protect themselves, but one barrier can only resist one divine light.


With such an exaggerated number, the condensed energy barrier not only cannot bring them safety, but will affect their sight.

From the screen, they recognized the identities of many recovery gods, and before they could discuss a solution, these recovery gods screamed and fled under Lu Yan's power.

"[The Savior] has the ability to deal with the recovery god, there is no need to doubt it."

The only remaining revived god raised his right arm, and a long spear exuding a thick and simple atmosphere appeared in his hand.

Everything seems so comfortable and leisurely.

[Harmony with Light and Dust] In the area where the gods are criss-crossed, as time goes by, more and more revived gods began to turn into streamers and dissipate.

Gungnir does not need to aim, it will find the location of the target by itself, kill it through and then return to Odin.

"It's... really [Savior]..."

In the conference hall of the Global Alliance of Nations building, there were thousands of people sitting there, still silent.

Lu Yan just stood there, like an outsider, observing the revived gods who were doing their best.

A country representative murmured, as if waking up from a dream.

Under the huge gap, these human elites felt a strong sense of unreality.

The revived gods don't know where the light will come from, and the only thing they can do is to dodge it by all means.

Lu Yan smiled.

Although the body of the gun looks golden, it gives people a wooden feeling.

The resuscitated gods reacted differently.

This kind of gestures, easily obliterating the power of recovering the gods, even if they know it is their own side, it is difficult to maintain reason.

He wasn't worried that "Gungnir" wouldn't be able to deal with the Bamboo Man. Judging from previous contact, the other party wasn't a particularly powerful existence, let alone it was still in a weak state.

At this point, it is clear to him that many things are relative.

From time to time, the salty sea breeze blows past, making waves on the sea.

Fortunately, Lu Yan only asked Odin to get rid of the Bamboo Man.

None of the clothes on Lu Yan's body were damaged, and it didn't look like he had just killed hundreds of revived gods.

Lu Yan chuckled, then raised his hand.

The representatives of these countries really couldn't imagine what kind of power could create such a terrifying existence like Lu Yan.

Blocking such a huge area, and condensing so many divine lights in one breath.

"Okay." Odin swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Odin nodded, fearing that Lu Yan would not believe him, he quickly explained: "Gungnir is a sharp gun that hits every shot, and it will definitely hit the target when you throw it."

The only thing they have in common is that none of the recovery gods chose to attack Lu Yan.

"Gungnir hits every shot, right?" Lu Yan touched the spear and confirmed it again.

"Is there any reason for me to lie to you?"

When the gun came out, it was like a shooting star, and the light pierced the sky.

Odin didn't dare to do anything, poured divine power into the long spear, and then threw it into the sky.

Both of these are overloaded use of rule abilities, and the consumption must not be too small. Of course, in Lu Yan's special situation, it will not take long to recover.

If there is still some energy left, he will choose to move out of the blocked area calmly.

The blue sky and the sea line the sky.

He also held a gray-haired resurrection god in his hand. In this projection, this old god was Odin, and he left it on purpose.

This also led to the slow movement speed of the gods, but in the first wave of attacks, dozens of gods screamed.

"We may need to think about how we should treat... [Savior] after the dust settles on this incident."

If the level of the target is too much higher than that of "Gungnir", this sharp gun with perfect accuracy is just an ordinary ultra-long-distance attack method.


After making such a big commotion, he didn't bother to look for the Bamboo Man anymore. Since he had such a convenient method, he simply dealt with it directly.

In the next moment, countless divine lights shot out, ensuring that every recovery god could be assigned at least tens of thousands of divine lights.

Lu Yan was not very curious about this kind of weapon similar to the law of karma.

Representatives of several big countries discussed it, and then one of them spoke into the microphone.

But in Odin's ears, it sounded like a devil's whisper, making him shiver uncontrollably.

Speaking of which, he is actually not in a good state.

Lu Yan waited until the spear disappeared from sight, then turned his head and patted Odin on the shoulder: "Okay, let's go, don't forget to notify the other recovery gods."

Lu Yan took Odin's hand and took two steps back, indicating that he could do it.

Hearing this, the big rock that had been hanging in Odin's heart fell completely, and he nodded like a little chicken crazily.

"My lord, don't worry, there won't be any resuscitating gods attacking humans."

Lu Yan waved his hand, indicating that Odin can go.

He didn't care if the resurrection god would stop there, anyway, after the death fight, the projection would disappear.

(End of this chapter)

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